Why Every CEO Should Understand the Basics of Cybersecurity

why every ceo should understand the basics of cybersecurity


Why Every CEO Should Understand the Basics of Cybersecurity


cyber securityWith the growing advancement in technology, their risks are also increasing. Online frauds, money laundering, and data leaks are becoming significant problems in the digital world and online businesses. Cybersecurity is becoming critical for smaller and larger corporations alike. Security threats and cyberattacks negatively impact businesses, and according to cybersecurity statistics, the majority of the CEOs are not taking appropriate actions against cybersecurity issues and risks associated with them. Security breaches and data loss cause damage to a company’s reputation and can increase the risk of cyberattacks.

It has become crucial for business owners to take steps to secure their organizations. No matter which industry, every CEO should know these five things about cybersecurity and its threats:

Cyber Risk Management

In the advanced world, every company relies on technology, which means there are more chances of cyberattacks.  For CEOs, it is necessary to know all the risks and damage that cybercriminals can cause to their business. It would be wrong to say that the larger companies are entirely safe from cyber-attacks and smaller companies are not the target value for anyone. According to cybersecurity statistics, hackers have attacked half of the small businesses in the United States in the last 12 months. So CEOs should take precautions to improve cyber risk management depending on the nature of their business.  They need to come up with appropriate contingency plans and correct preventive measures to protect their company from potential threats from cybercriminals.

Implement Data protection and System Protection in a Better Way

For a CEO, it’s his responsibility to keep in touch with the data and IT team to understand better what’s going on in the company and how. It’s unnecessary to have all the technical details, but one should be aware of the type of data they store, where and how it is stored, and at which level the data is encapsulated and secure.

There is a need to protect the system from malware to secure the data. Keep your IT team always prepared to take measures against cyber-attacks and update the systems whenever required because a security threat can enter your plan anytime.

Aware your Employees of Cybersecurity

Train your employees about security threats and breaches, and then put them in a situation and see how they respond to these kinds of attacks. CEOs should train them to keep the company’s information private. According to cybersecurity statistics, 60% of data breaches occur due to former or current employees. For data safety, try to limit employees’ access to it and secure the information. It’s also recommended to change passwords regularly and make separate accounts for each employee.

Avoid Reputational Damage

Cybersecurity threats are becoming significant challenges for CEO and business owners. Cybercriminals are attacking corporations in a sophisticated way, but data loss and breaches cause a tremendous impact on a company’s reputation. Security threats and cybercrime are increasing so fast that it is not only the responsibility of the IT team to handle such incidents, but these are the leaders who should understand the risk and be with the team to plan a quick and effective recovery from cyber-attacks.

Stay in touch with the cybersecurity issues.

Lastly, a CEO must be aware of the latest issues related to cybersecurity because hackers are constantly discovering new ways to attack the systems and get control over them. So the business owner should stay up-to-date on what’s going on in the cyber world.  They should take recommendations from the professionals or hire an expert in the cybersecurity domain for their organization. CEOs should form a strategy with experts and IT Teams according to the latest trends and plan to stand against cybercriminals.


In Today’s world, most of the business is done online, and the cybersecurity threat has become an issue that needs to be sorted out. Most CEOs are not aware of the cybersecurity threats and risks their company faces every day, and many are aware of them but do not take action or do what needs to be done. Although there’s not any single and optimized solution for this problem, these are some steps that CEOs need to follow and ensure that their organizations are fully prepared to deal with such threats and challenges.

It’s challenging for small to medium-sized companies to build their own IT infrastructure and have a dedicated IT team focusing on cybersecurity. What business can partner with an IT service provider who will manage your infrastructure for you, which will also save you costs. Protected Harbor is among the top IT and cybersecurity providers in the US. We guarantee customer satisfaction with a dedicated tech team that is available 24×7, 99.99% uptime, remote monitoring, remote desktops, and modern cybersecurity solutions. We’ve been helping several CEOs in their day-to-day operations because we understand their business and what they want. Take control of your future, be cyber secured, contact us today!