Go Phishing

Go Phishing

With COVID-19 changing the way many businesses are forced to work, phishing attacks have increased significantly while becoming more complex. Hackers often look at crises as opportunities and COVID-19 is no different. Attackers are using names of coworkers and companies to fool people into thinking they’re legitimate emails. With many employees working from home and logging in, there is an increased reliance on remote system tools, and phishing scams have evolved to mimic them.

Stressful times are upon us and there is no letup in sight. As a result, IT staff are finding themselves overwhelmed as they address a multitude of system issues, software problems, and new problems stemming from employees working remotely. Many employees are using personal devices, which are more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. To be truly prepared for remote work and sophisticated threats, businesses need to analyze their weaknesses and implement proper cybersecurity approaches.

At PROTECTED HARBOR, we provide custom solutions to cyber-attacks, ransomware and other debilitating infrastructure issues. Our team of IT professionals ensures your infrastructure is secure through the creation and implementation of security policies. We analyze and remediate risks to keep you safe. On average, we save our clients up to 30% on IT costs while increasing their security, productivity, durability and sustainability. We are an extension of many IT departments, freeing them up to concentrate on daily work while we do the heavy infrastructure lifting.

Contact us today to find out more, www.protectedharbor.com