Category: Tech News

How a Software Update Crashed Computers Globally


How a Software Update Crashed Computers Globally

And why the CrowdStrike outage is proving difficult to resolve.

On Friday 19 July, the world experienced a rare and massive global IT outage. These events, while infrequent, can cause significant disruption. They often originate from errors in centralized systems, such as cloud services or server farms. However, this particular outage was unique and has proven to be difficult and time-consuming to resolve. The culprit? A faulty software update was pushed directly to PCs by CrowdStrike, a leading cybersecurity firm serving over half of the Fortune 500 companies.


Windows Global IT Outage: The Beginning

The outage began with a Windows global IT outage stemming from faulty code distributed by CrowdStrike. This update caused affected machines to enter an endless reboot loop, rendering them offline and virtually unusable. The severity of the problem was compounded by the inability to issue a fix remotely.


Immediate Impacts of the IT Outage

The immediate aftermath saw a widespread Microsoft server down scenario. Systems across various industries were disrupted, highlighting the dependency on stable cybersecurity measures. With computers stuck in an endless cycle of reboots, normal business operations ground to a halt, creating a ripple effect that was felt globally.


The Challenges of a Remote Fix

Why the Global IT Outage is Harder to FixHow-a-Software-Update-Crashed-Computers-Globally-middle-image

One of the most significant challenges in this global IT outage is the inability to resolve the issue remotely. The faulty code rendered remote fixes ineffective, necessitating manual intervention. This meant that each affected machine had to be individually accessed to remove the problematic update.


Manual vs. Automated Fixes

Unless experts can devise a method to fix the machines remotely, the process will be painstakingly slow. CrowdStrike is exploring ways to automate the repair process, which would significantly expedite resolution. However, the complexity of the situation means that even an automated solution is not guaranteed to be straightforward.



Broader Implications of the Outage

Understanding the Broader Impact

The Windows global IT outage has exposed vulnerabilities in how updates are managed and deployed. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the potential risks associated with centralized update systems. Businesses worldwide are now reevaluating their dependence on single-point updates to avoid similar disruptions in the future.


Preventing Future IT Outages

Moving forward, organizations could implement more rigorous testing protocols and fail-safes to prevent such widespread disruptions. Additionally, there may be a shift towards more decentralized update mechanisms to minimize the risk of a single point of failure.



The global IT outage caused by a faulty CrowdStrike update serves as a critical lesson for the tech industry. The incident underscores the need for more resilient and fail-safe update mechanisms to ensure that such disruptions do not occur again. As organizations worldwide continue to grapple with the consequences, the focus will undoubtedly shift towards preventing future occurrences through improved practices and technologies.



What caused the global IT outage?

The outage was caused by a faulty CrowdStrike software update, which led to affected computers to enter an endless reboot loop.


How widespread was the outage?

The outage was global, affecting businesses and systems across various industries worldwide.


Why is it difficult to fix the outage?

The affected machines cannot be remotely fixed due to the nature of the faulty code. Each computer needs to be manually accessed to remove the problematic update.


Is there a way to automate the fix?

CrowdStrike is exploring automated solutions, but the complexity of the issue means that a straightforward automated fix may not be feasible.


What are the broader implications of the outage?

The incident highlights the vulnerabilities in centralized update systems and may lead to more rigorous testing protocols and decentralized update mechanisms.


How can future IT outages be prevented?

Implementing more robust testing procedures and decentralized update systems can help prevent similar outages in the future.

Microsoft Windows Outage: CrowdStrike Falcon Sensor Update


Microsoft Windows Outage: CrowdStrike Falcon Sensor Update


Like millions of others, I tried to go on vacation, only to have two flights get delayed because of IT issues.  As an engineer who enjoys problem-solving and as CEO of the company nothing amps me up more than a worldwide IT issue, and what frustrates me the most is the lack of clear information.


From the announcements on their website and on social media, CloudStrike issued an update and that update was defective, causing a Microsoft outage. The computers that downloaded the update go into a debug loop; attempt to boot, error, attempt repair, restore system files, boot, repeat.


The update affects only Windows systems, Linux and Macs are unaffected.


The wide-spread impact and Windows server down focus; is because Microsoft outsourced part of their security to Cloudstrike, allowing CloudStrike to directly patch the Windows Operating System.


Microsoft and CrowdStrike Responses


Microsoft reported continuous improvements and ongoing mitigation actions, directing users to its admin center and status page for more details. Meanwhile, CrowdStrike acknowledged that recent crashes on Windows systems were linked to issues with the Falcon sensor.


The company stated that symptoms included the Microsoft server down and the hosts experiencing a blue screen error related to the Falcon Sensor and assured that their engineering teams were actively working on a resolution to this IT outage.


There is a deeper problem here, one that will impact us worldwide until we address it.  The technology world is becoming too intertwined with too little testing or accountability leading to a decrease in durability, stability, and an increase in outages.


Global Impact on Microsoft Windows UsersMicrosoft-Windows-Outage-CrowdStrike-Falcon-Sensor-Update-middle-image


Windows users worldwide, including those in the US, Europe, and India, experienced the blue screen of death or Windows global IT outage, rendering their systems unusable. Users reported their PCs randomly restarting and entering the blue screen error mode, interrupting their workday. Social media posts showed screens stuck on the recovery page with messages indicating Windows didn’t load correctly and offering options to restart the PC.


If Microsoft had not outsourced certain modules to CloudStrike then this outage wouldn’t have occurred.  Too many vendors build their products based on assembling a hodgepodge of tools, leading to outages when one tool fails.


The global IT outage caused by CrowdStrike’s Falcon Sensor has highlighted the vulnerability of interconnected systems.


I see it in the MSP industry all the time; most (if not all) of our competitors use outsourced support tools, outsourced ticket systems, outsourced hosting, outsourced technology stack, and even outsourced staff.  If everything is outsourced then how do you maintain quality?


We are very different, which is why component outages like what is occurring today do not impact us.  The tools we use are all running on servers we built, those servers are running in clusters we own, which are running in dedicated data centers we control.  We plan for failures to occur, which to clients translates into unbelievable up time, and that translates into unbelievable net promotor scores.


The net promotor score is an industry client “happiness” score; for the MSP industry, the average score is 32-38, at Protected Harbor our score is over 90.


Because we own our own stack, because all our staff are employees with no outsourcing, and because 85%+ of our staff are engineers, we can deliver amazing support and uptime, which translates into customer happiness.


If you are not a customer of ours and if your systems are affected by this global IT outage, wait.  Microsoft will issue an update soon that will help alleviate this issue, however, a manual update process might be required.  If your local systems are not impacted yet, turn them off right now and wait for a couple of hours for Microsoft to issue an update.  For clients of ours, go to work, everything is working.  If your local systems or home system are impacted, then contact support and we will get you running.



Apple Set to Release iOS 18 with AI Capabilities


Apple to Launch iOS 18 with Groundbreaking AI Features: Everything You Need to Know

Apple is gearing up to unveil iOS 18 at WWDC 2024, marking one of its most significant updates to date. This year’s WWDC, scheduled from June 10 to 14, will kick off with an opening address on June 10, where the tech giant is expected to showcase its substantial leap in AI capabilities integrated across its ecosystem.


Major AI Overhaul

iOS 18 is poised to bring a major focus on AI features, transforming both Apple’s in-house technologies and first-party apps. According to insights from Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, Apple is doubling down on on-device processing for enhanced performance and privacy. The update is expected to include a range of generative AI capabilities, further boosting Apple’s competitive edge.


In-House AI Strategy and Chatbot Integration

Apple is reportedly finalizing an agreement with OpenAI to incorporate ChatGPT technology into iOS 18. This move is part of Apple’s strategy to bolster its in-house AI technologies while maintaining performance and privacy through on-device processing. The integration of a popular chatbot will mark a significant enhancement in AI-driven user interaction on iPhones.


AI Enhancements Across iPhone Apps

With iOS 18, Apple aims to integrate AI enhancements across various first-party apps. The Notes app, for instance, will feature generative suggestions and editing capabilities powered by on-device large language models (LLMs). The Photos app is also set to receive AI-backed editing features, enabling users to manipulate backgrounds with ease, similar to the magic eraser on Pixel phones. Siri, Apple’s virtual assistant, will undergo a significant AI makeover, making it more conversational and versatile. Apple Music might also see the addition of auto-generated playlists and more intelligent features.


Apple-to-Launch-iOS-18-with-Groundbreaking-AI-Features-Middle-imageAdditional Key Features

  • Customizable Home Screen: iOS 18 will allow users to place icons anywhere on the grid, offering more flexibility and customization options for the Home screen.
  • RCS Support: Apple is set to enhance messaging capabilities by introducing support for Rich Communication Services (RCS), particularly improving communication between iPhone and Android devices.
  • New Accessibility Features: Expect new accessibility features such as Adaptive Voice Shortcuts and Live Speech enhancements, ensuring a more inclusive user experience.
  • Design Changes Influenced by Vision Pro: Subtle design changes are anticipated, particularly in the Camera app, with circular home screen icons inspired by the visionOS interface.


 iOS 18 Release Timeline

Following the initial unveiling at WWDC 2024, iOS 18 will enter a beta testing phase for developers and the public. The official release is expected at Apple’s Fall event in September, coinciding with the launch of new iPhones.



iOS 18 will be compatible with a range of iPhone models, ensuring widespread adoption of the latest features.


Siri’s Major AI Makeover

In response to advancements in AI technology, Apple plans to introduce a more advanced and conversational Siri. The new generative AI system will allow Siri to handle tasks more efficiently, such as setting timers, creating calendar appointments, and summarizing text messages. This overhaul aims to catch up with competitors and ensure Siri remains a vital component of the iPhone ecosystem.


The Rise of “IntelliPhones”

According to Bank of America analyst Wamsi Mohan, Apple’s AI advancements are paving the way for a new era of AI-powered “IntelliPhones.” These devices will offer sophisticated and personalized functions, driving the desire to upgrade and solidifying Apple’s position in the AI revolution.


Apple’s Next Big Move: Revamping Siri with Generative AI

At its upcoming annual developer conference, Apple is set to unveil a transformative update to Siri, its voice assistant, powered by generative artificial intelligence. This marks a significant shift for Apple, integrating advanced AI technology into the iPhone to enhance Siri’s capabilities, making it more conversational and versatile.


Generative AI and Apple’s Vision

Apple’s collaboration with OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT, and ongoing talks with Google aim to bring generative AI to iPhones, enhancing Siri’s functionality. This partnership highlights Apple’s strategy to stay competitive in the AI landscape, which has been rapidly evolving with contributions from Microsoft, Meta, and others. The enhanced Siri, branded under “Apple Intelligence,” promises to deliver a more interactive and intuitive user experience, capable of managing tasks like setting timers, creating calendar appointments, and summarizing messages more efficiently.


Strategic Implications and Market Positioning

Apple’s venture into generative AI comes at a crucial time. The technology has been pivotal for other tech giants, driving significant market value for companies like Microsoft and Nvidia. Apple’s entry aims not only to improve user experience but also to reclaim its leading position in the tech market. By potentially offering Siri as a subscription service, Apple could generate substantial new revenue streams.


Privacy and Technological Integration

A core aspect of Apple’s AI strategy is its commitment to privacy. Unlike competitors, Apple plans to process many Siri requests directly on iPhones, ensuring greater privacy for users. This focus on privacy was a critical factor during negotiations with AI partners, reflecting Apple’s longstanding commitment to user data protection.


Complementary Innovations

Apple’s push into AI complements its existing features like roadside assistance, iPhone crash detection, Emergency SOS via satellite, and the shift from Apple Lightning to USB-C to reduce electronic waste. These innovations underscore Apple’s dedication to enhancing user safety and convenience while promoting environmental sustainability.

As Apple integrates generative AI into its ecosystem, it reaffirms its vision of creating not just smart devices but intelligent companions that seamlessly assist users in their daily lives.



The introduction of iOS 18 marks a pivotal moment for Apple, with AI capabilities taking center stage. From a customizable Home screen to an AI-powered Siri, iOS 18 promises to deliver an enhanced user experience that blends performance, privacy, and cutting-edge technology. As Apple prepares to showcase these advancements at WWDC 2024, anticipation is high for what the future holds for iPhone users.

Mastering DevOps: A Comprehensive Guide


Mastering DevOps: A Comprehensive Guide

DevOps, a portmanteau of “development” and “operations,” is not just a set of practices or tools; it’s a cultural shift that aims to bridge the gap between development and IT operations teams. By breaking down silos and fostering collaboration, DevOps seeks to streamline the software development lifecycle, from planning and coding to testing, deployment, and maintenance.


The Importance of DevOps in Software Development:

The importance of DevOps in modern software development cannot be overstated. Here’s why:

  1. Speed and Efficiency: DevOps enables organizations to deliver software faster and more efficiently by automating repetitive tasks, reducing manual errors, and improving team collaboration.
  2. Reliability and Stability: By embracing practices like Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD), DevOps helps ensure that software releases are reliable, stable, and predictable, improving customer satisfaction.
  3. Innovation and Agility: DevOps encourages a culture of experimentation and innovation by allowing teams to iterate quickly, adapt to changing market demands, and deliver value to customers faster.
  4. Cost Reduction: By optimizing processes and eliminating waste, DevOps helps reduce costs associated with software development, deployment, and maintenance.
  5. Competitive Advantage: Organizations that successfully implement DevOps practices can gain a competitive advantage in their respective industries by accelerating time-to-market, improving product quality, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.


What is DevOps?

As more organizations embrace DevOps, many team members are new to the concept. According to GitLab’s 2023 survey, 56% now use DevOps, up from 47% in 2022. If your team is new to DevOps or getting ready to adopt it, this comprehensive guide will help. We’ll cover what is DevOps (and isn’t), essential tools and terms, and why teamwork is vital for success.

In the past, software development processes were often fragmented, causing bottlenecks and delays, with security an afterthought. DevOps emerged from frustrations with this outdated approach, promising simplicity and speed.

A unified DevOps platform is key to optimizing workflows. It consolidates various tools into a cohesive ecosystem, eliminating the need to switch between multiple tools and saving valuable time and resources. This integrated environment facilitates the entire software development lifecycle, enabling teams to conceive, build, and deliver software efficiently, continuously, and securely. This benefits businesses by enabling rapid response to customer needs, maintaining compliance, staying ahead of competitors, and adapting to changing business environments.

Understanding DevOps is to understand its underlying culture. DevOps culture emphasizes collaboration, shared responsibility, and a relentless focus on rapid iteration, assessment, and improvement. Agility is paramount, enabling teams to quickly learn and deploy new features, driving continuous enhancement and feature deployment.


Mastering-DevOps-A-Comprehensive-Guide-Middle-image-100-1Evolution of DevOps

Historically, development and operations teams worked in isolation, leading to communication gaps, inefficiencies, and slow delivery cycles. The need for a more collaborative and agile approach became apparent with the rise of agile methodologies in software development. DevOps evolved as a natural extension of agile principles, emphasizing continuous integration, automation, and rapid feedback loops. Over time, DevOps has matured into a holistic approach to software delivery, with organizations across industries embracing its principles to stay competitive in the digital age.


Key Principles of DevOps

DevOps is guided by several key principles, including:

  1. Automation: Automating repetitive tasks and processes to accelerate delivery and reduce errors.
  2. Continuous Integration (CI): Integrating code changes into a shared repository frequently, enabling early detection of issues.
  3. Continuous Delivery (CD): Ensuring that code changes can be deployed to production quickly and safely at any time.
  4. Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Managing infrastructure through code to enable reproducibility, scalability, and consistency.
  5. Monitoring and Feedback: Collecting and analyzing data from production environments to drive continuous improvement.
  6. Collaboration and Communication: Fostering a culture of collaboration, transparency, and shared goals across teams.
  7. Shared Responsibility: Encouraging cross-functional teams to take ownership of the entire software delivery process, from development to operations.


The Three Main Benefits of DevOps

1. Collaboration

In traditional software development environments, silos between development and operations teams often result in communication barriers and delays. However, adopting a DevOps model breaks down these barriers, fostering a culture of collaboration and shared responsibility. With DevOps, teams work together seamlessly, aligning their efforts towards common goals and objectives. By promoting open communication and collaboration, DevOps enables faster problem-solving, smoother workflows, and ultimately, more successful outcomes.


2. Fluid Responsiveness

One of the key benefits of DevOps is its ability to facilitate real-time feedback and adaptability. With continuous integration and delivery pipelines in place, teams receive immediate feedback on code changes, allowing them to make adjustments and improvements quickly. This fluid responsiveness ensures that issues can be addressed promptly, preventing them from escalating into larger problems. Additionally, by eliminating guesswork and promoting transparency, DevOps enables teams to make informed decisions based on data-driven insights, further enhancing their ability to respond effectively to changing requirements and market dynamics.


3. Shorter Cycle Time

DevOps practices streamline the software development lifecycle, resulting in shorter cycle times and faster delivery of features and updates. By automating manual processes, minimizing handoff friction, and optimizing workflows, DevOps enables teams to release new code more rapidly while maintaining high standards of quality and security. This accelerated pace of delivery not only allows organizations to stay ahead of competitors but also increases their ability to meet customer demands and market expectations in a timely manner.



Adopting a DevOps strategy offers numerous benefits to organizations, including improved collaboration, fluid responsiveness, and shorter cycle times. By breaking down silos, promoting collaboration, and embracing automation, organizations can unlock new levels of efficiency, agility, and innovation, ultimately gaining a competitive edge in today’s fast-paced digital landscape.

The Intersection of SQL 22 and Data Lakes


The Intersection of SQL 22 and Data Lakes lies the Secret Sauce

The intersection of SQL 22 and Data Lakes marks a significant milestone in the world of data management and analytics, blending the structured querying power of SQL with the vast, unstructured data reservoirs of data lakes.

At the heart of this convergence lies portable queries, which play a crucial role in enabling seamless data access, analysis, and interoperability across diverse data platforms. They are essential for data-driven organizations.

Portable queries are essentially queries that can be executed across different data platforms, regardless of underlying data formats, storage systems, or execution environments. In the context of SQL 22 and Data Lakes, portable queries enable users to write SQL queries that can seamlessly query and analyze data stored in data lakes alongside traditional relational databases. This portability extends the reach of SQL beyond its traditional domain of structured data stored in relational databases, allowing users to harness the power of SQL for querying diverse data sources, including semi-structured and unstructured data in data lakes.

Every query will not run the same in SQL SERVER as in a data lake, but it allows existing SQL Admins to be functional.

The importance of portable queries in this context cannot be overstated. Here’s why they matter:

1. Unified Querying Experience: Whether querying data from a relational database, a data lake, or any other data source, users can use familiar SQL syntax and semantics, streamlining the query development process and reducing the learning curve associated with new query languages or tools.

2. Efficient Data Access and Analysis: Portable queries facilitate efficient data access and analysis across vast repositories of raw, unstructured, or semi-structured data. Users can leverage the rich set of SQL functionalities, such as filtering, aggregation, joins, and window functions, to extract valuable insights, perform complex analytics, and derive actionable intelligence from diverse data sources.

3. Interoperability and Integration: Portable queries promote interoperability and seamless integration across heterogeneous data environments. Organizations can leverage existing SQL-based tools, applications, and infrastructure investments to query and analyze data lakes alongside relational databases, data warehouses, and other data sources. This interoperability simplifies data integration pipelines, promotes data reuse, and accelerates time-to-insight.

4. Scalability and Performance: With portable queries, users can harness the scalability and performance benefits of SQL engines optimized for querying large-scale datasets. Modern SQL engines, such as Apache Spark SQL, Presto, and Apache Hive, are capable of executing complex SQL queries efficiently, even when dealing with petabytes of data stored in data lakes. This scalability and performance ensure that analytical workloads can scale seamlessly to meet the growing demands of data-driven organizations.

The-intersection-of-SQL-22-and-Data-Lakes-lies-the-secret-sauce-middle-image5. Data Governance and Security: Portable queries enhance data governance and security by enforcing consistent access controls, data lineage, and auditing mechanisms across diverse data platforms. Organizations can define and enforce fine-grained access policies, ensuring that only authorized users have access to sensitive data, regardless of where it resides. Furthermore, portable queries enable organizations to maintain a centralized view of data usage, lineage, and compliance, simplifying regulatory compliance efforts.

6. Flexibility and Futureproofing: By decoupling queries from specific data platforms or storage systems, portable queries provide organizations with flexibility and future-proofing capabilities. As data landscapes evolve and new data technologies emerge, organizations can adapt and evolve their querying strategies without being tied to a particular vendor or technology stack. This flexibility allows organizations to innovate, experiment with new data sources, and embrace emerging trends in data management and analytics.

Portable queries unlock the full potential of SQL 22 and Data Lakes, enabling organizations to seamlessly query, analyze, and derive insights from diverse data sources using familiar SQL syntax and semantics. By promoting unified querying experiences, efficient data access and analysis, interoperability and integration, scalability and performance, data governance and security, and flexibility and futureproofing, portable queries allow organizations to harness the power of data lakes and drive innovation in the data-driven era.

How a Single Person Prevented a Potentially Huge Cyberattack


How One Man Stopped a Potentially Massive Cyber-Attack – By Accident

As the world celebrated the Easter bank holiday weekend, an unsuspecting threat loomed in the digital realm – a meticulously planned cyber-attack aimed at infiltrating Linux distributions, potentially compromising millions of computers worldwide. However, thanks to the fortuitous annoyance of one Microsoft software engineer and the collective vigilance of the tech community, disaster was narrowly averted. In this detailed account, we delve into how the Microsoft engineer stopped a huge cyberattack, exposing the intricacies of the attempted supply chain attack.

The stroke of luck that led to the discovery and the Microsoft engineer’s swift actions prevented a widespread compromise. This incident underscores the crucial role of proactive monitoring and the invaluable contributions of vigilant engineers in safeguarding our digital infrastructure. The lessons learned from this event highlight the importance of continuous vigilance and collaboration within the tech community to thwart cyber threats. Indeed, the Microsoft software engineer stopped the cyberattack just in time, showcasing the critical need for preparedness and quick response in the face of digital dangers. The story of this cyber attack on Microsoft and its successful prevention serves as a testament to the effectiveness of coordinated defense strategies.


The Close Call

Supply Chain Attack on Linux: At the heart of the incident lay a sophisticated supply chain attack targeting xz Utils, a commonly used compression tool integrated into various Linux distributions. With stealthy precision, an unknown assailant surreptitiously inserted a backdoor into the software, poised to grant unauthorized access to a vast network of computers. This insidious tactic, known as a supply chain attack, underscores the vulnerabilities inherent in interconnected software ecosystems and the potential for widespread havoc if left unchecked.


Uncovering the Backdoor

A Stroke of Luck and Tenacity: In a remarkable turn of events, the malicious backdoor was not uncovered through sophisticated cybersecurity protocols but rather by the dogged determination of a single developer – Andres Freund from Microsoft. Faced with a minor performance hiccup on a beta version of Debian, Freund’s annoyance spurred him to meticulously investigate the issue. Through tenacious analysis, he unearthed the subtle indicators of foul play, ultimately revealing the presence of the clandestine backdoor. This serendipitous discovery highlights the critical role of individual vigilance and the invaluable contribution of diverse perspectives in safeguarding digital infrastructure.


How-One-Man-Stopped-a-Potentially-Massive-Cyber-Attack-–-By-Accident-Middle-imageLessons Learned

Navigating the Complexities of Open Source: The attempted attack on xz Utils serves as a poignant reminder of the dual nature of open-source software – fostering collaboration and innovation while exposing projects to potential exploitation. As the backbone of digital infrastructure, open-source projects rely on the collective efforts of volunteers, often facing challenges in sustaining funding and resources for long-term development. The incident underscores the imperative for sustainable funding models and proactive security measures to fortify the resilience of open-source ecosystems against evolving threats.


Don’t Forget MS Teams

Amidst discussions on tech antitrust, particularly focusing on the rise of AI and concerns about “gatekeepers,” Microsoft’s actions have garnered attention. Despite its history with antitrust cases, including being one of the largest publicly traded companies globally, Microsoft’s moves often go unnoticed.

However, a recent decision to separate its chat and video app, Teams, from its Office suite globally, follows scrutiny from the European Commission. This decision comes after a complaint by Slack, a competitor owned by Salesforce, which prompted an investigation into Microsoft’s bundling of Office and Teams. While Teams has dominated the enterprise market since its launch in 2017, questions arise about Microsoft’s market dominance and potential anticompetitive behavior.

The decision to unbundle the products highlights ongoing concerns about fair practices in the tech industry. As a Microsoft software engineer, understanding the implications of these decisions is crucial in navigating the rapidly evolving landscape. Additionally, the recent cyberattack on Microsoft underscores the importance of cybersecurity measures, where proactive efforts by Microsoft engineers play a vital role in mitigating risks and safeguarding against potential threats.



In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, the incident involving xz Utils illuminates the critical imperative of collective vigilance and proactive defense mechanisms. While the potential devastation of the attack was narrowly averted, it serves as a sobering reminder of the persistent threats lurking in the digital shadows. As we navigate the complexities of digital infrastructure, unity, tenacity, and unwavering diligence emerge as our strongest allies in the ongoing battle against cyber adversaries.

Protected Harbor Achieves SOC 2 Accreditation

Ensuring Data Security and Compliance with Protected Harbor Achieves SOC 2 Accreditation

Protected Harbor Achieves SOC 2 Accreditation


Third-party audit confirms IT MSP Provides the Highest Level
of Security and Data Management for Clients


Orangeburg, NY – February 20, 2024 – Protected Harbor, an IT Management and Technology Durability firm that serves medium and large businesses and not-for-profits, has successfully secured the Service Organization Control 2 (SOC 2) certification. The certification follows a comprehensive audit of Protected Harbor’s information security practices, network availability, integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. To meet SOC 2 standards, the company invested significant time and effort.

“Our team dedicated many months of time and effort to meet the standards that SOC 2 certification requires. It was important for us to receive this designation because very few IT Managed Service Providers seek or are even capable of achieving this high-level distinction,” said Richard Luna, President and Founder of Protected Harbor. “We pursued this accreditation to assure our clients, and those considering working with us, that we operate at a much higher level than other firms. Our team of experts possesses advanced knowledge and experience which makes us different. Achieving SOC 2 is in alignment with the many extra steps we take to ensure the security and protection of client data. This is necessary because the IT world is constantly changing and there are many cyber threats. This certification as well as continual advancement of our knowledge allows our clients to operate in a safer, more secure online environment and leverage the opportunities AI and other technologies have to offer.”

Protected Harbor achieves SOC 2 accreditation middle The certification for SOC 2 comes from an independent auditing procedure that ensures IT service providers securely manage data to protect the interests of an organization and the privacy of its clients. For security-conscious businesses, SOC 2 compliance is a minimal requirement when considering a Software as a Service (SaaS) provider. Developed by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), SOC 2 defines criteria for managing customer data based on five “trust service principles” – security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy.

Johanson Group LLP, a CPA firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, conducted the audit, verifying Protected Harbor’s information security practices, policies, procedures, and operations meet the rigorous SOC 2 Type 1/2 Trust Service Criteria.

Protected Harbor offers comprehensive IT solutions services for businesses and not-for-profits to transform their technology, enhance efficiency, and protect them from cyber threats. The company’s IT professionals focus on excellence in execution, providing comprehensive cost-effective managed IT as well as comprehensive DevOps services and solutions.

To learn more about Protected Harbor and its cybersecurity expertise, please visit


What is SOC2

SOC 2 accreditation is a vital framework for evaluating and certifying service organizations’ commitment to data protection and risk management. SOC 2, short for Service Organization Control 2, assesses the effectiveness of controls related to security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy of customer data. Unlike SOC 1, which focuses on financial reporting controls, SOC 2 is specifically tailored to technology and cloud computing industries.

Achieving SOC 2 compliance involves rigorous auditing processes conducted by independent third-party auditors. Companies must demonstrate adherence to predefined criteria, ensuring their systems adequately protect sensitive information and mitigate risks. SOC 2 compliance is further divided into two types: SOC 2 Type 1 assesses the suitability of design controls at a specific point in time, while SOC 2 Type 2 evaluates the effectiveness of these controls over an extended period.

The SOC 2 certification process involves several steps to ensure compliance with industry standards for handling sensitive data. Firstly, organizations must assess their systems and controls to meet SOC 2 requirements. Next, they implement necessary security measures and document policies and procedures. Then, a third-party auditor conducts an examination to evaluate the effectiveness of these controls. Upon successful completion, organizations receive a SOC 2 compliance certificate, affirming their adherence to data protection standards. This certification demonstrates their commitment to safeguarding client information and builds trust with stakeholders.

By obtaining SOC 2 accreditation, organizations signal their commitment to maintaining robust data protection measures and risk management practices. This certification enhances trust and confidence among clients and stakeholders, showcasing the organization’s dedication to safeguarding sensitive data and maintaining regulatory compliance in an increasingly complex digital landscape.


Benefits of SOC 2 Accreditation for Data Security

Achieving SOC 2 accreditation offers significant benefits for data security and reinforces robust information security management practices. This accreditation demonstrates a company’s commitment to maintaining high standards of data protection, ensuring that customer information is managed with stringent security protocols. The benefits of SOC 2 accreditation for data security include enhanced trust and confidence from clients, as they can be assured that their data is handled with utmost care. Additionally, it provides a competitive edge, as businesses increasingly prefer partners who can guarantee superior information security management. Furthermore, SOC 2 compliance helps in identifying and mitigating potential security risks, thereby reducing the likelihood of data breaches and ensuring regulatory compliance. This not only protects sensitive information but also strengthens the overall security posture of the organization.


About Protected Harbor

Founded in 1986, Protected Harbor is headquartered in Orangeburg, New York just north of New York City. A leading DevOps and IT Managed Service Provider (MSP) the company works directly with businesses and not-for-profits to transform their technology to enhance efficiency and protect them from cyber threats. In 2024 the company received SOC 2 accreditation demonstrating its commitment to client security and service. The company clients experience nearly 100 percent uptime and have access to professionals 24/7, 365. The company’s IT professionals focus on excellence in execution, providing comprehensive cost-effective managed IT services and solutions. DevOps engineers and experts in IT infrastructure design, database development, network operations, cybersecurity, public and cloud storage and services, connectivity, monitoring, and much more. They ensure that technology operates efficiently, and that all systems communicate with each other seamlessly. For more information visit:

Meta Global Outage

Meta’s Global Outage: What Happened and How Users Reacted

Meta, the parent company of social media giants Facebook and Instagram, recently faced a widespread global outage that left millions of users unable to access their platforms. The disruption, which occurred on a Wednesday, prompted frustration and concern among users worldwide.

Andy Stone, Communications Director at Meta, issued an apology for the inconvenience caused by the outage, acknowledging the technical issue and assuring users that it had been resolved as quickly as possible.

“Earlier today, a technical issue caused people to have difficulty accessing some of our services. We resolved the issue as quickly as possible for everyone who was impacted, and we apologize for any inconvenience,” said Stone.

The outage had a significant impact globally, with users reporting difficulties accessing Facebook and Instagram, platforms they rely on for communication, networking, and entertainment.

Following the restoration of services, users expressed relief and gratitude for the swift resolution of the issue. Many took to social media to share their experiences and express appreciation for Meta’s timely intervention.

Metas-Global-Outage-What-Happened-and-How-Users-Reacted-Middle-imageHowever, during the outage, users encountered various issues such as being logged out of their Facebook accounts and experiencing problems refreshing their Instagram feeds. Additionally, Threads, an app developed by Meta, experienced a complete shutdown, displaying error messages upon launch.

Reports on DownDetector, a website that tracks internet service outages, surged rapidly for all three platforms following the onset of the issue. Despite widespread complaints, Meta initially did not officially acknowledge the problem.

However, Andy Stone later addressed the issue on Twitter, acknowledging the widespread difficulties users faced in accessing the company’s services. Stone’s tweet reassured users that Meta was actively working to resolve the problem.

The outage serves as a reminder of the dependence many users have on social media platforms for communication and entertainment. It also highlights the importance of swift responses from companies like Meta when technical issues arise.


Update from Meta

Meta spokesperson Andy Stone acknowledged the widespread meta network connectivity problems, stating, “We’re aware of the issues affecting access to our services. Rest assured, we’re actively addressing this.” Following the restoration of services, Stone issued an apology, acknowledging the inconvenience caused by the meta social media blackout. “Earlier today, a technical glitch hindered access to some of our services. We’ve swiftly resolved the issue for all affected users and extend our sincere apologies for any disruption,” he tweeted.

However, X (formerly Twitter) owner Elon Musk couldn’t resist poking fun at Meta, quipping, “If you’re seeing this post, it’s because our servers are still up.” This lighthearted jab underscores the frustration experienced by users during the Facebook worldwide outage, emphasizing the impact of technical hiccups on social media platforms.

In a recent incident, Meta experienced a significant outage that left users with no social media for six hours, causing widespread disruption across its platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. The prolonged downtime resulted in a massive financial impact, with Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta loses $3 billion in market value. This outage highlighted the vulnerability of relying on a single company for multiple social media services, prompting discussions about the resilience and reliability of Meta’s infrastructure.


In conclusion, while the global outage caused inconvenience for millions of users, the swift resolution of the issue and Meta’s acknowledgment of the problem have helped restore confidence among users. It also underscores the need for continuous improvement in maintaining the reliability and accessibility of online services.

7 Cloud Computing Trends for 2024

The 7 Most Important Cloud Computing Trends for 2024 Banner image

The 7 Most Important Cloud Computing Trends for 2024

Cloud computing continues to grow exponentially, reshaping the digital landscape and transforming business operations and innovation strategies. This year, 2024, we will see new advancements in cloud computing, promising to revolutionize technology and enterprise alike. Let’s explore the 7 most important cloud computing trends for 2024 and beyond that, you need to plan for.


1. Edge Computing Takes Center Stage

Prepare for a substantial increase in edge computing’s prominence in 2024. This avant-garde approach facilitates data processing closer to its origin, significantly reducing latency and enhancing the efficiency of real-time applications. From IoT to healthcare and autonomous vehicles, various industries stand to gain immensely from this transformative trend. For example, in healthcare, edge computing can enable faster processing of patient data, improving response times in critical care situations.


2. Hybrid Cloud Solutions for Seamless Integration

The hybrid cloud model, merging on-premises infrastructure with public and private cloud services will offer businesses, a flexible, integrated approach. This model enables the leveraging of both on-premises and cloud environments. This ensures not only optimal performance but also scalability and security, meeting the varied demands of modern enterprises. A notable instance is a retail company using hybrid cloud to balance the load between its online services and physical store inventory systems, ensuring smooth customer experiences.


3. AI and Machine Learning Integration

Cloud computing serves as the foundation for the development and deployment of AI and machine learning applications. The coming year expects a boost in cloud-based platforms that streamline the training and deployment of sophisticated AI models. This is set to enhance automation, data analysis, and decision-making across industries, exemplified by AI-driven predictive maintenance in manufacturing, which minimizes downtime and saves costs.


The 7 Most Important Cloud Computing Trends for 2024 Middle image4. Quantum Computing’s Quantum Leap

Though still very new, quantum computing is on the brink of a significant breakthrough in 2024. Cloud providers are preparing to offer quantum computing services, poised to transform data processing and encryption. The potential for industries is vast, with early applications in pharmaceuticals for drug discovery and financial services for complex risk analysis signaling quantum computing’s disruptive potential.


5. Enhanced Cloud Security Measures

As dependency on cloud services grows, so does the focus on security. The year 2024 will see the adoption of more sophisticated security measures, including advanced encryption, multi-factor authentication, and AI-powered threat detection. Cloud providers are investing heavily to protect user data and privacy, ensuring a secure environment for both businesses and individuals.


6. Serverless Computing for Efficiency

Serverless computing is gaining traction, promising to revolutionize development in 2024. This paradigm allows developers to write and deploy code without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. It’s set to simplify development processes, reduce operational costs, and enhance scalability across sectors. For instance, a startup could use serverless computing to efficiently manage its web application backend, adapting to user demand without manual scaling.


7. Sustainable Cloud Practices

Environmental sustainability is becoming a priority in cloud computing. The industry is moving towards green data centers, energy-efficient technologies, and reducing the carbon footprint of data operations. Cloud providers are adopting eco-friendly practices, striving to minimize the environmental impact of technology and promote a sustainable future.


Key Takeaways

The landscape of cloud computing in 2024 is marked by innovation, efficiency, and a commitment to sustainability. Businesses attuned to these seven key trends will find themselves well-equipped to leverage cloud technologies for success.

Protected Harbor, recognized by as a leading Cloud Computing company in the US, exemplify the blend of expertise and innovation crucial for navigating the evolving cloud landscape. With their exceptional solutions and commitment to seamless transitions into cloud computing, Protected Harbor is poised to guide businesses through the technological advancements of 2024 and beyond.

Start the new year with a strategic advantage; consider a free IT Audit and Cloud migration consultation. Contact us today to embark on your journey into the future of cloud computing.

Top Cybersecurity Trends in 2024


Top Cybersecurity Trends in 2024

In a world where technology evolves at an unprecedented pace, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated. As we embark on the journey through 2024, the digital landscape is becoming more complex, and with it, the challenges and threats to cybersecurity are reaching new heights. In this blog, we delve into the top cybersecurity trends anticipated to shape organizations’ defense strategies worldwide. These top cybersecurity trends in 2024 reflect the ongoing arms race between cyber attackers and defenders and highlight the innovative solutions cybersecurity experts are deploying to stay one step ahead.

In the face of rising cyber threats, understanding and adopting these trends is not just a matter of safeguarding sensitive data but is integral to sustaining the trust and reliability upon which the digital world thrives.


1. AI-Powered Threat Detection

Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize cybersecurity with its ability to analyze vast datasets and identify anomalies. AI-powered threat detection systems are becoming more sophisticated, providing real-time insights into potential cyber threats, and enabling organizations to respond swiftly.

2. Zero Trust Architecture

The traditional security model of trusting entities inside a network gives way to a Zero Trust Architecture. This approach mandates verifying every user and device, regardless of their location, before granting access. This proactive model enhances overall security posture.

3. Quantum-Safe Cryptography

With the advent of quantum computers, there is a growing concern about their potential to break current cryptographic algorithms. Quantum-safe cryptography is gaining prominence, ensuring data remains secure even in the face of quantum threats.

4. Cloud Security Maturity

As businesses increasingly rely on cloud services, the need for robust cloud security measures becomes paramount. In 2024, organizations are focusing on enhancing their cloud security maturity to protect sensitive data stored and processed in the cloud.

5. Ransomware Resilience

Ransomware attacks have become more sophisticated and prevalent. The emphasis is on building resilience against such attacks, incorporating advanced backup and recovery strategies, employee training, and deploying advanced threat intelligence solutions.

6. 5G Security Challenges

As 5G networks become ubiquitous, the attack surface for cyber threats expands. Addressing the unique security challenges posed by 5G technology is crucial to prevent potential vulnerabilities in the network infrastructure.

Top Cybersecurity Trends in 2024

7. IoT Security Focus

The proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices introduces new entry points for cyber threats. Organizations are intensifying their efforts to secure IoT devices, implementing robust encryption, authentication, and monitoring mechanisms.

8. DevSecOps Integration

Integrating security into the DevOps process from the outset, known as DevSecOps, is gaining traction. This approach ensures that security measures are seamlessly integrated throughout the development lifecycle, enhancing overall system security.

9. Biometric Authentication

Traditional passwords are increasingly being replaced by more secure biometric authentication methods. Fingerprint recognition, facial recognition, and other biometric measures add an extra layer of security to user authentication.

10. Global Collaboration against Cyber Threats

Cyber threats are borderless, and collaboration is key. In 2024, there is a growing emphasis on global cooperation among governments, businesses, and cybersecurity professionals to share threat intelligence and collectively strengthen defenses against cyber threats.


Generative AI: Short-term Skepticism, Longer-Term Hope

Generative AI, often hailed as a harbinger of innovation and progress, evokes a spectrum of reactions within the cybersecurity landscape. While its potential to revolutionize various industries is undeniable, skepticism looms large in the short term, particularly concerning its implications for cybersecurity.

At the heart of this skepticism lies the concern over vulnerabilities inherent in IoT (Internet of Things) devices. As Generative AI continues to advance, the integration of AI and ML (Machine Learning) algorithms into IoT ecosystems introduces new avenues for exploitation. Malicious actors could leverage these technologies to orchestrate sophisticated cyber attacks, exploiting vulnerabilities in interconnected systems with unprecedented precision and scale.

However, amidst the prevailing skepticism, there exists a glimmer of hope for the longer term. Generative AI, when wielded judiciously, holds the potential to bolster cybersecurity defenses and mitigate emerging threats. By harnessing the power of AI and ML, cybersecurity professionals can proactively identify and address vulnerabilities, fortifying IoT infrastructures against potential breaches.

As we navigate the evolving landscape of cybersecurity in 2024, the intersection of Generative AI, IoT vulnerabilities, and advanced machine learning algorithms will undoubtedly shape the top cybersecurity trends. Embracing a nuanced perspective that acknowledges both the short-term challenges and the longer-term opportunities inherent in Generative AI is paramount to fostering a resilient cybersecurity ecosystem capable of withstanding the ever-evolving threat landscape.


Cybersecurity Outcome-Driven Metrics: Bridging Boardroom Communication Gap

Amidst the perpetual evolution of cybersecurity threats and the increasing sophistication of hacking techniques in 2024, aligning security operations with business objectives is paramount. This is where outcome-driven metrics (ODMs) step in, aiming to provide clarity and guidance amidst the escalating digital risks and broader organizational goals.

Let’s explore the escalating relevance of ODMs for cybersecurity teams and Security Operations Centers (SOCs), showcasing how they can revolutionize cybersecurity management. We’ll delve into examples of outcome-driven metrics and analyze prevailing trends in cybersecurity to underscore their significance.


The Importance of ODMs for Cybersecurity

The importance of Original Design Manufacturers (ODMs) for cybersecurity is paramount in shaping the future of cybersecurity. As the creators of hardware and software foundations, ODMs play a critical role in integrating the latest cybersecurity trends directly into devices and systems. By embedding security features from the outset, ODMs can better address emerging cybersecurity trends and evolving threats. This proactive approach ensures robust protection against vulnerabilities and enhances the resilience of digital infrastructure. As a result, ODMs are essential for developing innovative solutions that safeguard data and maintain the integrity of an increasingly interconnected world.



As we conclude our exploration of the top cybersecurity trends in 2024, it is evident that the future of digital security is dynamic and challenging. The ever-evolving threat landscape necessitates a proactive and adaptive approach to cybersecurity. Organizations must not view cybersecurity as a mere necessity but rather as a cornerstone of their operations.

In this crucial journey toward fortified defenses, it’s essential to mention leaders like Protected Harbor. As one of the top cybersecurity providers in the United States, they stand at the forefront of technology and security innovation. With a commitment to staying ahead of emerging threats, Protected Harbor exemplifies the proactive approach needed to navigate the intricate cybersecurity landscape of 2024.

The interconnected world of 2024 demands not only robust defense mechanisms but also strategic partnerships with industry leaders. By aligning with trusted cybersecurity partners, organizations can enhance their security posture and better safeguard their digital assets.

Take the next step in securing your digital future! Contact Protected Harbor today and discover how our cutting-edge solutions can empower your organization to thrive in the digital age. Don’t just meet cybersecurity challenges; conquer them with confidence. Your digital resilience begins here!