Data Breach at LastPass



Data Breach at LastPass, How Safe is Your Information?

On December 22nd, 2022, while millions of people were preparing to celebrate and ring in the new year, cybercriminals were hard at work laying plans to breach the popular password manager, LastPass’s cloud server leaving all of their users exposed.

Due to a prior breach back in August of 2022, LastPass first sent word to its users about a limited security incident within their development environment. At first, it seemed as though there wasn’t too much cause for concern as the hackers had compromised a single developer account and “took portions of source code and some proprietary LastPass technical information.”

However, this past month, LastPass learned that though no customer data was accessed in the prior incident, there were certain source codes and technical information that was taken and used to dupe a LastPass employee into providing the hacker with credentials and keys to access and decrypt particular storage spaces within their cloud. LastPass’s CEO Karim Toubba has done his best to assure users that so long as they have followed their password guidelines, as restated in their statement above, they should be safe. But how safe is their customers’ information completely?

Let’s break it down.

What is LastPass?

For those who don’t know, LastPass is a popular password management software that allows users to store all of their important data, specifically, passwords. Whether it’s an individual’s banking info, logins to a frequented website, or even saved credit cards, insurance cards, memberships, etc. LastPass secures all of it for you, keeping it safe within their cloud software…at least it did, at one point.

Data-Breach-at-LastPass-How-Safe-is-Your-Information-middle-imageHow Safe is My Information Now?

The truth is, we can’t speak on behalf of LastPass, but it’s important to note that there are never any sure-fire ways to keep your most important data safe from the ever-advancing cyber-criminals. There are only so many measures companies can take themselves in order to promise your security. Now, this isn’t to say that password management software’s such as LastPass can’t ever be trusted. For example, LastPass went so far as to instill quite a few security measures including their zero-knowledge policy, but it’s important to take the extra precautions yourself to ensure your own safety.

Aside from following the guidelines set forth for password protection from LastPass or any other website, we recommend for individuals to do the following:

  • Instill 2-Factor Authorization (2-FA): We understand the ease of being able to just click sign in/login on a screen and having the website right at our fingertips. However, not instilling a 2-FA can cause you more harm than good in the long run. With 2-FA there are many different versions websites tend to use in order to keep your data safe whether that’s by sending a unique code to your phone or email, asking you security questions, and so on. We recommend whenever a user is signing up for any website to always enable 2FA for that extra boost of security.
  • Change Your Passwords Often: Let’s be honest, we all have that one favorite password that we’ve been using for years on multiple sites because it’s the easiest thing to remember. That one password however can result in our immediate downfall if it’s exposed in a breach. We recommend updating your passwords and following the specifications provided by the websites you are signing up for to prevent any potential exposure.
  • Store Your Passwords on Your Own Cloud: Just because LastPass experienced a data breach through their cloud doesn’t mean that all cloud servers can’t be trusted. The safest cloud option that you have available to you, is your own. Whether your passwords are stored on your own personal device in a folder, on your phone, or on your iCloud/Google Cloud, you are the gatekeeper of your passwords as you set the security measures.
  • Don’t Login on Public Computers or Servers: Though this seems obvious, we have to reiterate the importance of staying off of your most important websites when you are out in public. You never know who is around and who is waiting for you to login in order for them to gain access to your most personal files. Always login on a private, personal computer or a private network.

Final Words

Data breaches at this stage in the game of today’s ever-evolving world are inevitable. A security breach on a source like LastPass was something that was unfortunately bound to happen as every single person, including hackers, has their one lucky day. The only thing that internet users can do in order to prevent their information from being spread is to take their own private security measures.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re an average consumer or a company using password managers like LastPass; you need to be sure your data is always safe and take the proper security precautions.

Nervous about how secure your company’s files are after reading about this breach? Contact us today for a Free IT Audit and put your fears at ease.

Free IT audit

Deploying Servers in a Virtualized Environment



Deploying Servers in a Virtualized Environment

The term “virtualization” can seem a little perplexing. It’s something that the business world is going crazy over, but something you’ve never entirely understood.

Currently valued at between 40 and 60 billion dollars, the worldwide virtualization software market is anticipated to reach at least 120 billion dollars over the coming years. ~Statista

Virtualization is a technology that may be used for virtually all types of IT infrastructure, including servers, PCs, networks, storage, data, applications, data centers, CPUs, and GPUs. Virtualization is thus a crucial component of cloud computing.

Whether you’re deploying new servers or additional instances, it’s a good idea to know how to do it right. In the past, deploying servers required having three separate tools: one for deploying the operating system, one for installing the database, and another for installing all the other services. With virtualization, all those tasks are combined into one or two tools. The result is a streamlined process that is both quicker and easier.

What is Virtualization in a Cloud Environment?

Virtualization is the process of creating a virtual version of an existing system. This virtual copy can be executed as an independent machine or performed on the current hardware.

Cloud computing is built on top of virtualization technology and has become one of the most popular trends in IT over the last decade.

Virtualization allows you to deploy multiple instances of an application or operating system in a single physical server. This means we can use fewer physical servers while still serving more customers, reducing our hardware costs, power consumption, and cooling needs. In addition, it also allows us to easily manage our computing resources by allowing us to move them between servers as needed without disrupting services for clients or internal users.

Benefits of Deploying Servers in a Virtualized Environment

The benefits of deploying servers in a virtualized environment are substantial. For example, virtualization companies can save money by consolidating their servers and reducing hardware costs. They can also benefit from more flexible hardware that allows them to deploy and remove servers as needed quickly.

In 2020, it was predicted that the virtualization software market would be worth $38.7 billion.

It is projected to reach $149.4 billion by the conclusion of the analysis period, which runs from 2020 to 2026, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 25.4%.

The benefits of Deploying Servers in a Virtualized Environment include the following:

Protection from Failure and Disaster

When you have your data stored on physical servers, one failure can cause all your data to be lost or inaccessible. By using virtualization technology, you can create multiple copies of your server and store them in different locations. If one location fails, you still have access to your data through another location. This is especially useful if you have important data that must be kept safe.

Lower Costs

Virtualized servers can reduce your costs because they use fewer physical servers, which means fewer servers to purchase and maintain. Additionally, the lower price of virtualization software can offset these savings. Still, even if you have to pay more upfront, it will quickly pay itself over time as your IT environment becomes more efficient and stable.

Reduced IT Footprint

Virtualized environments require less space than traditional physical environments because they don’t need as many racks or cabinets. This can significantly reduce the space required to support your users and data centers. It also makes it easier to scale up or down as needed without spending money on additional hardware or software licenses.

Risk-Free Testing

Virtualization allows you to test new hardware, operating systems, and applications without risk affecting your production environment. This is especially important when you’re adopting new technology. Virtualization allows you to test the waters before committing. In addition, it makes it easier to move between different hardware vendors and operating systems without significant changes to management processes.


Data security is another area where virtualization technology excels. With physical servers, there are only so many ways to protect them from hackers looking to steal sensitive information. With virtual servers, however, each instance can be covered with its firewalls and other security measures, making it much more difficult for hackers to access sensitive data stored within these instances.

Ease of Data Transfer

A cloud environment consists of multiple data centers connected via high-speed networks. The data center where your virtual machine resides can be anywhere in the world as long as it is connected to the internet. You can quickly move your virtual machine from one cloud data center to another without having to move it yourself physically.

Simplified Data Center Management

Virtualized servers make it easy for you to manage your data center. You don’t need to worry about managing individual servers or installing updates because everything is managed at the hypervisor level. This also means that you don’t need to hire specialized IT staff members with expertise in managing servers and networking equipment — all you need is someone who can manage virtual machines using a console or command line interface (CLI).

Deploying-Servers-in-a-Virtualized-Environment-Middle-imageCommon Challenges of Deploying Servers in Virtualized Environment

Organizations are adopting virtualization to reduce costs and improve agility. However, there are many challenges associated with virtualization that can impact the success of your virtual environment.

Here are some common challenges organizations face when deploying servers in a virtualized environment:

Resource distribution: It is challenging to plan for resource distribution in a virtualized environment because of its dynamic nature. For example, if you have 100 VMs on a physical host, it is difficult to predict which VMs will run at any given time and how much CPU or memory they need. This makes it challenging to plan for resource distribution upfront.

VM Sprawl – If not appropriately managed, VM sprawl can lead to increased costs and security risks due to raised attack surfaces on the network. Organizations must implement policies that allow them to manage VM sprawl before it becomes unmanageable.

Overrun storage network – With flexible deployment options like VMware DRS and vMotion, organizations can quickly move VMs around physical hosts without worrying about breaking applications. However, this can also lead to problems when multiple VMs try to push data through the same storage network simultaneously, as there may need to be more bandwidth available for all of them.

Final Words

Virtualized environments are becoming incredibly popular, both among hosting providers and customers. However, only some people are familiar with deploying servers in a virtualized environment.

Protected Harbor offers expert services for the cloud in a virtualized environment. We provide full support throughout the process so that you can ensure that all aspects of deployment are done professionally and efficiently. We will help you to set up virtual machines, migrate your data, and set up security. We will also assist you with ongoing management and troubleshooting of any issues with your virtual environment.

We also offer various services like data backup, disaster recovery, and network monitoring. Pride ourselves on being a one-stop shop for all your technology needs, whether hardware or software. With our team of experts on board, we can easily tackle any of your technology issues. Whether you are looking for a new data center or want to migrate your system to the cloud, we are here to help.

We want to be your go-to resource for all things cloud, so please do not hesitate to ask questions and receive expert advice to help you make the most of this valuable technology. Get a free cloud consultation today.

Top Data Center Management Issues



Top Data Center Management Issues

The backbone of every successful network is the data center. Without it, emails would not be delivered, data would not be stored, and hosting multiple sites would not be possible.

Spending on data center systems is anticipated to reach 212 billion US dollars in 2022, an increase of 11.1% from the year before. ~ Statista

Data centers often support thousands of small and large individual networks and can run several other business-critical applications. Many things however can go wrong within the data center, so you should know what exactly to look out for. Here are some significant data center issues and how to fix them.

What is a Data Center?

A data center is an industrial facility where people store, process, and transmit computer data.

A data center is typically a large complex of servers and associated devices, as well as the physical building or buildings that house them. Data centers are usually integrated with other services, such as telecommunications and cloud computing.

Unlike general-purpose facilities such as warehouses and office buildings, data centers are generally dedicated to one user. The major types of data centers are:

  • Private enterprise data centers, which corporations or other private organizations own;
  • Public enterprise data centers, which government agencies own;
  • Community enterprise data centers (CEDCs), which groups of individuals own;
  • Hybrid enterprise data centers (HEDCs), which combine private and public ownership.

Top-Data-Center-Management-Issues-04-Jan-Middle-imageChallenges of Data Center Management

The data center is one of the most critical components of an organization’s infrastructure. With the growing demand for cloud services and business agility, the data center has become one of the most complex systems in any enterprise.

The increasing complexity is a result of numerous factors, such as:

1. Maintaining Availability and Uptime

The primary focus of any IT organization is to ensure that its services are available at all times. This means they need to have a disaster recovery plan in place in case there is a failure within the system.

Technology Advancement

Managing data centers has become more complex due to technological advancements. Various new technologies have been introduced into the market that require efficient management for their practical use. State-of-the-art systems require proper maintenance and management to deliver the desired results. This can be difficult if the required expertise is unavailable within an organization.

2. Energy Efficiency

The cost of powering an entire building can be very high. Therefor it makes sense for an organization to invest in new technology and equipment that reduces power consumption while still performing at an acceptable level.

3. Government Restrictions

Data centers are becoming critical for businesses, but various regulations have restricted their operations in certain countries. For example, there are some countries where it is illegal to store data within their borders. This makes it difficult for businesses to operate within those countries because they have no real options other than moving their servers elsewhere or hiring local staff who can handle their cybersecurity.

4. Managing Power Utilization

Data centers require a lot of power to run their operations smoothly and efficiently. If not managed properly, this could lead to wasted energy consumption, increasing costs significantly over time. To avoid this, organizations should invest in energy-efficient equipment like rack-mounted UPS (uninterruptible power supplies) systems.

Monitoring software should also be installed that will alert companies when something goes wrong so they can react quickly and prevent any potential damage caused by power failure or overloads in the electrical grid.

5. Recovery From Disaster

Data centers have seen an increase in disasters caused by hurricanes and earthquakes as well as man-made disasters like power outages or fires. These events can destroy or even compromise equipment and systems that will take weeks, possibly months to repair or replace. This can leads to losses in productivity and revenue if critical servers or storage devices are affected.

Tips to Overcome Challenges in Data Center Management

Taking the time to ensure the building is safe, your personnel are knowledgeable about cyber security prevention, and you satisfy compliance standards goes a long way in protecting your assets from bad actors. ~Shayne Sherman, CEO of TechLoris.

Here are some tips to help you overcome common challenges in managing your data center:

1.  Audit Your Security Posture Regularly

The first step in overcoming data center management challenges is regularly auditing your security posture. This will give you an idea of where you stand and allow you to identify your vulnerabilities before they become threats. You can do this by using a third-party assessment service or hiring a qualified person to assess your current situation and have them provide recommendations.

2.  Use a DCIM System to Manage Uptime

A DCIM (Data Center Infrastructure Management) helps you to identify issues before they become problems by providing visibility into the health of your equipment. This allows you to proactively address issues before they impact operations or cause downtime.

3.  Scheduled Equipment Upgrades

Scheduled upgrades ensure minimal downtime during planned upgrades while also ensuring that any unforeseen issues are resolved before significantly affecting operations.

4.  Implement Data Center Physical Security Measures

Using these measures will allow you to control who has access to your facility and what they can do once inside. They also help to limit unauthorized access by preventing cyber-criminals from entering through any possible open doors or windows.

5.  Use the Right Tools to Secure Your Data and Network

You must ensure that your network is secure when it comes to data security. This means using the right tools and resources to protect your network from cyber threats. For example, you can install a firewall to block attacks or malware from entering into your system.

Final Words

Data centers are far from being stationary. New challenges are emerging while old ones are still evolving due to technological innovation and changes to data center infrastructures. Spending on data center management solutions is increasing due to other difficulties in addition to managing power, data storage, and load balancing.

Protected Harbor offers the best-in-class data center management with a unique approach. You can expect expert support with 24/7 monitoring and advanced features to keep your critical IT systems running smoothly. Our data center management software enables us to deliver proactive monitoring, maintenance, and support for your mission-critical systems.

We focus on power reliability, Internet redundancy, and physical security to keep your data safe. Our staff is trained to manage your data center as if it were our own, providing reliable service and support.

Our data center management solutions are tailored to your business needs, providing a secure, compliant, reliable foundation for your infrastructure. Contact us today to resolve your data center issues and switch to an unmatched data service solution.

What Is a Managed Data Center Service



What Is a Managed Data Center Service?

When it comes to data center services, managed services are becoming more and more popular. Many people don’t understand what a managed data center service does or how it can help them. It’s understandable why some people might feel this way – after all, there are so many other managed data center service available that you may not at first see the point of this service.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of IT infrastructure, businesses are increasingly relying on colocation data centers for enhanced performance, security, and scalability. This blog explores the intricacies of managed data center services, shedding light on key aspects such as colocation data center, data center management, data center services, and data center solutions. Dive into the world of managed data centers to discover how businesses leverage these services to streamline operations, ensure data security, and achieve optimal performance for their digital ecosystems.


Managed Data Center Service Definition

A managed data center service is a service that provides you with a fully managed data center environment. When you sign up for this service, you do not need to worry about the data center itself – the service provider will take care of all aspects of the physical data center and many IT-related aspects of your business. It is designed to make your data center operations more accessible and effective.

Some companies also offer ongoing IT support as part of the package, so you can have everything you need under one roof. It is different from a colocation or managed hosting service in several ways: managed hosting and colocation both require you to have your data center and take care of the physical space, while with a managed data center service, the physical data center is managed by the service, with you being provided with a remote access connection.


Why Use a Managed Data Center Service?

There are many reasons why an IT company would recommend a data center service over other IT services. Here are just some of the main ones:

  • A managed services provider can offer better uptime because they manage the physical data center, making it easier for them to keep everything running smoothly.
  • Data security is often better as they’re more aware of and can react quickly to any potential security issues.
  • It can reduce costs because they’re more efficient and often provide better value for money than other managed services.

These aspects make a data center service an excellent option for many businesses.




3 Things To Look For In A Managed Data Center Service

When comparing data center services, there are several factors you should look out for. Here are the key things you should consider:

  1. Security and compliance – A managed service should have strong data security and compliance capabilities. You want to be sure that your data is safe and that it’s being handled in a way that meets your compliance needs.
  2. Technical skills and Experience – You want to ensure the service has the technical skills to handle your data center effectively. A skilled data center team can keep things running smoothly and ensure your data remains secure and accessible.
  3. Customer service – You also want to ensure the service has good customer service capabilities. You’ll deal with the team a lot, so it’s essential to have a good relationship with them and feel like they’re always responding well to your needs.


How To Find the Right Managed Service?

Finding the right service is essential, as it can make a big difference to your business. You can do a few things to find exemplary service: – Contact potential services and ask them about their offerings. Find out what they offer and what their rates are. You can ask for a referral from a friend or business. They might recommend an experienced service provider. Compare different managed service providers and their offerings. Also, look at the above criteria to find a service that’s the best fit for your company.


Final Words

Managed data center services can hugely benefit many businesses, especially those with complex IT needs or large amounts of data. This service can offer many advantages over other managed services, including better uptime, data security, and reduced costs. When comparing these services, look at the above criteria to find the best service for your company.

As data centers become more crucial and companies are expected to meet new business requirements, the need for modern data center solutions is increasing. Data centers, from application delivery to the cloud, have become integral to businesses and their operations. These solutions help companies protect, manage, and cost-effectively secure their data. To deliver these solutions and keep your company’s operations running smoothly, you need a professional team of Data Center Engineers. A Data Center Engineer has data and cloud solutions expertise and can help you achieve your goals.

Protected Harbor offers solutions to help you get your data center operations and security up and running. We are a company based in the United States, with data center experts on staff who have deep experience with many of the top data center operators in the world. We stay in close contact with our customers, working together to develop solutions that meet their unique requirements.

Contact us today to set up a free IT Audit and consultation with our data center engineer.

The lessons we’ve learned and the things we’ve accomplished in 2022

Reflections on 2022: What We Learned and What We Accomplished

One thing is certain as we reflect on the year 2022: the Protected Harbor team has grown as individuals and as a company. We have faced the challenges of a global pandemic, economic downturn, and social unrest with resilience and courage. We have seen cyber-attacks that have impacted almost every industry and businesses of all sizes. We have also embraced the power of technology, which has enabled us to stay connected and create a meaningful change for our clients. Despite the many challenges, we have emerged as a more united and engaged team, better prepared to face the future.


Challenges Our Team Faced During the Year

Environments for Enterprise Technology are Getting More Complex – Businesses were forced to embrace a more complicated and extensive enterprise technology infrastructure and systems due to expanding commercial operations, increased markets, and interconnected worldwide business circumstances. As a result, managing the infrastructure became more challenging. Finding flaws or compromises becomes increasingly difficult as the system becomes more complicated.

Because CTOs (Chief Technology Officers) oversee these problems, this increases their stress.

Data Breaches and Cyber-Attacks – The increasing use of personal devices, such as smartphones and wearable technology, exacerbated the risk of data breaches, placing critical infrastructures and sensitive data at greater risk. More sophisticated attackers and artificial intelligence-driven tools made detecting and preventing attacks more challenging.


Technology’s Role in Overcoming Challenges

Using artificial intelligence (AI) tools and machine learning has helped businesses to overcome many of the challenges they faced in 2022. AI was used to detect abnormal activity in operational systems, assisting companies in managing complex datasets better. AI was also used to automate the onboarding process for new employees to reduce bias and provide consistent review results. AI even helped healthcare providers to rapidly analyze and interpret massive amounts of health data to detect disease outbreaks and develop new treatments and vaccines.

New technologies, such as blockchain and quantum computing, were used to secure data and provide increased trust between parties, such as supply chain partners. The Internet of Things (IoT) was used to create smart environments, reduce energy usage, and provide better experiences for customers. Newer technologies, such as 5G, helped businesses to scale and provide both reliable and fast connectivity. Augmented and virtual reality was used to create immersive experiences, improve training, and engage customers.


Reflections-on-2022-What-We-Learned-and-What-We-Did-MiddleCybersecurity Risks and Solutions

The continued threat of cyber-attacks and data breaches increased during the year 2022. Cybercrime is typically estimated to cost businesses around $600 billion in lost revenue each year. Most companies must create an effective cybersecurity strategy or implement best practices.

A greater focus on cybersecurity education and training would help businesses to better protect themselves. Implementing the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), designed to protect EU citizens’ data, is a positive sign that companies are taking cybersecurity far more seriously than before. However, more can be done to help businesses to better protect themselves. Implementing better data management and protection tools, such as encryption and multi-factor authentication, would be a start to better protect enterprises from cyber-attacks.


What We Have Learned From the Year 2022

Everyone agrees that the pandemic has dramatically increased the complexity and scope of the difficulties companies face. But, as part of their duties, leaders must be ready to meet such challenges head-on. Technology is advancing at a never-before-seen rate, and it keeps upgrading industries for the better. All CTOs working within the corporate world will face the same difficulties as others and it will soon become apparent. Even though challenges have newer aspects, all of them are manageable.

Companies will benefit from developing technologies like AI and machine learning. Having an offshore development business at your disposal can alleviate many of your concerns. You can get all the knowledge and experience you need for the company’s successful technical transitions without worrying about it.

What We Have Accomplished in the Year 2022

We have now reached a stage where we can say that we are a robust and secure data warehouse. Our team has achieved an ideal state where the number of threats to our data warehouse has dropped to zero. We can now expand our capabilities and serve millions of new customers.

In order to accomplish these targets, we have invested heavily in hiring new talent, building new infrastructure, and upgrading our existing technology to ensure that we stay ahead of the curve and continue providing state-of-the-art service to our users. We have improved our ability to respond to and prevent cyber-attacks.

Reflections-on-2022-What-We-Learned-and-What-We-Did-Middle 2

Looking Ahead to 2023 and Beyond

As we look ahead to the year 2023 and beyond, it is essential to note that the future will not be a linear path and that the world will continue to change.

Our strategic plan focuses on accelerating small businesses’ growth by empowering them with enhanced modern-day infrastructure and cybersecurity tools. We’re making big strides, but there’s still much work to be done. We have big plans for 2023, including expanding our security and monitoring capabilities with new AI-powered bots, launching an AI-powered recommendations engine, and extending our services for our partners and clients.

We’re also focused on growing our business in new ways, like extending our downloadable products feature beyond e-commerce and partnering with new companies to better serve our customers. We are excited for what the future holds.

Protected Harbor launches new resources daily to update clients and potential clients, on the latest threats as well as how to stay safe in the cyber world. Also, with our series Uptime with Richard Luna that is posted every Thursday, we discuss trending business topics and reassure any doubts for our viewers.

We want to extend a very special thank you to our customers for your loyalty and for choosing us as your trusted software vendor for the past two decades! Contact us to know how our experts can help you.


Data as a Service – Everything You Need to Know

Data as a service bannerData as a Service – Everything You Need to Know

As the volume of data that businesses encounter increases, so does the necessity for efficient data governance. For data management, many enterprises are turning to cloud service providers. In this environment, Data as a Service, also known as DaaS, is becoming an indispensable instrument for data integration, data storage, and data analytics management.

Data as a Service is the latest buzzword, promising to deliver ready-made data sets to organizations looking for ready-to-use business systems.

While it has been around for a few years now, it has recently reached a tipping point with far more high-profile services becoming available. It’s tempting for companies to just sign up for DaaS, ditch their data team, and never look back.


What is Data as a Service?

Data as a Service is a cloud-based platform that provides companies with the necessary tools to manage their data. It’s a subscription-based model that allows users to access unlimited resources at an affordable cost.

The global market for Data as a Service is anticipated to reach a revenue of 10.7 billion U.S. dollars in 2023, representing a steady increase over the following years. DaaS uses cloud computing technologies to provide data-related services such as storage, integration, and processing. ~Statisita

There are two types of desktops available in DaaS:

  • Non-persistent desktops are temporary, and you can delete them at any time. They will also automatically be deleted when the lease period expires, usually around 15 minutes.
  • Persistent desktops are always available and cannot be deleted by users. You can only delete a persistent desktop if it has been idle for more than 24 hours or if it has become inactive, for example, during a reboot.


Use Cases for Data as a Service

Data as a Service is a niche solution offering the ability to analyze data without worrying about the infrastructure. It can be used for many different purposes, including:

  • Benchmarking – comparing your company to others within the same industry or across different industries.
  • Business intelligence – using data to make better business decisions, including predictive analytics and reporting.
  • Data marketplaces – buying and selling data, such as government datasets, corporate databases, and social media streams.

Data-as-a-Service-DaaS-Middle-imageWhat are the Benefits of Data as a Service?

Data as a Service can help your business by providing a wide range of benefits, including:

Improved Accessibility

The first benefit that DaaS offers is improved accessibility. This means that users can access their data anywhere, regardless of location or device type.

Improved Scalability and Security Posture

One of the most significant advantages is its scalability. You only pay for what you use, whether it’s storage space or processing power, so there’s no need to buy extra servers or upgrade equipment every time your business grows (or shrinks). This helps to keep costs down while ensuring that your IT infrastructure remains secure and reliable.

Lower Operating Costs

Another essential benefit is lower operating costs. This is because you don’t need to worry about maintaining your own data center or ensuring its security and compliance with regulations. Instead, you can focus on your core activities while IT experts handle all the other tasks related to managing your virtual desktops and applications.

Increased Agility

Cloud-based data access provides an affordable option for businesses that want to take advantage of new technologies without investing in hardware or software. This allows them to quickly adapt to changes in their business environment and respond more rapidly to market demands.

Improved Business Intelligence

Data is the foundation of a successful business, but accessing it can be challenging when multiple applications are involved. Cloud-based DaaS integrates your company’s enterprise applications into one seamless interface, allowing users to view all relevant information from one place. This enables faster decision-making across multiple departments and improves operational efficiencies by eliminating duplicate workflows and manual processes.

Higher Workstation Lifetime Value

Another benefit is a higher Workstation Lifetime Value (WLV). WLV refers to how long a computer will last before it needs repairing or replacement; this value increases when fewer parts are needed because they have been replaced by software only or, in this case, virtual machines. The longer a computer lasts before needing repair or replacement, the more money an organization will save in the long run.


Final Words

In the end, businesses can benefit from Data as a Service in several ways. Query response times are sped up, which is a massive benefit for reporting on a business. There’s also more flexibility in how data sets can be structured and processed, making it easier for organizations to work toward their goals and move faster as they do so.

Some enterprises already use Data as a Service to improve data integration and governance, speed up the process of extracting insights from data, and do so more efficiently. These companies can then use better data governance and integrity to maintain a competitive advantage over rivals and expedite internal processes.

Protected Harbor makes it simple to use cloud-based data management solutions and on-premises infrastructure (if needed) to gather, regulate, transform, and distribute trusted data. Additionally, it provides the fastest, most secure, and most inexpensive data solutions with the most flexibility for creating a cloud-based data solution customized to your organization’s needs.  Consumers can choose which particular data products they employ or just embrace the complete platform all at once.

Try Protected Harbor today and use a dependable, secure cloud-based data solution that operates at your organization’s speed.

Best Data Center Managed Services

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Best Data Center Managed Services 2022

Data centers are no longer isolated and individual units but have become part of integrated, collaborative, and, more importantly, digital infrastructure. It has experienced exponential growth in the last decade and continues to grow at an accelerated pace. Various factors, such as adopting digital services, cloud computing, and IoT, have triggered this growth.

Data center managed services are one of the fastest-growing segments within the industry. A managed data center service is a broad term that covers a range of data center operations, monitoring, reporting, and other support services that third parties provide to businesses that want to outsource these responsibilities.

As businesses adopt new technologies and upgrade their data centers, managed services will become an even more critical element in the ecosystem. This blog looks at the best-managed data center services in 2022.

Why Managed Data Center Services?

The global adoption of digital services, IoT, and cloud computing has resulted in exponential growth in the data center industry. The increased requirement for data center management services, infrastructure, and facilities drives the service demand. There has been an evolution in the way data centers are being managed. Businesses now prefer managed data center services to reduce capital investment and operational expenditure.

Data centers house mission-critical IT infrastructure that guides the daily operations of companies of every size. The security and integrity of this infrastructure must be monitored and maintained at all times, or it could lead to severe financial losses in the case of a breach. The best way to do this is by outsourcing data center operations to a managed services provider.

Colocation facilities are an increasingly popular option for companies looking to modernize their data centers. These facilities provide a secure, reliable, and scalable infrastructure for housing IT equipment, allowing organizations to focus on their core business activities.

2022 Data Center Managed Service Industry Trends

Colocation data center services are evolving to provide end-to-end infrastructure solutions, integrating with physical infrastructure seamlessly. Previously, data center management primarily focused on infrastructure services, including IT infrastructure, colocation, and managed services, with minimal interaction with customers’ end-to-end physical infrastructure. However, the landscape is shifting, with traditional data center providers now offering fully managed and integrated services.

Cloud computing services are increasingly merging with data centers, a trend set to dominate the data center services industry in the next decade. Organizations are opting for hybrid cloud environments, blending on-premises data centers with cloud service providers. This shift allows data center providers to differentiate themselves by offering higher-value services to clients.

Datacenter redesign is crucial for modernizing IT infrastructure. It involves updating the layout and technology to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. Fault tolerance is a critical aspect of successful data center redesign, ensuring continuous operation during hardware or software failures. This necessitates redundancy in critical components, including power supplies, network connectivity, and storage devices.

Effective data management and security are paramount for organizations reliant on IT infrastructure. With escalating cyber threats, ensuring data security is vital. Data center solutions encompass robust physical security measures like access controls, CCTV, and alarms, alongside cybersecurity measures such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and antivirus software.

Best-Data-Center-Managed-Services-2022-26-Dec-middle-imageBest Data Center Managed Services 2022

As discussed above, the technology industry is proliferating. Organizations of every size rely heavily on cloud services for their day-to-day operations. This is increasing the demand for data center-managed services.

Here are the Top Managed Service Vendors for Data Centers in 2022.

  1. IBM – The fully managed, highly secure, and production-ready cloud environment offered by IBM Cloud Managed Services is built to deliver performance and availability at the level of an enterprise. Users may protect data and applications with built-in security, which includes alternate-site disaster recovery for the most critical workloads.
  2. Accenture – Global management consulting company Accenture provides various services and products in strategy, consulting, technology, and operations. Regarding management consulting, it ranks alongside IBM as the largest and most well-known organization on this list. Accenture wants to work with clients to develop high-performance organizations and governments.
  3. Infosys– In terms of consulting, technology, outsourcing, and next-generation services, Infosys is a world leader. Infosys helps its clients in more than 50 countries stay on the cutting edge of innovation. Infosys assists businesses in reinventing themselves and finding new ways to make money.
  4. Rackspace – Since its founding in 1998, Rackspace has been a pioneer in the data center cloud industry, returning to the ASP (application service providers) era. With the help of the company’s hybrid cloud-based services, organizations can operate their workloads in either a public or a private cloud.
  5. Protected Harbor – Enterprises can get strategic foresight on the future from Protected Harbor. We have experience in almost every area of information technology, which is essential for projects involving the movement of data centers. Protected Harbor can scale up or down a customer’s resources extremely quickly and help the customer find the best financial solutions for each project.
    It works with clients to modernize their commercial, operational, and technological models for the digital age. Its clients may imagine, create, and operate more cutting-edge and effective data centers thanks to its industry-based consulting approach.


Due to the increased digitalization, digital realty, and adoption of cloud services, the industry has seen exponential growth in the last decade. Data centers have evolved from being just mere units to delivering integrated service paas and fully-managed services.

Protected Harbor is among the top managed data canter service companies that provide managed hosting services and data centers for cloud computing and IT enterprises. We provide a single-provider solution for managing and safeguarding mission-critical IT services, such as cloud computing, infrastructure, platform, colocation, and data centers. According to Goodfirms, Protected Harbor is routinely regarded as one of the world’s most admired companies and the top Cloud Computing company in the US.

Click here to talk with our engineer and learn more about cloud-managed data center services and how we solve your cloud problems.

Why Is Scalable Infrastructure Important and What Does It Entail?

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What is Scalable Infrastructure and Why is it Important?

While business owners and leaders often focus on the immediate aspects of their business, it is also essential to work on the company’s long-term viability. One of the most critical components of this is the scalable IT infrastructure.

Scalability is more than just moving to the cloud. It involves building an inherently stable system. Future development and expansion are made more straightforward to manage and safer for your business when scalability is incorporated as an essential component of your current infrastructure.

Effective IT operations and management depend on a stable IT infrastructure which is why companies should never undervalue its significance as this can lead to your business suffering if your data is ever exposed due to your system needing to be either fixed or maintained.

You can have an amazing product developed by a dedicated group of developers. However, if your technology isn’t up to the task, you will waste money on resources and fail to realize returns on marketing and development efforts.

Continue reading to find out what a solid IT infrastructure involves and why your company needs to prioritize it.

Scalable IT Infrastructure – An Overview

A scalable IT infrastructure is based on the idea that you can reduce the cost of operations by reducing your physical footprint when it’s not needed.

In the upcoming years, public cloud services are anticipated to represent a more significant portion of cloud infrastructure spending, reaching nearly 46% by 2024. ~Statista

You might have fewer servers, storage systems, or employees working within your data center. But, when you need more capacity, it’s easy to add back in these necessities and increase your use of the cloud.

Achieving this type of flexibility requires careful planning and management of your hardware, software, and applications so that they’re able to scale up or down without disrupting service delivery. A good example would be having multiple layers of redundancy built into your storage system so that if one component fails, another can take over seamlessly without any noticeable impact on users accessing their data.

Reasons for Having a Scalable Infrastructure

There are many reasons to have a scalable infrastructure, such as:


The most important reason is growth, which can happen in two different ways:

  • Growth of your company or business
  • Growth of your users or customer base

Growth is inevitable, and you need to be ready for it. You can’t just build an application and expect it to work forever without any changes.

Cyclical Demand

The second reason is cyclical demand. It means that there are times when more people use your application than others. An example of this could be heightened traffic during the holidays. To handle this situation, you will need a scalable infrastructure that can handle increased demand without sacrificing performance.

What is Scalable Infrastructure and Why is it Important middleWhy is IT Infrastructure Important for Businesses?

It’s no longer enough to have just a good product or service. The competition amongst businesses is fierce, and it’s not enough to be just good. You need to be great, which means having an infrastructure supporting your business.

Businesses need reliable IT infrastructure to operate efficiently and effectively.

The following are some of the reasons why having this IT infrastructure is crucial for businesses:


The first reason you should invest in your infrastructure is that it will help to increase the productivity of your employees. The more efficient your employees are, the more work they can do in less time. This means that they will be able to get more done every day, which leads to an increase in revenue for your business.


Another reason why infrastructure is critical is that it helps protect your data from cyber-attacks.

By 2025, experts predict that cybercrimes, such as phishing scams, spyware, ransomware, and Denial of Service (DoS) attacks on small and large businesses, will total $10.5 trillion yearly.

If you don’t have a sound security system, hackers can easily break into your network, steal customer information, or even eradicate data. This can lead to devastating consequences for your company, so you must have a robust security system.


Businesses must ensure that they comply with industry regulations, standards, and legal requirements such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act) and SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley Act). An efficient infrastructure will allow businesses to quickly meet compliance requirements without negatively impacting their operations or productivity.


A company’s employees will be more efficient if they have access to an adequate infrastructure. For example, if you have an employee who works from home and needs access to your company’s servers or databases, you must ensure they can access them both quickly and easily. An inadequate infrastructure would lead to slow access times and frustration on both ends of the spectrum. Having an adequate infrastructure in place will ensure that your employees can access all necessary data efficiently, leading to happier employees!

Benefits of IT Infrastructure

The major benefits of a scalable IT infrastructure are:

Greater Ease of IT Operations

IT infrastructure is the foundation upon which all other components and services are built. Without it, there would be no way to perform the tasks that support an organization’s mission. This includes introductory emails and office productivity applications to complex ERP systems and CRM solutions. Considering how much time and money is spent on IT infrastructure today, it becomes apparent that any operational efficiency improvement will significantly impact a company’s bottom line.

Reduced Overall Capital and Operating Expenses

Since no upfront costs are associated with hosting your IT infrastructure with Cloud providers, your overall operating expenses can be significantly reduced. Your IT budget will also become easier to manage because it will no longer include capital expenses such as hardware purchases or upgrades and maintenance contracts for servers, storage devices, network equipment, and more.

Flexible Pricing Model

Cloud providers offer more flexible pricing models than traditional enterprise software companies because they don’t have to build physical infrastructures like data centers or server farms. They just have to buy enough capacity from their suppliers (e.g., Amazon Web Services) to offer customers the best prices possible.

Final Words

Focusing on scalability means you will not have to worry about the server’s ability to handle your website traffic or the potential of technical debt eating away at your budget. Scalable IT infrastructures are a good choice for scaling businesses and startups, especially in the beginning phases of growth.

Protected Harbor’s solution is designed to be a scalable, reliable, and flexible IT infrastructure optimized to support various data-centric workloads like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Business Intelligence, High-Performance Computing, and other data-centric workloads. Doing so enables enterprises and service providers to transform their businesses, drive new revenues and provide better, more efficient customer service.

Protected Harbor is here to serve as your reliable partner. We help keep your business secure without slowing you down by providing top-notch IT infrastructures that work for you. With real-time monitoring and capacity planning, integrated security, and on-demand scaling, our IT infrastructure or Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS) is designed for data-intensive workloads and business-critical applications.

Get a free IT Audit today and learn why your business needs a highly scalable infrastructure without losing out on reliability and security.

How to Avoid a Cyberattack in This Week’s Cybersecurity Minute

The Cybersecurity Minute: How to Prevent a Cyber-attack

As technology becomes increasingly intertwined with our lives, the need for cybersecurity becomes ever more essential. Cyber-attacks are becoming increasingly common, with hackers and other malicious actors looking to exploit any vulnerability. It’s important to take the steps necessary to protect your data and ensure that your business or organization remains safe and secure.

Welcome to another video in The Cybersecurity Minute series. Today in Uptime with Richard Luna, we’ll discuss the various cybersecurity threats and the steps you can take to prevent a cyber-attack.

Cybersecurity Threats

When it comes to cybersecurity, it’s essential to understand the various threats. These threats come in many forms, from malicious software to phishing attacks and unauthorized data access.

Data breaches are also a significant concern. A data breach is when unauthorized actors access sensitive data, such as personal or financial information. These breaches can result in data loss and severe repercussions for an organization or individual.


Steps to Secure Your Data

Now that we’ve discussed the various threats let’s look at some of the steps you can take to protect your data.

  1. Establish a firewall- A firewall is a security system that prevents unauthorized access to a system. It can filter out malicious traffic and block access to certain websites or services. The firewall should be set up correctly and regularly monitored to ensure it works effectively.
  2. Isolated backups- Backups are a great way to protect your data in case of a breach or other disaster. By isolating the backups, you can ensure they are not accessible to unauthorized users. This will help to protect your data in the event of a breach.
  3. Enable multi-factor authentication- MFA adds an extra layer of security to a system. It requires users to enter a code sent to their mobile phone or another device in addition to their username and password. This helps to ensure that only authorized users are accessing the system.
  4. Monitor user access- It’s important to track who is accessing the system and what they are doing. This can help identify any suspicious activity and alert you to potential security threats.



Securing your data is essential for effective cybersecurity. It’s important to understand the various threats and take the necessary steps to protect your data. Establishing a firewall, creating isolated backups, enabling multi-factor authentication, and monitoring user access are all essential steps for effective cybersecurity.

Protected Harbor offers comprehensive data protection and security solutions to protect your critical data and systems from cyber threats. Partner with us to enjoy round-the-clock security monitoring, advanced threat detection, and automated alerts to resolve any issues quickly. With our help, your organization can focus on its core mission without worrying about data breaches or cyber-attacks.

Keep watching the video and other resources to stay safe. Contact us today for a free cybersecurity assessment.

Essential Elements of Data Center Facilities and Infrastructure

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Core Components of Data Center Infrastructure and Facilities

The data center is a critical part of any IT infrastructure. Data center infrastructure services include computing, networking, and storage resources necessary to support an organization’s virtualized applications and services.

Regardless of your company’s size or scope of operations, dedicating resources to a data center is essential for maintaining a secure, reliable IT infrastructure that can support your business for years.

This blog post will discuss the core data center infrastructure components and facilities and critical considerations when planning your own data center.


What is Data Center Infrastructure?

Data center infrastructure refers to the essential physical or hardware-based resources and components that make up a data center, including all IT infrastructure applications, devices, and technologies. It is modeled and named in a design plan that contains a detailed description of all the infrastructural parts required to build a data center.

Components of Data Center Infrastructure

We’ve determined that facilities house the environmental architecture (power, cooling, etc.) and the data center’s IT infrastructure. However, this article will refer to the server, storage, and network hardware as the “core elements.”

1. Data Center Components of Server Infrastructure

Rack, blade, and tower servers that store data and applications are called server infrastructure. Servers can also be fully virtualized environments inside actual machines, but because they are not physical infrastructure, they aren’t part of the data center components discussed in this article.

2. Data Center Components of Storage Infrastructure

Network Attached Storage (NAS), Direct Attached Storage (DAS), Solid State Drive (SSD) flash arrays, tape storage, etc., are all examples of storage infrastructure. Some well-known storage device manufacturers are HPE, Dell EMC, NetApp, and IBM.

3. Data Center Components of Network Infrastructure

Hardware like routers, switches, security devices, and firewalls make up the network infrastructure. The connection and integration of the various data center hardware systems depend on these data center assets. Some major network infrastructure brands are Cisco, Brocade, Juniper, and F5 Networks.


Types of Data Center Facilities

Numerous types of data center facilities have grown and been categorized as a result of the development of data center infrastructure.


Enterprise Data Center Facilities- Facilities with a traditional organizational structure, known as enterprise data center facilities, are run and owned solely by one company. These are often on-site; an internal team is in charge of network monitoring, hardware upgrades, IT deployments, and maintenance.

Colocation Data Center– These offers shared data center space businesses can rent for their servers and other hardware needs. The advantage of colocation over internal data centers is that the colocation facility handles the building, power, HVAC, internet bandwidth, and physical security; you (the customer) are still responsible for providing and maintaining the equipment.

Managed Data Center – In a managed service data center arrangement, a business leases the building’s physical infrastructure, and a third-party managed service provider looks after the facility’s hardware and operations. 

Cloud Data Center- Data centers with a cloud-based architecture have grown in popularity recently. A cloud data center is an off-premises location that your business may access over the Internet, but you are not liable for the infrastructure’s upkeep.


What is Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM)

Data Centre Infrastructure Management (DCIM)refers to the set of tools, software, and processes used to manage the physical infrastructure of modern data centers. This includes everything from uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) and fiber channel switches to storage systems and data center security.

DCIM tools provide real-time visibility into the performance and health of all these components, enabling administrators to quickly identify and resolve issues before they can impact services. With the rise of cloud services and high-speed networks, DCIM has become increasingly important to ensure data center resources’ reliability, availability, and scalability.

DCIM is a critical aspect of modern data center management, helping organizations to optimize their infrastructure and achieve better performance and efficiency. It is a platform that mixes IT and Data Center Ops and may be used to achieve the best possible performance from a data center. Data center operations managers may better manage the physical components of the data center by using DCIM’s discovery, monitoring, reporting, and visualization tools.

Third-Party Maintenance, Managed Service Providers, or DCIM software can all be used in part or in whole to maintain the infrastructure of a data center.


Types of Data Center Components

The main components of any data center can be divided into the following categories:

Facility- The term “facility” describes the area used to set up all IT equipment. Data centers are the most energy-intensive buildings because they provide constant access to vital information.

Core Components- These are all the hardware and programs needed to run IT operations, store data, and run applications. Additionally, it could include servers, storage devices, network infrastructure, and information security components.

Support Infrastructure- This consists of all the hardware that helps provide the maximum uptime sustainability.

Operational Staff- The labor needed to monitor operations and continuously repair IT and infrastructure equipment is known as operational staff.



Digital transformation is a journey, not a destination. It’s a fluid process, not a one-time project. You must have a partner who understands this and stays on top of the latest cloud, software, and hardware technology developments. Only then can you ensure you’re getting the best technology to meet your business goals.

Protected Harbor partners with businesses to help them future-proof their data centers and transform their IT infrastructure with the latest technologies. By partnering with us, your business will receive the highest level of support and increase its reliability and scalability.

Contact us today to learn how we can serve your data center needs.