Category: Cloud

What are Industry Cloud Platforms (ICP)

What are Industry Cloud Platforms (ICP)

In the dynamic realm of technology, a transformative force known as Industry Cloud Platforms (ICPs) is reshaping the way industries operate. Rooted in the realm of public cloud services, ICPs provide a more agile and targeted approach to managing workloads, propelling businesses forward to meet the unique challenges of their respective sectors.

ICPs distinguish themselves by adopting a modular, composable structure, underpinned by a catalog of industry-specific packaged business capabilities. This blog will explore the world of industry cloud platforms, shedding light on what they are, how they work, and why they’re becoming a game-changer for businesses.


What are Industry Cloud Platforms?

Industry Cloud Platforms, also known as vertical cloud platforms, bring together software, platform, and infrastructure services to deliver specialized solutions for various industries. Unlike generic solutions, ICPs are designed to address specific challenges related to business, data, compliance, and more.

The rapid emergence of industry cloud platforms (ICPs) stands out as a significant trend, generating substantial value for companies through the provision of adaptable and industry-specific solutions. This trend not only expedites the adoption of cloud services but strategically caters to a broader audience of business consumers, extending well beyond the initial users of cloud infrastructure and platform technologies.

Key Components of ICPs: ICPs integrate Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) with innovative technologies. This combination creates a modular and composable platform, offering industry-specific packaged business capabilities.

These platforms empower enterprises to swiftly tailor their processes and applications to evolving needs. Their modular and composable approach streamlines the delivery of value-added capabilities through marketplaces and app stores by facilitating partners.


The heightened richness within industry cloud ecosystems, featuring participation from diverse independent software vendors and system integrators alongside cloud providers, represents a pivotal avenue through which industry cloud platforms contribute value. This holistic yet modular approach not only enhances collaboration but also facilitates the rapid transfer of technical and business innovations across diverse industries.

In stark contrast to community clouds like GovCloud, industry clouds transcend the concept of being mere replicas or segregated versions of the cloud that necessitate separate maintenance. Instead, they provide users with the entire array of industry-relevant capabilities seamlessly integrated into the underlying platform.


What-are-Industry-Cloud-Platforms-Middle-imageGrowth and Adoption

According to a Gartner survey, nearly 39% of North America- and Europe-based enterprises have started adopting ICPs, with 14% in pilot phases. Another 17% are considering deployment by 2026. Gartner predicts that by 2027, over 70% of enterprises will leverage ICPs to accelerate their business initiatives.


How ICPs Work

ICPs transform cloud platforms into business platforms, acting as both technology and business innovation tools. Their modular approach allows partners to deliver value-added capabilities through marketplaces and app stores, fostering a rich ecosystem with various software vendors and system integrators.

Understanding the intricacies of how ICPs work unveils the transformative power they hold in accelerating processes and fostering industry-specific solutions.

  1. Integration of SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS: ICP brings together Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) into a unified, cohesive ecosystem. This integration allows for a seamless flow of data, applications, and infrastructure, providing a comprehensive solution for industry-specific challenges.
  2. Strategic Appeal to Business Consumers: ICPs go beyond merely providing technical solutions; they strategically appeal to business consumers. By addressing the unique needs of specific industries, ICPs become catalysts for change, ensuring that businesses can efficiently manage workloads while staying compliant with industry regulations.
  3. Modular and Composable Approach: The modular and composable nature of ICPs is a key distinguishing factor. Rather than offering predefined, one-size-fits-all solutions, ICPs present a flexible framework. This approach allows enterprises to adapt and tailor processes and applications according to their specific requirements, fostering agility in a rapidly evolving business landscape.
  4. Value-Added Capabilities Through Partnerships: ICPs facilitate collaboration by making it easier for partners to contribute value-added capabilities. Through marketplaces and app stores, independent software vendors and system integrators can seamlessly integrate their solutions into the ICP ecosystem. This collaborative environment enriches the offerings available, enhancing the overall value proposition.
  5. Industry Cloud Ecosystems: The richness of industry cloud ecosystems is a hallmark of ICPs. With multiple stakeholders, including independent software vendors, system integrators, and cloud providers, these ecosystems create a vibrant marketplace for innovative solutions. This collaborative effort ensures that the industry cloud platform evolves dynamically, staying at the forefront of technological advancements.
  6. Swift Transfer of Innovations Across Industries: The holistic yet modular approach of ICPs facilitates the rapid transfer of technical and business innovations from one industry to another. This cross-industry pollination of ideas ensures that advancements made in one sector can be efficiently adapted to suit the unique challenges of another, fostering a culture of continuous innovation.

Understanding how ICPs operate reveals their dynamic and adaptive nature. As these platforms continue to evolve, they not only provide tailored solutions but also serve as hubs for collaboration, innovation, and efficiency across diverse industries.


The Future

The future of ICPs lies in their evolution into ecosystem clouds. Enterprises can leverage these ecosystems by participating in shared processes such as procurement, distribution, and even R&D. However, to unlock their full potential, a broad set of stakeholders from both IT and line-of-business organizations must actively engage with these platforms.



Industry Cloud Platforms are transforming the way businesses operate by offering tailor-made solutions for specific industries. As adoption continues to grow, the collaborative nature of ICPs is set to create a new era of innovation, where technology seamlessly integrates with business needs, propelling industries forward into a more agile and efficient future.

As the transformative power of Industry Cloud Platforms (ICPs) continues to redefine the business landscape, one name stands out as a beacon of innovation and excellence: Protected Harbor. As a top Cloud Services provider in the US, we take pride in our commitment to crafting tailored cloud solutions that address the unique needs of different industries.

Our industry-specific approach is not just a commitment; it’s a testament to our dedication to fueling innovation and efficiency. Through a comprehensive integration of Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Protected Harbor’s ICP offers adaptable and relevant solutions that go beyond the conventional.

In the collaborative spirit of industry cloud ecosystems, we actively engage with independent software vendors, system integrators, and other stakeholders. This dynamic collaboration ensures that our cloud platforms are enriched with value-added capabilities, creating a vibrant marketplace for cutting-edge solutions.

Ready to unlock the potential of tailored cloud solutions for your industry? Explore the possibilities with Protected Harbor’s Industry Cloud Platforms. Contact us today!


7 Cloud Computing Trends for 2024

The 7 Most Important Cloud Computing Trends for 2024 Banner image

The 7 Most Important Cloud Computing Trends for 2024

Cloud computing continues to grow exponentially, reshaping the digital landscape and transforming business operations and innovation strategies. This year, 2024, we will see new advancements in cloud computing, promising to revolutionize technology and enterprise alike. Let’s explore the 7 most important cloud computing trends for 2024 and beyond that, you need to plan for.


1. Edge Computing Takes Center Stage

Prepare for a substantial increase in edge computing’s prominence in 2024. This avant-garde approach facilitates data processing closer to its origin, significantly reducing latency and enhancing the efficiency of real-time applications. From IoT to healthcare and autonomous vehicles, various industries stand to gain immensely from this transformative trend. For example, in healthcare, edge computing can enable faster processing of patient data, improving response times in critical care situations.


2. Hybrid Cloud Solutions for Seamless Integration

The hybrid cloud model, merging on-premises infrastructure with public and private cloud services will offer businesses, a flexible, integrated approach. This model enables the leveraging of both on-premises and cloud environments. This ensures not only optimal performance but also scalability and security, meeting the varied demands of modern enterprises. A notable instance is a retail company using hybrid cloud to balance the load between its online services and physical store inventory systems, ensuring smooth customer experiences.


3. AI and Machine Learning Integration

Cloud computing serves as the foundation for the development and deployment of AI and machine learning applications. The coming year expects a boost in cloud-based platforms that streamline the training and deployment of sophisticated AI models. This is set to enhance automation, data analysis, and decision-making across industries, exemplified by AI-driven predictive maintenance in manufacturing, which minimizes downtime and saves costs.


The 7 Most Important Cloud Computing Trends for 2024 Middle image4. Quantum Computing’s Quantum Leap

Though still very new, quantum computing is on the brink of a significant breakthrough in 2024. Cloud providers are preparing to offer quantum computing services, poised to transform data processing and encryption. The potential for industries is vast, with early applications in pharmaceuticals for drug discovery and financial services for complex risk analysis signaling quantum computing’s disruptive potential.


5. Enhanced Cloud Security Measures

As dependency on cloud services grows, so does the focus on security. The year 2024 will see the adoption of more sophisticated security measures, including advanced encryption, multi-factor authentication, and AI-powered threat detection. Cloud providers are investing heavily to protect user data and privacy, ensuring a secure environment for both businesses and individuals.


6. Serverless Computing for Efficiency

Serverless computing is gaining traction, promising to revolutionize development in 2024. This paradigm allows developers to write and deploy code without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. It’s set to simplify development processes, reduce operational costs, and enhance scalability across sectors. For instance, a startup could use serverless computing to efficiently manage its web application backend, adapting to user demand without manual scaling.


7. Sustainable Cloud Practices

Environmental sustainability is becoming a priority in cloud computing. The industry is moving towards green data centers, energy-efficient technologies, and reducing the carbon footprint of data operations. Cloud providers are adopting eco-friendly practices, striving to minimize the environmental impact of technology and promote a sustainable future.


Key Takeaways

The landscape of cloud computing in 2024 is marked by innovation, efficiency, and a commitment to sustainability. Businesses attuned to these seven key trends will find themselves well-equipped to leverage cloud technologies for success.

Protected Harbor, recognized by as a leading Cloud Computing company in the US, exemplify the blend of expertise and innovation crucial for navigating the evolving cloud landscape. With their exceptional solutions and commitment to seamless transitions into cloud computing, Protected Harbor is poised to guide businesses through the technological advancements of 2024 and beyond.

Start the new year with a strategic advantage; consider a free IT Audit and Cloud migration consultation. Contact us today to embark on your journey into the future of cloud computing.

How to Successfully Migrate to the Cloud

How to Successfully Migrate to the Cloud

The global cloud computing market is poised for remarkable growth, projected to reach USD 545.8 billion in 2022 and an astounding USD 1.2 trillion by 2027, with a remarkable compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.9 percent. This exponential expansion is driven by the pursuit of enhanced client experiences, a drive for cost savings and improved return on investment, and the widespread adoption of remote work cultures.

Successfully migrating to the cloud is far from a simple plug-and-play solution. It presents its unique set of challenges, requiring meticulous planning, cost estimation, security considerations, and strategic skill-building. In navigating this complex landscape, a comprehensive cloud migration strategy becomes essential. This guide outlines 4 key steps and considerations to overcome challenges and ensure a successful transition to the cloud.


1. Decide on Your Cloud-Based Business Model

The initial step in your cloud migration journey involves defining your cloud-based business model. Understanding the nuances between Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) is crucial. Each model offers unique advantages, and your choice will significantly influence the foundation of your cloud infrastructure. Consider pay-as-you-go and hybrid models for effective monetization.


2. Define Your Migration Strategy

Choosing the right migration strategy is crucial. Whether it’s rehosting, refactoring, revising, rebuilding, replacing, or retiring, each strategy comes with its benefits and considerations. Techstack’s cloud-first solution for solar energy production exemplifies the importance of aligning your strategy with specific business goals. The decision to optimize applications for the cloud (refactor) or to entirely rebuild them can significantly impact long-term success.


3. Estimate Costs

Cost estimation is another critical aspect of cloud migration planning. Analyze current on-premises expense, evaluate performance metrics, and compare on-premises and cloud costs. A detailed financial plan will help you navigate recurring cloud expenses and ensure a sustainable budget. Consider the pay-as-you-go model in cloud services to further optimize costs.


4. Choose Cloud Type and Deployment

The next phase involves considering the target environment that best aligns with your future business requirements. You have three primary options: private cloud, public cloud, and hybrid cloud.

  • Private Cloud: A scaled-down cloud environment constructed and managed within an existing data center architecture. This option demands significant financial and technological investment but offers complete control over data and workloads.
  • Public Cloud: A commercial utility computing service provided by third-party vendors. Public clouds offer a broad array of services, vast scalability, and a global reach, typically on a pay-per-use model.
  • Hybrid Cloud: Combines the advantages of both private and public clouds, offering control, flexibility, and scalability. This approach, however, requires significant investment in both money and dedication.

Choosing the deployment type is a critical decision, with options including hybrid, multi-cloud, and single-cloud deployments.


How-to-Successfully-Migrate-to-the-Cloud-in-6-Steps-Middle-image5. Design the Architecture

Architecting your cloud environment is a critical step. Whether it involves simple rehosting or a complex, distributed workload, your architecture should align with your business objectives. Consider dependencies and conduct thorough testing to ensure a robust and reliable solution.


6. Define and Run Migration Steps

Craft a detailed migration plan that outlines every step of the process. The importance of meticulous planning and proof-of-concept projects cannot be overstated. Test and validate the migration process in advance to identify and address potential issues proactively.


Main Benefits of Cloud Migration

Cloud migration offers numerous benefits, including flexibility and scalability, cost optimization, enhanced performance, improved security, and compliance with regulatory norms.



Cloud migration is a transformative journey that requires careful planning and execution. By following this comprehensive guide and learning from industry leaders, organizations can navigate the complexities of cloud migration successfully.


Succeed in Cloud Migration with Protected Harbor

Protected Harbor, a leading MSP and IT services company, offers extensive experience in cloud and DevOps services. Leverage our expertise to ensure a smooth transition for your business. Our engineers’ proficiency in creating complex cloud-first solutions and migrating to microservices positions us as a reliable partner for your cloud migration journey. Book a free Cloud migration consultation today!

Describe how cloud computing will impact business in 2023.


How Cloud Computing is Shaping the Future of Business in 2023

Cloud computing has transformed businesses’ operations by providing scalable, flexible, and cost-effective data management and processing solutions. As we enter 2023, new trends in cloud computing are emerging, promising to reshape the business landscape. Understanding these trends is crucial for organizations aiming to stay ahead in the digital world.


A Brief Evolution of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has evolved remarkably since its inception, from a relatively unknown concept to a fundamental pillar of modern technology infrastructure. Understanding the historical development and key milestones in cloud computing provides valuable insights into its current and future potential.

Cloud computing emerged in the early 2000s, with companies recognizing the need for scalable and on-demand computing resources. The early pioneers, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Salesforce, introduced Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS), respectively, laying the groundwork for the cloud revolution.

As technology progressed, virtualization became a vital component of cloud computing. It allowed for the efficient utilization of physical hardware by running multiple virtual machines on a single server, enabling better resource allocation and cost savings.

Another significant development in cloud computing was the rise of containers, spearheaded by Docker. Containers revolutionized application deployment, making it more efficient, portable, and scalable. Container orchestration tools like Kubernetes emerged to manage complex containerized environments.

Moreover, the concept of serverless computing gained traction. Serverless platforms, like AWS Lambda and Azure Functions, allowed developers to focus on writing code without the burden of managing servers. This paradigm shift increased agility and reduced operational complexities.

As cloud computing matured, hybrid cloud solutions emerged, combining the benefits of public and private clouds. This approach allowed organizations to leverage the scalability and cost-effectiveness of public clouds while retaining control over sensitive data and applications in private clouds.

In recent years, edge computing has gained prominence. With the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and the need for real-time data processing, edge computing brings computational power closer to the data source, reducing latency and enabling faster decision-making.


Cloud Computing Trends in 2023

Understanding the following 2023 cloud computing trends is crucial for organizations seeking to optimize their operations and stay ahead of the competition. Here are the key trends to watch in 2023:

  1. Hybrid Cloud Solutions: Combining the best public and private clouds, hybrid cloud solutions are gaining popularity. Organizations are leveraging the scalability and cost-effectiveness of public clouds while retaining control over sensitive data and applications in private clouds. Hybrid cloud environments enable seamless data integration, flexibility, and enhanced security.
  2. Edge Computing: With the proliferation of IoT devices and the need for real-time data processing, edge computing is becoming increasingly important. By moving computational power closer to the data source, edge computing reduces latency, enhances performance, and enables faster decision-making—edge computing benefits autonomous vehicles, smart cities, and industrial IoT applications.
  3. Serverless Computing: Serverless computing, also known as Function-as-a-Service (FaaS), allows developers to focus solely on writing code without the need to manage servers or infrastructure. In 2023, serverless computing is expected to gain more traction as organizations embrace its benefits, such as reduced operational complexities, improved scalability, and cost-efficiency.
  4. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in the Cloud: The integration of AI and ML capabilities with cloud computing is a trend that will continue to grow in 2023. Cloud providers offer AI and ML services, enabling businesses to leverage these technologies without extensive infrastructure or expertise. Cloud-based AI and ML allow robust data analysis, predictive insights, and industrial automation.
  5. Blockchain Technology and Cloud Integration: Blockchain, known for its secure and transparent nature, is integrated with cloud computing to enhance data integrity and trust. In 2023, we expect more applications combining blockchain and cloud technologies, enabling secure and decentralized storage, smart contracts, and auditable transactions.

How-Cloud-Computing-is-Shaping-the-Future-of-Business-in-2023-middle-imageIndustry-specific Transformations

Cloud computing has a transformative impact on various industries, revolutionizing how they operate, deliver services, and meet customer demands. Let’s explore how cloud computing is driving industry-specific transformations in critical sectors:

  1. Healthcare: Cloud computing enables healthcare providers to securely store and share patient data, improving accessibility and collaboration among medical professionals. It facilitates telemedicine services, enabling remote consultations and patient monitoring. Cloud-based data analytics and machine learning algorithms enhance disease diagnosis, treatment planning, and personalized healthcare delivery.
  2. Finance: Cloud computing empowers financial institutions to streamline operations, improve risk management, and enhance customer experiences. Cloud-based financial management systems facilitate real-time transaction processing, secure data storage, and seamless integration with banking platforms. Cloud analytics enables advanced fraud detection, risk assessment, and compliance monitoring.
  3. Retail: Cloud computing enables retailers to enhance customer experiences, streamline inventory management, and optimize supply chain operations. Cloud-based e-commerce platforms provide scalable and secure online storefronts. Cloud analytics and machine learning drive personalized marketing, customer segmentation, and demand forecasting. Cloud-based inventory management systems enable real-time tracking and efficient stock replenishment.
  4. Manufacturing: Cloud computing revolutionizes manufacturing processes, enabling real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, and supply chain optimization. Cloud-based Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) platforms collect and analyze machine data, enabling predictive maintenance and reducing downtime. Cloud-enabled collaboration among manufacturers, suppliers, and customers improves production planning and coordination.

These industry-specific transformations demonstrate the power of cloud computing in driving innovation, efficiency, and competitiveness across sectors. By leveraging cloud technologies, businesses can unlock new opportunities, enhance customer experiences, and stay ahead of industry disruptions.


Future Outlook and Predictions

The future of cloud computing holds great potential for further advancements and innovations. The market is projected to experience continued growth as businesses across industries recognize the benefits of cloud technologies.

Edge computing will expand to meet the demand for real-time data processing and reduced latency. Hybrid and multi-cloud environments will gain popularity, enabling organizations to optimize performance, scalability, and cost-efficiency.

AI-driven cloud services will become more prevalent, making advanced AI capabilities accessible to businesses of all sizes. Security and privacy will remain top priorities, with cloud providers investing in advanced encryption, access controls, and compliance measures.

Sustainability will also gain prominence, with cloud providers focusing on green and energy-efficient infrastructure. Embracing these trends and leveraging the benefits of cloud computing will position businesses for success in the digital era and beyond.


Get the Right Cloud Partner for Your Business

The advancements and trends discussed above highlight the transformative potential of cloud computing, from scalability and cost efficiency to enhanced collaboration and data security. Having a partner who totally understands the technology can help your business immeasurably.

Protected Harbor is a leading cloud migration services provider known for its robust infrastructure, advanced security protocols, and exceptional customer support. With Protected Harbor, businesses can harness the full power of cloud computing while ensuring data protection and seamless operations.

Take the next step towards optimizing your business operations by partnering with Protected Harbor. Contact us today to learn how we can help you leverage the benefits of cloud computing and drive your business forward.

How To Reduce Your Cloud Computing Costs


How To Reduce Your Cloud Computing Costs

Cloud computing has revolutionized businesses’ operations, offering unparalleled scalability, flexibility, and efficiency. However, as organizations increasingly rely on cloud services, managing and optimizing the associated costs becomes crucial. Cloud computing costs can quickly escalate if left unchecked, impacting the overall budget and profitability.

This blog post will explore practical strategies to reduce cloud computing costs without compromising performance or functionality. By implementing these cost optimization techniques, you can unlock significant savings and allocate resources more efficiently, allowing your organization to maximize its cloud investment.

Join us as we delve into cloud cost optimization, empowering you to take control of your cloud expenses and optimize your cloud infrastructure for enhanced financial sustainability. Let’s get started on your journey toward a more cost-efficient cloud environment.


Mastering Cost Efficiency

Leveraging cloud computing services has become an indispensable aspect of business operations. However, while the benefits of scalability, flexibility, and accessibility are undeniable, cloud costs can quickly spiral out of control if not managed effectively. With the increasing adoption of cloud migration services and cloud-managed services, optimizing expenditure has become a top priority for organizations.

To curb expenses without compromising performance, businesses can implement several cost-saving strategies. Firstly, conducting regular audits of cloud usage to identify underutilized resources and rightsizing them accordingly can yield significant savings. Additionally, taking advantage of reserved instances and utilizing spot instances for non-critical workloads can result in substantial cost reductions.

Moreover, implementing automation and resource scheduling tools can help optimize usage patterns and minimize idle time, further driving down expenses. Furthermore, exploring different pricing models offered by cloud providers and leveraging discounts through long-term commitments can provide additional cost benefits.

By adopting a proactive approach to cost management and continually evaluating and optimizing cloud expenditure, businesses can achieve significant savings while maximizing the benefits of cloud computing services.


1. Evaluate your Current Cloud Usage and Costs

Before effectively reducing your cloud computing costs, evaluating your current cloud usage and costs is important. Start by assessing your cloud infrastructure and services, reviewing your architecture, and identifying unused or underutilized resources that can be downsized or terminated. Analyze workload patterns to optimize resource allocation and avoid overprovisioning.

Review your cloud provider’s billing and usage reports to understand cost breakdowns and usage patterns. Identify cost drivers and areas where costs can be optimized, such as evaluating service levels, eliminating idle resources, and considering geographical placement for competitive pricing.

Conducting a comprehensive evaluation will provide insights into cost optimization opportunities, serving as the foundation for implementing targeted strategies to reduce cloud computing expenses.


2. Utilize Cost Management Tools and Features

Utilizing your cloud provider’s cost management tools and features is essential to effectively reduce your cloud computing costs. Native cloud provider tools offer valuable insights, monitoring capabilities, and optimization recommendations.

Use cost monitoring and analysis dashboards to track spending patterns and identify outliers. Set up budget thresholds and alerts to proactively manage costs and avoid unexpected overages. Additionally, leverage the cost optimization recommendations provided by your cloud provider, which may include rightsizing instances, utilizing reserved models or savings plans, and exploring spot instances.

Consider exploring third-party cost optimization tools that specialize in cloud cost management. These tools provide advanced analytics, forecasting, and automation capabilities, enabling you to optimize resource allocation and automate cost control measures.

By utilizing these tools effectively, you can gain better visibility into your cloud costs and identify opportunities for optimization, ultimately leading to significant cost savings.


3. Optimize Resource Allocation

To reduce cloud computing costs, optimizing resource allocation is crucial. One way to achieve this is by right-sizing your cloud instances. Evaluate the specific performance requirements of your applications and choose instance types that meet those needs without unnecessary overprovisioning. Monitor resource utilization and downsize or reconfigure instances that consistently operate below capacity—additionally, leverage instance families your cloud provider offers to select the most cost-effective options.

Another strategy is to utilize auto-scaling capabilities. Understand the workload patterns of your applications and set up auto-scaling rules based on metrics like CPU utilization or network traffic. This allows resources to be automatically scaled up during peak times and scaled down during off-peak periods, ensuring efficient resource allocation.

Consider implementing serverless architecture by migrating parts of your applications to serverless services. With serverless computing, resources are allocated based on actual usage, eliminating the need for constant provisioning and management of infrastructure. By optimizing resource allocation through right-sizing, auto-scaling, and serverless architecture, you can achieve cost savings by efficiently matching resources to workload demands.


4. Optimize Storage and Data Transfer Costs

To optimize storage and data transfer costs in your cloud computing environment, there are several strategies you can implement. Start by evaluating storage options and selecting the appropriate storage class based on your data access patterns and retrieval needs. Implement data lifecycle management to automatically transition infrequently accessed data to lower-cost storage tiers or archive options.

Optimize storage usage by regularly removing or archiving unnecessary data and utilizing compression and deduplication techniques to reduce storage consumption. Minimize data transfer costs by leveraging content delivery networks (CDNs) to cache and deliver frequently accessed content closer to end-users.

Optimize data transfer methods using efficient transfer techniques such as bulk transfers or incremental backups. Take advantage of cloud provider pricing tiers and select the most cost-effective options for data transfer based on volume and distance.

By implementing these strategies, you can optimize storage and data transfer costs, significantly saving your cloud computing expenses.


How-to-reduce-your-cloud-computing-costs-Middle-image5. Implement Cost-saving Strategies

You can adopt several effective techniques to implement cost-saving strategies in your cloud computing environment. Start by utilizing Reserved Instances (RIs) or Savings Plans for workloads with stable usage patterns, which offer significant cost savings compared to On-Demand instances.

Optimize containerization and orchestration by leveraging technologies like Docker and Kubernetes, and implement auto-scaling policies for containers to allocate resources efficiently. Embrace serverless computing for suitable workloads, reducing costs by eliminating infrastructure provisioning and optimizing function execution time and memory usage.

Additionally, implement cost-aware application design by utilizing caching mechanisms, optimizing data storage and retrieval, and continuously monitoring and optimizing your cloud usage through cost and usage reports.

By establishing cost governance measures and regularly reassessing and adjusting your strategies, you can achieve sustained cost savings while maintaining optimal performance in your cloud computing environment.


Optimize Cloud Cost with Protected Harbor’s Advanced Cloud Services

Reducing cloud computing costs is essential to optimizing your cloud environment. You can achieve significant savings while maintaining performance and functionality by evaluating your current cloud usage and costs, utilizing cost management tools, optimizing resource allocation, and implementing cost-saving strategies.

Regarding cloud service providers in the US, Protected Harbor stands out as a top choice, recognized by Goodfirms. As a leading provider, they offer a range of features that enhance cost efficiency and overall cloud management. Some notable features of Protected Harbor include:

  1. Advanced Cost Management: Protected Harbor provides robust cost management tools and dashboards that offer comprehensive insights into your cloud spending. This enables you to track costs, set budget thresholds, and implement proactive cost-saving measures.
  2. Flexible Pricing Options: Protected Harbor offers flexible pricing options, including pay-as-you-go models, Reserved Instances, and Savings Plans. This lets you choose the most cost-effective pricing model based on your workload requirements and budget.
  3. Cost Optimization Recommendations: Protected Harbor provides intelligent recommendations for optimizing costs, such as rightsizing instances, leveraging spot instances, and identifying underutilized resources. These recommendations help you make informed decisions to maximize cost savings.
  4. Comprehensive Security and Compliance: Protected Harbor prioritizes security and compliance, protecting your data and applications. They offer robust security measures, including data encryption, identity and access management, and compliance certifications, such as ISO 27001 and SOC 2.

With Protected Harbor’s reliable services and cost optimization features, you can effectively reduce your cloud computing costs while enjoying top-notch security and performance.

Ready to optimize your cloud costs and enhance your cloud management with Protected Harbor? Take the next step and sign up for our cloud migration services today!


Managing Data Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing


Managing Data Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses operate in the modern digital age. It offers a cost-effective solution for managing data and applications, providing flexibility and scalability to meet the market’s ever-changing demands. However, significant data security and privacy concerns come with the numerous benefits of cloud computing.

Following details the security and privacy that your organization must consider.


Data Security

A primary concern that organizations face when using cloud computing is data security. Here are some of the most common issues we come in contact with:

  1. Data Breaches: Cloud computing involves storing data on remote servers that can be accessed online. This makes it vulnerable to unauthorized access, hacking, and data breaches. Cybercriminals can exploit vulnerabilities in the cloud environment to gain access to sensitive data, compromising the organization’s security.
  2. Data Loss or Corruption: Data stored in the cloud can be lost or corrupted due to various factors such as hardware failure, natural disasters, or human errors. This can cause significant data loss, resulting in legal and financial implications for the organization.
  3. Malware and Cyber-attacks: Malware and cyber-attacks constantly threaten cloud computing environments. Cybercriminals can use various methods such as phishing, ransomware, or distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks to compromise the cloud environment and steal or damage data.


Privacy Concerns

Privacy and data security concerns are critical in cloud computing. Some of the most common ones that you must address are:

  1. Unauthorized Access to Sensitive Data: In the cloud environment, sensitive data such as personal information or trade secrets can be accessed by unauthorized parties. This can result in reputational damage, legal implications, and financial losses.
  2. Inadequate Data Protection Policies: Cloud service providers may have different data protection policies and practices that may not align with an organization’s privacy requirements. This can lead to inadequate data protection, data misuse, or unauthorized data sharing.
  3. Regulatory Compliance Issues: Organizations storing data in the cloud may be subject to regulatory compliance requirements such as GDPR, HIPAA, or CCPA. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in legal and financial implications.

Managing-Data-Security-and-Privacy-Concerns-in-Cloud-Computing-MiddleBest Practices for Managing Data Security and Privacy Concerns in Cloud Computing

To effectively manage data security and privacy concerns in cloud computing, organizations should implement the following best practices:

  1. Choose a Reliable Cloud Service Provider: Selecting a reputable and reliable cloud service provider is critical for ensuring the security and privacy of data stored in the cloud. Organizations should conduct due diligence to assess a cloud service provider’s security practices, certifications, and compliance with industry standards.
  2. Implement Strong Data Encryption and Access Control Mechanisms: Encryption of sensitive data stored in the cloud environment is essential to prevent unauthorized access. Access control mechanisms such as multi-factor authentication and role-based access control should be implemented to control access to sensitive data.
  3. Regularly Audit and Monitor the Cloud Environment: Regular audits and monitoring of the cloud environment can help identify potential security breaches and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. Monitoring should include monitoring network traffic, user activities, and system logs.
  4. Develop and Test a Disaster Recovery Plan: Organizations should develop and test a disaster recovery plan to ensure that critical data can be restored during data loss or corruption. The disaster recovery plan should include backup and recovery procedures, data replication, and testing.
  5. Train Employees on Cloud Security Best Practices: Educating employees on cloud security best practices is critical to prevent data breaches caused by human error. Employees should be trained to identify and report potential security threats, use strong passwords, and avoid phishing attacks.


Top 5 Best Cloud Storage Services

In the realm of cloud computing services, data security and privacy are paramount. Here are the top 5 cloud managed services renowned for their robust security measures:

1. Google Cloud Storage: Offers advanced encryption and access controls.
2. Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service): Features strong encryption options and compliance certifications.
3. Microsoft Azure Storage: Provides encryption at rest and in transit, along with regulatory compliance.
4. Dropbox Business: Known for its user-friendly interface and data encryption.
5. IBM Cloud Object Storage: Offers built-in encryption and access controls, emphasizing data privacy.

Choose from these trusted providers to ensure your data remains secure and private in the cloud.


Compliance and Legal Considerations for Cloud Computing

Managing data security and privacy concerns in cloud computing is critical for organizations to safeguard their sensitive data from security threats and regulatory violations. You can ensure that your data remains protected in the cloud environment by selecting the right provider and engaging some of the tools mentioned above.

Protected Harbor is a top choice in the US when selecting a cloud provider, as ranked by Goodfirms. We offer reliable and secure cloud migration services with robust encryption and access control mechanisms, comprehensive disaster recovery plans, and compliance with regulatory requirements. We have a proven track record of providing exceptional customer support and understanding our client’s needs.

If your organization is considering cloud migration services, choosing a provider you can trust with your sensitive data is important. Protected Harbor offers the security and peace of mind to confidently migrate your data to the cloud environment.

Take the first step in securing your organization’s data by contacting Protected Harbor today to learn more about their cloud migration services.

How To Get Started with a Cloud Migration Plan


How To Get Started with a Cloud Migration Plan – 6 Key Steps

In recent years, many organizations have recognized the benefits of cloud computing and have begun migrating their applications and data to the cloud. However, cloud migration services can be complex and challenging, requiring careful planning and execution.

Many businesses recognize the benefits of migrating their on-premises data centers to the public cloud as technology advances rapidly. The public cloud offers numerous advantages, including scalability, accessibility, and cost savings. However, it is essential to have a well-thought-out cloud migration plan to avoid potential pitfalls, such as data loss and security breaches.

In an era where digital transformation is paramount, businesses are turning to the cloud for scalable and efficient solutions. This blog delves into the dynamic realm of cloud computing services, highlighting the pivotal roles played by cloud migration services and cloud-managed services. As organizations increasingly embrace the cloud to enhance agility and innovation, understanding the nuances of these services becomes crucial. Discover how cloud computing services seamlessly integrate into the fabric of modern IT infrastructures, and how expertly executed cloud migration and management services pave the way for a future-ready and resilient business environment. Join us on this journey as we explore the transformative capabilities that the cloud brings to the forefront of contemporary business strategies.

This blog will also explore how to start with a cloud migration plan and discuss key elements such as software as a service, cloud resources, managed services, and cloud migration strategy. We will provide you with insights and tips to ensure a seamless and successful cloud migration.

Following are six key steps to start a cloud migration plan to ensure a successful and smooth migration to the cloud.


What is a Cloud Migration Plan?

A cloud migration plan is a project plan that outlines the process of moving an organization’s applications, data, and infrastructure to the cloud. It involves identifying which applications and data to migrate, selecting a cloud migration services provider and platform, and developing a detailed migration plan for the migration process. The plan should also consider the potential risks and challenges associated with the migration and identify strategies for mitigating them.

Cloud migration is the process of transferring business elements such as data and applications from on-premises infrastructure to the cloud. The four primary types of cloud migration include Lift and Shift, Replatforming, Refactoring, and Rearchitecting. Lift and Shift entail moving applications and data to the cloud with minimal modifications to the existing architecture. Replatforming involves making adjustments to optimize the application for the cloud environment. Refactoring entails significant changes to the application architecture to modernize it with cloud-native technologies. Rearchitecting involves a complete rebuild of the application architecture using cloud-native technologies and services, emphasizing automation, scalability, and resilience.

By offering varying degrees of complexity and transformation, these four types of cloud migration provide businesses with various options to select the most appropriate approach for their specific needs.


Challenges of Cloud Migration

Cloud migration has become increasingly popular among businesses looking to modernize their IT infrastructure and take advantage of the numerous benefits of the cloud. However, migrating to the cloud is not without its challenges. One of the primary challenges is the complexity of the migration process itself. Migrating to the cloud requires careful planning, extensive testing, and a deep understanding of the existing infrastructure to ensure a smooth transition.

Another challenge is the potential for data loss or security breaches during migration. Moving large amounts of data to the cloud can be risky, and without proper precautions, businesses may expose themselves to data breaches or loss.

Cost is another challenge of cloud migration. While the cloud offers cost savings in the long run, the initial investment required for migration can be significant. Businesses must carefully consider the costs associated with cloud services, such as storage, bandwidth, and computing resources.

Finally, organizations may face challenges related to integrating cloud-based services with existing on-premises infrastructure. This may require changes to existing workflows and processes and additional training and support for employees.

Despite these challenges, with careful planning and execution, businesses can successfully migrate to the cloud and enjoy the many benefits of cloud computing, including increased agility, scalability, and cost savings.


How-to-Get-Started-with-Cloud-Migration-Plan-Middle-image6 Key Steps for Cloud Migration

Step 1: Assess Your Applications and Data: The first step is to assess your organization’s applications and data. Identify which applications and data are suitable for migration to the cloud and which are not. Applications and data that are too complex or require specialized hardware, might make them unsuitable for migration. Others may have strict regulatory or compliance requirements that make migrating them to the cloud difficult.

Step 2: Choose a Cloud Provider and Platform: Many cloud providers include Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. Each provider has its strengths and weaknesses, so it’s essential to evaluate them carefully and choose the one that best meets your organization’s needs. Part of your evaluation must include the cost for today and as you scale. Some providers can escalate their charges significantly as your requirements grow.

Step 3: Develop a Migration Strategy: This involves determining the order in which applications and data will be migrated, identifying any dependencies between applications, and creating a timeline for the migration process. It’s also essential to identify any potential risks and challenges associated with the migration and develop strategies for mitigating them.

Step 4: Build and Test Your Migration Environment: Before migrating your applications and data, you must build and test your migration environment. First set up your cloud infrastructure, configure your network, and test your applications and data in the cloud environment. It’s essential to ensure your migration environment is stable and secure before migration begins.

Step 5: Migrate Your Applications and Data: With your migration environment in place, you can begin. Migration needs to be carefully planned and executed, with each application and data set migrated according to the migration strategy developed in step three. It’s important to monitor the migration process closely and address any issues that arise promptly.

Step 6: Test and Optimize: Once your applications and data have been migrated to the cloud, the next step is to test and optimize your environment. This ensures they function correctly and are optimized for your environment.


Be smart, be safe

Regarding cloud computing services, having a comprehensive migration plan is crucial for businesses looking to reap the benefits of the cloud. One of the primary decisions that must be made is whether to move entirely to the cloud or use a hybrid approach combining on-premises hardware and software with cloud-based resources. Additionally, using a Software as a Service (SaaS) model can save costs and simplify migration. Another essential factor is ensuring that virtual machines are properly configured and optimized for the cloud environment. A reliable internet connection is crucial to ensure smooth access to cloud-based resources. Finally, load balancers can be used to distribute workloads across multiple servers, ensuring optimal performance and reliability. By considering all of these key elements, businesses can create a successful and efficient cloud migration plan that maximizes the benefits of cloud computing.

Migrating to the cloud environment can provide many benefits, including improved scalability, flexibility, and cost savings. However, it’s essential to approach cloud migration plan carefully and develop a detailed project plan for cloud migration. Following the steps outlined above can ensure a safe, successful, and smooth migration to the cloud. If you have any questions, please contact us. We are here to help.

The 6 Best Cloud Solutions for Nonprofits to Save Money

The 6 Best Cloud Solutions for Non Profits to Save Money 20 Feb Banner

The 6 Best Cloud Solutions for Nonprofits to Save Money

Aside from mission awareness and meeting your non-profit organization’s goals, staying under budget is undoubtedly one of your organization’s most challenging but necessary requirements. Without having to worry about purchasing and maintaining its servers, a nonprofit can use cloud storage to store and access all of its data, some of which may be sensitive. Regarding file sharing, cloud solutions for nonprofits ensures that even remote volunteers have the same access as those in the office.

But, as previously said, nonprofits often need help finding ways to lower and maintain their bottom line. By using a cloud-based solution rather than in-house servers, nonprofits will access more affordable solutions than those offered by larger companies.

Below, we will be discussing six of the best cloud solutions for nonprofits and how they can help you save money.


Top Cloud Storage Solutions for Non-Profits

Nonprofits require reliable and affordable cloud storage solutions to store their files and data, collaborate with teams and partners, and access their information from anywhere. Cloud storage providers offer a range of features and pricing options, including free cloud storage plans, paid plans, lifetime plans, and business plans. One of the most popular cloud storage solutions is Microsoft 365, which offers a suite of services that includes cloud backup, file sync, and share files. It is also easy to set up and use, and it’s virtual machine and hybrid cloud capabilities make it a versatile option.

Other key features of cloud storage solutions for nonprofits include being dedicated to single or multiple users, and service daas. Nonprofits can choose from various cloud storage providers, depending on their needs and budget. Free cloud storage plans suit small nonprofits with basic storage needs, while paid plans offer more features and storage capacity. Lifetime plans provide a one-time payment for a lifetime of storage, making it a cost-effective option for nonprofits. In conclusion, nonprofits have plenty of options for cloud storage solutions. They need to choose a provider that meets their requirements and budget while providing secure and reliable storage for their data.

Understanding what each one offers is essential before deciding which suits your organization. Here are some of the top cloud storage solutions:


Public Cloud: Google for Non-Profits

Public cloud storage is an excellent option for non-profits because it’s easy to set up and maintain. No servers or IT personnel are required on your end, so you can focus on your mission instead of managing all those technical details. Public cloud services also offer built-in security features such as encryption and authentication.

Google has been offering its Cloud Storage product for years, and it’s the most popular cloud storage service on the web. The service offers unlimited space for photos and videos at zero cost, plus you can use Google Drive to store your documents and spreadsheets.


  • Free Space Up to 30GB
  • Superb Compatibility
  • Several Storage Capabilities

Private Cloud – Protected Harbor

Private clouds offer non-profits the most secure and reliable form of cloud storage. They are hosted on private servers in data centers that are more stable than public clouds.

Businesses can turn to Protected Harbor to get the benefits of cloud computing without putting critical information at risk. As the name suggests, a private cloud is a cloud in which only one company can protect its proprietary data. As a result, only selected individuals, as opposed to everyone, have access to the data.


  • Cutting-Edge Cloud Migration Services
  • Increase Your Return on Investment.
  • Foresee and Avert Any Problems

Online Backups – IDriveThe-6-Best-Cloud-Solutions-for-Non-Profits-to-Save-Money-20-Feb-Middle-image

Online backups are a great way to protect your computer and its data. Unfortunately, they’re only easy to use in some instances. That’s where cloud storage comes in.

The only provider on our list that isn’t a cloud storage service is IDrive, an online backup platform (more on the differences between the two below). IDrive, however, incorporates a cloud storage service with all the usual fixings, including file synchronization and sharing.

Users can access up to 100TB of combined storage space. If you’re interested in trying IDrive before making a total financial commitment, they have a free, 10-gigabyte version available to try.


  • Unlimited File Sharing and Syncing
  • Collaboration Tools
  • Zero-Knowledge Encryption
  • Single Sign-On Features
  • Mobile Apps for Android and iOS Devices

Hybrid Collaboration – Protected Desktop

When you choose hybrid collaboration for cloud storage, your data is stored in two separate places: on-premises and offsite. You have complete control over where your data lives and how it’s backed up.

Protected Desktop is an excellent choice for any non-profit looking for a hybrid collaboration to store their files and data. The company offers unlimited storage space at no extra charge and has an easy-to-use interface that makes it great for both beginners and advanced users.


  • Desktop as a Service
  • Provides Support, Monitoring, and Backups
  • Ransomware Protection
  • Application Outage Protection

Fundraising Tools – Aplos

Nonprofit organizations have a lot to keep track of, and one of the most important things is staying on top of their donors. Tracking how much money an organization has raised or how much they’ll need in the future can take a lot of time and effort, that’s where Aplos comes in.

Aplos is a free cloud-based software suite for non-profits that provides fundraising, accounting, membership management, and more helpful tools.


  • Donation Tracking
  • Bank Reconciliation
  • Budgeting/Forecasting
  • Financial Management
  • Accounts Receivable


Resource Planning – Envisio

As a nonprofit, you have many needs but limited resources. Choosing the right cloud storage solution is critical to your organization’s success.

Envisio is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered planning application that makes it simple to build a framework and generate aesthetically appealing reports as a part of the strategic planning process.


  • Ad Hoc Reporting
  • Alerts/Notifications
  • Charting
  • Chat/Messaging
  • Collaboration Tools

Final Words

There is no doubt that cloud solutions have become a necessity in business. Many companies have found tremendous value in moving their IT infrastructure to the cloud to save money and gain efficiency. These same benefits apply to non-profit organizations, and although there are many free options for small businesses, larger non-profits can still benefit from enterprise-level cloud solutions. Non-profits are making great strides to save money and stay within their budget. Cloud services have become a tremendous tool in their arsenal.

There are numerous services available for non-profits at a variety of price points. The trick is to match your specific needs with your budget—something a professional like Protected Harbor can help you with. Talk to the experts and get the perfect advice for a cloud storage solution that best fits your non-profit. Contact our team today!

Hidden Costs of the Cloud

Hidden Costs of the Cloud

What You Need to Know‍

The cloud has undoubtedly transformed the way organizations operate.

The cloud offers many benefits, including on-demand resources, scalability, and cost-efficiency. Most businesses nowadays have shifted to either a hybrid or a hybrid private cloud architecture. However, cloud adoption hasn’t been smooth for everyone.

Several hidden costs of the cloud may catch you off guard if you’re not fully aware of them. Understanding these costs is essential to budget accurately for your IT services in the long run.

Welcome to another video in our series Uptime with Richard Luna, where Richard Luna, CEO of Protected Harbor, will discuss the cloud’s actual costs. Below, we will touch on some of the hidden costs of the cloud, how they can impact your business and what you can do about it.


What Are the Hidden Costs of the Cloud?

As we’ve already established, the cloud has some hidden costs that many companies are unaware of. This can affect their budgeting, decision-making, and long-term strategy. Business leaders may alter their entire IT strategy based on these hidden costs. From a financial standpoint, hidden fees can include data transfer, cloud utilization, migration, and business process reengineering costs.

Data Transfer Costs – These are costs associated with transferring data between on-premise resources and cloud-based resources. Depending on where your data is stored, you may have to incur data transfer costs.

Cloud Utilization Costs– Public cloud service providers demand a fee each time a business tries to access its data. Cloud companies are betting on huge demand despite the low fees, which occasionally amount to cents per hour.

Migration Costs – Organizations migrating their applications to the cloud may incur costs for retooling legacy applications for the cloud.

Business Process Reengineering Costs– Organizations occasionally anticipate that a move to the cloud will boost overall functionality and efficiency. However, the reality is any problems that may have existed before a cloud move will persist there. The initial transformation might be finished, but continuous business modifications will still be required, increasing spending.


Understanding Cloud Offerings: Comparing Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services

Regarding cloud offerings, two of the most popular options are Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Amazon Web Services (AWS). Both platforms offer various computing services, including virtual machines, edge locations, and private IP addresses. However, there are some differences to be aware of. For example, GCP offers VPC peering connections that allow customers to connect to their own premises data center.

In contrast, AWS offers Amazon CloudFront, a content delivery network that can speed up website loading times. In terms of data transfer pricing, GCP charges $0.01 per GB, while AWS charges $0.09 per GB for the first 10 TB. It’s important to consider these factors when deciding which platform to migrate to the cloud and any additional data transfer charges that may apply.


Whats the real cost of the cloudPrivate Cloud: A Better Alternative

Richard recommends, “To overcome some of the hidden costs of the cloud, organizations can opt for the private cloud.” A private cloud is an on-premises version of the public cloud where IT organizations control access, security, and the level of scalability.

A private cloud is an isolated environment within your organization’s data center. It has its dedicated hardware, software, networking resources, and other utilities. A private cloud may incur some hidden costs. But these hidden costs are typically less than those of public cloud services.

You can also use a public-private hybrid cloud. This combines a public cloud platform and a private cloud environment. A hybrid cloud is often used to host sensitive information because it’s more secure than a public cloud. You can also host non-sensitive information on a public cloud platform while keeping your critical data private.



Many cloud providers offer their services, but not all are the same. If you want to avoid hidden costs and stay safe, you need to move to a private cloud. This way, you will have complete control over your data without worrying about any unexpected charges. With a private cloud from Protected Harbor, you can optimize your IT investments, avoid data breaches, and save money.

At Protected Harbor, we keep up with the latest technology, continuously invest in our people and infrastructure, and always look for ways to improve. We are experts in cloud implementation, partner with the biggest names in the software industry, and are dedicated to delivering a superior experience for every customer. If you’re looking to opt or migrate to a private or hybrid cloud or even other managed IT services, our experts are there to help you.

Contact us today for a free IT audit and cloud consulting!

These Cloud Vulnerabilities Will Cause Your Next Data Breach

These cloud vulnerablilities will cause your next data breach

These Cloud Vulnerabilities Will Cause Your Next Data Breach


Cyber security is a constant race between businesses and hackers in the digital world. Every new technology has potential risks that must be understood and addressed before implementation. New threats are emerging all the time and cloud computing is no different. Many types of cloud services are being used by businesses more than ever before.

In fact, according to Gartner, private cloud services will continue to grow faster than public cloud services in the next few years. However, some types of clouds are riskier than others regarding cyber security. Several vulnerabilities can expose your company’s data when using any cloud service or Software as a Service (SaaS) application.

This article lists common vulnerabilities you should know about before using any cloud-based system or software.


Understanding Cloud Vulnerabilities: Protecting Sensitive Customer Information

As businesses increasingly turn to the cloud for their computing needs, it’s important to consider the potential vulnerabilities of storing sensitive customer information in a shared infrastructure. Cyber attacks are a constant threat, and unauthorized access to personal data such as social security numbers, financial information, and other sensitive information can lead to identity theft and other serious consequences.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) are two popular cloud computing services businesses use to store and access their data. While the cloud offers many benefits, knowing the potential risks is important. Cloud providers are responsible for securing the underlying infrastructure and providing secure cloud access. Still, businesses are responsible for securing their own data and applications that run on top of the cloud infrastructure.

One way to protect sensitive customer information is by using a hybrid cloud model, which allows businesses to keep some of their data in a private data center while still taking advantage of cloud computing resources. This approach can provide additional security and control over customer data.

Another important consideration is the use of virtual machines in the cloud. Virtual machines can help isolate applications and data, limiting the impact of a potential cyber attack. It’s also important to implement access controls and encryption to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information.


Public Exposure

The oldest blunder in the book is setting up a new cloud resource but leaving it entirely insecure and publicly visible. Your unprotected public assets will almost certainly be found because hackers today frequently use automated tools to scan target networks for any exposed assets.

By 2022, nearly 50% of businesses would unknowingly or accidentally have some IaaS storage devices, networks, apps, or APIs directly exposed to the public internet. This number is up from 25% in 2018.


Excessive Permissions

Fast company operations are one of the main advantages of switching to the cloud. However, access credentials are routinely distributed hurriedly and needlessly in the interest of expediency, resulting in many individuals having excessive permissions for which they have no business need for. If any of those credentials end up in the wrong hands, attackers would have unrestricted access to private information.

By 2023 (up from 50% in 2020) 25% of security breaches will be due to improper handling of login credentials, identities, and privileges, predicts Gartner.


Cloud Vulnerabilities middleLack of Multi-factor Authentication for Privileged Users

One of the most typical cloud vulnerabilities is the absence of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for users assigned to privileged administrative positions in control. Access for privileged users must be as secure and feasible in any cloud environment. A company may suffer severe repercussions if a fundamental security measure like MFA is not enabled.

It is straightforward for malicious actors to exploit privileged accounts without MFA being enabled. These accounts are vulnerable to brute force assaults due to lacking MFA. Hackers can use these accounts to entirely disrupt an organization’s operations and steal its data because they often have high administrator permissions.


Insecure APIs

APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, are frequently used to simplify cloud computing. APIs make it very simple to share data between other apps, improving convenience and efficiency. However, if they are not secured, this can lead to multiple cloud vulnerabilities and become an easy entry point for malicious attackers.

Threat actors can launch DDoS assaults and obtain access to sensitive company data by taking advantage of unsecured APIs while remaining unnoticed. In fact, by 2022, API abuses are anticipated to overtake other attack methods as the most popular, according to Gartner data.


Final Thoughts

If companies using the cloud do not consider limiting the dangers that accompany it, they are taking a preventable yet significant risk. The IT processes teams use to develop and deploy applications in the cloud infrastructure must be well integrated into a company’s strict cloud security rules.

The use of cloud computing has changed how businesses and hackers operate. Both new opportunities and threats related to cloud security have been introduced. Enterprises must continuously address the dangers and difficulties associated with cloud security while implementing the appropriate security technologies to facilitate operational work.

It’s essential to understand the potential vulnerabilities so that you can mitigate them. Suppose you have any concerns about your current cloud environment. In that case, you can consult with a cloud consulting company like Protected Harbor to help you assess the risks and implement practices to avoid data breaches.

Protected Harbor‘s cloud security solution integrates the latest security technologies with your cloud infrastructure. Businesses can take advantage of cloud computing’s capabilities with the right technology and the help of cloud security specialists.

We have researched and created an e-book for companies looking to migrate to the cloud. This e-book helps them to understand better the benefits as well as the risks that come with cloud migration so that they can plan. Get your free copy of the e-book today!