What is the best IT solution: MSPs, VARs, or solution providers?

Bes IT Solution Solution Providers VARs or MSPs


Best IT Solution: Solution Providers, VARs or MSPs?

If you’re looking for an IT Service for your business, you have probably been innodated with acronyms, like VARs, MSP, ASP, NSP, CSP, ISP, SAAS and DAAS. One almost needs a CIA code-breaker to determine which solution does what and what solution is best for their business. Worse, many “wannabe” IT companies make the same promises but fall short on delivery.

There are many IT solutions available, ranging from cyber security, and inventory management to cloud services, and they are provided by IT solution providers, Value-Added Resellers (VARs), and Managed Service Providers (MSPs).


What Do They Offer?

IT solution providers sell specific solutions for specific problems. If your computer is infected, they provide you with an antivirus. Whereas VARs will sell you that same product, bundled with extra software. For example, VARS would offer an antivirus solution paired with a spam filter and backup service.

MSPs allow clients to rent software solutions through the cloud. Where IT solution providers and VARs will sell you software to fix an issue, MSPs will also proactively manage it for you. MSPs roll their sleeves up to control a client’s IT infrastructure and systems. This could include software applications and networks through security and day-to-day support.

It seems simple. Where’s the problem?

Most IT solution providers and VARs deliver one-size-fits-all solutions to their clients. Pre-packaged solutions are designed to interest the broadest audience. Due to supply contracts, providers are forced to push identical solutions and charge a mark-up. Occasionally they may offer consulting services or monitoring for even more money. From the client’s perspective, these pre-bundled solutions look the same but are less than ideal.

IT solution providers and VARs offer software, not services, where customer experience matters. They can all respond to a customer’s complaints and requests quickly. But responding to an email is not a customer experience. Instead, a company must perceive the needs and goals of the customer. IT solution providers and VARs are constricted by the software they are selling. So, they have finite customization to cover all of a customer’s needs. Such issues will leave customers with unresolved problems to be covered by other products for another cost. Or customers end up overpaying for functionality they don’t need because of a predetermined bundle.

This is where MSPs stand out. Thanks to the internet, MSPs can offer specific services and functionality, a-la-cart. They are not forced into particular solutions and offer actual customizations. Also, MSPs are in the service business. Their business model requires a long-standing relationship. The more problems customers have, the more problems MSPs have. Hence, it’s of utmost importance for MSPs to listen, evaluate, and tailor-make solutions to keep clients happy for as long as possible.


How It Should Be?

In today’s business environment, it is more important than ever to deliver the best customer experience possible. Customers should feel a connection with their service providers. And feel comfortable leaving a vital part of the business in the provider’s hands. The more feedback you get, the better your business can deliver a superior service. It’s as simple as that.

Steer away from IT solution providers who won’t spend time listening to your problems. A reliable managed service provider will design a customized plan covering all aspects of your IT needs. Such as protecting from ransomware and data losses, with the needed antivirus software. They will handle everything from scratch through finalization and ongoing support.

Consider a solution provider willing to spend time getting to know you and your business. A provider who asks questions and interviews you is more likely to design a lasting solution addressing your needs. The perfect IT solution will be tailored to suit your business, empowering you to fulfill and exceed your goals.

At Protected Harbor, we listen to our clients; we consider them our partners and are here to delight them. All of our Technology Improvement Plans (TIP) work on the 3A principle- Attend, Assess and Apply. We listen to customers’ problems, match them to our ability, and provide a solution explicitly crafted for them. This is how we have built long-term relationships with our customers.

With Protected Harbor, you can expect superior system performance and uptime. We specialize in remote desktops, data breach protection, secure servers, application outage avoidance, system monitoring, network firewalls, and cloud services. For quality IT solutions, contact Protected Harbor today.