If you notice these signs, our smartphone has been compromised.

Your Smartphone Has Been Hacked If you Notice These Signs Banner

Your Smartphone Has Been Hacked If You Notice These Signs

Your smartphone is your constant companion. It’s your source of information, entertainment, and social interaction, all in one small device. Most people check their phones at least 20 times a day, which makes them an attractive target for hackers and cybercriminals.

However, security features on most smartphones have made it pretty tricky for hackers to break through and take control of the device without you knowing about it. That doesn’t mean you can let your guard down or give hackers any opportunity to breach your phone’s security measures.

It will help if you remain diligent in keeping from being hacked. If you see any signs indicating that you have been hacked, take action quickly before it has a chance to do further damage to your data and access more personal information.


What causes this to happen in the first place?

To hack into your phone, a person doesn’t necessarily need to be a hacker. While you’re sleeping, someone may bring your phone up to your face and unlock it. With only this one action, they can look through your smartphone secretly.

There is also software that accomplishes the task. Stalkerware is intended to follow you using your location, call logs, messages, photos, browsing history, and other methods. Behind another app that appears to be unimportant, this malware may be disguised.

Your phone may become infected by malicious links and files without your knowledge. Even seemingly innocent PDF files can contain dangerous information. Because of this, it’s crucial to click with caution.

How about apps? Unreliable downloads may mimic well-known applications or attempt to con you into downloading and using them. When you do this, malware is installed on your phone.

There is also a much more focused technique known as SIM swapping. The criminal disconnects your previous connection and transfers everything to the criminal’s device by calling your phone company, pretending to be you, and asking for a new SIM card.


Your-Smartphone-Has-Been-Hacked-If-you-Notice-These-Signs Middle

Signs to Look Out For

How can you tell if your phone has been compromised? Here are some warning signs:

  • Your phone is being slowed down by too many processes operating at once, or it can just be malware using up many resources as the sole offender. Your phone may become heated as a result of this.
  • Your battery is depleting significantly more quickly than usual.
  • Significant increases in data usage may be a symptom of malware like adware that operates covertly.
  • Spammy pop-ups clearly indicate that a malicious program has been installed on your phone.
  • Malware can cause your internet to slow down by diverting your traffic to risky servers or simply using up all of your capacity to steal more data from you or target other people.
  • Off your phone, there may be some indications, such as emails you don’t recall sending or odd social media posts.

Tap or click here for Top 5 Email Scams You Need to Look Out for This Month.


How to stop hackers from getting onto your Smartphone?

A little work can go a long way in preventing malware and hackers from accessing your phone.

  • To start, always maintain your phone’s security patches and updates. 
  • Turn on two-factor authentication for each account that supports it. Read our comprehensive 2FA guide.
  • Avoid clicking on shady or uninvited links. This includes emails, internet adverts, and messages from friends.
  • Keep in mind that your home or business network is neither secure. For advice on how to secure it to keep snoops and bad guys out, tap or click here.


Take action right away if you discover any of these indicators that you’ve been hacked so the hacker can’t access more of your data or cause more damage. Your first step should be to power off your device and change your passwords, especially for social media accounts. Next, report the breach to your phone carrier and contact customer support to see what they can do to help. Finally, clean up your phone and make sure to keep your device protected in the future to avoid being hacked in the future.

Protected Harbor provides mobile security, data security, and identity protection. These services protect your company’s data, sensitive information, and valuable assets from cyber threats. In addition, we provide you with email and web security that blocks malicious content and stops data leaks. Our advanced threat protection gives you real-time protection against malware, ransomware, and other cyber threats. We also provide an integrated security operations center to monitor your network and devices, giving you complete peace of mind.

You can also contact our support team with questions or issues, and they’ll get back to you as soon as possible. With Protected Harbor, you can be sure that your company’s data is safe. So what are you waiting for? Secure your devices and network today! Contact us now.

5 ways to secure your enterprise mobile app

5 ways to secure your enterprise mobile app


5 ways to secure your enterprise mobile app

ways-to-secure-your-enterprise-mobile-appNowadays, there is a substantial increase in the usage of mobile applications and the exponential growth of internet-connected devices in enterprises. Generally, Enterprise mobile applications foster workers and processes by allowing mobile computing across wireless networks and mobile devices. Enterprise mobile applications are considered emerging technology but can be challenging for organizations.

With the advancement in digital technologies, cyber threats have also increased. Cybercriminals are constantly searching to find vulnerabilities in a company’s IT infrastructure. There can be some loopholes within an application that may lead to the infiltration of hackers. To protect your business, it’s necessary to have the top-notch security of your mobile application. This article will discuss ways to secure your enterprise mobile application.

What is an enterprise mobile application?

An enterprise application is a program that can help to improve certain aspects of an enterprise. For instance, it can help to automate the company’s repetitive tasks and with the company’s communication. These applications are used in the context of mobile apps brought/created by individual organizations for their employees to carry out operations required to run the organization. An enterprise application is expected to be used by the employees of that organization only.

If you have been keeping up with the news, you must hear about the ongoing issues regarding cyber threats. It includes hackers and malicious individuals who steal or exploit sensitive information from enterprises for their profit. They perform this by infiltrating the system through the entry point and Enterprise mobile applications. We’ll see how an organization can protect these Enterprise mobile applications. But first, let’s see some of the common reasons that can compromise security.

Common reasons that can compromise mobile app security

ways-to-secure-your-enterprise-mobile-app1Many reasons can compromise security in enterprise mobile applications. Hackers can find loopholes in your application due to the lack of security knowledge in a new language or technology and a small security budget. Here are some common reasons that could allow hackers to get into the application and insecure your organization and your user’s data.

  • Lack of secure data storage
  • Missing authentication
  • Bad encryption
  • Weak server-side security controls
  • Absence of binary protection techniques
  • Malicious code on the client-side
  • Weak implementation of hidden fields

As advanced technologies exist, attackers try to invent new ways to breach. The critical aspect is creating, using, and implementing a secure environment for applications. Let’s discuss some tips to secure enterprise mobile applications.

5 ways to secure your enterprise mobile application

Here are the approaches that you can use as best practices to protect your mobile applications and sensitive enterprise data.

1. Harden the endpoint- Mobile application security starts with the device, and every mobile operating system from Android to iOS requires a different approach to harden the device. Recent iOS and Android vulnerabilities have exposed mobile users to attacks, such as XcodeGhost and Stagefright. Apart from mobile OS flaws, IT must take on a never-ending succession of app fixes and updates. IT administrators should check mobile devices and applications and ensure that the latest updates and patches have been applied to protect mobile applications from hackers.

The most effective method to manage iOS devices is through an enterprise mobile management (EMM) or mobile device management (MDM) product or devices. The relatively lower prices of Android devices make them critical to global organizations. The Android version you should use in an enterprise is Android for Work (A4W). It encrypts the device and separates professional and personal applications into two different profiles.

2. App authentication

Implement multi-factor authentication to prevent unauthorized access and malware attacks. The three essential factors for authentication are

  • something a user knows, such as a PIN or a password.
  • something a user has, such as a smart device.
  • something a user is, such as a fingerprint.

The proper authorization and authentication measures can help the application know who the user is and validate them before sharing the data. It adds a security layer within the application along the login process. Apart from using strong authentication processes, it’s recommended to use Single Sign-On (SSO) to protect your applications. This technique helps users sign in to different applications using a single password.

3. App Wrapping

It’s a mobile application management strategy allowing developers to add an extra security layer to applications. Adding the extra security layer doesn’t change the application’s core functionality. It helps to protect business data without changing the functionality and look of the application. The app wrapping procedure requires a thorough knowledge of application SDK so that the admin can deploy an API using which the policies can be set. The elements that ensure the security of an application include copy/paste protection, corporate authentication, data wipe, jailbreak detection, and application-level VPN runtime integrity check.

4. Strengthening the operating system

During the development phase, strengthening the operating system can reduce security-related issues. Application developers should understand how apps can be deployed and updated for each mobile operating system and the distribution rules imposed by each app store and manufacturer. These rules have mobile data security implications; all mobile operating systems require apps to be signed but differ based on who issues the signing certificate and how that impacts the application permissions. The best practice is to educate developers. For an app development company, it is required to consider and follow robust security guidelines.

5. Encrypt mobile applications and servers

With threats like man-in-the-middle attacks and snooping attacks over cellular or WiFi networks, IT administrators should ensure that all communication between app servers and mobile applications is encrypted. Robust encryption that uses 4096-bit SSL and session-based key exchanges can prevent the most determined attackers from decrypting communications.

Moreover, OT should confirm that data at rest is also encrypted. Network and device encryption prevents data and security breaches and eventually improves applications’ security. There is a need to ensure that the application goes through two security checks, Static Application Security Test (SAST) and Dynamic Application Security Test (DAST).

Final Words

This article has discussed a few best practices to secure enterprise mobile applications. Therefore, an organization should understand the evolving state of cybersecurity and mobility while implementing security tips to protect their applications and data. If you are looking for the best solution to protect your application and data, Protected Harbor is highly recommended to bring value to your business. With our expert tech team, we strive to satisfy our clients. Modern-age solutions include 99.99% downtime, remote monitoring, protected phones, desktops, and cybersecurity. Take the step forward and move towards a safer future with Protected Harbor today!

Native enterprise application development’s quick uptake

the rapid adoption of native enterprise application development


The Rapid Adoption of Native Enterprise Application Development

native enterprise applicationIn today’s modern era, enterprises need to optimize the application cycle. It helps them keep up with consumer expectations, speed the pace of innovation, and keep business operations agile. Cloud-native application development enables organizations to take advantage of the cloud by delivering faster time to market, improved flexibility, increased scalability, and better consumer experience while reducing cost.

With hybrid app development, developers can promptly augment applications without disrupting functionality or delaying delivery by leveraging independent components, known as microservices, that break down large monolithic apps into smaller ones. However, getting started with cloud-native applications requires a few strategies. We’ll discuss those strategies in this article, but let’s first learn about enterprise app development.

Enterprise app development

Enterprise app development is defined as a complex procedure of creating business applications. These procedures are customized for crucial business requirements. Enterprise applications can be deployed on the cloud on different platforms across the intranet and corporate networks. These applications make employees more productive by streamlining or automating low-level manual tasks. It will allow your staff to focus on higher value and more fulfilling work.

Cloud-native enterprise application development

Cloud-native applications are deployed and hosted in the cloud and are designed to take advantage of the inherent characteristics of the cloud computing software delivery model. A native application is a software developed to be used on a particular platform or device. Native enterprise applications use a microservice architecture. This architecture efficiently allocates resources to all services used by the application, making it adaptable and flexible to a cloud architecture.

businesses-rapidly-adopting-native-enterpriseStrategies for application development

While creating a cloud-native application, developers should follow these strategies.

  1. Follow the microservices architecture method

Break down your application into microservices allowing automated, incremental, and continuous improvement without causing any downtime.

  1. Rely on containers for maximum scalability and flexibility

Containers package software with all the dependencies and code in one place, allowing software to run anywhere. It enables maximum portability and flexibility in a hybrid-multi cloud environment. Containers enable fast scaling with the Kubernetes container defined by the user.

  1. Adopt an agile methodology

The agile approach speeds up the creation and optimization process. Developers can instantly iterate updates depending on the user feedback, enabling the working application version to match users’ expectations.

Best practices to implement cloud-native application development

Enterprises can reap the full advantage of cloud-native application development by executing the following best practices.

  1. Achieve workflow and infrastructure automation
  2. Segregate monolithic apps into loosely coupled microservices
  3. Store infrastructure as a code in an efficient version control system
  4. Implement efficient CI/CD pipelines
  5. Implement DevOps approaches and processes.

Challenges with the rapid adoption of cloud-native application development

Where cloud technology has a lot of benefits, it also comes with some challenges. Here are some of the challenges enterprises can face while rapidly adopting cloud-native application development.

  • Due to the intense competition and market pressure, enterprises may face significant challenges in adopting new initiatives while achieving incredible business velocity.
  • Most open-source technologies are not built to ensure interoperability right from the beginning, and efforts to bring together various disparate solutions from the cloud-native environment can be complex and full of challenges.
  • Most open-source technologies don’t have well-defined architecture standards or best practices. Therefore, implementing these solutions and technologies for enterprise application development can be a considerable business risk. Cloud cost optimization is also a challenge for small to medium-scale companies.
  • These technologies may have a minimal pool of resources, while organizations require the right technical services and support to operate effectively. However, with limited options, the complexities of long-term success can become a huge barrier.

Final words

Cloud-native enterprise application development is essential for digital transformation and innovation. Companies adopting cloud-native application development observe a remarkable increase in scalability, productivity, and efficiency while improving user experience.

Native enterprise application development is quickly becoming the go-to solution for businesses. By developing applications in-house, companies can ensure that they meet all of their specific needs. However, businesses need a reliable and scalable cloud infrastructure to develop applications in-house. The top cloud service providers can only offer enterprises a fraction of what they need. Compromise on nothing, partner with Protected Harbor today, ensuring 99.99% uptime, remote monitoring, 24×7 tech support, data backup, recovery, etc.

What is IoT? Everything you need to know.

what is iot everything you need to know

What is IoT? Everything you need to know

Kevin Ashton created the term “Internet of Things,” or IoT, in 1999. However, it wasn’t until Gartner added IoT to its list of new emerging technologies in 2011 that it began to acquire traction on a worldwide scale. There will be 21.7 billion active connected devices globally by 2021, with IoT devices accounting for more than 11.7 billion (54 percent). This means that there are more IoT devices than non-IoT devices globally.

The Internet of Things impacts everyday life in various ways, including connected vehicles, virtual assistants, intelligent refrigerators, and intelligent robotics. But what exactly does the phrase imply? What are some of the benefits and challenges of the Internet of Things?

What is IoT?

The term “Internet of Things” is abbreviated as “IoT.” It refers to network-enabled devices and smart objects that have been given unique identities and are connected to the Internet so that they can communicate with one another, accept orders, and share with their owners; for example, when the butter in the intelligent refrigerator runs out, a grocery list may be updated. In a nutshell, this is the process of connecting items or machines. Simple domestic appliances to industrial instruments are among the networked devices that can be used.

Applications can be automated, and activities can be conducted or finished without human participation, thanks to the Internet of Things. Smart objects are internet-connected items. More than 7 billion IoT devices are currently connected, with analysts predicting that this number will climb to 22 billion by 2025.

How does IoT work?

An IoT ecosystem comprises web-enabled smart devices that gather, send, and act on data from their surroundings using embedded systems such as CPUs, sensors, and communication hardware. By connecting to an IoT gateway or other edge device, IoT devices can share sensor data that is routed to the cloud for analysis or examined locally. These devices may communicate with one another and occasionally act on the information they receive. Although individuals can use devices to set them up, give them instructions, or retrieve data, the gadgets do most of the work without human participation.

In a nutshell, the Internet of Things operates as follows:

  • Sensors, for example, are part of the hardware that collects data about devices.
  • The data collected by the sensors is then shared and combined with software via the cloud.
  • After that, the software analyzes the data and sends it to users via an app or a website.

Why is the Internet of Things (IoT) important?

The Internet of Things (IoT) has quickly become one of the most essential technologies of the twenty-first century. Now that we can connect common objects to the internet via embedded devices, such as mobile phones, cars/trucks, and healthcare devices, seamless communication between people, processes, and things are conceivable.

Thanks to low-cost computers, the cloud, big data, analytics, and mobile technologies, material things can share and collect data with minimal human interaction. Digital systems can record, monitor, and alter interactions between related stuff in today’s hyper-connected environment. The physical and digital worlds collide, but they work together.

What is the Industrial Internet of Things, and how does it work?

The usage of IoT technology in a corporate setting is referred to as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), the fourth industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0. The concept is similar to that of consumer IoT devices in the house. Still, the goal here is to analyze and optimize industrial processes using a combination of sensors, wireless networks, big data, AI, and analytics.

With just-in-time delivery of supplies and production management from start to finish, the impact may be considerably higher if implemented across a complete supply chain rather than just individual enterprises. Increased labor efficiency and cost savings are two possible goals, but the IIoT can also open up new revenue streams for organizations; manufacturers can also provide predictive engine maintenance instead of only selling a solitary product, such as an engine.

internet of things

What are the benefits of using IoT?

The Internet of Things has made it possible for the physical and digital worlds to collaborate and communicate. It provides several advantages to businesses by automating and simplifying their daily operations.

Companies exploit the vast business value that IoT can offer as it grows dramatically year after year. Here are a few of the most significant advantages of IoT:

  • To develop new revenue streams and business models
  • Using data-driven insights from IoT data to enhance business choices
  • To make corporate operations more productive and efficient.
  • To make the customer experience better

Even though the economic impacts of the COVID-19 epidemic have had a substantial influence on global IoT spending, an IDC report shows that it will grow at a CAGR of 11.3 percent from 2020 to 2024.

What are the challenges in IoT?

The Internet of Things (IoT) has quickly become an integral component of how people live, interact, and conduct business. Web-enabled devices are transforming our worldwide rights into a more switched-on location to live in all over the planet. The Internet of Things faces a variety of challenges.

IoT security challenges:

  1. Lack of encryption – While encryption is a terrific way to keep hackers out of your data, it’s also one of the most common IoT security issues.
    These drives have the same storage and processing capability as a conventional computer.
    As a result, there has been an increase in attacks in which hackers manipulated the algorithms to protect people.
  2. Inadequate testing and upgrading — As the number of IoT (internet of things) devices grows, IoT manufacturers are more eager to build and market their products as rapidly as possible, without much consideration for security. Most of these gadgets and IoT items are not adequately tested or updated, making them vulnerable to hackers and other security risks.
  3. Default passwords and brute-force attacks —
    Nearly all IoT devices are vulnerable to password hacking and brute force attacks due to weak passwords and login data.
    Any firm that uses factory default credentials on its devices exposes both its business and its assets and its customers and sensitive data to a brute force attack.
  4. IoT Malware and ransomware – As the number of devices grows, the threat of malware and ransomware is made.
    Ransomware exploits encryption to effectively lock people out of numerous devices and platforms while still gaining access to their personal data and information.
    A hacker, for example, can take images using a computer camera.
    Hackers can demand a ransom to unlock the device and return the data by utilizing malware access points.
  5. IoT botnet aimed at cryptocurrency – IoT botnet workers have the ability to change data privacy, which poses a significant risk to an open Crypto market. Malicious hackers could jeopardize the exact value and development of cryptocurrency code.
    Companies working on the blockchain are attempting to improve security. Blockchain technology is not inherently dangerous, but the app development process is.
  6. Data collection and processing – Data is a critical component of IoT development. The processing or usefulness of stored data is more critical in this case.
    Along with security and privacy, development teams must think about how data is acquired, stored, and processed in a given context.


Researchers and developers from all around the world are fascinated by recent breakthroughs in IoT. The developers and researchers collaborate to bring the technology to a broader audience and help society feasible. However, improvements are only achievable if we consider current technical approaches’ many challenges and flaws.

Protected Harbor is a firm believer in IoT and is committed to delivering ultimate solutions for IoT which are secured and protected. With our 24×7 monitoring, 99.99%, and proper security in place, businesses can take full advantage of this ever-growing technology trend.

Unifying security operations and visibility throughout your entire company is becoming increasingly crucial. OT and IoT networks and devices have significant differences. Protected Harbor incorporates unique features and methodologies to consolidate and simplify security operations across these converged infrastructures. Contact us if you’d like to learn more about how we address OT and IoT visibility and security.

How Secure Are VoIP Calls?

How secure are VoIP calls


How Secure Are VoIP Calls?

voip calls

VOIP is a top-rated phone service because it offers many perks over traditional landlines. They’re generally cheaper and more convenient, but are they really any more secure? You should know a few things about VOIP security before making the switch.

VoIP is great for small businesses. Its advanced features allow small businesses to compete with the big boys in customer service. VoIP has many features that will enable your staff to stay connected to your customers in various ways, including missed call texting and automatic call distribution. These features are ideal for any business, especially those that travel frequently. But how safe is your business from hackers when you commit yourself to VoIP?

Why Should Businesses use VOIP?

To keep your VoIP communication secure, you’ll need to protect it from hackers. These hackers can steal confidential information from your network, including customer and employee information. They can also use this information against you – blackmailing you or selling it to your competitors. The same is true for the internet. In addition to these issues, you should also make sure that your VoIP service provider encrypts all your data with SSL.

For starters, VoIP eliminates long-distance charges from your communication bill. Because VoIP uses the Internet, you won’t pay extra to call long-distance. Just like your ISP won’t charge you for visiting websites from around the world. Compared to the traditional circuit-switched telephone network, VoIP calls are 60 percent cheaper. International calls are 90 percent cheaper. And with fewer phone lines, your company’s infrastructure can also grow. This makes VoIP the best choice for businesses in a growing economy. In addition to lower costs, it’s easier to manage. You can set up and operate your phone network with a single service without hassles.

Because VoIP allows you to work from any device, your staff can use the same number from anywhere in the world. The same software is used in call centers so that telecommuting employees can work from their home computers. Employees can use their phones in the office or on the road. If you need to reach a large group of people, VoIP is a great option. You can even use VoIP for a small team, and you won’t have to worry about the quality of the call. With the flexibility that VoIP gives you, your staff will work more efficiently.

Furthermore, they can make important business calls from anywhere. Your mobile devices can connect to your VoIP provider over a hotspot with VoIP. This means you can stay connected even when you’re out and about. It’s one of the best ways to save money. It’s also easy to manage.

How secure is VoIP?

As businesses embrace cost-saving VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology, they must also address its limitations. Suppose you’re working with sensitive information, such as private client data or intellectual property. In that case, you need to know that the method of communication you choose will protect your data and keep it private.

The security of a VoIP call depends on the network it’s travelling over. The two most prominent protocols in use today are SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) and H.323. But, as always, the devil is in the details. To signal and govern interactive communication sessions, the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is employed. Voice, video, chat, instant messaging, interactive games, and virtual reality are possibilities for such interactions. H.323 is an ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) guideline that specifies protocols for audio-visual (A/V) communication sessions across all packet networks.

Is VOIP Cyber-secure?

First of all, it’s essential to consider the source of your VoIP. Are you using a public WiFi connection? If so, it’s possible that hackers could hack into your network. And if you’re using a secure office connection, your data could be compromised. You should also check whether the provider’s IT infrastructure is protected against different types of network attacks. Ultimately, the answer to that question will affect the security of your calls.

Another way to increase your VoIP security is to keep your VoIP network updated. Most VoIP phones offer a default password for their users. You’ll want to change this to something more complex. For instance, you should set a password at least ten characters long. You can also add extra security measures like firewalls and VPNs to your VoIP network. These steps will significantly improve the security of your network. Just check for updates and make sure they’re running the latest versions of this software.

VoIP Encryption

Voice encryption is an important and necessary measure. It prevents hacker access to your call information and encrypts the content of your call. Advanced encryption is also used to protect your call information from hackers. SRTP is a protocol that applies the Advanced Encryption Standard to data packets. It offers message authentication and additional protection against replay attacks. (For more information, visit https://securevoipcalls.org)

SRTP (Secure Real-time Transport Protocol) is a security protocol that protects the contents of voice calls. It is an important security measure, as SRTP adds message authentication to protect sensitive company data. Moreover, if your employees steal confidential company data, a phreaking attack can be a significant security risk. Encrypting and adding layers of security is the only option. Therefore partnering with a VoIP service provider could be a viable option.

You might think that VOIP calls are not secure and could be intercepted by a third party listening to what you are saying. However, encryption is often used to protect data as it travels on the internet, including VOIP services such as Skype and FaceTime. While encryption cannot guarantee that no one will listen in, it will make it much harder without some very sophisticated equipment and software. The most common protection is through 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption. This is used by Apple, Microsoft, and some other tech giants.


VoIP has proved some high-level security features leaving many to believe that it can be safe for business discussions and non-sensitive conversations. However, this is not always the case. Improperly using your phone can allow eavesdroppers to listen in on your conversation. Suppose you would like to remain secure while using VOIP, but if you want the value of VOIP and are still unsure about the security, there are always extra steps you can take to increase safety, connectivity, and reliability.

All VOIP providers will create a unified VoIP solution that is easy to use at a lower cost than traditional business phone systems. Next-level providers know how to take it a step further. Ensure your business VoIP service is connected throughout your business phone, video conferencing, employee cell phones, customer service chats, and your employee’s remote workstations. Additionally, these providers offer accurate managed phone services, including advanced technology and cybersecurity solutions.

For instance, at Protected Harbor, we give each client a dedicated VoIP phone system and their VoIP server within our data center that we own. They are managed, programmed, and monitored by Protected Harbor full-time engineers allowing us to avoid outages before they happen and instantly modify systems and setting for optimal use.

Protected phones by Protected Harbor is one of the best unified VoIP solutions providers. High-quality, low price, and easy-to-use services have made it incredibly popular among consumers. But that’s not it; features like Live 24×7 support, dedicated remote system, highly configurable, and SIP forking make it the ultimate choice over the VoIP providers. Experience the quality yourself; book a call now.

Protected Harbor’s New PBX Phone System

Protected Harbor’s New PBX Phone System


Protected Harbor’s New PBX Phone System


Protected Harbor is proud to introduce a state of the art phone system 3CX.  It is available to all our current clients and anyone in the market looking to upgrade their current set up.  Protected Harbor partnered with 3CX, and provides system configuration and support.

The benefits of this new phone system are plentiful, starting with the end-user being in complete control.  This PBX can be installed on-premise and virtualized on a Linux or Windows platform.   It is easily set up via iOS and Android apps for remote work via QR code.  Staff can easily be added, and voicemail can be set up in minutes.  The user management is simple and easy which will save countless hours of work.

The biggest benefit perhaps, of our system is that it has a softphone so you can make and receive business calls from your PC, tablet or smartphone.  There is no need to be tied to a hard physical phone in your office.  It’s perfect for businesses that have employees working from home during COVID-19.

Moreover, many of the phone features that other vendors classify as add-ons, such as video conferencing, iOS and Android mobile apps or call center features, are included with Protected Harbor’s PBX. So, there are no hidden costs for the features you need.

Switching to this configuration makes complete sense when you compare pricing to that of other PBX vendors such as 8×8 and Avaya. Our system provides a complete unified communications solution that is easy to manage, flexible and affordable. Whether you are a small business or a large enterprise, you can save thousands and avoid all the hassle of purchasing additional extensions and add-ons as your business grows.

Think less about maintaining your PBX, and more about your business – call or email us today to find out more about Protected Harbor’s new phone system! www.protectedharbor.com