How To Reduce Your Cloud Computing Costs


How To Reduce Your Cloud Computing Costs

Cloud computing has revolutionized businesses’ operations, offering unparalleled scalability, flexibility, and efficiency. However, as organizations increasingly rely on cloud services, managing and optimizing the associated costs becomes crucial. Cloud computing costs can quickly escalate if left unchecked, impacting the overall budget and profitability.

This blog post will explore practical strategies to reduce cloud computing costs without compromising performance or functionality. By implementing these cost optimization techniques, you can unlock significant savings and allocate resources more efficiently, allowing your organization to maximize its cloud investment.

Join us as we delve into cloud cost optimization, empowering you to take control of your cloud expenses and optimize your cloud infrastructure for enhanced financial sustainability. Let’s get started on your journey toward a more cost-efficient cloud environment.


Mastering Cost Efficiency

Leveraging cloud computing services has become an indispensable aspect of business operations. However, while the benefits of scalability, flexibility, and accessibility are undeniable, cloud costs can quickly spiral out of control if not managed effectively. With the increasing adoption of cloud migration services and cloud-managed services, optimizing expenditure has become a top priority for organizations.

To curb expenses without compromising performance, businesses can implement several cost-saving strategies. Firstly, conducting regular audits of cloud usage to identify underutilized resources and rightsizing them accordingly can yield significant savings. Additionally, taking advantage of reserved instances and utilizing spot instances for non-critical workloads can result in substantial cost reductions.

Moreover, implementing automation and resource scheduling tools can help optimize usage patterns and minimize idle time, further driving down expenses. Furthermore, exploring different pricing models offered by cloud providers and leveraging discounts through long-term commitments can provide additional cost benefits.

By adopting a proactive approach to cost management and continually evaluating and optimizing cloud expenditure, businesses can achieve significant savings while maximizing the benefits of cloud computing services.


1. Evaluate your Current Cloud Usage and Costs

Before effectively reducing your cloud computing costs, evaluating your current cloud usage and costs is important. Start by assessing your cloud infrastructure and services, reviewing your architecture, and identifying unused or underutilized resources that can be downsized or terminated. Analyze workload patterns to optimize resource allocation and avoid overprovisioning.

Review your cloud provider’s billing and usage reports to understand cost breakdowns and usage patterns. Identify cost drivers and areas where costs can be optimized, such as evaluating service levels, eliminating idle resources, and considering geographical placement for competitive pricing.

Conducting a comprehensive evaluation will provide insights into cost optimization opportunities, serving as the foundation for implementing targeted strategies to reduce cloud computing expenses.


2. Utilize Cost Management Tools and Features

Utilizing your cloud provider’s cost management tools and features is essential to effectively reduce your cloud computing costs. Native cloud provider tools offer valuable insights, monitoring capabilities, and optimization recommendations.

Use cost monitoring and analysis dashboards to track spending patterns and identify outliers. Set up budget thresholds and alerts to proactively manage costs and avoid unexpected overages. Additionally, leverage the cost optimization recommendations provided by your cloud provider, which may include rightsizing instances, utilizing reserved models or savings plans, and exploring spot instances.

Consider exploring third-party cost optimization tools that specialize in cloud cost management. These tools provide advanced analytics, forecasting, and automation capabilities, enabling you to optimize resource allocation and automate cost control measures.

By utilizing these tools effectively, you can gain better visibility into your cloud costs and identify opportunities for optimization, ultimately leading to significant cost savings.


3. Optimize Resource Allocation

To reduce cloud computing costs, optimizing resource allocation is crucial. One way to achieve this is by right-sizing your cloud instances. Evaluate the specific performance requirements of your applications and choose instance types that meet those needs without unnecessary overprovisioning. Monitor resource utilization and downsize or reconfigure instances that consistently operate below capacity—additionally, leverage instance families your cloud provider offers to select the most cost-effective options.

Another strategy is to utilize auto-scaling capabilities. Understand the workload patterns of your applications and set up auto-scaling rules based on metrics like CPU utilization or network traffic. This allows resources to be automatically scaled up during peak times and scaled down during off-peak periods, ensuring efficient resource allocation.

Consider implementing serverless architecture by migrating parts of your applications to serverless services. With serverless computing, resources are allocated based on actual usage, eliminating the need for constant provisioning and management of infrastructure. By optimizing resource allocation through right-sizing, auto-scaling, and serverless architecture, you can achieve cost savings by efficiently matching resources to workload demands.


4. Optimize Storage and Data Transfer Costs

To optimize storage and data transfer costs in your cloud computing environment, there are several strategies you can implement. Start by evaluating storage options and selecting the appropriate storage class based on your data access patterns and retrieval needs. Implement data lifecycle management to automatically transition infrequently accessed data to lower-cost storage tiers or archive options.

Optimize storage usage by regularly removing or archiving unnecessary data and utilizing compression and deduplication techniques to reduce storage consumption. Minimize data transfer costs by leveraging content delivery networks (CDNs) to cache and deliver frequently accessed content closer to end-users.

Optimize data transfer methods using efficient transfer techniques such as bulk transfers or incremental backups. Take advantage of cloud provider pricing tiers and select the most cost-effective options for data transfer based on volume and distance.

By implementing these strategies, you can optimize storage and data transfer costs, significantly saving your cloud computing expenses.


How-to-reduce-your-cloud-computing-costs-Middle-image5. Implement Cost-saving Strategies

You can adopt several effective techniques to implement cost-saving strategies in your cloud computing environment. Start by utilizing Reserved Instances (RIs) or Savings Plans for workloads with stable usage patterns, which offer significant cost savings compared to On-Demand instances.

Optimize containerization and orchestration by leveraging technologies like Docker and Kubernetes, and implement auto-scaling policies for containers to allocate resources efficiently. Embrace serverless computing for suitable workloads, reducing costs by eliminating infrastructure provisioning and optimizing function execution time and memory usage.

Additionally, implement cost-aware application design by utilizing caching mechanisms, optimizing data storage and retrieval, and continuously monitoring and optimizing your cloud usage through cost and usage reports.

By establishing cost governance measures and regularly reassessing and adjusting your strategies, you can achieve sustained cost savings while maintaining optimal performance in your cloud computing environment.


Optimize Cloud Cost with Protected Harbor’s Advanced Cloud Services

Reducing cloud computing costs is essential to optimizing your cloud environment. You can achieve significant savings while maintaining performance and functionality by evaluating your current cloud usage and costs, utilizing cost management tools, optimizing resource allocation, and implementing cost-saving strategies.

Regarding cloud service providers in the US, Protected Harbor stands out as a top choice, recognized by Goodfirms. As a leading provider, they offer a range of features that enhance cost efficiency and overall cloud management. Some notable features of Protected Harbor include:

  1. Advanced Cost Management: Protected Harbor provides robust cost management tools and dashboards that offer comprehensive insights into your cloud spending. This enables you to track costs, set budget thresholds, and implement proactive cost-saving measures.
  2. Flexible Pricing Options: Protected Harbor offers flexible pricing options, including pay-as-you-go models, Reserved Instances, and Savings Plans. This lets you choose the most cost-effective pricing model based on your workload requirements and budget.
  3. Cost Optimization Recommendations: Protected Harbor provides intelligent recommendations for optimizing costs, such as rightsizing instances, leveraging spot instances, and identifying underutilized resources. These recommendations help you make informed decisions to maximize cost savings.
  4. Comprehensive Security and Compliance: Protected Harbor prioritizes security and compliance, protecting your data and applications. They offer robust security measures, including data encryption, identity and access management, and compliance certifications, such as ISO 27001 and SOC 2.

With Protected Harbor’s reliable services and cost optimization features, you can effectively reduce your cloud computing costs while enjoying top-notch security and performance.

Ready to optimize your cloud costs and enhance your cloud management with Protected Harbor? Take the next step and sign up for our cloud migration services today!


The Challenges of Public Virtual Hosting

The Challenges of Public Virtual Hosting 16 March Banner

The Challenges of Public Virtual Hosting

Public virtual hosting is a web hosting service where multiple websites share a single server and its resources, including its IP address. Each website is assigned a unique domain name, which is used to differentiate it from other sites sharing the same server.

With public virtual hosting, the hosting company manages the server, including its maintenance and security, allowing website owners to focus on their content and business needs. This type of hosting is often a cost-effective solution for small to medium-sized businesses or individuals who do not require the resources of a dedicated server.

Certainly, while public virtual hosting can be a cost-effective and convenient option for many businesses, some challenges and drawbacks should be considered. In this blog, we’ll learn about them.


Moving to the cloud often becomes more expensive than originally expected. Why?

Public virtual hosting can be an affordable way for businesses to host their website or application, but there are some reasons why it can become expensive. Here are some of the most common reasons:

Resource Usage: Public virtual hosting plans typically have limits on the amount of resources you can use, such as CPU, RAM, and storage. If your website or application uses a lot of resources, you may need to upgrade to a more expensive plan that offers more resources.

Traffic: Public virtual hosting providers often charge based on the amount of traffic your website or application receives. If you experience a sudden increase in traffic, your hosting costs could go up unexpectedly.

Add-On Services: Hosting providers may offer additional services such as SSL certificates, backups, or domain registration, which can add to the overall cost of hosting.

Technical Support: Some hosting providers charge extra for technical support or only offer it as an add-on service. If you need technical support, you may need to pay extra for it.

 Upgrades: If you need to upgrade your hosting plan to get more resources or better performance, you may need to pay more than you expected.

Security: Some hosting providers charge extra for security features like firewalls or malware scanning. If you need these features, you may need to pay extra for them.

Renewals: Hosting providers may offer introductory pricing for new customers, but the price may go up significantly when you renew your plan.There are also some surprise costs that most companies don’t expect when using public virtual hosting. Here are a few examples:The-Challenges-of-Public-Virtual-Hosting-16-March-Middle

Overages: If you exceed the resource limits of your hosting plan, you may be charged for overages. This can be especially expensive if you don’t monitor your resource usage closely.

Migration: If you need to migrate your website or application to a new hosting provider, there may be costs associated with the migration, such as hiring a developer to help with the migration or paying for a migration tool.

Downtime: If your website or application experiences downtime due to server issues or maintenance, it can be costly in terms of lost revenue or customer trust.

Bandwidth overages: If your website or application uses a lot of bandwidth, you may be charged for overages. This can be especially expensive if you serve a lot of media files or have high traffic volumes.

Hidden Fees: Some hosting providers may have hidden fees that take time to be obvious when you sign up for a plan. For example, you may be charged for backups or access to the control panel.

To avoid these surprising costs, it’s important to carefully review the hosting provider’s pricing and terms of service before signing up for a plan. You should also monitor your resource usage closely and be aware of any potential overages or additional fees.

Public virtual hosting can be a cost-effective option for businesses, but there are some reasons why it can become expensive. Resource usage, traffic, add-on services, technical support, upgrades, and security are all factors that can contribute to the overall cost of hosting. Additionally, there are some surprise costs that most companies don’t expect, such as overages, migration costs, downtime, bandwidth overages, and hidden fees. By being aware of these costs and monitoring your resource usage closely, you can minimize your hosting expenses and avoid unexpected surprises.

Is the Cloud Answer to Everything?

Is the Cloud Answer to Everything?

The cloud is a popular topic, with big and small organizations looking at cloud solutions to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and accelerate new projects. A recent survey found that 66% of businesses currently use the cloud in some capacity. But is it the answer to everything? Is the cloud the best option for your business? The quick answer is No! – but there’s more to it than that. Read on to find out if the cloud is right for you and your business or if another solution might suit you better.

We are excited to bring you another much-requested video on our series Uptime with Richard Luna. We are discussing Cloud and Is the Cloud answer all your problems. Watch the video to understand it in detail.


Why the Cloud is Such a Big Deal

If you think back to when you were a child, the internet probably wouldn’t have even been on your radar. It’s only been around for a few decades, so it’s not surprising that it’s still such a new concept, even though it’s become a massive part of our daily lives.

When you hear the word cloud, what do you think? Most people think of a massive server that holds all the data for an organization, storing it in a remote location. This is an oversimplification, but it gets the point across. As a business owner, you need to know what the cloud means and what it could mean for your organization.

For a good reason, the cloud has become a massive trend in recent years. It offers various benefits that traditional on-premises solutions cannot match. Hybrid cloud solutions, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS) are just some examples of cloud offerings available to businesses. One of the significant advantages of cloud computing is the flexibility it provides. Businesses can choose between public and private clouds or even create multi-cloud environments that utilize multiple clouds to meet their specific needs.

Cloud solutions like IBM Cloud, and Protected Harbor Cloud can simplify management and reduce overhead costs, as businesses no longer have to worry about maintaining and upgrading their hardware or operating systems. Moreover, businesses can quickly scale up or down their resources as required with the cloud, making it a more cost-effective solution. These and other benefits of cloud computing have made it an attractive option for businesses of all sizes and industries.


Is the Cloud Right for You?

Whether or not the cloud is right for you depends on your business, needs, and how it aligns with your goals and vision for the future. If you’re unsure if the cloud is the right solution, consider the following questions: Is your organization ready for a significant change or transformation? Do you have a reliable and secure internet connection? Does your organization have a substantial amount of data? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, the cloud might be your ideal solution.

Cloud computing services are viable options for businesses looking to modernize their IT infrastructure. However, choosing the right cloud solution depends on various factors, such as the business’s size, industry, and requirements. For instance, small business owners might benefit more from SaaS offerings that allow them to access the software through the cloud rather than investing in costly hardware and maintenance.

On the other hand, larger companies with complex IT infrastructure might find IaaS or PaaS more suitable, as they offer greater control and customization over the environment. Additionally, businesses with a hybrid cloud architecture, combining on-premises and cloud infrastructure, may require a hybrid cloud infrastructure to ensure seamless integration between the two.

Furthermore, choosing a cloud provider is also critical, and businesses must select a reliable provider such as Alibaba Cloud that offers high availability and scalability. Virtual machines and other computing services provided by the cloud can also be advantageous, allowing businesses to quickly spin up new resources or scale up existing ones to meet their demands. Ultimately, the decision of whether the cloud is right for you depends on your unique business needs and goals.


What Else Should You Be Considering?

While the cloud may be a good fit for your business, there are a few other things you may want to consider before making a decision. What are your security needs? If you’re storing data remotely, you must be confident that it’s secure. Being compliant with government regulations like HIPAA and GDPR is another critical factor. Finally, you’ll also want to consider your budget and ROI. If you don’t have the budget to use a cloud-based solution, you might want to look at other options.



The cloud is a popular solution for many businesses but isn’t the best solution for everyone. No single technology or vendor can be the answer to everything. Cloud providers are trying to solve different problems at different scales. As with any technology, the cloud has its strengths and weaknesses, and it’s essential to understand them before making decisions.

There are many Cloud service providers in the US. Among all, Protected Harbor was one of the top Cloud service providers in the US. Our cloud services include AWS Migration, Office 365 Migration, Google Cloud Migration, Hybrid Cloud, Private Cloud, and Dedicated Cloud Infrastructure.

If you’re still unsure about the Cloud or its features, contact one of our experts immediately. They’ll recommend the best-suited strategy for your business. We are also giving away a free IT Audit to help the company identify its weak points. Keep watching the video for more.

Hidden Costs of the Cloud

Hidden Costs of the Cloud

What You Need to Know‍

The cloud has undoubtedly transformed the way organizations operate.

The cloud offers many benefits, including on-demand resources, scalability, and cost-efficiency. Most businesses nowadays have shifted to either a hybrid or a hybrid private cloud architecture. However, cloud adoption hasn’t been smooth for everyone.

Several hidden costs of the cloud may catch you off guard if you’re not fully aware of them. Understanding these costs is essential to budget accurately for your IT services in the long run.

Welcome to another video in our series Uptime with Richard Luna, where Richard Luna, CEO of Protected Harbor, will discuss the cloud’s actual costs. Below, we will touch on some of the hidden costs of the cloud, how they can impact your business and what you can do about it.


What Are the Hidden Costs of the Cloud?

As we’ve already established, the cloud has some hidden costs that many companies are unaware of. This can affect their budgeting, decision-making, and long-term strategy. Business leaders may alter their entire IT strategy based on these hidden costs. From a financial standpoint, hidden fees can include data transfer, cloud utilization, migration, and business process reengineering costs.

Data Transfer Costs – These are costs associated with transferring data between on-premise resources and cloud-based resources. Depending on where your data is stored, you may have to incur data transfer costs.

Cloud Utilization Costs– Public cloud service providers demand a fee each time a business tries to access its data. Cloud companies are betting on huge demand despite the low fees, which occasionally amount to cents per hour.

Migration Costs – Organizations migrating their applications to the cloud may incur costs for retooling legacy applications for the cloud.

Business Process Reengineering Costs– Organizations occasionally anticipate that a move to the cloud will boost overall functionality and efficiency. However, the reality is any problems that may have existed before a cloud move will persist there. The initial transformation might be finished, but continuous business modifications will still be required, increasing spending.


Understanding Cloud Offerings: Comparing Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services

Regarding cloud offerings, two of the most popular options are Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Amazon Web Services (AWS). Both platforms offer various computing services, including virtual machines, edge locations, and private IP addresses. However, there are some differences to be aware of. For example, GCP offers VPC peering connections that allow customers to connect to their own premises data center.

In contrast, AWS offers Amazon CloudFront, a content delivery network that can speed up website loading times. In terms of data transfer pricing, GCP charges $0.01 per GB, while AWS charges $0.09 per GB for the first 10 TB. It’s important to consider these factors when deciding which platform to migrate to the cloud and any additional data transfer charges that may apply.


Whats the real cost of the cloudPrivate Cloud: A Better Alternative

Richard recommends, “To overcome some of the hidden costs of the cloud, organizations can opt for the private cloud.” A private cloud is an on-premises version of the public cloud where IT organizations control access, security, and the level of scalability.

A private cloud is an isolated environment within your organization’s data center. It has its dedicated hardware, software, networking resources, and other utilities. A private cloud may incur some hidden costs. But these hidden costs are typically less than those of public cloud services.

You can also use a public-private hybrid cloud. This combines a public cloud platform and a private cloud environment. A hybrid cloud is often used to host sensitive information because it’s more secure than a public cloud. You can also host non-sensitive information on a public cloud platform while keeping your critical data private.



Many cloud providers offer their services, but not all are the same. If you want to avoid hidden costs and stay safe, you need to move to a private cloud. This way, you will have complete control over your data without worrying about any unexpected charges. With a private cloud from Protected Harbor, you can optimize your IT investments, avoid data breaches, and save money.

At Protected Harbor, we keep up with the latest technology, continuously invest in our people and infrastructure, and always look for ways to improve. We are experts in cloud implementation, partner with the biggest names in the software industry, and are dedicated to delivering a superior experience for every customer. If you’re looking to opt or migrate to a private or hybrid cloud or even other managed IT services, our experts are there to help you.

Contact us today for a free IT audit and cloud consulting!

Why is cloud cost optimization a business priority?

why is cloud cost optimization a business priority


Why is cloud cost optimization a business priority?

cloud cost optimizationFor businesses leveraging cloud technology, cost optimizations should be a priority. Cloud computing helps organizations boost flexibility, increase agility, improve performance, and provide ongoing cost optimization and scalability opportunities. Users of cloud service providers like Google Cloud, AWS, and Azure should understand the ways to cloud cost optimization. This article will discuss why cloud cost optimization should be a business priority.

What is cloud cost optimization?

Cloud cost optimization reduces the overall cloud expense by right-sizing computing services, identifying mismanaged resources, reserving capacity for high discounts, and eliminating waste. It provides ways to execute applications in the cloud, leveraging cloud services cost-efficiently and providing value to businesses at the lowest possible cost. Cost optimization should be a priority for every organization as it helps maximize business benefits by optimizing their cloud spending.

Here are some of the most common reasons cloud cost optimization is a business priority:

1. Rightsize the computing resources efficiently

AWS cloud support and many other cloud providers offer various instance types suited for different workloads. AWS offers savings plans and reserved instances, allowing users to pay upfront and thus reduce cost. Azure has reserved user discounts, and Google Cloud Platform provides committed user discounts. There are multiple cases where application managers and developers choose incorrect instance sizes and suboptimal instance families, leading to oversized instances. Make sure your company chooses the proper cloud storage that aligns well and is the right fit based on your business requirements.

2. Improves employee’s productivity and performance

When engineers or developers do not need to deal with many features to optimize, they can easily focus on their primary role. Implementing cloud cost optimization can free up the DevOps teams from constantly putting out fires, taking much of their time. Cloud optimization lets you spend most of the time and skills on the right task to mitigate risks and ensure that your services and applications perform well in the cloud.

3. Provides deep insights and visibility

A robust cloud cost optimization strategy affects the overall business performance by bringing more visibility. Cloud expenditures are structured and monitored efficiently to detect unused resources and scale the cost ratio for your business. Cloud cost optimization discovers the underutilized features, resources, and mismanaged tools. Deep insights and visibility reduce unnecessary cloud costs while optimizing cloud utilization. Cloud cost optimization does reduce not only price but also balances cost and performance.

4. Allocate budget efficiently

Cloud cost optimization eliminates the significant roadblocks, such as untagged costs, shared resources, etc. It gives a cohesive view and accurate information about business units, cost centers, products, and roles. It becomes easier for organizations to map their budget and resources accurately with complete financial information. It gives businesses the power to analyze billing data and the ability to charge back by managing resources efficiently.

5. Best practices implementation

Cloud cost optimization provides businesses to apply best practices, such as security, visibility, and accountability. A good cloud optimization process allows organizations to reduce resource wastage, identify risks, plan future strategies efficiently, reduce spending on the cloud, and forecast costs and resource requirements.

Final words

Cloud cost optimization is not a process that can happen overnight. However, it can be introduced and optimized over time. Cloud computing has a lot of potentials, but organizations should pay attention to cost optimization to take full advantage. It’s not a complicated task but requires a disciplined approach to establish good rightsizing habits and drive insights and action using analytics to lower cloud costs.

Enterprises can control expenses, implement good governance, and stay competitive by prioritizing Cloud cost optimization. Cloud costs must be viewed as more than just a cost to be managed. A good cloud cost strategy allows firms to better plan for the future and estimate cost and resource requirements.

Protected Harbor is one of the US’s top IT and cloud services providers. It partners with businesses and provides improved flexibility, productivity, scalability, and cost-control with uncompromised security. Our dedicated team of IT experts takes pride in delivering unique solutions for your satisfaction. We know the cloud is the future. We work with companies to get them there without the hassle; contact us today, move to the cloud.

Why Are Cloud Services Taking Over?

Why are cloud services taking over


Why Are Cloud Services Taking Over?


With the rising popularity of cloud services, many businesses are migrating to create their remote servers. There are many reasons you might choose cloud services over setting up your hardware, but all business owners should consider simple economics.

The days when businesses had to rely on the availability, provision, and ability to have huge spaces to run their operations are long gone. The world has evolved, and startups are flourishing because they are facilitated. No office turns into a small space, then eventually into a vast building rapidly. What enables all of this is the Cloud.

One benefit of this is that you can use several tools and features to protect your data from intruders and hackers who might otherwise gain access to any information stored on your primary server. Cloud storage space is often much cheaper than in-house. Cloud Services are taking over due for a plethoric number of reasons. Henceforth let us have a look at them in detail.

Improved Storage and Convenient Backup

Storage is provided to businesses through massive servers contained in the Cloud. Therefore, companies do not need to rent out prominent places to hold their servers or buy such servers. Then, there is also the presence of excellent backups since the Cloud service providers have their backup servers and are responsible for it. It is their job to back things up and not the businesses’. This also leads to a drastic improvement in its performance to its clients.

Scalability, Flexibility, and Performance

In an excellent turn of events for businesses, Cloud Technology has been designed to be scaled to match the alternating IT requirements of companies. Therefore, as a company grows, it is evident that more storage space and bandwidth will be required to keep up with the ever-increasing traffic on its applications, websites, and other services. So, to accommodate the re-scaling of companies and ensure optimum performance under heavy loads, Cloud servers can be deployed automatically. This also improves speed and minimizes downtime of web applications, amongst many others.


As we have seen above, the lack of required space and servers significantly reduces the running costs through Cloud services. Overhead costs related to software updates, server hardware updates, and server management also reduce this. Another thing that facilitates this decrease in operational expenses is that Cloud services can be used on a pay-per-use basis. As a result, businesses can utilize the same benefits they want and guarantee a return on their service

Lack of Responsibility Towards Malware Attacks and Data Protection

The data of businesses fall under the responsibility of the Cloud service provider. At face value, it may seem unsafe since another company has access to your business’s data. However, this is far from reality.

Your business data is kept secure due to exceptionally well-rounded and dexterously designed contracts, with accentuation given to even the tiniest details. Therefore, once a malware attack comes into motion, your business is not the liable party; it is the company acting as the Cloud service provider.

This opens the doors to many advantages. When a malware attack occurs, a business utilizing a Cloud service can go on its merry way and continue focusing on improving its services. At the back-end, the Cloud service provider will take care of removing the actual malware.

  • Automatic Software Updates

Through automatic software updates, Cloud service providers can ensure that whatever issue caused a breach can be covered. Since the business software at play is running on the Cloud servers, the provider can step in seamlessly to remove the malware.

  • Automatic Software Integration

Once a newer methodology to prevent malware attacks or data leakages rolls out, the new feature will be distributed to all users using the business service, whether in an application or a website. Again, the business’ service is running on the Cloud service provider’s server, so one updation in the Cloud servers updates the distributed version for all users.

There is no reliance on each hardware component needing to be updated in a company since all its workers and users will be incorporating software that runs on the Cloud.

In the case of a backup failure, there is no need to worry since a Cloud service has multiple backups. For any business, creating such backups will prove to be tedious, overwhelming, and perhaps even out of reach to manage on-premises.

Similarly, covering up is a headache for the Cloud service provider when there is data leakage. For a business, it will be business as usual, as they say.

Business Continuation

There is always that element of risk involved when it comes to businesses. Unforeseen circumstances could cause a company to go bankrupt, and if it is based entirely on the Cloud, it may never be able to recover. This is because it has to sell all its offices, which would entail the servers present and all the other equipment when there is a lack of finances. A sophisticated backup may not be present in data loss situations since it is expensive and likely to be located on the same site. Therefore, all company data might be lost when a natural disaster occurs.

This is where Cloud service providers kick in, whether a business disaster or a natural disaster. A business can go online and remote if it is forced to sell all its offices due to financial constraints, thus reducing its costs instead of firing its employees or shutting down. There is simply no issue in case of data corruption or loss since Cloud service providers are both experienced and can provide multiple reliable backups.

The above results in the continuity of a business even under challenging times and situations.


All the reasons mentioned above make it imperative for a business to desire to incorporate Cloud services to accomplish its endeavors and run its operations. Since the entire world runs on companies, whether small or large, Cloud services are taking over!

Businesses are moving to cloud-based services because it makes their security and management more effortless. Since all data is stored on remote servers, there’s less risk of data theft or loss, which is a massive benefit for any company. Going with a private cloud service also means that you only have to pay for what you use, saving you money in the long run.

If you’re still on the fence about a move to the cloud, consider all of its benefits, then move to a cloud service provider or an MSP. From accessibility to cost savings, the cloud is an essential business tool that can help streamline practically every aspect of your business. Now is the time to upgrade to a private cloud.

The private cloud by Protected Harbor is more than just a backup solution. It improves the speed and efficiency of your business by providing flexibility, cost control, and enhanced security. With its multi-tenant design, you have access to all the advantages of a cloud solution without the risk of compromising security or performance. And with the ability to interconnect with the public cloud, you can take advantage of cost-effective solutions whenever they are available. Please take the next step to upgrade; contact.