Run your Applications Faster with More Stability

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Run your Applications Faster with More Stability

Whether it’s a game, a website, or a productivity tool, optimizing application performance can lead to better user experiences, increased productivity, and improved business outcomes.

This blog post aims to highlight the significance of performance optimization and stability enhancement, specifically focusing on modern containerized frameworks. While the strategies discussed here apply to all development stacks, we acknowledge that older deployments may require customized solutions. By implementing the suggested strategies, businesses can improve their application’s scalability, fault tolerance, architecture, and availability.


Strategies to Create Faster Applications with More Stability

To run your applications faster with more stability, it is crucial to implement key strategies such as auto-scaling, improving fault tolerance, designing a better architecture, and maintaining application availability.

Auto-scaling allows your application to allocate resources dynamically based on demand, ensuring optimal performance while efficiently managing resources. We work with programmers and operations to create a customized scaling platform for programming stacks or platforms that don’t support this feature.  Regardless of what platform the programming code was created on or how old the programming code is, we can create a customized scaling platform.

By improving fault tolerance through redundancy, backups, and failover mechanisms, you can minimize downtime and ensure the application remains stable even during hardware or software failures.

Designing a better architecture, such as adopting microservices or containerized services, helps distribute workloads efficiently and optimize resource utilization, improving performance and stability. Additionally, maintaining application availability through load balancing, clustering, and regular health checks ensures uninterrupted access for users.

To achieve better application response involves optimizing database queries, minimizing network latency, and utilizing caching mechanisms, enhancing user satisfaction and overall application performance.


Importance of Optimizing Performance and Stability

Optimizing performance and stability in applications is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it leads to faster execution, which means users can accomplish tasks quickly and efficiently. Secondly, it enhances user satisfaction, as applications that respond promptly provide a seamless experience. Thirdly, optimizing performance can improve business outcomes, such as increased sales, customer loyalty, and competitive advantage.


Implementing Auto Scaling for Efficient Resource Management

Auto-scaling is a technique that allows applications to adjust their resource allocation based on demand automatically. Using auto-scaling, applications can dynamically scale up or down their computing resources, ensuring optimal performance and cost-effectiveness. This approach enables applications to handle sudden spikes in traffic without compromising stability or response time.


Improving Fault Tolerance for Enhanced Reliability

Fault tolerance refers to an application’s ability to continue functioning despite hardware or software failures. By designing applications with fault tolerance in mind, you can minimize downtime and maintain high availability. Strategies such as redundancy, backups, and failover mechanisms can help ensure your application remains stable and responsive even when components fail.


Run your Applications Faster with More Stability Middle-imageDesigning a Better Architecture for Performance Optimization

The architecture of an application plays a vital role in its performance and stability. A well-designed architecture can distribute workloads efficiently, optimize resource utilization, and minimize bottlenecks. Consider adopting architectural patterns like microservices or serverless computing to improve scalability, fault tolerance, and response times. Additionally, leveraging asynchronous processing and event-driven architectures can help achieve better application responsiveness.


Maintaining Application Availability for a Seamless User Experience

Application availability refers to an application’s ability to remain accessible and functional. To maintain high availability, it is crucial to eliminate single points of failure and implement robust monitoring and recovery mechanisms. Employing techniques such as load balancing, clustering, and regular health checks can ensure that your application remains available even during peak usage periods or unexpected failures.


Achieving Better Application Response Time for User Satisfaction

Application response time directly impacts user satisfaction and overall experience. Slow response times can cause frustration and discontent. To improve response times, optimize database queries, minimize network latency, and utilize caching mechanisms. You can significantly enhance user satisfaction and engagement by reducing the time it takes for an application to process and deliver results.

Optimizing the performance and stability of applications is critical. By implementing the above strategies, you can ensure that your applications run faster and are more stable. Continuous monitoring, analysis, and adaptation are essential, and by embracing these strategies, you’ll unlock a world of enhanced user experiences, improved business outcomes, and a competitive edge.

While the tips we have given are a good starting point, they can also feel overwhelming.  How to make development stack changes to accomplish these goals can be a job of its own; that is where the DevOps skills of Protected Harbor come in.  We create and resolve all DevOps, security, stability, and growth problems that applications have.  Left unresolved applications fail, and the repair plan then becomes more difficult.  Let us help you today.

Why is IT Experience Important for Businesses



Why is IT Experience Important for Businesses?

The role of IT in modern business cannot be underestimated. Companies now must pay attention to the importance of information technology (IT). In this role, every business must own and implement IT systems. The failure to innovate means rejecting best practices.

You can’t expect to keep up with the competition if you don’t give your company an edge in technology adoption. The fact should be noticed – with the proper IT solutions. Your organization could succeed entirely.

The annual value of the global information technology (IT), business services, and IT services markets exceeds USD 1 trillion. The Americas area will account for most of the sales in 2021 with 555 billion US dollars. After dropping revenues in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic, the market is predicted to see rising revenues during the following four years. ~Statista

Even If you’re a small business owner, you might know how important technology is but need help understanding it. We’ll tell you what technology can do for your business and why it’s essential.

What is Information Technology in Business?

The term “IT” is often used in today’s business world. This is simply because of the importance of Information Technology in almost all businesses. Information Technology is a broad term that covers a range of topics, including information systems, computer networks, database management, and software applications.

In general, Information Technology is applying computer technology to support business operations. Word processing and spreadsheet software are the most common IT applications; however, many other types are also used in businesses today.

Generally, a wide range of technologies and infrastructure strategies that work in concert shape the IT services sector. The use of technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in business solutions and a rise in the demand for IT security measures like zero trust frameworks are a few of these trends.

Information technology has become the backbone of business because it can help companies do things faster and with less effort. It allows companies to communicate with customers, employees, and suppliers more quickly; it helps companies coordinate operations across multiple locations and time zones; it enables companies to share information in real-time with customers or employees who need it, and it provides access to data that would otherwise be difficult or impossible for a company to collect.

Why-is-IT-Experience-Important-for-Businesses-Middle-imageWhy is IT Important for Businesses?

The IT department is the backbone of any business. It has a direct impact on the productivity and efficiency of your business.

Simplifying Employee Communication

IT infrastructure enables employees to conduct their work efficiently and effectively. Adequate IT infrastructure can make all the difference between a thriving and a failing business. It also helps in improving employee communication as well as collaboration with each other.

Enhancing Productivity

An efficient IT infrastructure allows you to focus on core competencies and critical activities, which help you in enhancing productivity significantly. You can also focus on innovation and creativity, which are essential for your company’s growth.

Better Data Management

Data management is one area where an efficient IT infrastructure helps you immensely. With proper data management, you can analyze past data and use it to shape plans for your business. A good IT infrastructure ensures that all critical data remains safe. This provides no loss of valuable information due to unforeseen circumstances or accident-related failure of data files, hard drives, etc.

Improving Financial Management

IT makes it easier to manage your finances by automating all your financial transactions. You can also easily monitor and analyze your financial data, which helps you make better decisions about where to spend money, saving time and money in the long run.

Maintaining Network Security

Your network is one of the most vulnerable areas in your organization. IT personnel can help protect it from hackers, viruses, malware, and other threats by developing security policies and implementing them promptly. This ensures that your data remains safe and secure at all times.

Boosting Marketing Campaigns

In today’s fast-paced world, you must constantly be on your toes to survive this cutthroat competition. You must stay caught up with competitors if you want to maintain your position in the market. This is where IT comes into play by offering you an array of tools that will help you streamline your marketing campaigns and give them the boost they need.

Management of Cloud-Based Solutions

Today, businesses have started adopting the cloud computing model for their IT infrastructure needs. This allows them to access all their data anytime and from anywhere in the world. This system will enable businesses to easily manage their entire information technology infrastructure by deploying just one application across multiple devices or locations. This will help them track down what’s happening with their systems in real-time and minimize downtime if there are any issues with the system.

Future of Information Technology in Business

Businesses increasingly rely on information technology (IT) to run efficiently and effectively. Companies use IT to improve the quality of their services and products, reduce costs and increase revenues.

According to Statista, there will be over 15 billion mobile devices in use in 2021, with 18.22 billion projected by 2025. According to Zippia, the smartphone market is growing at a CAGR of 16.4% on a global basis.

When planning for the future, it’s essential to consider the impact of technology. Introducing new technology has always been a game-changer in the business world and will continue to be so.

In recent years, there’s been a lot more focus on “big data” and how businesses can use it. The amount of data available today is staggering, yet companies are only scratching the surface of what they can do with it.

Businesses are becoming more dependent on IT systems for day-to-day operations. This is because these systems provide a better way of managing business processes than using manual methods.

In addition, the global economy has become more digitized. It has led to the emergence of new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, cloud computing, and Big Data analytics, improving productivity levels in businesses across all sectors.

Final Words

Overall, businesses need to implement a strategy for IT, with priorities and plans in place. There are many different moving parts to the equation, and the company must understand the landscape of IT to create an operating environment where IT can effectively serve its needs. How important is technology? The stakes couldn’t be higher​—businesses that ignore technology run a greater risk of failing.

Businesses depend on rapid, reliable data and high-speed internet in today’s global economy to remain competitive. To keep your company at the cutting edge of international business, you need a business partner with the expertise to tackle the challenges of today’s technology. And at the same time, you must ensure that your company’s data remains secure. You don’t want a single mistake or oversight to risk your business’s reputation or financial stability. And you don’t have time to waste on unnecessary headaches. Finding a partner that can offer technical expertise and detailed awareness of your company’s needs can make all the difference for your business.

Protected Harbor has the right solution for you, whether you are just starting or looking to upgrade your current setup. Our expert team will work with you to discover your needs and recommend the best technology to meet those needs. We will also support your team as they get the new system up and running. We are also recognized as a top cloud computing and cybersecurity company by Goodfirm and Designrush.

Learn how the experience makes a difference. Get a free IT Audit today.


Why IT Experience Matters:  

Why IT Experience Matters

Today’s market has become highly cut-throat for small and medium businesses. Keeping up with the furious pace of change and staying ahead is a huge challenge for these organizations. Richard Luna, CEO of Protected Harbor touches on this topic while he discusses the importance of Why IT Experience Matters. You can also find topics like this and more within his video series Uptime With Richard Luna which is posted every Thursday.

To succeed in this digital world, SMBs (Small & Midsized Businesses) need to partner with an IT Service Provider or MSP (Managed Service Provider) to help them manage their technology while also handling all of their day-to-day operational tasks. An IT Service Provider usually comes with several benefits such as cost savings, scalability, and efficiency from an outsourced IT department.

If you’re considering partnering with an MSP or are already working with one, you should know why IT experience matters most when it comes time to choose one. Below we will explain the importance of experience and what you should for when vetting your options.


The Importance of Experience

Experience is a crucial factor in determining a provider’s quality of service.

First, it helps you to gauge their level of proficiency. Second, previous experience, especially in dealing with various types of businesses and clients, offers insight into how an IT Service Provider or MSP will approach your partnership. Experience is the key to ensuring that your computers and other IT infrastructure function optimally and are protected from cyber threats.

With experience, MSPs know what works best for different businesses and can help you in selecting the right technology for your particular needs. However, it is also essential to keep in mind that MSPs are not infallible. No one can promise 100% uptime, nor can they guarantee that their clients will not experience any outages or service interruptions because they vary from one MSP to the next. In short, nothing is guaranteed. Even though your MSP can help you avoid many problems, plenty can still occur.


The First Rule of IT: Panic

Why IT Experience Matter middle

Panic is the first act when an emergency occurs. This can affect your own staff, and IT staff may not be available at the time. Luckily, MSPs are prepared for any crisis. Most MSPs work with a standard response time of 30 minutes, which applies to a wide range of issues while some promise a faster 15-minute response time. When an MSP works with you, it is essential to understand their response time and the steps they take to resolve an issue. This can be crucial in determining the quality of service that clients receive.

When an emergency occurs, the first question that arises is what’s happening. The most typical answers we get are we just lost a cluster node (a part of the data center) or the main firewall blew up, knocking out thousands of customers.

In this situation, Richard Luna, CEO of Protected Harbor, recommends focusing on what’s working. In a crisis, this is the best thing to do; it will tell you what you can move to, what infrastructure can be used and what’s functional at this point.


Emergencies Occur, and They Can be Resolved

Experienced MSPs or IT Service Providers are successful if they have prepared for everything. They understand that emergencies can occur at any time and must be able to respond. Whether it’s a power surge, a flood in the building, a fire, or an earthquake, all of these disasters can cause severe damage to your IT infrastructure, which can impact your staff, your customers, and your business as a whole. All of these issues can be resolved, though, especially if you have an experienced and trustworthy MSP ready to respond.


Hiring an MSP is Not Always the Best Solution

When you’re in a hurry to get a new IT infrastructure, you may be tempted to hire an MSP on an “as needed” basis but you may end up paying more for the work performed and not getting everything you actually need in the long run. If you receive services from a third party, you don’t have much say in the configuration of your IT system. You cannot change your hardware or software whenever you need to also, you may not have access to all the necessary backups and other information you need for your business continuity plan. If you work with an MSP on an “as needed” basis, you do not have any guarantee that you will receive the same team in case of a problem or an emergency.


The Optimal Solution: Experienced People With A Plan

When working with an MSP, you should look for experienced people with a plan. The team should also have a proven track record of success when working with other clients in your industry. In short, you should look for MSPs with a proven track record. When you work with an MSP, you should be able to trust their team altogether while they should also be able to adapt to any changes and know how to solve problems as they arise. You should be able to work with an MSP without worrying about the issues that your IT infrastructure may face.

“The optimal solution in this situation is a blend.” Richard explains that in order to get the best, you will need to have the best of the minds, experienced people who have been through crises before and understand the long view of the technology, intermixed with fresh minds or a brand new staff will give a terrific blend of a solid, communicative, collaborative team.

This is an approach that we use internally at Protected Harbor.


Summing up

How you handle your business’s IT infrastructure can make or break your organization.

The best way to ensure that you have a strong IT foundation is to partner with an experienced MSP. When you choose an MSP with experience, you can be sure that your IT systems will run smoothly and efficiently. You can expect your systems to be managed appropriately, and they can also help you to use resources in your systems more efficiently. With an MSP, you can rest assured that your IT team will be ready to respond when an emergency occurs.

While most IT service providers or MSPs offer a one-size-fits-all approach, Protected Harbor has been set apart from the competition by its focus on providing an individually tailored experience to its clients. Whether it’s an enterprise company or a mid-sized business, you can expect to be treated as an individual.

If you’re looking for managed IT services for your company, you deserve more than a cookie-cutter solution. You deserve a trusted advisor who understands your business and technology challenges and works with you to create a solution that meets your unique needs.

Protected Harbor is not your typical MSP. We have the experience and focus on solving issues for our clients, not selling service plans. We work with you to build a relationship based on trust and transparency. We have a 95% client retention rate and an average of 15 minute ticket response times. Don’t just take our word for it; check our testimonials.

Contact us today to get a free IT Audit and experience for yourself why IT experience matters.