The 5 Ways to Incorporate Technology into Your Law Firm


The 5 Ways to Incorporate Technology into Your Law Firm

Rapid technological advancements have significantly transformed the legal industry. Gone are the days when law firms relied solely on paper-based documentation and labor-intensive administrative tasks. Today, technology is not just a helpful addition to the practice of law; it’s an essential component that can enhance efficiency, improve client services, and ensure data security.

This blog post will explore five powerful ways to incorporate technology into your law firm. Whether you’re a solo practitioner or part of a large legal team, these strategies can help you stay competitive in an increasingly tech-driven world.


1. Streamlining Administrative Tasks

According to the 2022 Law Firm Flexibility Benchmarking Survey, 64.7% of law firms permit their attorneys to work remotely. By setting up unified communication solutions, attorneys can work remotely while expanding their client and interpersonal communication channels.

Lawyers and clients can connect through instant messaging, email, voicemail, or web conferencing and clients can communicate with their lawyers online instead of going to a law office.


2. Automating eDiscovery

Lawyers must spend numerous hours searching through records to find pertinent evidence when putting together cases. Currently, the majority of these papers are digital. Email, mobile devices, database archives, and IoT devices could all provide evidence. Paralegals frequently handle eDiscovery tasks. Nevertheless, due to the length of the process, clients may incur costs.

eDiscovery automation tools like Casepoint, Everlaw, and Logikcull use analytics to quicken the procedure. Advanced analytics has a keyword and phrase search function. Additionally, automation eliminates superfluous documentation, speeding up the process.


The-5-Ways-to-Incorporate-Technology-into-Your-Law-Firm-Middle-image3. Simpler Case Management

Platforms for managing digital businesses have been modified to accommodate the demands of managing legal cases. Many case management tasks, such as setting reminders for critical dates, maintaining contact lists, managing documents, and inputting billing information, can be automated by lawyers using the software. A centralized database houses all the pertinent data, making it simple to access.

When necessary, digital case management makes sharing papers with other attorneys at the firm simpler. Case management systems may be web-based, making them available to lawyers using mobile devices while working remotely.


4. Cybersecurity and Data Protection

In the digital age, safeguarding sensitive client data is paramount for law firms. Cybersecurity and data protection measures are essential to maintain trust, confidentiality, and compliance with privacy regulations.

A security breach can erode client trust and damage your firm’s reputation. Recognizing the significance of data security is the first step in ensuring its protection.


Implementing Robust Cybersecurity Measures
  • Encryption and Secure File Sharing: Encrypting sensitive data and implementing secure file-sharing solutions are fundamental steps in preventing unauthorized access to client information.
  • Regular Security Audits and Training: Conduct regular security audits to identify vulnerabilities and ensure compliance with cybersecurity best practices. Additionally, ongoing staff training is essential to raise awareness about potential threats and maintain a security-conscious culture within the firm.


Compliance with Data Privacy Regulations
  • GDPR, CCPA, and Other Relevant Laws: Depending on your jurisdiction and client base, your firm may be subject to data privacy laws like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Compliance with these regulations is essential to avoid legal repercussions.
  • Data Breach Response Plans: Develop and regularly update data breach response plans to mitigate the impact of any potential security incidents. Swift and transparent communication with affected parties is critical in such situations.

By prioritizing cybersecurity and data protection, law firms safeguard their clients’ sensitive information and demonstrate a commitment to ethical and legal responsibilities. These measures protect your clients and your firm’s reputation and integrity in an increasingly digital and data-driven world.


5. On-line Community Creation

Online communities can aid underprivileged groups in getting access to free legal counsel, resources, and guidance. Additionally, they link lawyers and law students so that knowledge may be exchanged and professional difficulties can be discussed. The American Bar Association (ABA) has an online community called LegallyMinded. 


Keeping up with Technological Advancement

New software, platforms, and communications technologies are revolutionizing the legal sector. Many law firms are embracing digital change. But to achieve this change, the proper technological foundation is required. If you collaborate with a superior and experienced technology vendor, your business will have access to the needed resources.

Protected Harbor provides a range of technological tools for legal firms wishing to move to the digital world. We offer data center and cloud services that enable your business to run complex applications while protecting sensitive data. When you join us, your attorneys will have access to unified communications solutions and a super-fast secured network, allowing them to work for their clients more safely and productively.

View our services specifically for law firms and other service providers here. Seek professional guidance on how technology can change your legal practice. Get in touch with Protected Harbor experts.

Best Practices for Secure Communication in the Legal Industry


Best Practices for Secure Communication and Data Storage in the Legal Industry

In response to the escalating cybersecurity threats faced by law firms handling sensitive client information, the adoption of specialized Legal IT Services and Managed IT Services Legalhas become imperative. These tailored solutions offer a range of critical measures, including data encryption, secure communication platforms, specialized case management software, robust cybersecurity protocols, and assistance with compliance and regulatory standards. By prioritizing the security and integrity of their IT infrastructure, law firms can mitigate risks, safeguard confidential data, and maintain the trust of their clients in an increasingly digital landscape.

According to the American Bar Association’s 2021 Legal Technology Survey Report, 25% of respondents said that their companies have, at some point, experienced a data breach.

This blog post will explore best practices for secure communication and data storage in the legal industry. By following these practices, law firms can protect their sensitive information, maintain regulatory compliance, and build a culture of security within their organization.


Secure Communication Practices

Secure communication practices are critical for protecting sensitive information in the legal industry. Here are some best practices:

  1. Use of encrypted messaging services: Law firms should consider using secure messaging apps that offer end-to-end encryption. It means messages are only visible to the sender and recipient. Some popular options include Signal and Protected Phones.
  2. Secure email communication: Emails are often used for sending sensitive information, so it’s essential to use a secure email provider that uses encryption. Additionally, lawyers should avoid sending sensitive information through unencrypted email or using public Wi-Fi networks to access their email.
  3. Use of VPNs and other secure remote access technologies: Virtual private networks (VPNs) can help secure remote access to solid networks and prevent unauthorized access. Other secure remote access technologies, such as remote desktops and two-factor authentication, can enhance security.
  4. Password management and multi-factor authentication: Strong password management practices can prevent unauthorized access, including regularly updating passwords and using unique passwords for each account. Additionally, multi-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring an additional verification step beyond a password.

By implementing these secure communication practices, law firms can enhance the security of their communication channels and reduce the risk of data breaches.


Data Storage Best Practices

Data storage best practices are critical for protecting sensitive information in the legal industry. Here are some best practices:

  1. Use of encrypted cloud storage solutions: Storing data in the cloud can be convenient, but choosing a cloud storage provider with data encryption is essential. Some popular cloud storage providers include Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive.
  2. Data backup and disaster recovery plans: Law firms should implement regular data backups and have a disaster recovery plan. This plan should ensure that data can be quickly restored during a breach or natural disaster. This can include backing data to an offsite location or a secure cloud storage provider.
  3. Secure access control and user management: Limiting access to sensitive information to only authorized personnel can prevent unauthorized access. This can include setting up access controls, using role-based access control, and implementing user management policies.
  4. Regular vulnerability assessments and security audits: Regular vulnerability assessments and security audits can help identify potential security weaknesses in the firm’s data storage and management practices. This can include penetration testing, network endpoint scans, and security assessments.

By implementing these data storage best practices, law firms can enhance the security of their data and reduce the risk of data breaches.



Compliance Requirements

Legal and regulatory compliance requirements are critical to protecting sensitive information in the legal industry. Here are some key compliance requirements that law firms should consider:

  1. GDPR: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European Union regulation governing personal data collection, storage, and processing. Law firms that handle the personal data of EU citizens must comply with GDPR requirements. This includes obtaining consent, providing transparency in data processing, and implementing appropriate security measures.
  2. HIPAA: The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulates the handling of healthcare data in the US. Law firms that handle healthcare data must comply with HIPAA requirements, including implementing appropriate safeguards to protect data privacy and security.
  3. CCPA: The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is a privacy law that governs the collection, storage, and processing of the personal data of California residents. Law firms that handle the personal data of California residents must comply with CCPA requirements. This includes providing transparency in data processing, offering opt-out options, and implementing appropriate security measures.

Complying with these regulations is critical for protecting sensitive information in the legal industry. Failing to comply can result in significant fines and reputational damage for the law firm. Legal technology solutions can help law firms achieve compliance with these and other regulatory requirements.


Staff Training and Awareness

Staff training and awareness are critical to a strong security posture in the legal industry. Here are some best practices for staff training and awareness:

  1. Importance of training employees regularly: Law firms should provide regular training on secure communication and data storage practices. This can include training on encrypted messaging services, secure email communication, secure remote access, and password management.
  2. Regular security awareness training and phishing simulations: It can help employees recognize potential security threats and take appropriate action. Phishing simulations can also help employees identify and avoid phishing attacks, a standard method attackers use to access sensitive information.
  3. Developing a culture of security within the organization: Law firms should prioritize security and make it a part of their organizational culture. This can include promoting security awareness and making security a part of employee performance evaluations.

By prioritizing staff training and awareness, law firms can reduce the risk of security incidents and improve the organization’s overall security posture.



In conclusion, the legal industry handles significant sensitive and confidential information daily. By following the above best practices, law firms can protect their sensitive information, maintain regulatory compliance, and build a security culture within their organization. By investing in security measures and creating a safety culture, law firms can minimize the risk of data breaches and protect their client’s confidential information.

Protected Harbor is a leading technology and legal IT services company that provides cloud-based data protection and compliance solutions for the legal industry. Our platform is designed to meet the unique needs of law firms. It can help them protect sensitive client data, maintain regulatory compliance, and reduce the risk of data breaches.

We deliver unmatched results with robust security features like secure network endpoints, threat detection and response, 99.99% uptime, and email filtering combined with years of experience. Learn how we keep your data safe, get on a call with one of our experts today.

Recommended Techniques for Using Technology in Law Firms


Best Practices for Implementing Technology Solutions in Law Firms

Integrating new technology into a law firm’s infrastructure takes time and effort. It requires careful planning, effective execution, and consideration of various factors to ensure a smooth transition and maximize the benefits.

Whether you’re a partner, attorney, or staff member involved in the decision-making process or an IT professional tasked with implementation, this guide will provide valuable insights and practical tips to navigate this transformative journey.


1. Assess Your Needs

Before you start adopting any technology solution, looking at your firm’s needs and objectives is crucial. Identify the areas that could be improved with technology. This could include case management, document management, billing, and communication. By understanding your pain points, you can choose the right technology that aligns with your firm’s goals. Experienced IT companies will be able to assist you, providing valuable direction and solutions.


2. Involve Key Stakeholders

Getting everyone involved in the decision-making process is essential. This means including partners, attorneys, staff, and IT professionals. You can understand their requirements, concerns, and expectations by working together. People who feel like their opinions matter are more likely to support and use the technology. So involving key stakeholders early on will increase adoption rates and ensure that the technology meets everyone’s needs.


3. Do Thorough Research

Before you make any final decisions, do your homework. Take the time to research different vendors that specialize in legal technology. Look into their track record, customer reviews, and support services. Ask for product demos and trials to see if the technology is easy to use and compatible with your existing systems. By comparing multiple options, you can make an informed decision and choose the best fit for your firm.


Best-Practices-for-Implementing-Technology-Solutions-in-Law-Firms-middle-image4. Develop a Detailed Implementation Plan

Creating a detailed implementation plan is crucial for a successful rollout. Set clear objectives, establish timelines, and define milestones. Assign responsibilities to specific team members and establish regular communication channels. Anticipate potential challenges and develop backup plans. By having a well-structured plan, you can streamline the implementation process and minimize disruptions.


5. Provide Training and Support

Introducing new technology means that your staff will need training and ongoing support. Provide comprehensive training sessions to ensure that all users understand the features and benefits of the latest technology. Allow your team to ask questions, address concerns, and provide feedback. Consider appointing technology champions within your firm who can assist with user support and troubleshooting.


6. Ensure Data Security and Compliance

Law firms deal with sensitive client information, so data security and compliance are critical. When implementing technology solutions, prioritize data protection measures such as encryption, access controls, and regular backups. Verify that the chosen technology complies with industry regulations and data privacy laws. Conduct regular security audits to identify and address any vulnerabilities.


7. Monitor and Evaluate

Once the technology solution is up and running, monitoring and evaluating its performance is important. Gather user feedback and assess the impact on productivity, efficiency, and client satisfaction. Identify areas for improvement and explore additional features or integrations that could enhance the technology’s effectiveness even further. Regular evaluation will help you optimize the technology and ensure that it continues to meet your firm’s needs.

Implementing technology solutions in law firms is no longer an option but a necessity. It is crucial to partner with an experienced technology solutions provider that understands the specific requirements of law firms.

Protected Harbor, a trusted leader in legal technology, offers comprehensive solutions tailored to the needs of law firms. Their expertise allows you to streamline your technology implementation process, optimize operations, secure data, and deliver exceptional client service.

Partner with Protected Harbor today and take the first step towards a more efficient and productive future. Contact us now for a free consultation and IT Audit, and let us guide you toward technological excellence.

Best Practices for Keeping Your Law Firm’s Data Safe


Best Practices for Keeping Your Law Firm’s Data Safe

In today’s digital age, law firms handle a vast amount of sensitive information, making data security a paramount concern. Protecting client confidentiality and ensuring the integrity of your firm’s data should be a top priority. Implementing best practices for data security is essential to safeguarding your law firm’s reputation and maintaining client trust. This blog will outline some crucial steps you can take to keep your law firm’s data safe.


1. Conduct Regular Risk Assessments

Start by assessing the potential risks and vulnerabilities your law firm may face. Identify and evaluate potential threats to your data, such as malware, phishing attacks, or unauthorized access. Regular risk assessments will enable you to understand your firm’s security posture and take proactive measures to address any vulnerabilities.


2. Train Your Staff

Invest in comprehensive data security training for all employees in your law firm. Educate them about common cyber threats, phishing scams, and the importance of strong passwords. Train your staff to recognize suspicious emails, avoid clicking on suspicious links, and promptly report any potential security incidents. Regularly update training materials to keep your team informed about emerging threats.


3. Implement Strong Password Practices

Enforce the use of strong passwords throughout your law firm. Encourage employees to create unique and complex passwords that combine letters, numbers, and special characters. Consider implementing a password manager to store and generate strong passwords securely. Regularly remind your staff to change their passwords and avoid using the same password for multiple accounts.


4. Use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

The two-factor authentication process adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to verify their identity in two ways. Implement 2FA for all your firm’s accounts, including email, case management systems, and cloud storage platforms. This additional step will significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access, even if someone manages to obtain login credentials.


5. Secure Your Network

Protecting your law firm’s network is crucial in preventing unauthorized access to sensitive data. Ensure your Wi-Fi network is password-protected and uses encryption protocols like WPA2 or WPA3. Regularly update your network equipment’s firmware to patch any security vulnerabilities. Consider implementing a virtual private network (VPN) to establish a secure connection for remote work.


Best-practices-for-keeping-your-law-firmss-data-safe-Middle-image6. Regularly Update Software and Systems

Regularly update your operating systems, applications, and security software to the latest versions. Software updates often contain critical security patches that address known vulnerabilities. Enable automatic updates whenever possible to protect your systems against emerging threats.


7. Encrypt Sensitive Data

Utilize encryption to protect sensitive client data both in transit and at rest. Encryption converts data into unreadable code that can only be decrypted with the correct key. Implement encryption for emails, files stored in cloud services, and data backups. In a security breach, encrypted data will remain inaccessible to unauthorized individuals.


8. Backup Data Regularly

Implement a robust backup strategy to ensure the availability of critical data in the event of a data loss incident or ransomware attack, and regularly back up your law firm’s data to an offsite location or a secure cloud storage service. Test the data restoration process periodically to ensure the backups are functional.


9. Take the Help of a Reputed Partner

Consider partnering with a trusted and reputable IT service provider that specializes in data security for law firms. A reliable partner can offer expert guidance, implement advanced security measures, and support ongoing monitoring. They can assist you in implementing robust firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and data encryption protocols. With their expertise, you can stay updated with the latest security trends and ensure your law firm’s data remains protected against evolving cyber threats.



Maintaining data security in a law firm is an ongoing process that requires constant vigilance and adaptation. By implementing the best practices outlined above, you can significantly enhance your law firm’s data protection measures and mitigate the risks associated with cyber threats.

Additionally, partnering with a reputed IT service provider like Protected Harbor can provide you with the necessary expertise and support to bolster your law firm’s data security. Take proactive steps today to ensure the safety and integrity of your law firm’s valuable data.

To learn more about how Protected Harbor IT services can help safeguard your law firm’s data and provide comprehensive data security solutions, visit our website or contact our team. Protect your firm’s data and maintain client trust with the assistance of our experienced professionals. Take your time – take the necessary steps to secure your law firm’s data today.

How Law Firms Can Leverage Innovative Technology Solutions


How Law Firms Can Leverage Innovative Technology Solutions to Achieve Peace of Mind

The demands on legal professionals can be overwhelming. However, innovative technology solutions can help law firms overcome these challenges. Whether you’re a solo practitioner or a large law firm, the following will provide valuable insights into leveraging technology to improve your operations and achieve greater peace of mind.


The Challenges Faced by Law Firms

Law firms face many challenges. Here are some of the most common:

  1. Managing client expectations: Clients often have high expectations for their legal representation, which can pressure lawyers to deliver results. This pressure can cause stress and anxiety and impact lawyers’ and law firms’ overall peace of mind.
  2. Time management: Lawyers often have to juggle multiple cases and responsibilities, making it difficult to manage their time effectively. This can lead to missed deadlines, increased stress, and a feeling of being constantly overwhelmed.
  3. Security concerns: Law firms are often responsible for handling sensitive client information, which can make them a target for cyber-attacks. Security breaches can lead to a loss of client trust, reputational damage, and legal and financial repercussions.
  4. Communication challenges: Law firms must communicate effectively with clients, colleagues, and other stakeholders. Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings, delays, and missed opportunities, all of which can impact the overall success of the law firm.
  5. Compliance and regulatory issues: Law firms must comply with various regulations and requirements, which can be complex and time-consuming. Failure to comply with these regulations can lead to legal and financial penalties and damage to the law firm’s reputation.


Innovative Technology Solutions for Law Firms

Innovative technology can help firms overcome these challenges and achieve greater peace of mind. Here are six key technology solutions:

  1. Practice management software: Practice management software can help law firms manage their cases, documents, and time more effectively. These solutions typically include calendar management, document management, time tracking, and billing.
  2. Document automation software: Document automation software can help law firms create and manage legal documents more efficiently. These solutions typically use templates and automation to streamline document creation, reducing errors and saving time.
  3. Collaboration tools: Collaboration tools such as video conferencing, project management software, and instant messaging can help law firms communicate more effectively with clients and colleagues, regardless of location.
  4. Cybersecurity solutions: Cybersecurity solutions such as antivirus software, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems can help law firms protect against cyber threats and secure client information.
  5. AI-powered legal research tools: AI-powered legal research tools can help law firms conduct research more efficiently and accurately. These solutions typically use natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to analyse vast amounts of legal data and provide insights to lawyers.
  6. Virtual assistants: Virtual assistants such as chatbots can help law firms automate routine tasks and answer common questions, freeing time for lawyers to focus on more complex work.

How-Law-Firms-Can-Leverage-Innovative-Technology-Solutions-to-Achieve-Peace-of-Mind-middle-imageThree Law Firms that Have Successfully Leveraged Technology for Peace of Mind

Womble Bond Dickinson: A law firm with offices in the US and UK, implemented a cloud-based practice management system to help manage their cases, documents, and time more effectively. The system also includes document automation tools, making creating and managing legal documents easier. As a result, the firm has improved its efficiency and reduced errors, leading to greater peace of mind for its lawyers.

Atrium: Atrium, a California-based law firm, uses AI-powered legal research tools to help its lawyers conduct research more efficiently. The tools analyze vast amounts of legal data and provide insights to lawyers, allowing them to make more informed decisions. As a result, the firm has improved the accuracy and speed of its research, leading to greater peace of mind for its lawyers and clients.

Nixon Peabody: This global law firm implemented a cybersecurity solution to protect against cyber threats and secure client information. The solution includes firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and other security measures to prevent unauthorized access to client data. As a result, the firm has improved its cybersecurity posture, reducing the risk of data breaches and giving its lawyers and clients greater peace of mind.


Best Practices for Implementing Technology Solutions in Law Firms

Implementing technology solutions in law firms can be challenging, but following best practices can help ensure a smooth and successful implementation. Here are some best practices for implementing technology solutions in law firms:

  1. Assess your needs: Before implementing any technology solution, it’s essential to assess your needs and identify the areas where technology can help you the most. This can help you choose the right solutions and save time and resources on solutions that don’t meet your needs.
  2. Involve stakeholders: It’s essential to involve all stakeholders in the implementation process, including lawyers, IT staff, and support staff. This can help ensure that everyone’s needs are considered, and that the solution is tailored to the law firm’s needs.
  3. Choose the right solution: Many technology solutions are available for law firms, so it’s important to choose the right one for your needs. Consider cost, features, ease of use, and compatibility with existing systems.
  4. Train your staff: Implementing a new technology solution can be challenging, so it’s important to provide training and support to ensure they can use the solution effectively. This can help avoid frustration and ensure a smooth transition to the new system.
  5. Monitor performance: Once the technology solution has been implemented, monitoring its performance and gathering stakeholder feedback is important. This can help identify areas for improvement and ensure that the solution continues to meet the law firm’s needs.


Pick the Right Technology Partner for Your Law Firm

As a leading provider of IT services for the legal industry, Protected Harbor has helped numerous law firms achieve peace of mind. With a 95% client retention rate, Protected Harbor’s technology solutions have helped law firms improve their efficiency, reduce errors, and protect against cybersecurity threats.

If you’re looking to improve your peace of mind, consider contacting Protected Harbor to learn more about their technology solutions. Protected Harbor can help you implement the right solutions to meet your needs, from cloud-based practice management systems to AI-powered legal research tools.

Contact Protected Harbor today to learn more. Your peace of mind is just a few clicks away!

Biggest Law Firm Cyberattacks


Biggest Law Firm Cyberattacks

In recent years, cyberattacks on law firms have increased, and the consequences can devastate the firms and their clients. These attacks often involve the theft of sensitive information, such as confidential client data which can result in significant financial loss, reputational damage, and legal liability.

Since law firms are now prime target for cybercriminals, it’s critical to understand the nature of these attacks, their causes, and how to prevent and mitigate their impact.

Following are some of the most significant law firm cyberattacks over the years as well as a list of prevention and mitigation strategies. Our goal is to increase awareness and encourage law firms to prioritize cybersecurity to protect themselves and their clients.


The Biggest Law Firm Cyberattacks

Several high-profile cyberattacks have occurred in recent years, affecting some of the largest law firms in the world. Here are some of the most significant incidents:

Mossack Fonseca

In 2016, a massive data breach at the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca exposed over 11.5 million files, including confidential client data, to the public. The leak, dubbed the “Panama Papers,” revealed the offshore financial dealings of some of the world’s wealthiest and most influential people.

DLA Piper

In 2017, the global law firm DLA Piper was hit by a ransomware attack that spread rapidly through its computer systems, causing widespread disruption and forcing the firm to shut down many of its offices. The attack affected thousands of employees and clients, and it took weeks for the firm to recover fully.

Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks

In 2020, the New York-based entertainment law firm Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks suffered a data breach that exposed sensitive client data, including contracts, emails, and personal information, to the public. The attackers demanded a ransom of $21 million, which the firm refused to pay.

Jones Day

In 2021, Jones Day, one of the largest law firms in the United States, was hit by a data breach that resulted in the theft of confidential client data. The attackers gained access to the firm’s email system, which contained sensitive information about clients involved in high-profile legal cases.


A significant data theft known as The Paradise Papers leak involving more than 1.3 million documents occurred at the Bermuda-based law company Appleby in 2017. These records revealed the overseas financial dealings of several well-known people and organizations, including the Queen of England and Apple Inc.

GozNym Malware

GozNym malware, which enables thieves to obtain banking login and password information, was used to assault two legal offices in the US in 2016. The thieves sent phishing emails directing recipients to websites that appeared like their banks’ websites to coerce victims into divulging their banking details. Keystroke logging was utilized when victims accessed the bogus bank website to record their input keys. The cyber breach offenders were then covertly contacted with this information.

Campbell Conroy & O’Neil P.C.

On February 27, 2021, Campbell Conroy & O’Neil P.C. experienced a data breach. The business launched an investigation after noticing the peculiar conduct, establishing ransomware as the cause.

The ransomware attack denied access to vital system data to Campbell Conroy & O’Neil P.C. The organization fears that the hacker may have accessed client names, Social Security numbers, driver’s license numbers, and dates of birth, to name a few identifying facts, even if the degree of the damage remains unknown.


Biggest-Law-Firm-Cyberattacks-24-April-Middle-imagePrevention and Mitigation Strategies

Law firms can take several steps to prevent and mitigate the impact of cyberattacks. Some key strategies include:

  • Use Strong Cybersecurity Measures: Law firms should implement strong cybersecurity measures, including firewalls, antivirus software, encryption, and multi-factor authentication, to prevent unauthorized access to their networks.
  • Keep Technology Up-to-Date: Firms need to ensure that their hardware and software systems are up-to-date and fully supported by vendors to reduce vulnerabilities.
  • Conduct Regular Security Audits: This helps to identify vulnerabilities and potential risks in a firm’s networks and implement measures to address any issues discovered.
  • Train Employees on Cybersecurity: Law firms need to provide regular cybersecurity training to employees to increase their awareness of potential risks and how to avoid them and to help identify and report suspicious activity.
  • Develop an Incident Response Plan: This outlines the steps to be taken in the event of a cyberattack, including who is responsible for managing the response, how to contain the attack, and how to communicate with clients and stakeholders.
  • Purchase Cyber Insurance: Law firms can purchase cyber insurance to provide coverage in the event of a cyberattack, which can help mitigate the financial impact of a breach.

By implementing these prevention and mitigation strategies, law firms can significantly reduce their cyberattack vulnerability and better protect themselves and their clients.



The consequences of a cyberattack on a law firm can be significant, including damage to the firm’s reputation, financial losses, and potential harm to clients. That’s why it’s essential for law firms to prioritize cybersecurity and take proactive steps to protect themselves against this growing threat.

Investing in cybersecurity measures, conducting regular security audits, providing employee training, and purchasing cyber insurance, law firms can take proactive steps to mitigate the risk of cyberattacks and protect themselves and their clients.

Protected Harbor is an experienced and trusted managed services provider that provides cybersecurity services to help protect law firms against cyber threats.  In fact, we were voted the Best IT Company in the US and have a 5 Star Google Rating.

Sign up for a free cybersecurity assessment from Protected Harbor to help identify vulnerabilities in your law firm’s network and provide actionable steps to improve your cybersecurity posture before the next cyberattack.

Exploring the Exciting World of Legal Tech

Exploring the Exciting World of Legal Tech

With the rapid advancement of technology, the legal industry has seen significant changes and is now experiencing a major shift. It seems every day there are innovative solutions to some of the challenges in the legal field.

The following examines Legal Tech’s roles, the types available, and the challenges it poses. Plus, we provide updates on the latest news and developments in the legal tech field.


What is Legal Tech?

It is the use of technology to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and reduce costs associated with legal work. Legal tech can range from simple document management systems to more sophisticated technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning. It has been used in many areas, from legal research to contract analysis, and has become increasingly important in the legal services industry.

Legal IT Services is not just about technology but also about the people who use it. It requires legal professionals to be knowledgeable about the technology and its implications for their profession and clients. The legal profession is rapidly evolving, and legal tech plays a vital role in this change.


The Role of Technology in the Legal Industry

Legal tech has the potential to revolutionize the way legal services are provided. It can help lawyers reduce costs, improve efficiency, and better serve their clients. The most common uses of legal tech include document management systems, legal research, contract analysis, and artificial intelligence.

Document management systems allow lawyers to organize and access documents easily. Legal research can be done quickly and accurately with the help of legal databases and search engines. Contract analysis can provide insights into a contract’s terms and conditions that may take time to be apparent. Artificial intelligence and machine learning can be used to analyze large volumes of data to uncover hidden patterns and trends.

Legal tech can also provide insights into legal compliance and risk management. Using technology to analyze legal documents, lawyers can identify potential risks and ensure they comply with relevant laws and regulations.


Benefits of Using Legal Tech

Legal tech can help lawyers reduce costs by automating tedious tasks such as document management and legal research. It can also help them save time by providing insights into contracts that would otherwise take hours to uncover.

It can also help lawyers improve their efficiency. By using technology to automate tasks, lawyers can focus on more complex and high-value tasks, such as advising clients on the best course of action.

Finally, legal tech can help lawyers better serve their clients. Using technology to analyze legal documents, lawyers can provide their clients with insights into potential risks and ensure they comply with relevant laws and regulations.


Challenges of legal tech

Despite legal tech’s many benefits, the challenges are the cost of implementing and maintaining the technology. Legal tech can be expensive and may require a significant upfront investment.

Another challenge is the need for more knowledge and understanding of the technology among legal professionals. They must understand the technology’s implications to get the most out of it.

Finally, there is the risk of data breaches and other security issues. As legal technology becomes more sophisticated, it becomes more vulnerable to cyberattacks and data theft. Legal professionals must protect their data and ensure that their technology is secure.



Latest Legal Tech News

The legal tech space is constantly evolving, and there are always new technologies and developments to keep up with. Some of the latest news in the legal tech space include:

  1. Increased Adoption of Virtual Courtrooms: With the pandemic causing widespread disruption, virtual courtrooms have become increasingly popular. Remote proceedings have been implemented in courts worldwide, allowing proceedings to take place securely and efficiently.
  2. Development of AI-powered Legal Research Tools: Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the legal industry, with numerous legal tech companies developing AI-powered legal research tools. These tools provide lawyers with more efficient and accurate research capabilities.
  3. Blockchain-based Legal Solutions: The use of blockchain technology in the legal industry is gaining traction, with several companies developing blockchain-based solutions for secure and transparent legal transactions.
  4. Growth of Online Dispute Resolution: The rise of online dispute resolution (ODR) has made resolving disputes more accessible and efficient. ODR platforms offer a convenient alternative to traditional dispute resolution methods, making it easier for individuals and businesses to resolve disputes quickly and cost-effectively.
  5. Expansion of Legal Automation Tools: Automation tools are becoming increasingly popular in the legal industry. Companies offer tools to automate routine tasks, freeing up lawyers’ time to focus on more complex and strategic work.
  6. Increase in Investment in Legal Tech: The legal tech sector has seen significant investment in recent years, with venture capital firms and investors showing increasing interest in funding legal tech startups.


Legal Technology Services

In addition to the technology itself, several legal technology services are also available. These services can help lawyers make the most of the technology and ensure it is properly implemented and maintained.

For example, there are managed services available that can help lawyers manage and maintain their legal tech. These services can provide technical support, software updates, and security monitoring. There are also consulting services available that can help lawyers understand the implications of legal tech and make the most of it.



Technology is transforming legal services. Virtual courtrooms, AI-powered legal research, blockchain-based solutions, and automation tools are now available. Legal tech has far-reaching impacts. Managed IT services make it simpler and more effective for individuals and businesses to get legal services.

The future of legal tech is bright, with new advancements and innovations being developed every day. Lawyers and legal professionals must stay informed and up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in legal tech to remain competitive in the changing landscape.

Protected Harbor is the right choice for legal technology and law firms because of its expertise, experience, innovative solutions, tailored approach, comprehensive services, and strong reputation. Law firms can be confident that they are partnering with a trusted and reliable provider of legal technology solutions and services by choosing Protected Harbor.

Get a free IT audit today to ensure your firm takes full advantage of the exciting legal tech world!

Cyberattacks Against Law Firms

Cyberattacks against law firms

Cyberattacks Against Law Firms

What You Need to Know and How to Prevent Them

As the intensity of cyberattacks against businesses continues to rise, law firms have become one of the cyber criminals’ prime targets. Since law firms manage some of the most confidential data for their clients and have access to an extensive network of potential new clients, they have become far more vulnerable than other businesses.

In response to the increasing frequency and scope of cyberattacks against law firms, cybersecurity and managed services provider Protected Harbor has launched a new security awareness program titled, “Cyberattacks Against Law Firms and How to Prevent Them.

The program consists of two resources: an e-book featuring the top law firm hacks throughout history as well as a whitepaper detailing the cyberattacks against law firms’ and what their trends and threats are. Both versions are free to download!

Now, we will discuss a little bit of background on cyberattacks against law firms and a few quick, various ways you can reduce your organization’s risk to getting attacked.


Background on Law Firms and Why They Are Such a Target

Poor cybersecurity is now one of the most significant hazards a legal business can encounter and is no longer only a concern for technology. Major law companies in the US have recently suffered catastrophic cybersecurity breaches that has cost them millions of dollars. Cybersecurity is not just the responsibility of the IT department, it’s instead something that must be covered within the company’s overall policies for utilizing technology within the business or in its services.

A lot goes into cybersecurity, and some businesses are too small to get the complete expertise of IT professionals. Due to the expenditures, medium and big businesses may put off planning for cyber-attacks or assume they won’t be affected which in turn is a huge mistake.

Until recently, law companies were seen as primarily analog in nature. The risk of a cyber breach was typically minimized by attorneys and staff manually tracking client and firm information. But, as businesses embrace innovation and clients want more technologically sophisticated communications and strategies, law firms have made the switch to a more technologically advanced environment and are now more vulnerable to cyberattacks than they were previously.

Law firms, in particular, are viewed as attractive targets for hackers, with numerous high-profile attacks being covered in the media. According to a recent study by the American Bar Association, more than 20% of law businesses reported being the target of a cyber-attack. This percentage was 35% among legal companies with roughly 10 to 49 attorneys. This means that more than a third of small law firms had experienced hacking in some shape or form.

These data breaches are concerning for reasons other than the victims’ embarrassment or the possibility of identity theft. A 2017 study found that the average cost of a data breach outside the US is around $3.6 million, or $141 per record. The amount is considerably larger in the United States at $7.3 million, not to be surpassed.

The consequences of a data breach go beyond the loss of individual details. Trust in the compromised institution can be destroyed by a single breach, a fate which many practices cannot recover. In reality, “almost 60% of [small businesses] forced to cease operations after a cyber assault never reopen for business,” according to a Forbes article.


Cyberattacks Against Law Firms small6 Tips to Protect Your Law Firm Against Cyberattacks

  1. Improve Your Security Culture
  2. Implement Basic Cybersecurity Measures
  3. Encrypting Sensitive Data
  4. Proactive Security
  5. Securing Network with Firewalls
  6. Keeping Antivirus Updated is a Must

Download our e-book for free to read in detail the tips on how to protect your law firm and best practices.



You must have a plan before cyber criminals attack your law firm. After dealing with a data breach at your legal company, you want to be sure to take immediate action. Consider communications in particular when creating your plan. The best way to prevent your law firm from becoming the next cyberattack victim is to implement a cybersecurity program that includes preventative measures, detection, and response strategies. Instead of having a client accidentally learn the terrible news, the law firm must be the one to deliver it.

Download our e-book Cyberattacks Against Law Firms and How to Prevent Them, which we have created specifically for legal companies. Within this e-book, you will learn about the most common cyberattacks against law firms and how you can prevent them from happening to your company. We also give you access to our e-book library with our most requested titles.

Get started and download today!

Lawyers Getting Hacked:

lawers getting hacked

Lawyers Getting Hacked:

Most Popular Cyberattacks on Law Firms

From the time of their first email to the last signed document, law firms are under constant surveillance from cyber criminals. From phishing scams to ransomware and malicious websites, hackers know exactly where to strike to cause the most chaos. Rather than a once-in-a-blue-moon event, lawyers getting hacked is a commonplace occurrence for many firms. It’s almost as if there’s some hidden, “Get Hacked” switch that nearly all law firms have within them.

If you’re reading this and thinking, “that won’t be me,” you’re wrong. It just hasn’t been you, yet.

We are excited to announce our e-book on Top Law Firm Hacks Throughout History, available to download for free. This e-book will cover some of the most popular law firm hacks throughout history including some you may not have heard of prior.  We will also be providing some advice for avoiding common law firm pitfalls.

Below is a short glimpse into topics you can expect from our e-book.


Why are Law Firms an Attractive Target?

Due to the nature of their industry, law firms are becoming a more attractive target. Law firms and in-house legal teams gather a ton of sensitive information, an example such as tax returns can arise during their corporate legal and M&A (mergers & acquisitions) work, litigation, and other legal services. Businesses may suffer reputational and financial damages if they were to ever suffer a breach, especially if their data is compromised. According to a recent analysis from the security company CrowdStrike, average ransomware payouts are above $1 million.

Unfortunately, legal companies are usually more vulnerable compared to other business types. In a report published in May 2020 by the security company BlueVoyant, it was discovered that all law companies were the prime target of focused threat activity, and 15% of a global sample that included thousands of law firms had networks that were already infiltrated.

According to research released in October by the American Bar Association, it was discovered that 36% of legal firms had previously experienced malware infections within their systems and that 29% of law firms had reported a security breach, with more than 1 in 5 admitting they weren’t sure if one had ever occurred.

Robust security measures not being used could be a part of the problem.

Only 43% of respondents utilize file encryption, less than 40% use email encryption, two-factor authentication, and intrusion prevention, and less than 30% use full disk encryption and intrusion detection, according to the 2020 ABA Legal Technology Survey Report.


Lawyers Getting Hacked middleLaw Firms as Critical Infrastructure

According to BlueVoyant’s report, the legal sector needs to be included on the list of 16 critical infrastructure sectors maintained by the U.S. government since it relies on networks and data that, if compromised, would jeopardize economic security or public safety. An analysis of cyber threats and vulnerabilities and information sharing with the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies would benefit law firms that handle and store government secrets.

Legal IT services firms may hesitate to disclose information about cyber attacks due to concerns about losing control of sensitive data. Consequently, government agencies may start viewing law firms as potential targets for cyber attacks, necessitating enhanced protection measures.

Regarding ransomware attacks, several factors should be considered by firms. These include employee training in security practices, implementing cybersecurity measures like two-factor authentication and regular software updates, and maintaining backups. In the event of a ransomware attack, firms need a well-defined plan outlining response procedures, negotiation strategies, and decisions regarding ransom payment. It’s also advisable for firms to utilize managed IT services for secure data storage and conduct thorough assessments of service providers.


The Most Notable Law Firm Cyber Attacks

We’ve produced a list of the most significant cyber-attacks and cyber-threats targeting law firms to highlight the escalating danger and consequences.

  • Mossack Fonsesca & The Panama Papers
  • JP Morgan Chase
  • Oleras Phishing Campaign Against Law Firms
  • UPMC Patients
  • Moses Afonso Ryan Ltd.

Download our free e-book to read in detail about the top cyber-attacks on law firms.



Cybercriminals want access to a company’s data and intellectual property. Many of the most severe attacks directly involve the theft of private information to assist insider trading schemes or to commit theft and extortion of client information from legal firms.

Law firms are tempting targets for hackers. More often than not, law firms don’t take the necessary precautions to protect their data making them an easy target for malicious attacks. Law firms must do everything they can to protect their data starting with reviewing and updating their cybersecurity strategy. This includes everything from the hardware to the software they use within their network. Once they’ve identified the areas that are in need of improvement, they can implement new cybersecurity solutions to keep their data secure.

Download our free e-book today and learn about the risks as well as the most notable hacks in history! This e-book was created by a dedicated team of security experts with extensive experience working within the legal sector to provide some insight and tips to keep your company safe from cyber criminals.

Don’t forget to keep in touch with our blogs for more information and tips on law firms and cybersecurity.

The Biggest Data Risks and Cybersecurity Trends for Law Firms

The biggest data risks and cybersecurity trends for law firms

The Biggest Data Risks and Cybersecurity Trends for Law Firms


In the digital age, law firms are operating within a high-risk environment. The number of cyber-attacks continues to rise, as do the associated costs. Recent studies suggest that, on average, small and medium-sized businesses spend more than $200 million annually on cyber security breaches.

These statistics show just how important it is for companies of all sizes to take cybersecurity seriously as well as highlight the risks involved in working with sensitive data. After all, no company wants their clients’ personal information to fall into the wrong hands.

We are excited to launch our 2022 Law Firm Data Breach Trend Report white paper. This report will be a compilation of data analysis from hundreds of law firms across the globe, as well as interviews with more than 100 partners and senior-level executives from the largest law firms in the US. We have learned a lot from these conversations and are excited to share our findings with you.

Download the white paper for free today!


Protecting Client Data:

The Biggest Challenge for Law Firms

Protecting client data is a top concern for law firms of all sizes. While most firms are diligent in protecting sensitive data and complying with local, state, and federal regulations, some are not.

After being asked to identify their most significant challenges when it comes to safeguarding client data, 58% of law firms cited, “managing the sheer volume of data,” and, “ensuring data is secure,” as their primary concern. These findings make sense if we consider that, on average, law firms store more than 5,000 gigabytes of data. The large volumes of data makes it difficult for law firms to constantly comply with the most up-to-date security protocols.


Top Threats

Your client’s data is constantly in danger from simple breaches, such as those resulting from a stolen laptop to even more extensive hacking schemes.

Here are a few actions you’re probably doing now that can endanger your clients most sensitive information.

  • Lawyers Getting Hacked – Most Popular Cyberattacks on Law Firms small

    Skipping Assessments – To help prevent a data breach, an annual inventory should be taken to understand what devices and data you have, where they are located, and who has access to them. It’s also essential to conduct a security and risk assessment. How vulnerable is your information? What would the ramifications be if it was stolen?

  • Understaffed and Underfunded IT Departments – A majority of IT departments are usually very understaffed and overburdened with day-to-day work. This leaves little time for them to improve their security infrastructure, as they always react rather than improve.
  • Lack of Employee Security Training – Analysts claim that non-malicious attacks are the most common security breach that law organizations face. Unfortunately, many legal companies have failed to adequately train their employees on IT security basics.
  • Cloud Migration & Apps – Your business needs to make sure it has a good strategy when it comes time to migrate, including fundamentals like access control and governance, API integrations, and continuous monitoring.


Recent Law Firm Breaches

New York City’s Law Department (July 2021)

Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks (May 2020)

Vierra Magen Marcus (May 2020)

Mossack Fonseca (April 2016)


Top Cybersecurity Trends for 2022

Use Password Authenticator – Password authentication is a method in which a user enters a unique ID and key compared to previously stored credentials. It is one of the quickest forms of security; you can set up your device to require some identification before letting someone access it. This can be done using a passcode, PIN, password, fingerprint, or a 2-factor authentication (2FA).

Use Effective EDR – Using effective EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) tools can help you improve the security of your network by aggregating data on endpoints, including process execution, endpoint communication, and user logins.

Move to a Virtual Server – Moving to a virtual server is essential as it has many benefits that address the security concerns law firms face. These benefits include getting the ability to prioritize critical traffic and improving network agility while reducing the burden from the IT department.

Isolated Backups – A remote or isolated backup is stored separately from other backups and is inaccessible from the end-user layer. Creating a remote backup helps to reduce security breaches, especially ransomware attacks.

Know Your Network Map – Understanding the network map is critical to complying with data privacy regulations as it provides an overview of devices and data on your network. This overview is crucial in identifying and minimizing the attack surface of a system. It will also uncover devices that IT staff may not know are there—for instance, an old, decommissioned server.

Timely Software Updates – It sounds simple, but vulnerabilities caused by outdated software are a significant problem. Keeping all the software up to date is essential for better performance. It also helps discourage potential cybercriminals who like to take advantage of previously-found weaknesses in software.

Data Encryption – In 2022, law firms must use encryption methods for systems, data in the cloud, data at rest, and data in transit to protect their files. Hard drives, USB devices, and phones should also use encryption if they are holding sensitive data

To read the cybersecurity trends for 2022 in detail, download our free white paper today.



By 2023, 80% of law firms will have experienced a data breach, according to research from LexisNexis. Given the rising number of cyber-attacks law firms face, it is necessary to take cybersecurity seriously. Law firms can better protect their sensitive data against these cyber threats by investing in the latest security technologies.

Protecting sensitive client data is essential for all law firms.

Stay on top of the latest trends and best practices for data security by downloading our white paper today! We highlight what law firms should be doing to protect their data and prevent a breach from ever happening. Protected Harbor also has other resources to prevent a law firm data breach, which you can access free from our digital library.

Keep in touch for more tips on how to keep your company safe from cybercriminals.