Top trends in cybersecurity that will affect businesses in 2023

Top Cybersecurity Trends That Will Impact Businesses in 2023 Banner


Top Cybersecurity Trends Impacting Businesses in 2023

As technology advances and the digital landscape continues to evolve, businesses must stay ahead of the curve regarding cybersecurity trends. Cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important as the risk of data breaches, malicious software, and other cyber-attacks is on the rise. To protect their data and networks, businesses must understand the latest cybersecurity trends and how they will impact their operations in 2023 and beyond.

This article will discuss the top cybersecurity small business trends should be aware of and how they can best prepare themselves for the future.


Overview of Cybersecurity Trends

Cybersecurity trends are constantly changing, and businesses need to stay up-to-date on the latest trends to protect their data and networks. With the emergence of cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), automation, mobility, the Internet of Things (IoT), and other technologies, the cybersecurity landscape has become increasingly complex and ever-evolving.

The most important thing businesses can do is to stay informed and educated on the latest cybersecurity trends. This will help them to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities and to be better prepared to respond to them. By staying up-to-date on the latest cybersecurity trends, businesses can also ensure that their systems and data are secure.

The cybersecurity landscape is evolving rapidly, with various trends shaping the industry. One significant trend is the growing focus on cybersecurity for small businesses. Recognizing their vulnerabilities, efforts are being made to provide tailored cybersecurity consulting solutions and educational resources to help small businesses safeguard their digital assets. Another trend is the increased emphasis on network security, driven by the rise of remote work and cloud services.

Organizations invest in robust measures like firewalls, secure VPNs, and intrusion detection systems to protect their networks from cyber threats. Speaking of threats, the evolving nature of cyber threats is a prominent trend. Ransomware attacks, phishing scams, and supply chain vulnerabilities pose significant risks. To mitigate these threats, organizations must stay vigilant and implement comprehensive security measures such as user awareness training and multi-factor authentication.

Additionally, server monitoring plays a crucial role in identifying potential security incidents, and services like server monitoring in Rockland County offer specialized expertise. By staying abreast of cybersecurity trends, organizations can stay one step ahead of cyber threats, protect their systems and data, and ensure a secure digital environment.


Cybersecurity Trends Impacting Businesses in 2023

In 2023, businesses should be aware of the following cybersecurity trends that will have a significant impact on their operations:


Top Cybersecurity Trends That Will Impact Businesses in 2023 MiddleCloud Computing Security Trends

Cloud computing is becoming increasingly popular among businesses, offering many advantages such as cost savings, scalability, and flexibility. However, as with any technology, there are also risks associated with cloud computing. As businesses move to the cloud, they need to understand the security risks and take steps to protect their data and networks.

For example, businesses should use strong authentication and authorization measures, encrypt data in transit and at rest, and use a multi-layered security approach to protect their data and networks. They should also ensure that their cloud providers have robust security measures, including data privacy and encryption protocols.


Artificial Intelligence Security Trends

Artificial intelligence (AI) can help automate processes, improve customer service, and increase efficiency. However, AI is not without its risks.  According to IBM, the average savings for businesses that utilize AI and automation to detect and mitigate data breaches is $3 million.

Unfortunately, hackers and criminals are also becoming more adept at using AI due to its increased availability. Among the millions of computers and networks connected to the internet, AI algorithms are employed to find systems with weak security or likely to contain important data. Additionally, it can be used to generate a large number of individualized phishing emails that are intended to deceive recipients into disclosing critical information. As a result, these emails are getting better at avoiding automatic email defense systems that block this kind of mail.


Mobility Security Trends

The mobile attack surface has significantly increased as mobile devices have more access to corporate networks and sensitive data.

Last year, 93% of mobile malware attacks against enterprises started in a device network. The following are the most typical forms of malicious network traffic coming from mobile devices:

  • Phishing emails intended to steal passwords (52%)
  • Malware on a device’s command and control traffic (25%).
  • Accessing URLs or webpages that are affected (23%)

Internet of Things (IoT) Security Trends

According to Gartner, there will be three times as many IoT devices as people on the planet by the end of 2023. Every 18 seconds on average, a connected person will engage with an IoT device by 2025, and each of these interactions will need to be securely protected.

The IoT sector has been steadily expanding over the past 10 years, and this trend will continue into the upcoming year, raising the security risk for businesses. New laws, including the EU Cyber Resilience Act, which will impose strict cybersecurity measures for goods traded in the region, will help mitigate some IoT risks. Still, they will only take effect in at least 2025.

Businesses should concentrate on connected device cybersecurity practices by adopting or updating essential information security policies and processes. To further secure those endpoints, manage vulnerabilities, and react to crises, businesses must also update inventories of their IoT-connected devices while monitoring and updating those devices more frequently.


Data Security Trends

Data security is becoming increasingly important as businesses collect and store more data than ever. Global harmonization of information and data privacy rules will be pushed in 2023. Global regulatory synchronization and alignment will enhance security, notably in data protection, innovation, and cost.

Global trade and business will be enabled rather than hampered by the harmonization of security regimes, empowering improved information and data privacy for all organizations and governments. Applying data protection practices consistently lowers risk and fosters confidence between parties in supply chains.



Developing and fostering a culture of awareness around small business cybersecurity risks is the most crucial action that can be taken at any firm. Employers and employees can no longer consider cybersecurity an issue that the IT department should handle. In reality, everyone’s work description in 2023 should include understanding the dangers and taking simple security measures!

The best way to stay informed and educated on the latest cybersecurity trends is to work with a trusted and experienced cybersecurity provider, such as Protected Harbor. It is one of the top-rated Cybersecurity providers in the U.S. Our system integrates with ISO 27001, NIST, and other frameworks to offer a straightforward, secure, and long-lasting approach to information management. To achieve successful cybersecurity and greater adoption of safe behaviors within your organization, it provides supply chain security, risk management, and compliance assurance, which can be readily adopted, modified, and added to over time.

Get a free Cybersecurity Assessment to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities and better prepare yourself for the future.

Best Strategies to Cut Technology Expenses in a Recession

The Best Ways to Save on Technology Costs During a Recession‍

When you’re in the middle of a recession, it can be hard to think about anything but how much money you don’t have. However, one area that many businesses cut when finances get tight is their technology budget. This is unfortunate because technology isn’t an optional expense for most companies – it’s necessary. After all, new technologies make business operations more productive and help companies reach new markets and sell their goods more efficiently. Nevertheless, a tight economy can force even the best-managed businesses to make unwise cuts to their technology budgets. This doesn’t mean that you have to give up on investing in new technologies until things get better; instead, there are plenty of ways that you can save money on your technology needs during a recession.

Welcome to another blog from the series Uptime with Richard Luna. Watch the video to understand why technology costs matter and how you can cut your bills during a recession.


Review Your Bills

The first step to saving money on technology bills is to review your current bills. You’ll want to ensure you’re not paying for services you aren’t using. For example, if you have internet service with a data cap, you may lower your costs by using a different plan that doesn’t have a cap. Similarly, if you’re paying for software subscriptions that you aren’t using, you should be able to cancel them for a full refund. While these simple savings may not be enough to eliminate the need for cost-cutting measures, they can help you to get started.


Determining Which Tech Investments are Worth the Money

If you’re looking to cut your technology budget, the first step is determining which investments are worth the money. Doing so will allow you to make targeted cuts that will reduce your costs without compromising your ability to do business. If you’re looking to reduce your IT costs, you should evaluate your current IT infrastructure and see if there are any areas for improvement. You can then use this information to decide what new technologies you need. For example, if your business still uses landlines, you should upgrade to VoIP phone service. Similarly, if you’re still using a traditional PBX system, you’ll save money by switching to an IP PBX. Each of these investments will save you money on your monthly bills and help you to modernize your business communications.


The Best Ways to Save on Technology Costs During a Recession middle

Hold Off on New Subscription Purchases

If you’re facing a severe budget shortfall, the first thing that you should do is hold off on new subscription purchases. Many business owners make the mistake of thinking they need to keep up with the latest technological trends, even if they don’t have the money to do so. However, the truth is that most businesses can get by just fine without the latest gadgets. Holding off on new subscriptions will allow you to spend less money on your existing technology. Then you can use the money you’re saving to help offset your technology budget.


Bottom line

Technology is a necessary part of any business, but it doesn’t have to be expensive. To save money on technology costs during a recession, you should review your current bills to ensure that you aren’t paying for services you aren’t using. You should also determine which tech investments are worth the money and hold off on any unnecessary new subscription purchases. By following these tips, you can save money on technology without sacrificing your ability to do business.

Sign up now with Protected Harbor for a free IT audit and find out where you can save money. You will receive recommendations on improving your company’s IT infrastructure to save money, receive a free consultation, and ensure your systems are secure.






Many of you who’ve heard me speak about our services hear me use the term “Contextual Technology”. I stress to my team that we provide a Contextual Technology environment for our clients.


But what is Contextual Technology?

In short, it means technology from the end-users point of view. The dictionary definition of Contextual is; of, pertaining to, or depending on the context. When applied to technology, the context is how useful the technology is to the end-user, and use does not mean the latest bleeding-edge technology. No, it means technology that significantly improves user productivity and business performance.  Given the new technology we bring to bear, is the user able to work less and do more, or is the user confused by new menus, functions or screens and has no idea how to work?

Contextual information technology starts with an understanding of the end-user and understanding the end-user starts with communication.

Good communication is the bedrock or foundation of a good relationship and understanding how much technology the end-user needs or wants, communication makes it possible to understand the end-users’ technology “context”.


Business Issue

Our communication process starts with the initial contact. When we first meet a prospect, we always ask “What is the business issue?”, “What are your technical challenges?”, “What would you like technology to do for the organization?”, and “What would you like to accomplish with technology?”. These questions are key to establishing the prospect’s “context”. These questions also allow us to define the solution plan that will accomplish the prospect’s goals.

Some prospects have significant challenges. Take the following example. Recently, a prospect who became a client was using a 25+-year-old software configuration. The client’s main software, the core of their operation, is a product that uses Foxbase. Key reports were written in Microsoft Access for the client. The access was interconnected to the Foxbase data. As a technology company, our initial reaction was why would anyone be using 25+ software? To the 70+-year-old client, this configuration worked and was very efficient. The client had evaluated other software packages and found none that were as efficient as the current combination.


Contextual Factors

We started with communication, understanding that the goals for this client were first, to upgrade their technology environment without impacting the productivity of their entire workforce, and second, to protect them from hacker attacks (as the old software had security holes). That was their context.

We addressed their context by redesigning their six-server configuration into two, and eliminating permission and security holes that were created by years of poor understanding by other IT “professionals”. Now they are a happy client. Initially protected from malware and ransomware and we monitor their technology keeping it safe. Second, they now operate in a modern, managed network cluster, but the core of the operation has not changed, and NO employee retraining was required.

In the end, we protected the client by understanding the client’s context forming a mutually beneficial relationship that will last years, that is the Protected Harbor Way!

Protected Harbor’s COVID-19 Response

Protected Harbor’s COVID-19 Response

Protected Harbor’s COVID-19 Response

Protected Harbor manages IT for a variety of small, medium and large companies.  Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, virtually every one of our clients decided to or were forced to work from home.  These requests came from all our clients at the same time over a matter of days.
Due to our infrastructure design, and the responsiveness of our staff, Protected Harbor was able to migrate our clients to “work from home” within hours of the request, and with minimal or no interruption in their business.
Also, support costs for clients as they work from home is included in our base price, which is a flat monthly rate.  So none of our clients experienced a rise in IT costs.
If you are struggling to migrate your business to work from home, please call Protected Harbor at 201-957-1616.
Protected Harbor also offers businesses Cloud Services, Network Management, Ransomware and Security Protection, Disaster Recovery and more.