How to Successfully Migrate to the Cloud

How to Successfully Migrate to the Cloud

The global cloud computing market is poised for remarkable growth, projected to reach USD 545.8 billion in 2022 and an astounding USD 1.2 trillion by 2027, with a remarkable compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.9 percent. This exponential expansion is driven by the pursuit of enhanced client experiences, a drive for cost savings and improved return on investment, and the widespread adoption of remote work cultures.

Successfully migrating to the cloud is far from a simple plug-and-play solution. It presents its unique set of challenges, requiring meticulous planning, cost estimation, security considerations, and strategic skill-building. In navigating this complex landscape, a comprehensive cloud migration strategy becomes essential. This guide outlines 4 key steps and considerations to overcome challenges and ensure a successful transition to the cloud.


1. Decide on Your Cloud-Based Business Model

The initial step in your cloud migration journey involves defining your cloud-based business model. Understanding the nuances between Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) is crucial. Each model offers unique advantages, and your choice will significantly influence the foundation of your cloud infrastructure. Consider pay-as-you-go and hybrid models for effective monetization.


2. Define Your Migration Strategy

Choosing the right migration strategy is crucial. Whether it’s rehosting, refactoring, revising, rebuilding, replacing, or retiring, each strategy comes with its benefits and considerations. Techstack’s cloud-first solution for solar energy production exemplifies the importance of aligning your strategy with specific business goals. The decision to optimize applications for the cloud (refactor) or to entirely rebuild them can significantly impact long-term success.


3. Estimate Costs

Cost estimation is another critical aspect of cloud migration planning. Analyze current on-premises expense, evaluate performance metrics, and compare on-premises and cloud costs. A detailed financial plan will help you navigate recurring cloud expenses and ensure a sustainable budget. Consider the pay-as-you-go model in cloud services to further optimize costs.


4. Choose Cloud Type and Deployment

The next phase involves considering the target environment that best aligns with your future business requirements. You have three primary options: private cloud, public cloud, and hybrid cloud.

  • Private Cloud: A scaled-down cloud environment constructed and managed within an existing data center architecture. This option demands significant financial and technological investment but offers complete control over data and workloads.
  • Public Cloud: A commercial utility computing service provided by third-party vendors. Public clouds offer a broad array of services, vast scalability, and a global reach, typically on a pay-per-use model.
  • Hybrid Cloud: Combines the advantages of both private and public clouds, offering control, flexibility, and scalability. This approach, however, requires significant investment in both money and dedication.

Choosing the deployment type is a critical decision, with options including hybrid, multi-cloud, and single-cloud deployments.


How-to-Successfully-Migrate-to-the-Cloud-in-6-Steps-Middle-image5. Design the Architecture

Architecting your cloud environment is a critical step. Whether it involves simple rehosting or a complex, distributed workload, your architecture should align with your business objectives. Consider dependencies and conduct thorough testing to ensure a robust and reliable solution.


6. Define and Run Migration Steps

Craft a detailed migration plan that outlines every step of the process. The importance of meticulous planning and proof-of-concept projects cannot be overstated. Test and validate the migration process in advance to identify and address potential issues proactively.


Main Benefits of Cloud Migration

Cloud migration offers numerous benefits, including flexibility and scalability, cost optimization, enhanced performance, improved security, and compliance with regulatory norms.



Cloud migration is a transformative journey that requires careful planning and execution. By following this comprehensive guide and learning from industry leaders, organizations can navigate the complexities of cloud migration successfully.


Succeed in Cloud Migration with Protected Harbor

Protected Harbor, a leading MSP and IT services company, offers extensive experience in cloud and DevOps services. Leverage our expertise to ensure a smooth transition for your business. Our engineers’ proficiency in creating complex cloud-first solutions and migrating to microservices positions us as a reliable partner for your cloud migration journey. Book a free Cloud migration consultation today!

The 6 Best Cloud Solutions for Nonprofits to Save Money

The 6 Best Cloud Solutions for Non Profits to Save Money 20 Feb Banner

The 6 Best Cloud Solutions for Nonprofits to Save Money

Aside from mission awareness and meeting your non-profit organization’s goals, staying under budget is undoubtedly one of your organization’s most challenging but necessary requirements. Without having to worry about purchasing and maintaining its servers, a nonprofit can use cloud storage to store and access all of its data, some of which may be sensitive. Regarding file sharing, cloud solutions for nonprofits ensures that even remote volunteers have the same access as those in the office.

But, as previously said, nonprofits often need help finding ways to lower and maintain their bottom line. By using a cloud-based solution rather than in-house servers, nonprofits will access more affordable solutions than those offered by larger companies.

Below, we will be discussing six of the best cloud solutions for nonprofits and how they can help you save money.


Top Cloud Storage Solutions for Non-Profits

Nonprofits require reliable and affordable cloud storage solutions to store their files and data, collaborate with teams and partners, and access their information from anywhere. Cloud storage providers offer a range of features and pricing options, including free cloud storage plans, paid plans, lifetime plans, and business plans. One of the most popular cloud storage solutions is Microsoft 365, which offers a suite of services that includes cloud backup, file sync, and share files. It is also easy to set up and use, and it’s virtual machine and hybrid cloud capabilities make it a versatile option.

Other key features of cloud storage solutions for nonprofits include being dedicated to single or multiple users, and service daas. Nonprofits can choose from various cloud storage providers, depending on their needs and budget. Free cloud storage plans suit small nonprofits with basic storage needs, while paid plans offer more features and storage capacity. Lifetime plans provide a one-time payment for a lifetime of storage, making it a cost-effective option for nonprofits. In conclusion, nonprofits have plenty of options for cloud storage solutions. They need to choose a provider that meets their requirements and budget while providing secure and reliable storage for their data.

Understanding what each one offers is essential before deciding which suits your organization. Here are some of the top cloud storage solutions:


Public Cloud: Google for Non-Profits

Public cloud storage is an excellent option for non-profits because it’s easy to set up and maintain. No servers or IT personnel are required on your end, so you can focus on your mission instead of managing all those technical details. Public cloud services also offer built-in security features such as encryption and authentication.

Google has been offering its Cloud Storage product for years, and it’s the most popular cloud storage service on the web. The service offers unlimited space for photos and videos at zero cost, plus you can use Google Drive to store your documents and spreadsheets.


  • Free Space Up to 30GB
  • Superb Compatibility
  • Several Storage Capabilities

Private Cloud – Protected Harbor

Private clouds offer non-profits the most secure and reliable form of cloud storage. They are hosted on private servers in data centers that are more stable than public clouds.

Businesses can turn to Protected Harbor to get the benefits of cloud computing without putting critical information at risk. As the name suggests, a private cloud is a cloud in which only one company can protect its proprietary data. As a result, only selected individuals, as opposed to everyone, have access to the data.


  • Cutting-Edge Cloud Migration Services
  • Increase Your Return on Investment.
  • Foresee and Avert Any Problems

Online Backups – IDriveThe-6-Best-Cloud-Solutions-for-Non-Profits-to-Save-Money-20-Feb-Middle-image

Online backups are a great way to protect your computer and its data. Unfortunately, they’re only easy to use in some instances. That’s where cloud storage comes in.

The only provider on our list that isn’t a cloud storage service is IDrive, an online backup platform (more on the differences between the two below). IDrive, however, incorporates a cloud storage service with all the usual fixings, including file synchronization and sharing.

Users can access up to 100TB of combined storage space. If you’re interested in trying IDrive before making a total financial commitment, they have a free, 10-gigabyte version available to try.


  • Unlimited File Sharing and Syncing
  • Collaboration Tools
  • Zero-Knowledge Encryption
  • Single Sign-On Features
  • Mobile Apps for Android and iOS Devices

Hybrid Collaboration – Protected Desktop

When you choose hybrid collaboration for cloud storage, your data is stored in two separate places: on-premises and offsite. You have complete control over where your data lives and how it’s backed up.

Protected Desktop is an excellent choice for any non-profit looking for a hybrid collaboration to store their files and data. The company offers unlimited storage space at no extra charge and has an easy-to-use interface that makes it great for both beginners and advanced users.


  • Desktop as a Service
  • Provides Support, Monitoring, and Backups
  • Ransomware Protection
  • Application Outage Protection

Fundraising Tools – Aplos

Nonprofit organizations have a lot to keep track of, and one of the most important things is staying on top of their donors. Tracking how much money an organization has raised or how much they’ll need in the future can take a lot of time and effort, that’s where Aplos comes in.

Aplos is a free cloud-based software suite for non-profits that provides fundraising, accounting, membership management, and more helpful tools.


  • Donation Tracking
  • Bank Reconciliation
  • Budgeting/Forecasting
  • Financial Management
  • Accounts Receivable


Resource Planning – Envisio

As a nonprofit, you have many needs but limited resources. Choosing the right cloud storage solution is critical to your organization’s success.

Envisio is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered planning application that makes it simple to build a framework and generate aesthetically appealing reports as a part of the strategic planning process.


  • Ad Hoc Reporting
  • Alerts/Notifications
  • Charting
  • Chat/Messaging
  • Collaboration Tools

Final Words

There is no doubt that cloud solutions have become a necessity in business. Many companies have found tremendous value in moving their IT infrastructure to the cloud to save money and gain efficiency. These same benefits apply to non-profit organizations, and although there are many free options for small businesses, larger non-profits can still benefit from enterprise-level cloud solutions. Non-profits are making great strides to save money and stay within their budget. Cloud services have become a tremendous tool in their arsenal.

There are numerous services available for non-profits at a variety of price points. The trick is to match your specific needs with your budget—something a professional like Protected Harbor can help you with. Talk to the experts and get the perfect advice for a cloud storage solution that best fits your non-profit. Contact our team today!

Top Cloud Technologies Trends to Watch Out for in 2023

Top Cloud Technologies to Look Out for in 2023 Banner

Top Cloud Technologies Trends to Watch Out for in 2023

As we enter 2023, many businesses are turning their gaze to the horizon to look at the future of cloud technology. The cloud has made immense strides in the past few years, and it is poised to make even more progress in the near future. A few cloud technologies will likely be the focus of attention in 2023, and it is essential to understand what these are and how they will affect businesses. This blog post will discuss the leading cloud technologies, trends, and cloud migration services to watch out for in 2023.


Introduction to Cloud Technologies

Cloud technology has become an integral part of modern business operations, providing businesses with previously unavailable benefits. By leveraging the advantage of the cloud, companies can access greater computing resources, store vast quantities of data, and grow their operations in ways that were never possible before. It is no surprise that cloud technology is becoming increasingly widespread and is expected to reach even further in 2023.

Cloud computing services have revolutionized the way businesses operate, offering unparalleled flexibility, scalability, and efficiency. With cloud migration services becoming increasingly prevalent, organizations can seamlessly transition their operations to the cloud, unlocking new opportunities for innovation and growth. Additionally, the rise of cloud-managed services has empowered businesses to offload the complexities of infrastructure management to skilled service providers, allowing them to focus on core business objectives. In this era of digital transformation, understanding the fundamentals of cloud technologies is essential for staying competitive and harnessing the full potential of the cloud.


What is Cloud Computing?

Before discussing the leading cloud technologies and trends to watch out for in 2023, it is important to understand cloud computing and why it is valuable. Cloud computing is storing and accessing data and applications over the internet, allowing businesses to access them whenever and wherever they are needed. This “on-demand” access to resources is one of the main benefits of cloud computing, as it allows businesses to be more agile and responsive to changing market conditions. There are three main types of cloud computing: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).

Thanks to cloud computing, businesses can access vast resources and store large amounts of data without investing in expensive hardware and software. This allows companies to scale up their operations quickly and efficiently while reducing costs. Cloud is also very secure, as data is stored in secure data centers and is backed up regularly.


Top Cloud Technologies Trends to Watch Out for in 2023

Now that we better understand cloud computing and its benefits, let’s look at the leading cloud technologies to watch out for in 2023.


Top-Cloud-Technologies-to-Look-Out-for-in-2023 MiddleArtificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Integration

One of the biggest trends in cloud technology for 2023 is integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). By leveraging these technologies, businesses can gain valuable insights into their data, allowing them to make more informed decisions and optimize their operations. AI and ML can also automate tasks and processes, saving time and resources for more critical tasks.

Integrating AI and ML with cloud computing is expected to become even more widespread in 2023, with more businesses taking advantage of these technology’s benefits including application migration. This will also increase the number of cloud-based AI and ML services and cloud migration services, allowing companies to access these powerful technologies without investing in expensive hardware and software.


Hybrid Cloud Solutions Will Soar

Another trend to watch out for in 2023 is the rise of hybrid cloud solutions. A hybrid cloud is a combination of public and private cloud solutions, allowing businesses to take advantage of the scalability and cost-efficiency of public cloud solutions while also being able to access the more secure and reliable environment of private cloud solutions.

The hybrid cloud is expected to become even more popular in 2023 as businesses look to take advantage of the benefits of both public and private cloud solutions. This trend will also increase the number of hybrid cloud solutions, allowing companies to access the best of both worlds.


Cloud Cost Optimization

Companies are keen to employ cloud computing; thus, there is a continuing need to reduce costs for these services. Cloud service providers will put more effort into developing business-friendly and cloud native solutions that offer increased productivity and better resource availability. These enhanced client resources will aid in the optimization of cloud-based workloads and guarantee a profitable investment.

There are several strategies businesses can use for cloud cost optimization, such as using cloud cost management tools, optimizing their cloud usage, and optimizing their cloud storage. By leveraging these strategies, businesses can reduce cloud costs without sacrificing performance or security.


Sustainability and More Cloud Adoption

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important to businesses all around the world. Most organizations know that cutting back on the energy used by infrastructure services, computer engines, and more extensive storage needs will help them transition to sustainability. Most IT behemoths will use 2023 to identify creative cloud solutions to reach carbon neutrality.

As businesses become more conscious of their environmental impact, they increasingly turn to cloud-based solutions to reduce their carbon footprints. Cloud computing is one of the most efficient and sustainable ways to store and access data and applications.

The increased adoption of cloud services is expected to drive further innovation in cloud technology, allowing businesses to access even more powerful and cost-effective solutions.


Cloud Security and Resilience

Cloud migration offers ample opportunities, efficiency, and convenience and exposes businesses and organizations to new cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Furthermore, the possibility of fines or, even worse, losing the trust of their clients is a serious issue because of the rising body of legislation governing how businesses can hold and use personal data.

Spending on cyber security and increasing resilience against anything from data loss to the effects of a pandemic on international trade will thus take on even greater importance in the upcoming year. The emphasis will likely be on finding creative and economical ways to maintain cyber security, nevertheless, to get the most “bang for the buck” as many organizations attempt to cut costs in the face of a predicted economic slump. In 2023, this will translate into increased use of managed “security-as-a-service” providers and AI and predictive technology to identify dangers before they cause issues.



The cloud is expected to have an impact in 2023 significantly, and there are a few cloud technologies to watch out for. Artificial intelligence and machine learning integration, hybrid cloud solutions, cloud cost optimization, sustainability, more cloud adoption, and cloud security and resilience are all expected to be significant trends in 2023.

Protected Harbor migration services assist you in putting your cloud strategy into place by using systematic, risk-mitigated cloud migration services. Your cloud-enabled business transformation initiatives will benefit from Protected Harbor’s tool-based framework. Get cloud support and cloud migration help from our experts today.

Our experts at Protected Harbor are standing by to assist you in all your cloud-related needs including disaster recovery, data storage, private and public cloud services. We provide comprehensive cloud support and migration plan, helping our clients easily create a successful cloud strategy. Our services have helped countless businesses improve operational efficiency and reduce costs by making the transition to the cloud smoother and more seamless. Get cloud support and cloud migration help from our experts today, and let us help you achieve your goals!

Deploying Servers in a Virtualized Environment



Deploying Servers in a Virtualized Environment

The term “virtualization” can seem a little perplexing. It’s something that the business world is going crazy over, but something you’ve never entirely understood.

Currently valued at between 40 and 60 billion dollars, the worldwide virtualization software market is anticipated to reach at least 120 billion dollars over the coming years. ~Statista

Virtualization is a technology that may be used for virtually all types of IT infrastructure, including servers, PCs, networks, storage, data, applications, data centers, CPUs, and GPUs. Virtualization is thus a crucial component of cloud computing.

Whether you’re deploying new servers or additional instances, it’s a good idea to know how to do it right. In the past, deploying servers required having three separate tools: one for deploying the operating system, one for installing the database, and another for installing all the other services. With virtualization, all those tasks are combined into one or two tools. The result is a streamlined process that is both quicker and easier.

What is Virtualization in a Cloud Environment?

Virtualization is the process of creating a virtual version of an existing system. This virtual copy can be executed as an independent machine or performed on the current hardware.

Cloud computing is built on top of virtualization technology and has become one of the most popular trends in IT over the last decade.

Virtualization allows you to deploy multiple instances of an application or operating system in a single physical server. This means we can use fewer physical servers while still serving more customers, reducing our hardware costs, power consumption, and cooling needs. In addition, it also allows us to easily manage our computing resources by allowing us to move them between servers as needed without disrupting services for clients or internal users.

Benefits of Deploying Servers in a Virtualized Environment

The benefits of deploying servers in a virtualized environment are substantial. For example, virtualization companies can save money by consolidating their servers and reducing hardware costs. They can also benefit from more flexible hardware that allows them to deploy and remove servers as needed quickly.

In 2020, it was predicted that the virtualization software market would be worth $38.7 billion.

It is projected to reach $149.4 billion by the conclusion of the analysis period, which runs from 2020 to 2026, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 25.4%.

The benefits of Deploying Servers in a Virtualized Environment include the following:

Protection from Failure and Disaster

When you have your data stored on physical servers, one failure can cause all your data to be lost or inaccessible. By using virtualization technology, you can create multiple copies of your server and store them in different locations. If one location fails, you still have access to your data through another location. This is especially useful if you have important data that must be kept safe.

Lower Costs

Virtualized servers can reduce your costs because they use fewer physical servers, which means fewer servers to purchase and maintain. Additionally, the lower price of virtualization software can offset these savings. Still, even if you have to pay more upfront, it will quickly pay itself over time as your IT environment becomes more efficient and stable.

Reduced IT Footprint

Virtualized environments require less space than traditional physical environments because they don’t need as many racks or cabinets. This can significantly reduce the space required to support your users and data centers. It also makes it easier to scale up or down as needed without spending money on additional hardware or software licenses.

Risk-Free Testing

Virtualization allows you to test new hardware, operating systems, and applications without risk affecting your production environment. This is especially important when you’re adopting new technology. Virtualization allows you to test the waters before committing. In addition, it makes it easier to move between different hardware vendors and operating systems without significant changes to management processes.


Data security is another area where virtualization technology excels. With physical servers, there are only so many ways to protect them from hackers looking to steal sensitive information. With virtual servers, however, each instance can be covered with its firewalls and other security measures, making it much more difficult for hackers to access sensitive data stored within these instances.

Ease of Data Transfer

A cloud environment consists of multiple data centers connected via high-speed networks. The data center where your virtual machine resides can be anywhere in the world as long as it is connected to the internet. You can quickly move your virtual machine from one cloud data center to another without having to move it yourself physically.

Simplified Data Center Management

Virtualized servers make it easy for you to manage your data center. You don’t need to worry about managing individual servers or installing updates because everything is managed at the hypervisor level. This also means that you don’t need to hire specialized IT staff members with expertise in managing servers and networking equipment — all you need is someone who can manage virtual machines using a console or command line interface (CLI).

Deploying-Servers-in-a-Virtualized-Environment-Middle-imageCommon Challenges of Deploying Servers in Virtualized Environment

Organizations are adopting virtualization to reduce costs and improve agility. However, there are many challenges associated with virtualization that can impact the success of your virtual environment.

Here are some common challenges organizations face when deploying servers in a virtualized environment:

Resource distribution: It is challenging to plan for resource distribution in a virtualized environment because of its dynamic nature. For example, if you have 100 VMs on a physical host, it is difficult to predict which VMs will run at any given time and how much CPU or memory they need. This makes it challenging to plan for resource distribution upfront.

VM Sprawl – If not appropriately managed, VM sprawl can lead to increased costs and security risks due to raised attack surfaces on the network. Organizations must implement policies that allow them to manage VM sprawl before it becomes unmanageable.

Overrun storage network – With flexible deployment options like VMware DRS and vMotion, organizations can quickly move VMs around physical hosts without worrying about breaking applications. However, this can also lead to problems when multiple VMs try to push data through the same storage network simultaneously, as there may need to be more bandwidth available for all of them.

Final Words

Virtualized environments are becoming incredibly popular, both among hosting providers and customers. However, only some people are familiar with deploying servers in a virtualized environment.

Protected Harbor offers expert services for the cloud in a virtualized environment. We provide full support throughout the process so that you can ensure that all aspects of deployment are done professionally and efficiently. We will help you to set up virtual machines, migrate your data, and set up security. We will also assist you with ongoing management and troubleshooting of any issues with your virtual environment.

We also offer various services like data backup, disaster recovery, and network monitoring. Pride ourselves on being a one-stop shop for all your technology needs, whether hardware or software. With our team of experts on board, we can easily tackle any of your technology issues. Whether you are looking for a new data center or want to migrate your system to the cloud, we are here to help.

We want to be your go-to resource for all things cloud, so please do not hesitate to ask questions and receive expert advice to help you make the most of this valuable technology. Get a free cloud consultation today.

Managed Services vs. Cloud Computing

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Managed Services vs. Cloud Computing: What’s the Difference?

Suppose you’re a CIO of a company or just an employee. In that case, it’s likely that sooner or later, you will have to deal with two opposing forces: on the one hand, the demands of your organization and the increasing need for agility, and on the other, your team’s inability to manage everything in a digital world. These two factors often lead to a choice between having a managed services contract, which relieves some pressure from your technical department by allowing them to use third-party companies instead of managing services themselves or going all-in with cloud computing.

Managed services and cloud computing can help businesses streamline operations, automate processes, and make data-driven decisions. They also have several things in common that make understanding the differences between managed services and cloud computing more accessible. Managed services and cloud computing are two popular ways organizations outsource their technology needs. Managed services refer to outsourcing day-to-day technology management, including data management systems and IT infrastructure management. On the other hand, cloud computing refers to using cloud-based services to store and access data securely.

Whether you’re a business looking to cut costs or develop an online presence, knowing what these services are and how they can benefit your organization is essential. Read on to learn more about the similarities and differences between managed services and cloud computing.

What is a Managed Service?

Managed services refer to a type of outsourcing where a company owns the technology and staff of another company, but not the business process or the customer relationship. A managed service provider (MSP) offers customers various types of managed services, governed by a service level agreement (SLA). This agreement outlines the expected level of service, including response time, issue resolution, and performance metrics.

One popular type of managed service is data management. This involves the storage, retrieval, and security of customer data. Another type of managed service is information technology services, which include the management of an organization’s technology infrastructure, such as servers, networks, and software applications.

Protected Harbor offers clients various managed services, including data management, cloud computing, migration, and information technology services. We work with our clients to develop customized SLAs that meet their specific needs and provide them with peace of mind knowing that their technology and data are in good hands.

There are several reasons why companies choose to partner with us for their managed services needs. One of the main reasons is our expertise in data management, which helps clients improve their data security and compliance. We also offer various managed services, including cloud-based solutions, which provide our clients the flexibility and scalability they need to grow their businesses.

For example, a hosting company outsources the management of its infrastructure to a third-party company. The customer’s website is hosted on the managed service provider’s cloud. The ordered service provider has managed the hosting for the customer for a fee.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is the delivery of resources and services through a network of shared hardware and software that reside on remote servers and are accessed through a network. This means you don’t own or manage any technology but instead access it via the Internet cloud. You can, for example, use a shared spreadsheet on someone’s computer over the Internet without knowing anything about the computer’s technical setup.

It is also referred to as “virtual computing.” A cloud provider like Amazon offers various storage, computing, and software services. The advantage of using a cloud provider is that it saves you time by letting you outsource tasks that used to take up a lot of your time, like managing the technical setup of employees’ computers, to a service provider.

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Advantages of Cloud Computing

Cloud providers offer several advantages over managed services providers. First, you get access to a broader range of services and benefits, like automatic backup and disaster recovery. The second is that you don’t have the costs associated with data center maintenance or power. Another advantage of cloud computing is that you are not limited to using the technology of a single provider since the cloud is an open network where anyone can offer a service. This means you can access a broader range of technologies and services without being limited to the ones a managed service provider offers.

Managed Services vs. Cloud Computing

Managed services and cloud computing benefits organizations looking to improve their technology capabilities. With managed services, organizations can benefit from expert monitoring and management of their technology infrastructure and data management strategies that can help them extract valuable insights from the data they collect. With cloud computing, organizations can benefit from scalable, cost-effective solutions allowing them to access their data anywhere.

Managed services can help organizations leverage machine learning and business intelligence to make informed business decisions. At the same time, cloud computing can provide the flexibility and scalability needed to support growth and innovation. Both approaches can offer high data governance and security, which is critical for organizations that handle sensitive information.

Ultimately, the choice between managed services and cloud computing will depend on an organization’s specific needs and goals. For organizations that require more control over their technology infrastructure, managed services may be the better choice. For organizations looking for more flexibility and scalability, cloud-based solutions may be the way to go. Regardless of the approach, organizations should seek a provider that offers a high level of service, data integration, and data warehouses to ensure they can make the most of their technology investments.

Managed vs. Platform as a Service

Managed services generally have a more limited scope and a more focused purpose than cloud computing. They are often used to supplement existing IT service delivery rather than replace it. A managed service usually has a defined scope and duration. The range includes the service type and the effort required to deliver it. The time of the contract is generally shorter than the scope. A platform as a service (PaaS) is a service that gives you access to an Application Programming Interface (API) that you can use to store your data and run specific programs, like a payroll service.


As you can see, managed services and cloud computing both have a lot of potential benefits, but it’s essential to know the differences between them to make the right choice for your organization. Both are effective ways to alleviate some of the pressure from your IT team and get access to resources that are not owned or managed by you. Suppose your organization is experiencing challenges managing the increasing volume of data created, the growing need for agility, or both. In that case, it might be worth analyzing the costs of managed services versus cloud computing.

The level of trust that Protected Harbor has received from its customers is evident from the fact that we have been recognized as the top cloud computing company in the US by Goodfirms. We have been rated highly among the people of the Internet because we offer a wide range of affordable cloud computing services at different levels of customization. With the wide range of cloud computing services we offer, every business can get the cloud computing services they need.

We are committed to protecting the safety and integrity of your data, no matter where it lives. Contact us today to learn more about your organization’s managed services and cloud options.

Is the Cloud Answer to Everything?

Is the Cloud Answer to Everything?

The cloud is a popular topic, with big and small organizations looking at cloud solutions to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and accelerate new projects. A recent survey found that 66% of businesses currently use the cloud in some capacity. But is it the answer to everything? Is the cloud the best option for your business? The quick answer is No! – but there’s more to it than that. Read on to find out if the cloud is right for you and your business or if another solution might suit you better.

We are excited to bring you another much-requested video on our series Uptime with Richard Luna. We are discussing Cloud and Is the Cloud answer all your problems. Watch the video to understand it in detail.


Why the Cloud is Such a Big Deal

If you think back to when you were a child, the internet probably wouldn’t have even been on your radar. It’s only been around for a few decades, so it’s not surprising that it’s still such a new concept, even though it’s become a massive part of our daily lives.

When you hear the word cloud, what do you think? Most people think of a massive server that holds all the data for an organization, storing it in a remote location. This is an oversimplification, but it gets the point across. As a business owner, you need to know what the cloud means and what it could mean for your organization.

For a good reason, the cloud has become a massive trend in recent years. It offers various benefits that traditional on-premises solutions cannot match. Hybrid cloud solutions, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS) are just some examples of cloud offerings available to businesses. One of the significant advantages of cloud computing is the flexibility it provides. Businesses can choose between public and private clouds or even create multi-cloud environments that utilize multiple clouds to meet their specific needs.

Cloud solutions like IBM Cloud, and Protected Harbor Cloud can simplify management and reduce overhead costs, as businesses no longer have to worry about maintaining and upgrading their hardware or operating systems. Moreover, businesses can quickly scale up or down their resources as required with the cloud, making it a more cost-effective solution. These and other benefits of cloud computing have made it an attractive option for businesses of all sizes and industries.


Is the Cloud Right for You?

Whether or not the cloud is right for you depends on your business, needs, and how it aligns with your goals and vision for the future. If you’re unsure if the cloud is the right solution, consider the following questions: Is your organization ready for a significant change or transformation? Do you have a reliable and secure internet connection? Does your organization have a substantial amount of data? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, the cloud might be your ideal solution.

Cloud computing services are viable options for businesses looking to modernize their IT infrastructure. However, choosing the right cloud solution depends on various factors, such as the business’s size, industry, and requirements. For instance, small business owners might benefit more from SaaS offerings that allow them to access the software through the cloud rather than investing in costly hardware and maintenance.

On the other hand, larger companies with complex IT infrastructure might find IaaS or PaaS more suitable, as they offer greater control and customization over the environment. Additionally, businesses with a hybrid cloud architecture, combining on-premises and cloud infrastructure, may require a hybrid cloud infrastructure to ensure seamless integration between the two.

Furthermore, choosing a cloud provider is also critical, and businesses must select a reliable provider such as Alibaba Cloud that offers high availability and scalability. Virtual machines and other computing services provided by the cloud can also be advantageous, allowing businesses to quickly spin up new resources or scale up existing ones to meet their demands. Ultimately, the decision of whether the cloud is right for you depends on your unique business needs and goals.


What Else Should You Be Considering?

While the cloud may be a good fit for your business, there are a few other things you may want to consider before making a decision. What are your security needs? If you’re storing data remotely, you must be confident that it’s secure. Being compliant with government regulations like HIPAA and GDPR is another critical factor. Finally, you’ll also want to consider your budget and ROI. If you don’t have the budget to use a cloud-based solution, you might want to look at other options.



The cloud is a popular solution for many businesses but isn’t the best solution for everyone. No single technology or vendor can be the answer to everything. Cloud providers are trying to solve different problems at different scales. As with any technology, the cloud has its strengths and weaknesses, and it’s essential to understand them before making decisions.

There are many Cloud service providers in the US. Among all, Protected Harbor was one of the top Cloud service providers in the US. Our cloud services include AWS Migration, Office 365 Migration, Google Cloud Migration, Hybrid Cloud, Private Cloud, and Dedicated Cloud Infrastructure.

If you’re still unsure about the Cloud or its features, contact one of our experts immediately. They’ll recommend the best-suited strategy for your business. We are also giving away a free IT Audit to help the company identify its weak points. Keep watching the video for more.

Understanding the Risks of Cloud Migration

Understanding the Risks of Cloud Migration and Security Measures to Mitigate Them

Thanks to our experts at Protected Harbor, we’ve released a new infographic that can help your organization or business to reduce your cloud migration security risks. This infographic includes key security tips and advice to help you make the right cloud migration decisions. Download the infographic now to learn more! And don’t forget to visit our blog for more tips and advice.

As your organization evaluates cloud migration, it’s critical to understand the risks. Security is a top concern for many businesses, so before you move your company’s data and services to the cloud, you must understand how to mitigate any potential risk. Understanding cloud security risks are essential for an effective migration strategy. The first step in this process is understanding the potential risks of migrating your organization to the cloud.

After all, not every business can trust third parties with their data. But with the proper security measures in place, moving to a cloud platform can benefit almost any business.

Download our infographic to understand how to reduce cloud migration security risks in a quick overview, and continue reading the blog for more information.

What Is Cloud Migration?

Cloud migration is the process of moving an organization’s data, applications, and other business elements from on-premises data centers to cloud computing services. Several types of cloud computing are available, including public cloud, private cloud, and hybrid cloud, each with its own benefits and challenges. Cloud migration requires careful planning and execution to ensure that sensitive information remains secure and protected from data breaches.

Moving apps, data, and other digital assets from an on-premises data center to the cloud is also cloud migration. These may be programs that have been specially created for the organizations or ones that they have licensed from a different vendor. There are various methods for moving to the cloud, including:

  • “Lift and shift” refer to moving apps as-is.
  • Modifying applications slightly to facilitate their cloud migration
  • Application rebuilding or remodeling to make them more suitable for a cloud environment
  • Changing from legacy applications that don’t support the cloud to new ones that cloud vendors offer.
  • “Cloud-native development” refers to the process of creating new cloud-based apps.

What is CSPM?

Cloud security posture management (CSPM) is critical to cloud migration strategies. It involves assessing and managing the security posture of an organization’s cloud infrastructures, including threat detection and data masking. CSPM helps organizations ensure their cloud resources are secure, compliant, and operating under the appropriate security controls.

One of the main benefits of cloud migration is the ability to take advantage of the scalability and flexibility of cloud computing services. Cloud resources can be easily scaled up or down as needed, allowing organizations to quickly respond to changing business needs. However, migrating to the cloud can also introduce new security challenges, such as the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access to sensitive information.

To mitigate these risks, organizations should carefully consider their cloud migration strategies and take steps to ensure that their cloud infrastructures are secure and compliant with applicable regulations. This can include implementing access controls, monitoring for threats, and regularly reviewing and updating security policies and procedures. By taking a proactive approach to cloud security, organizations can enjoy the benefits of cloud computing while minimizing the risk of data breaches and other security threats.

What are the Key Benefits of Cloud Migration?

The advantages of the cloud, which include hosting applications and data in a highly effective IT environment that can increase factors like cost, performance, and security, are the overarching goal of most cloud migrations.

Elastic scalability, a need to reduce costs or convert from a capital expenditure to an operating expenses model, and a requirement for new technologies, services, or features only available in a cloud environment are essential drivers for cloud migration.

The flexibility of corporate IT teams to deliver new services and expand the company to meet changing business requirements is enhanced by cloud computing, which is maybe even more significant.

Security Risks of Cloud Migration

cloud migration infographicBecause cloud migration is susceptible to several attacks, careful planning is required. Sensitive data is exchanged during migration, leaving it open to attack. Additionally, attackers may obtain access to unsecured development, test, or production environments at different points in a migration project.

Plan your cloud migration efforts in advance of the following dangers:

Application Programming Interface (API) vulnerabilities: APIs serve as communication routes between environments. At every step of the cloud migration process, APIs must be protected.

Blind spots: Using the cloud requires giving up some operational control. Before migrating, check the security your cloud provider offers and how to enhance it with supplemental third-party security solutions.

Compliance requirements: Verify that your intended cloud environment complies with the necessary standards. This comprises the organization’s protocols for ensuring the security of cloud workloads, data, and access, as well as compliance certifications issued by the cloud provider. As part of the standards for compliance, all of these may be audited and will be.

Unchecked Growth: Moving to the cloud is a continuous process. The company will probably add more resources, use new cloud services, and add more apps after moving applications to the cloud. Once SaaS apps are up and operating in the cloud, it is normal to begin employing more SaaS applications. A significant operational problem exists in securing these new services and applications effectively.

Data loss: Moving to the cloud requires the transfer of data. If there are issues with the migration process, it is crucial to ensure that data is backed up. With rigorous key management, all data is transferred across encrypted channels.

5 Ways to Mitigate Cloud Migration Security Risks

Here are a few best practices that can help improve security during and after cloud migrations:

  1. Develop a Plan– Planning before migration and executing successfully is essential. Use automated tools and optimization to outline the expertise, resources, and tooling you need to start.
  2. Start Small- To reduce the fear and accelerate cloud adoption, start with an automatic workload lift and shift over in small portions.
  3. Leverage SaaS Adoption– Utilize your business units to promote cloud adoption by investing in Software-as-a-Service.
  4. Set Security Standards– Develop baseline security standards by collaborating with your governance team.
  5. Use Managed Services- Organizations should monitor their cloud security posture from the control plan to asset configuration. They can partner with a Managed Services Provider for efficient migration.


Migrating to the cloud can be a great way to boost your company’s productivity and scalability. But it’s essential to understand the security risks first. The best way to mitigate these risks is to work with a reputable cloud provider committed to data security.

Having the right security practices in place for your team is also important. With the proper security measures, you can enjoy all the benefits of migrating to the cloud. That’s why we have created an infographic to help you out. Download today and get started with your cloud migration.