Category: How-To & Guides

How Can You Prevent Cloud Misconfiguration and What Is It?

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What is Cloud Misconfiguration and How Can You Avoid It?

The increased usage of the cloud, intended to promote company agility and resilience, has recently increased cyber risks. It does not follow, however, that choosing to adopt cloud-based-hosted environments automatically increases an organization’s vulnerability to a cyberattack. Because specific security solutions aren’t designed to secure cloud-hosted environments, securing a cloud environment requires a different security strategy than securing on-premises infrastructures.

IaaS (infrastructure-as-a-service) solutions are becoming increasingly popular among businesses for their IT operations. According to Gartner, by 2022, double the number of corporate entities using cloud-managed products 2018 will be using them.

According to the NSA, cloud misconfiguration is the most significant vulnerability in a cloud security environment. Although these risks are frequently modest in sophistication, the occurrence of cloud misconfiguration problems is typically through the sky. In other words, 99% of businesses will have cloud misconfigurations that they are entirely unaware of.

What is Cloud Misconfiguration?

Any flaws, defects, or holes in your cloud setup that could put you in danger are called cloud misconfiguration. This cloud security risk may manifest as insider threats, cloud breaches, data breaches, insider threats, or bad external actors who use your network’s weaknesses to their advantage. This serious compliance risk might appear in a variety of ways, including:

  • Granting public access to storage buckets;
  • Unknowingly disclosing unencrypted data to the public internet without the necessary authentication in place;
  • Improper network functionality generation;
  • Exposing data saved in the cloud to all system users and storing encryption keys and passwords in publicly accessible repositories.

It can be either malicious or accidental.

  • Malicious cloud misconfiguration is when someone deliberately sets up their cloud server to access someone else’s product or data. This is often done by hackers who want to steal information or even cause physical harm.
  • Accidental cloud misconfiguration happens when a company puts its information on public clouds and does not secure it properly. This can happen because a company doesn’t understand its responsibilities in this respect or anticipate how much work would be required to ensure its data once it is moved into the cloud.

Leading Causes of Misconfigured Cloud Infrastructures

Most misconfigurations are caused by human error and elements like overly complicated infrastructure or inadequate knowledge of security procedures.

Malicious Insiders

While it is difficult to know who is responsible for a breach, the most common culprits are malicious insiders who have gained access to user credentials and have tried to use them to launch attacks on the cloud environment. As a result, users are often forced to change their passwords or reset their accounts’ entire passwords.

Denial of Service Attacks (DoS)

A denial of service attack occurs when an attacker tries to overload a system with data requests so that it cannot service legitimate requests from users or other applications. This can result in lost productivity, disrupted operations, and an inability to process payments, which can cause financial losses for companies with cloud-based eCommerce platforms.

Overly Complex Infrastructure

Cloud infrastructure typically consists of multiple components such as servers, storage systems, networks, and firewalls that work together to provide cloud services across various geographic locations worldwide. IT professionals may become susceptible to attack by hackers or malware distributors seeking entry into company systems when these components are not correctly configured or managed by IT professionals.

Unauthorized Access

An unauthorized individual can access your cloud infrastructure and wreak havoc on the AWS environment. In the case of a malicious actor, the consequences can be devastating to business operations, financial security, or even human lives.

Insufficient Understanding of Security

When creating and managing apps and infrastructure, the majority of developers and DevOps teams do not place a high priority on security. These teams primarily concentrate on ensuring that services perform properly and offer users functionality.

When selecting members for your development team, consider security. Ensure they comprehend crucial ideas like application hardening, least privilege, and encryption at rest.

what is cloud misconfiguration middleHow to Avoid Cloud Misconfiguration?

Here are some tips to avoid cloud misconfiguration:

Implement Log Tracking

The first step to avoiding cloud misconfiguration is to implement logging and monitoring. When a cloud service is misconfigured, it’s often difficult to identify what exactly went wrong. The best way to catch this type of issue is by using a detailed logging and monitoring system. You can determine the root cause of any misconfiguration incidents by tracking changes.

Add Layered Security

Layer testing is another way to prevent cloud misconfiguration issues. Layer testing involves placing multiple checks on your application before deploying it in production. For example, if you are deploying an application that requires authentication, you will use one layer of testing for authentication and another layer for authorization. This way, if something goes wrong during authentication, it does not affect approval.

Automate Configuration and Security Checks

Automation is an integral part of cloud security. A data breach can occur if the same settings are used in multiple environments. Automating the deployment of your infrastructure helps you eliminate this risk.

Simplify Your Environments

If you have multiple environments for your applications, then it’s essential to simplify them as much as possible. This is because every domain has different requirements and limitations. For example, if you have an internal production environment and an external staging environment, having two separate configurations will complicate things further down the line.

Document Everything

If you’re using cloud-based services, then they will require your information. So, ensure you have all the documentation ready before moving to the next step. This will help you in case of an issue with your service or a security breach.

Scan for Vulnerabilities

A scan will check whether your server has known security issues that could allow hackers to access it. If there are any vulnerabilities, ensure you fix them as soon as possible by following best practices such as patching software, updating third-party libraries, or installing anti-virus software on your server.

Adopt a DevSecOps Culture

The process of development and deployment has long neglected security. A DevSecOps culture is created by combining awareness and attention to growth, safety, and operations. This culture makes incorporating security as a crucial component of application design and development more accessible.

It helps to build security into your application’s framework to have competent security resources on your design and development teams. Avoiding issues in the first place will prevent the hassle of dealing with them afterward.


Misconfiguration issues are ultimately nothing new; they have moved to the cloud with the applications. Your organization’s ability to lower its cyber risk and the likelihood of being a victim of a cloud-misconfiguration-based breach will improve the more cloud security automation you can deploy in combination with human-backed services. Managing your security threats inside your expanding list of cloud services is crucial as cloud usage keeps accelerating. A significant data leak can result from a single configuration error.

An automated solution like Protected Harbor can help you reduce your attack surface and control third-party cloud exposures through real-time monitoring and optimized remediation workflows. We help businesses and enterprises protect their data and assets by offering cloud configuration solutions. We offer a full range of cloud services, including infrastructure, platform, and software solutions.

With a team of certified engineers and consultants, we help enterprises and businesses migrate, transform, and digitize their critical business processes. We work with our clients to understand their business requirements, design the best architecture, and execute the project with utmost care. We are a team of professionals who believe in integrity, honesty, and hard work.

With our solutions, you can focus on what matters most to your business. Contact us today to learn about cloud migration and configuration.

How to Recognize Malware

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How to Recognize Malware?

Due to rapid advancement in technology and the use of digital devices, the risks of cyber attacks on individuals, organizations, government, and private sectors are increasing. A cyber attack attempts to access a computer system, a group of computers, or a network infrastructure to cause harm. Electrical blackouts, military equipment failures, and national security secrets leaks are possible outcomes of cyber strikes. They can lead to the theft of valuable and sensitive information, such as medical records. They can paralyze or interrupt phone and computer networks.

Cyber risks include computer viruses, data breaches, and DoS attacks. Malware is an example of an escalating cyber threat. Malware has been used to cause disruptions, make money, conduct cyber warfare methods and much more since the early 1970s.

  • Last year, 34% of firms had malware-related security issues.
  • Following March 2020, Google found roughly 600-800 malware-infected sites weekly, compared to around 3000 infected sites between January and March.

People have a habit of using loose security terms. However, it’s critical to understand your malware categories. Understanding how different types of malware spread is essential to containing and eradicating them. This article will help you know how to recognize malware.


What is Malware?

Malware or malicious software disrupts computer operations, gathers sensitive information, or accesses private computer systems. Malicious software, or malware, is designed to damage or disrupt computers and computer networks.

Malware comes in various forms and often varies in sophistication, but some things are common to most types of malware. They’re usually small programs that trick people into installing them on their computers. Once the computer has been infected with malware, it may be slowed down, destroyed, or made vulnerable to malicious attacks from other sources.

It includes computer viruses, keyloggers, and other malicious programs that damage or disrupt computers and networks. Malware attacks can range from simple annoyances such as pop-up messages to extremely damaging programs that cause financial loss or identity theft.

To protect your systems from malware, it’s important to invest in reliable malware protection solutions such as Malwarebytes. Malware protection for PC  can help protect your data from malicious attacks and keep your systems running smoothly. Investing in the right malware protection for Mac can give peace of mind to Mac users that their data is secure and protected.



How-to-Recognize-Malware-middleWays to Tell if You’re Infected with Malware

The best way to tell if your computer has been infected with malware is to look for specific symptoms. Here are some tips on how you can tell if your device has been affected by malicious software:

  • Slow performance: If you notice that your device is performing slower than usual, there might be a problem with malware. When malicious programs run on your PC, they can affect its performance and make everything take longer than usual. For example, opening files or programs might take longer, and web pages may not load properly.
  • Unexpected behavior changes: If anything that generally happens on your PC starts happening when it shouldn’t — or doesn’t happen when it should — then this could be a sign of malware infection. For example, if your browser opens new tabs without permission or downloads files without asking permission, these could be malware infection signs.

If you have malware on your computer, it can lead to various problems. Some malware displays pop-ups and advertisements, some steal personal information stored on your computer, and some even try to access your bank account. If you believe your system contains malware, you must use an effective anti-malware program to remove the threat.

If you experience these symptoms, you may have malware on your computer. You are in danger when the virus starts to harm your system. You need to know how to know if you have malware or if malware will keep affecting your system.


How Malware Gets on Your Device

Malware can get onto your device in many ways. Here are some of them.


1.    Malicious Websites

Hackers often create malicious websites that trick you into downloading software onto your device by appearing as legitimate sites. For example, they may create fake social media pages for popular websites like Facebook or LinkedIn, containing malware links embedded in the website code.

2.    Email Attachments

Malware is delivered by email in 94% of cases. Phishing assaults are becoming more common. To steal personally identifiable information, cyber hackers imitate trustworthy institutions. These attachments often appear as files you need to open to view their contents (such as an invoice or document). A typical example of this type of attachment is a PDF document containing an executable file hidden inside it. It automatically downloads and installs malware on your computer without knowing when you open it.

3.    Downloading Apps from Unknown Sources

If you’re downloading a file from the Internet, you must be careful where you get it from and what kind of content it contains. Ensure you only download files from reputable sources — such as official developer websites or other trusted sources — and avoid peer-to-peer file-sharing networks.

4.    Not Updating Your Apps Regularly

While updating your apps on Android isn’t easy — you need to ensure that every app is compatible with the latest version of Android before doing so. It’s still important to keep up with updates to protect against new malware threats. Suppose you’re unwilling or unable to update your apps regularly. In that case, the best thing you can do is scan your device for malware once in a while using anti-virus software.


Effects Of Malware

Malware protection has become important in today’s business landscape. The bad guys are getting more innovative and creative as they develop new ways of getting into your systems. Malware can cause many problems that affect your company’s daily operation and long-term security. They could steal passwords and credit card numbers or make your computer inoperable by deleting files. In addition to these apparent problems, malware can cause company data to be lost or corrupted.

The following are some common symptoms of a malware infection:

  • Unexpected pop-ups in your browser or other applications. These are usually advertisements but can also be attempted by malicious software to trick you into installing more malware.
  • The presence of suspicious files on your computer. These may include executable files (.exe), dynamic link libraries (.dll), or scripts (.vbs). If you find any of these on your computer, it’s good to delete them immediately.
  • There are frequent crashes, program freezes, blue screens (BSODs), or other system errors. In some cases, these issues might be caused by a hardware problem, but they could also result from malware that has taken over part or all of the operating system (OS).


In this digital era, corporate device and network malware attacks are rising. Cybercriminals are spreading advanced variants of robust malware to infect endpoints. Not only have these attacks increased, but the level of sophistication has also improved.

Protected Harbor offers extensive malware protection from viruses, ransomware, spyware, and other malicious software. It also includes a firewall to prevent outside threats from compromising your computer. One of the most helpful features of this program is its real-time cloud scanning which keeps your computer safe even if you download a malicious program. In addition, you can schedule scans to make sure that your computer is always protected. With Protected Harbor, you get access to helpful 24/7 support as well. An ideal solution for such scenarios with complete protection against malware attacks. What are you waiting for? Get protected from malware today with a free IT audit.

Can I Recover Lost Data from an Android

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Can I Recover Lost Data from an Android?

We all typically have important data stored on our computers and smartphones. Most of us store that data locally, meaning you could lose everything if something were to happen to your computer or phone.

So, have you ever considered what would happen if all of your data was lost and you didn’t have a backup? What would you do?

Data loss is a big annoyance that wreaks havoc on the day-to-day operations of any information-based company. When essential data and documents go missing, your company will have to spend time and resources recreating or retrieving these files to fill the gaps left by the loss. While hard copies of information may be found, they may not be as up-to-date as their lost digital counterparts.

If you want to know how to recover lost data from your Android device without any backup, you’ve come to the right place.


Reasons for Data Loss

Data loss is a common issue when it comes to Android devices. Nothing can ensure the safety of your digital assets, no matter how diligent you are. Data loss can happen in various ways.

Data loss can be minor or catastrophic, depending on what was lost. Even in the best-case scenario, you’ll have to devote time and money to recover it during forensic data analysis.

The main reason behind the data loss is that people are not backing up their important files. Many reasons can cause data loss from Android devices. Some of them are listed below:

  • Accidental deletion: Your files may get deleted accidentally when you press the delete button on your keyboard or by pressing the delete button on your device.
  • Virus attack: If you have an infected device, it may result in data loss. It also includes damage to files due to a virus attack.
  • Hard Reset: If you want to reset or clear all data from your android phone, you will lose all the app data and settings. So, in this case, there is no other way to recover deleted files from an external source like a computer or cloud storage.
  • SD card malfunctioning: If your SD card gets damaged or corrupted, it can cause data loss from your device and laptops or PCs that use SD cards for storage purposes.
  • Corruption of software: Data can be lost due to software crashes that request data. If the software fails while updating several files, some files may fail to save or update, resulting in their destruction.
  • Power Failures: Sudden power outages may result in data loss by damaging hardware and causing the operating system to malfunction. Sometimes, computers cannot reboot, so they can’t access data. Suddenly increasing voltage (usually) can lead to data loss and damage to computer hardware.
  • Damaged Device: If your android device gets damaged due to water damage or any other reason, all the data on it will be lost because of hardware failures.


Recovering Lost Data Without Any Backup

Losing important data can be a nightmare for any individual or business. While having a data backup is the best way to ensure you don’t lose your data, sometimes things don’t go as planned, and you end up losing your data without any backup. Several common causes of data loss include power outages, human error, and hardware failure. However, you can still recover your lost data with the right tools and approach.

One way to recover lost data is by using the Windows File Recovery tool, which can recover deleted files from your computer’s hard drive, external storage, and even from flash storage. Another option is to check if your cloud storage services have previous versions of the file you lost. File-sharing services also have a trash bin where deleted files are temporarily stored, and you can retrieve them before they are permanently deleted.

Additionally, it’s important to note that different file types may have different recovery methods. For example, photos can be recovered by using specialized software.

Here are some options for recovering data from your Android device, regardless of how or why it was deleted.


Can-I-Recover-Lost-Data-from-an-Android middleRecovering Lost Data Using CMD

When you lose your data, the first thing you should do is try to find it on your device again. If you have not synced the device with Google Drive or another cloud service, you can use the CMD to locate it and lock it remotely.

Command Prompt (CMD) is a command-line interpreter built into Windows. It’s a powerful tool for troubleshooting and system administration, but it can also be used to recover lost files.

This method can only work if the battery has not been completely discharged or the phone has not been reset after losing the data. If these conditions are met, it’s worth trying this method before going ahead with other options.’


Get Back Data Directly from the Recycle Bin

If you have deleted a video or image file, it will be saved in the Recycle Bin. You can quickly get back such files using this method.


1) Go to Settings> Storage & USB.

2) Tap on Internal Storage or SD Card, depending on where you want to look for your Recycle Bin.

3) You will see two options: ‘ Recycle Bin’ and ‘Clear Data. Tap on Clear Data to delete all data from that folder.

4) Go back to the previous page by tapping the Home button and then tap on the Recycle Bin option again. When you open the folder, all deleted files will be displayed there, along with other files that were not deleted earlier.


Deep Scan

It would help if you first tried to connect your phone to a computer and open its storage location through a file explorer. If you find the deleted data there, it’s easy to restore it by copying or moving the files to your computer. If not, try performing a deep scan on your phone using third-party software.


Use Recovery Software

To recover your lost data, you can use the Android Data Recovery tool, which can help you easily recover all types of data from your Android quickly.

Data recovery software is designed to recover lost files from storage devices like hard drives, USB drives, memory cards, etc. The main advantage of this software is that it can recover files from formatted drives. This means that if you have accidentally formatted your hard drive or memory card, then it will still be able to retrieve all the lost files from them.

There are many options available in the market. Still, before buying, anyone makes sure that it supports all the latest versions of android devices and has a sound customer support system.


Final Verdict

Every user has experienced data loss in a variety of ways. When you accidentally delete pictures or videos from your device’s storage or your essential company data gets lost, you feel like it’s the end of the world. But there’s no need to worry because you can get all your data back if you follow our best practices.

Data safety and security have become a top priority for every company within the fast-paced business world where everything is done digitally. With data storage, recovery, and backup solutions from Protected Harbor, you can be assured your data is secure.

Our mobile security keeps your employees connected and productive while protecting sensitive data and company assets. Network security ensures reliable, high-speed connections for your employees and guests while safeguarding your network from outside threats. Data security and isolated backups protect your organization’s most critical asset — its data — from internal and external threats and fast recovery to keep your business up and running.

With the right approach, you can retrieve your lost data.

Contact our data experts today to learn about data safety and security procedures and how we keep your data backed up and always accessible in an emergency.

9 Guidelines for Safe and Efficient File Sharing

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9 Tips on How to Share Files Safely and Efficiently.

How to share files safely is a fundamental question for anyone whose job requires file sharing. The internet is a common source of many scams, viruses, and general spam activities. The only way to protect yourself from these threats is by sharing files with the right people and services. This can be difficult as many resources claim they can make your file sharing experience safer while protecting your privacy.

They all look pretty good at first glance, but none are 100% secure.

Let’s take a look into some file sharing risks and the safest ways to mitigate them so you will experience fewer problems in the future.


Risks Involved with File Sharing

The risks involved with file-sharing are many and varied. The following are some of the more common risks:

Release of Sensitive Data

The most common risk regarding file sharing is that sensitive information can be released from your network. This includes personal information, such as financial data, credit card numbers, and social security numbers, and business-sensitive information, such as sales figures and customer lists. If a user has access to this information, they can use it to commit fraud or identity theft.

Installation of Malicious Software

The file-sharing site you use may have an infected program or script on its servers, which could allow hackers to steal your personal information and infect your computer with malware.

Susceptibility to Attacks

When you share files over the internet, you open yourself up to attack by other users on the same network as you. These attacks could include viruses or worms that will infiltrate your computer and cause damage, also known as “malware.” If malware is installed on your computer, hackers can then use it to steal data from your computer or even take control of it entirely!

Hacking Into Computers Remotely

A hacker who gains access to another person’s computer through file-sharing could then use the same method to gain access to their computer, which could give him access to any passwords needed for other computers on the network or even access valuable financial information such as credit card numbers or banking details.

9-Tips-on-How-to-Share-Files-Safely-and-Efficiently-middle9 Tips on How to Share Files Safely and Efficiently

Sharing files online may seem harmless, but it is not always safe. Someone who sees your file could steal your identity or even hack your computer. Here are some tips on how to share files safely:

1.    Keep Backups

Always keep backups of all your files and folders. You never know when they might be needed in the future. You should also ensure they’re backed up with an external drive or computer that can be accessed from multiple places.

2.    Avoid Emails

To be safe when sharing files, avoid sending sensitive files via email. Email is an insecure way to share data because there’s no way to guarantee that the recipient won’t forward your message to another person or group of people. If someone forwards your email to several other people, those people could potentially access the shared file.

3.    Double-Check Inbox Emails

When you receive an email with a file attached, double-check the sender’s email address before opening it. You should also ensure that it’s from someone you know and trust. If it’s not from someone you know, don’t open the message and delete it instead. This will prevent the person who sent you the email from accessing your computer without permission.

4.    Encrypt with Passwords

Encrypting your files with a password will make them more secure because only the person with access to that password can view or access those files. If someone steals your password (or if someone hacks into your computer and gets hold of it), they won’t be able to view any of your encrypted files unless they have access to your password!

5.    Refrain from Clicking Links

Refrain from clicking links that you are not entirely sure of. It is always better to be safe than sorry, so avoid clicking on the links of unknown websites. If you click a link that doesn’t take you to the website you were expecting, then report it immediately to the site administrator.

6.    Change Passwords Often

Always change your passwords regularly, especially if they are used for multiple accounts on different websites. It would be best if you change your passwords every few weeks or months, depending on how often you use them. This is also a good practice as a general rule of thumb because it ensures that no one else will have access to your account. Therefore, there will be no unauthorized access to any information stored within it.

7.    Update Your Security Software

If you use any software or browser, ensure that these programs are up to date before using them for anything meaningful like work or school applications. This way, the program will run faster and more efficiently, which means you will get better results in less time.

8.    Avoid USB Drivers

If someone has tried to access your computer remotely or installed malware, they can access all your files as soon as they connect the device to the computer. This is called an “evil maid attack” because it allows hackers to gain access to a computer without physical access.

9.    Use Secure Connection

When working with sensitive information such as financial or personal data, it is vital to ensure that you use a secure connection when sending emails or copying files from one computer to another. This will help prevent hackers from gaining access to your information and make it more difficult for them to steal it from your computer.


Other Best Practices for File Security

Here are some best practices for file security:

  1. Password-protect your files: Password protection is one of the easiest and most effective ways to secure your files. You can use a strong password that includes upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
  2. Use MFA: Using Multi-factor Authentication for file security can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access to your files, even if your password is compromised. MFA provides an extra layer of protection, making it much more difficult for attackers to access your accounts and files.
  3. Use anti-virus software: Use anti-virus software to detect and remove malware from your files. Regularly scan your system for viruses and other types of malware.
  4. Limit access: Restrict access to your files to authorized users only. Use file permissions to control who can access, modify, or delete your files.
  5. Be cautious when downloading files: Be cautious when downloading files from the internet. Only download files from trusted sources and avoid downloading files from unknown or suspicious sources.

By following these best practices, you can significantly improve the security of your files and protect them from unauthorized access, modification, or deletion.

Final Words

One of the most crucial procedures in many workplaces is probably file sharing. However, file sharing can also result in malware and viruses that may harm a network, cause irreversible file loss, or jeopardize sensitive data.

The potential hazards involved in this system can be significantly reduced by sharing files securely.

The company is safer from outside threats by securing its data transfer from one employee to another. With a secure file transfer solution from Protected Harbor, employees can focus more on their daily tasks and less on data security. Our solution is ready for both an on-premises or cloud platform. With IP Reputation and anti-bot technology, we offer robust security against data breaches, malware, and DDoS attacks. With this solution, you can set the rules and restrictions for each employee to ensure they can only access the necessary files at the correct time. The team of experts at Protected Harbor always strive to stay updated with the current happenings in the world of cybersecurity. This enables us to provide the latest solutions to keep our clients secure.

We also scan your data, identifying sensitive information and removing it before it leaves your network to reduce the risk of a data breach. With the help of this solution, you can improve the security of your data, reduce operational costs, and avoid risks related to data loss.

Contact us today, get a free IT Audit, and share files securely and effortlessly.

The Complete Guide to Ransomware Protection for SMBs: Ebook Release

The Complete Guide to Ransomware Protection for SMBs: Ebook Release

Ransomware is a new kid on the cyber-security block, and it’s bringing a whole new meaning to the phrase “cybercrime.” With ransomware’s growing threat, Small and Mid-sized Businesses (SMBs) don’t have time to learn how to protect their online presence from ransomware. Now they need protection that is easily accessible and affordable.

The good news? With some preparation, SMBs can protect themselves from these cybercriminals without breaking the bank or sacrificing security effectiveness. Today we are excited to give you an exclusive sneak peek at our new eBook – Your Complete Guide to Ransomware Protection for SMBs. Download it for free to read in detail.


What is Ransomware, and Why Should SMBs Care?

Ransomware is malicious software designed to block access to computer systems or data by blocking inaccessibility by the owner, operator, or other authorized personnel. A ransomware attack may happen when you least expect it, and it has become increasingly common among businesses of all sizes.

It can infiltrate your business computer systems through unsecured networks, emails, social media, and even your employees’ infected devices. Once inside a computer system, it can be almost impossible to remove, and most importantly, it can be extremely costly to get rid of.

Ransomware can pose a severe threat to SMBs. Nearly half of SMB cyber attacks are due to ransomware, making it the number one threat.


Don’t Be Scared; Be Prepared!

While it’s true that the best defense against a ransomware attack is not to get infected in the first place, that’s easier said than done.

The best way to prevent a ransomware attack is to:

  • regularly back up your data
  • keep your systems fully patched and updated with the latest security patches and software updates
  • use antivirus software with behavioral analysis and real-time scanning enabled
  • use an internet firewall that blocks malicious URLs
  • use strong and unique passwords for all accounts
  • avoid clicking on suspicious links
  • train your employees to avoid opening attachments from unknown senders
  • have a plan of action in place in case a malware attack hits you

Complete-Guide-to-Ransomware-Protection-for-SMBs-middle-imageHow can an SMB detect a potential ransomware attack?

If you’re unsure if you have been infected with ransomware, you can check your system for indicators of a ransomware attack. Look out for strange network activity, your internet connection dropping out, your systems slowing down, or your employees receiving pop-up messages on their computer screens. Should SMBs pay the ransom if they get hit with a ransomware attack? There is no easy answer to this question. Every situation is different, and it is best to consult your company’s IT department to determine the best action.


The Complete Guide to Ransomware Protection for SMBs: Sneak Peak

The dangers of ransomware are real. But they don’t have to spell disaster for your SMB. The key to protecting yourself is to have a proper backup strategy, keep your systems updated with the latest security patches and software updates, and use an internet firewall that blocks malicious URLs. Don’t let ransomware take control of your company. Be prepared for these malicious threats with the Complete Guide to Ransomware Protection for SMBs.

This eBook is the ultimate guide to defending against ransomware threats and protecting your SMB from potential ransomware attacks. We’ll show you how to keep your employees educated and informed on how to avoid ransomware attacks, how to avoid becoming an easy target, and what to do if they accidentally become infected.

We’ll also show you how to protect your computer systems and data with the best anti-ransomware solutions. We’ve compiled the best ransomware protection software, tips and tricks, and expert advice to help you withstand these malicious threats and keep your SMB safe from ransomware.

Download the free ebook today, and keep reading our other resources to stay safe. Contact us today to get a free cybersecurity audit.


How do I Recover Lost Data?

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How do I Recover Lost Data?

Despite the apparent stability of modern computers, businesses and consumers continue to lose critical data. Even the most costly, high-quality hardware and trustworthy software can’t ensure that your PC or laptop will never fail. Data loss is the inability to access data at its regular location via a standard program due to software/hardware failures or user errors.

For organizations of all sizes, data loss is a significant issue— losing files means losing time and money trying to restore or recover critical information for your operation. Data loss occurs when data is accidentally destroyed or tampered with. People and software can make data illegible owing to infections, physical damage, or formatting issues. The loss of documents and files can have a long-term financial impact on your company.


Common Causes of Data Loss

Computer users have a wide range of options for storing their data. However, the more convenient a choice is, the more likely it is that you could lose your data. Here are some of the most common reasons why data is lost.

1. Human Failure

Human error is a leading cause of data loss, especially when backing up your data. Many people forget to back up their data or don’t know how to do it properly — and then wonder why they lose it all.

2. Hard Drive Failures

There are several reasons why hard drives fail or crash. One of the most common is age – as hard drives get older, they become less reliable and more likely to crash or fail. Another reason could be a power surge during a storm or other natural disaster that damages your computer and files. Any important documents stored on your computer could be permanently damaged beyond repair if this happens.

3. Malware Infection

When malware infects your computer, it can cause damage to your files as well as those belonging to your business organization. The most common type of malware is ransomware (such as Locky), which encrypts all files on your computer, making them inaccessible until you pay a ransom to the hackers who infected them in the first place!

4. Software Corruption

This is the most common cause of data loss. Software corruption can be due to a virus, a power surge, or even an incorrect installation. Sometimes, it’s simply because you’ve been using your computer for too long, and it’s time for an upgrade.

5. Theft

Whether it’s theft by a person or the server, it can quickly be taken away from you if your data is not protected. You might think this is unlikely to happen to you, but the truth is that if someone wanted your files bad enough, they would find a way to get them. This cause is on the rise. In 2020, there were 1001 data breaches in the United States. Meanwhile, over 155.8 million people were affected by data exposures in the same year, defined as the unintentional disclosure of sensitive information owing to inadequate information security.

6. Computer Viruses

Computer viruses are explicitly designed to destroy valuable information and render computers useless. If a virus gets into your system undetected and isn’t removed quickly enough (or at all), it can wreak havoc on your hard drive and destroy your files without warning!

7. Natural Disasters

Natural disasters can also cause data loss if your computer isn’t protected against them by a reliable backup service. A fire or flood could destroy your computer equipment and damage any hard drives stored inside it, causing you to lose your precious data forever if you haven’t backed up recently.


How-do-i-recover-lost-data-26-oct-middle-imageRecovering Lost Data

If you’ve ever lost your data for any reason, you know how frustrating it can be, and it’s even more frustrating when it’s something you’ve been working on for days, weeks, or even months. Thankfully, deleting a file isn’t necessarily the end of the world. Here are some ways through which you can recover your lost data.

●  Recover Deleted Files from the Recycle Bin

If you’ve accidentally erased something, you should first check the Windows Recycle Bin. Windows do not attempt to delete a file when you select it and press the Delete key (or right-click and choose the Delete option from the menu).

It instead sends it to the Recycle Bin, which has its desktop icon. Double-clicking on the desktop icon to view the contents, then right-clicking on the file and selecting Restore from the menu makes restoring a file from the Recycle Bin a breeze.

●  Retrieve Deleted Files with any Third Party Software

If you deleted files and later realized that you needed them, then use third-party software to retrieve deleted files. Much free software is available online to help you with this task. But they will not be able to recover all types of files. Some only work for images, music, videos, and other multimedia files, while others can recover documents, emails, and much more.

●  Recovering Data from a failing SSD or Hard Drive

After debunking the fallacy that deleted and corrupted files are lost forever, we now focus on the problem every PC user fears: hard disc failure. This might appear in various ways, but in general, Windows will refuse to start, even in Safe Mode, and turning on your computer may result in unwanted clicking noises. As a result, you risk losing not just a handful of your most important data but the entire contents of the drive.

Hard discs are frequently suggested to be repaired by placing them in the freezer. While this has been known to work in the past, bringing the drive back to life long enough to extract the most crucial files, it only works for particular faults.

●  Using Backups to Restore

Backups are an excellent safeguard for your important files and will come in handy if you experience data loss. You may be able to restore your lost files by utilizing backup media if you follow best practices and make frequent backups of your data. This means that backups are created between when the files are first loaded onto your computer and when they are deleted.


Final Words

The truth is that it is possible to restore deleted data. However, the success of recovering deleted files will depend on many factors. The first factor is how recently the files were deleted. Another factor affecting restoring your data is whether the file system was formatted before or after deletion. And yet another factor to keep in mind is whether the hard drive has been overwritten with new data.

If you need help with data backup, recovery, and management, or you need assistance putting procedures in place to protect your data and maintain business continuity. Call in the experts. Call Protected Harbor. Our enterprise-grade isolated backup and data recovery services are unparalleled in the industry. We understand the importance of data and have helped numerous companies retrieve their data. Not only recovering data but making it secure is also our main focus so that you never have to think about your data.

Protected Harbor can assist you by providing skilled specialists who can design and implement your desired solutions. We test your infrastructure for the leak points with pen-testing and vulnerability testing, ensuring regular backups and restore services. Want to know how we do it? Book a free IT Audit today.

How do I Remove Malware

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How do I Remove Malware?

Cybercriminals always hunt for more advanced ways to attack your home network or business as the world moves toward a more connected digital life. According to an FBI report, cybercrime losses grew considerably in 2021. The losses, which primarily occurred in the United States but were reported globally, were estimated at $6.9 billion last year, up from $4.2 billion in 2020.

Malware has been around for years but has become increasingly sophisticated over time. The number of new malware detections worldwide increased to 677.66 million programs in March 2020, up from 661 million at the end of January 2020. With so many people connecting smart devices to their home networks, it’s no wonder that cybercriminals are looking for ways to exploit these devices, too.

This article will discuss detecting and removing malware from your mobile devices and personal computers. Let’s get started.


What is Malware?

Malware is a broad term for various malicious software (or “malicious code”) intended to damage or disable computers and computer systems. It includes computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, ransomware, spyware, adware, and other malicious programs.

It can be programmed to steal your personal information or lock up your system until you pay a ransom to unlock it. If you see pop-up ads on your screen or if your browser locks up or crashes frequently, these are signs that your computer may have been infected with malware.

Malware is often distributed via email attachments or links on websites. Often people click on the links because they are curious to see what they lead to, and before they know it, they’ve downloaded malware onto their computer.


Finding and Removing Malware from Your Devices

It may seem impossible to remove malware from your computer once infected. But with cautious and prompt action, eradicating a virus or malware program can be easier than you think.


Malware from Mobile Devices

Anyone who uses the internet frequently is sure to come across the malware. Your smartphone carries much personal information, making it a prime target for cybercriminals.

Fortunately, malware can be found and removed from your Android device.


Signs of malware on Android

If you’re experiencing these issues, your device may have malware.

  • Your phone is slow and unresponsive.
  • You see ads or pop-ups on your screen, even after locking your device.
  • Your battery life has decreased noticeably since you got the phone.
  • Your device has become very hot while charging or after using WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Skype for a long time (this is especially common with Android devices).
  • You see “Your device needs to be restarted” error messages on your screen more often than usual (even though no apps are running in the background).

How to Remove Malware on Android?

You can get rid of viruses and malware on Android by doing the following:

  • Reboot in safe mode. If your phone is infected with a virus, you may be able to use it usually if you reboot your phone into safe mode. This mode allows you to use your phone without any third-party apps running.
  • Uninstall all suspicious apps. If your phone has been infected with a virus, there’s a good chance that some apps on your phone are also infected. To find out which ones, tap Settings > Apps > Show All Apps > Scroll down and tap on each app one by one, looking for anything unusual (such as an app that uses too much battery or data). When you find an app that looks suspicious, uninstall it.
  • Get rid of pop-up ads. If you’re being bombarded by pop-ups while surfing the web, they could be coming from malware on your phone.
  • Clear your downloads. Make sure you check every app before you install it, and never install anything from sources other than Google Play Store (or trusted third-party stores). Also, delete any apps installed without permission — especially those with strange names or icons.
  • Install a mobile anti-malware app. Several solutions offer protection against malware for Android devices, including Avast Mobile Security and AVG AntiVirus Free. These apps scan every file stored on your device for viruses and other security threats, alerting you if anything suspicious is detected.


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Removing Malware from MAC or PC


Both Macs and PCs can be infected with malware. Although PCs are usually associated with this vulnerability, Macs can also be affected. It is critical to be aware of the threat of malware regardless of the sort of equipment you have.


Signs of Malware on PC or MAC

Many people will be surprised when they find out they are infected with malware. You may not realize it until you notice some strange activity on your computer or mobile device. Here are some signs that could indicate an infection:

  • Your computer takes longer than usual to start up or shut down
  • Your computer runs slowly for no apparent reason
  • Strange pop-up ads appear on your screen when you’re browsing the web
  • Your computer reboots itself more frequently than usual (this happens when there are too many applications running at once)

Get Rid of Malware on Your PC

Several options are available if you’re having problems with a PC or Mac and want to remove malware. Here’s how to do this:

  • Disconnect from the Internet

If you’re using an infected computer, disconnect it from the Internet immediately. This may stop malicious programs from spreading to other devices on your network or accessing files stored in cloud services like Dropbox or iCloud.

  • Check your activity monitor for malicious applications

Your activity monitor will show all currently running applications and processes on your system. If you see any suspicious-looking methods or applications, immediately shut down those programs and restart your computer so no more files are added to those processes.

  • Use Antivirus Software

Install an antivirus program on your computer before downloading anything from the Internet. Then keep it updated regularly with automatic updates. Many antivirus programs include anti-malware features that scan files as they’re downloaded to catch threats before infecting your system. You should also check newly downloaded files with an antivirus program before opening them to know if they contain malware or run them on your computer.

  • Run a Malware Scanner

Run a malware scanner. They are designed to search for and remove malicious software from your system. These tools are often free and can be downloaded from the Internet. You can also use a paid version of antivirus software if you already have some installed.

  • Clear your cache.

Most browsers store information about websites you visit in a temporary file called the cache. This allows them to load pages faster when you return to the site because they don’t have to download all the information again. But sometimes, this data can contain malicious code that has infected your computer and should be deleted before it causes more damage.


Final Words

Malware seriously threatens the information stored on personal computers and Macs. New varieties of malware are found all the time, and the lucrative nature of some viruses makes them particularly appealing to cybercriminals worldwide. Practicing good internet habits and recognizing the warning signals of malware infection is critical.

If you suspect your computer is infected, act quickly to prevent malware from spreading and protect your personal information. You can take help from the experts because malware can cause serious harm to you and your business. Protected Harbor has inbuilt malware detection in the cybersecurity strategy. We regularly update our database with new malware and other virus detection so that you stay ahead of the curve. You handle the business while we handle the security. Proactive remote monitoring is not just a term we implement. It’s an approach to detecting and removing any cyber threats before they may cause chaos.

To quickly identify and neutralize any dangers or if you want a more straightforward approach, contact us today for a free IT audit.

How Do I Know I Have Ransomware

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How Do I Know I Have Ransomware?

Due to an influx of reports regarding malware viruses, most of us are aware of the impact these attacks can have on businesses. Nevertheless, most of us have experienced a malware attack of some kind at some point in our careers. Hopefully, the infection was only a minor inconvenience, but malware truly has the ability to jeopardize any critical data that organizations may be in charge of protecting.

-The key is to keep both you and your system safe.

The ransomware family is rapidly expanding, with 327 new families joining in 2017 and 127 in 2020.  68.5% of firms were hit by ransomware in 2021. Making this the highest figure reported in the last three years. The frequency of these cyberattacks is appalling; 2244 cases of cybercrime emerge daily, which translates into a crime approximately every thirty seconds. This activity is a highly organized operation that considers the use and importance of technology and data for companies and organizations worldwide.

Cybercriminals operate through intrusive software, and their work can be best understood by considering the methods they use to commit crimes. This requires a brief understanding of ransomware. This article will highlight the points that can help you understand ransomware and how to recognize it.


What is Ransomware?

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Ransomware is a type of malware that denies access to computer files by encrypting them with the intent to extract a ransom. Ransomware is malware that blocks access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid. It’s most commonly used for financial gain but can also extort people or organizations.

Ransomware attacks have become more common over the past few years. These have evolved from malicious software to more sophisticated attacks aimed at specific targets like healthcare and government organizations.

Data is virtually wealth today, and whoever controls it has leverage over other entities in today’s ultra-competitive world. Therefore, getting hands on a company’s data or their online service provider systems is equivalent to bringing it to its knees. No amount is large enough for the company to bail itself out of the situation. Therefore, it’s necessary to take the right preventive measures before an actual disaster happens.


Ways to Identify Ransomware

So, how do you know whether or not a ransomware attack has invaded your company’s system? Well, the answer is both simple and complicated. Most cybercriminals are quite stealthy when it comes to breaking into your system, and once they’re in, the rest of the attack is done with ease. So, where does it all start? Click here to read types of ransomware 2023.

1. All Starts with Phishing

You might receive a seemingly normal email in which the sender poses as either a legitimate third-party company or co-worker and may attach a link that will require you to enter some private details. Once you enter your information, you have allowed illegal entry into your computer system.

2. The Emergence of Unexpected Network Scanners

The popping up of network scanning tools is another sign of a potential ransomware attack. This is how hackers hold as much information about your computer network as they can.

3. Illegitimate Intrusion Into Active Directory and Presence of Suspicious Software

Software’s are a clear-cut indication that your system has been invaded through Ransomware, as hackers predominantly use this mal-software to get hold of the Active Directories within your networks and gather information about various users.

4. A Splash Screen Might Say It All

Occasionally a splash screen may appear that blocks access to your system. This screen may also contain instructions provided by the hacker, which will tell you how to pay the ransom and get access to your data again.

5. Denial of Access to Your Data Files

In other cases, you may be unable to open your data files, indicating your data encryption. The computer might keep telling you that you do not have the required program to unlock your files, and this occurrence would be an anomaly as it was not there when you opened the same file either the other day or moments prior.

6. File Extensions Become Fishy

Your files may lack their usual file extensions like .jpeg, .exe, .pdf, etc. After the dot, it might display that it is “encrypted.” Alternatively, an extension might not be there, strengthening the possibility of a ransomware attack.

7. Your Files are Renamed

Similarly, your files may be renamed as ransomware encrypts them, throwing a major red flag on the field. Remember to check your files to see if they have been to direct your doubts about a malware attack.

8. Ransom Note Eliminates All Doubts

Eventually, you will receive a ransom note requiring you to pay the amount desired by the hacker. A most common method for you to receive this ransom note is usually through email.

9. A Dry Run of Small-Scale Test Attacks

Ransomware attacks often start with a test run that does not cause any damage to the organization yet. The attackers may want to “test” their code by installing it on a few machines without causing any damage. This allows them to see any network security that may be in place and whether or not they can bypass it. If the hackery succeeds at getting past the network security, they will launch a large-scale attack that will be far more damaging.



You are never entirely safe from ransomware when using a computer. Ransomware can cause devastating consequences to an infected system and damage your company from the inside out.

Maintaining a safe system is not straightforward, but with the proper care, it is possible. Ransomware attacks are difficult to avoid, but you can easily control them with robust security measures.

Protected Harbor has built-in detections based on industry best practices and is continuously updated to provide you with the most up-to-date protection available. With various notification options, you can be sure that the people who need to know about these events will be notified. To get the most out of these features, you might also choose to invest in monitoring services as a precaution for your company to keep track of every device on your network and collect data about its activities.

You are more likely to catch a virus within its early stages before it can infect the rest of your system and cause continuous damage. If you have a dedicated IT team on the job to help detect any potential system anomalies, you are in the right direction. Contact Protected Harbor today for a free pen-testing and IT Audit.

Small Business Network Security Checklist

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Small Business Network Security Checklist

In today’s business environment, cybersecurity is a crucial concern regardless of a company’s size. The impact of a security breach might result in the destruction and closing of a smaller-sized firm if they lack the resources for considerable damage control. Because of this, every company needs to take the proper precautions to safeguard critical data from unauthorized users, no matter how small or large.

This checklist will help you to stay on top of your network security and avoid the most common mistakes. Download it now.


What is Network Security, and Why is it Important?

The internet is a fantastic resource for modern enterprises. Instead of a room full of old filing cabinets, a searchable database is available worldwide and across all wireless networks. Nowadays, we can even attend a video meeting and get the same results without the need to fly to another location for the same in-person meeting.

However, even though we now have a lot of new conveniences, business networks are even more exposed to vast, complex security threats. Every time a new program or a piece of hardware is put into use, there is a chance for online hackers to break in and steal sensitive data from a person or company.

Businesses must ensure they are effectively controlling their network security if they want the convenience of the internet and the much-needed security. Even though doing a network security audit can be stressful, companies should still do them if they want to keep their data as secure as possible.

We’ve created a brief security and audit checklist below to make things simpler and to help prevent cyber-attacks.

1. Use Antivirus and Anti-malware

Anti-malware and antivirus software safeguards you from any unwanted programs installed on your network, including viruses, trojans, ransomware, spyware, and worms. These may reach your system through a corrupted file or link, another infected device, or a combination of the two.

Cybercriminals create malware, or malicious software, to infect your machines for various reasons. For example, ransomware encrypts your files so that you become locked out and are forced to pay the attackers price to access your crucial business data. Malware-based cyberattacks of other kinds could even seize control of your network and use it for a DDoS (Denial of Service) attack or to harm your system directly.

Anti-malware software inspects files as they enter your network and periodically scans the files already on your machine to check for either errors or damaged files. The software will then quarantine or remove any suspicious files if they are found.

2. Regular Software Updates

Software updates are highly likely to include fixes for known security vulnerabilities and performance enhancements. Delaying these updates could prevent you from receiving the patches for known security flaws, putting your data in danger and enabling hackers to access your system.

Consider purchasing patch management software if your network consists of various devices that require updates, such as network equipment like routers or office PCs.

3. Use Strong Passwords

Did you know that weak password security is believed to be the source of 81% of data breaches? By using secure passwords, you can stop hackers from accessing your system. Make sure to change the default password to a secure one when you first receive a device or install any software.

Using default passwords makes it easy for hackers to access your system. Develop a plan to update the password frequently to ensure your devices are always protected.

Make sure your employees understand what a strong password looks like, urge them to follow your company’s password policy, and utilize two-factor authentication on their work devices to stay on the same page.

4. Firewalls

Firewalls use a set of rules to regulate the traffic entering and leaving your network. They are the barrier separating your secure internal network from the unidentified outside network. Firewalls can stop unauthorized traffic from entering your internal network by monitoring the traffic and blocking it.

Additionally, firewalls segment the network to divide traffic into smaller groups that are easier to manage. There are various kinds of firewalls, including proxy firewalls, stateful firewalls, Unified Threat Management (UTM) firewalls, packet-filtering firewalls, Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFW), and so on.

5. Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

Data Loss Prevention (DLP) software scans your network for sensitive data being transported and stored to prevent leaks. Suppose your business has a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy. In that case, for employees who either work remotely or if you keep their data stored in the cloud, data loss prevention solutions become more critical.

DLP solutions safeguard your data by keeping an eye on the network to ensure that users aren’t flouting the rules you’ve set for sensitive data, including sending it to a risky network or making an unauthorized copy. DLP systems do this by continuously monitoring, tracking, and logging where your sensitive data are. This lowers the possibility of accidental mistakes.

6. Managing User Accounts and Remote Access

Limit account permissions to the minimum amount necessary for the user to perform their job. Only utilize administrator accounts when necessary to make changes to the administration. Ensure that only the administrator account has access and each employee has a distinct account with their login information. That remote access is only permitted through a Virtual Private Network (VPN). If at all possible, make your system’s access subject to multi-factor authentication. Also, be sure to remove a former employee’s account as soon as they exit the company.

Since remote work and BYOD policies are the standards for most firms these days, this is even more crucial. Implementing these regulations may encourage users to be more lenient with their data, which could put your company at significant risk. You must take precautions to preserve the integrity and security of your data, including developing a tight policy restricting access to only what’s required for personnel to do their duties.

7. Data Recovery Plan (DRP)

It’s necessary to keep your data safe from illegal and unwanted access, but it’s also crucial to have a disaster recovery plan in case your data is lost. Sometimes, rather than stealing information, the goal of a cyberattack is to just disrupt a business. Do you have a backup copy of all your crucial data in case it gets corrupted or disappears entirely?

To ensure they are not missed and that your backups contain the most recent files, backups should be encrypted and automatically scheduled. Several backup techniques, including onsite servers and cloud backup, provide an extra degree of security.

8. Phishing and Spoofing Messages

Phishing and spoofing perpetrators deceive recipients by sending false communications and other social engineering strategies. These frauds typically pose as trustworthy organizations trying to dupe victims into either downloading harmful files, clicking on dangerous links, or disclosing personal information.

Emails and SMS are two examples of text-based communication channels where spoofing and phishing are frequently used. Installing security solutions with anti-phishing features is strongly advised to help you avoid being a victim of spoofing and phishing. This function will notify you if a link or email’s sender raises any red flags.

On the rare chance that they manage to get past your anti-phishing defenses, you will still need to be vigilant when checking your email to prevent falling for a phishing scam. To enhance your employees’ awareness and attention when checking their inboxes, train your staff and have them participate in phishing scenarios.

9. Train your Workforce

The most crucial aspect of any network security plan is your end users (employees). Your users are your best line of defense, even if you have all the tools, systems, and regulations at your disposal.

When working from home, 47% of employees blamed distraction for their fallibility to phishing attacks. It’s time to train your entire crew to defend against all security threats since the average data breach cost has increased to about $4.64 million.

Ensure your end users understand the potential effects of a security breach on your business, their responsibility for securing company data, and how to protect themselves from malicious actors. To achieve this, you’ll need an excellent training program to instruct your users on how to raise their security levels and to be on alert for any suspicious activity.

10. Develop a Response for Security Breaches

A planned reaction during a breach can significantly enhance your company’s outcome. You’ll have a list of steps you need to follow to protect anything that hasn’t already been accessed rather than having to react immediately. Written instructions will guarantee you follow all the essential procedures to halt the attack from causing more harm and, if necessary, start the recovery process.

If you can act quickly and inform your clients about how it has affected their data security, it can also help you restore your reputation with them. Additionally, small business cyber security includes performing regular vulnerability audits to check your network for potential weak spots and fix them before a breach occurs.


Enhance Network Security with Protected Harbor

A layered strategy is required to protect your network’s security and prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data. By routinely inspecting your network security on all network devices, mobile devices, and other devices with internet access in your organization, you can be sure you are following these security best practices.

In addition to your security system, educating your staff about daily hazards and small business cybersecurity is crucial. Since remote work is the norm for most businesses these days, a more stringent training program is required to guarantee the security and protection of all company data.

Protected Harbor’s Network Engineers create a secure environment by building a network resistant to cyber-attacks and staying operational during emergencies. We use network monitoring tools to scan network performance, security, and compliance. We also troubleshoot issues, upgrade network hardware and software, and work with vendors to ensure new products meet the company’s security requirements.

A network vulnerability assessment from Protected Harbor will help your organization identify potential weaknesses and vulnerabilities in your current network setup.

A Protected Harbor security expert can assist with a free assessment for cybersecurity for small business and vulnerability test to determine your weak points. From there, we will build a plan that includes updates, new configurations, implementation, unlimited onsite support, and live monitoring services for a flat monthly rate to safeguard your network. Ready to get started? Speak to a professional that can assist you with your network and security needs.

Do I need to permit a VPN? (NO!) – How Can I Transmit Info Confidentially?

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Should I Allow a VPN? (NO!)- How do I Send Data Privately?

Do you have sensitive data that you need to send over through email? If so, are you taking the proper security measures when sending them? If you need to exchange files and documents with others online, you want to be able to do so as quickly, securely, and painlessly as possible.

When it comes to sending data privately, you have a few options. The primary way that people do this nowadays is by using a Virtual Private Network (VPN).

According to SurfShark’s data on internet users, VPN usage has been rising gradually worldwide, particularly since the widespread use of smartphones and the rise in certain online activities like business transactions and remote work.

However, some significant drawbacks of VPNs and other methods can cause people to stop using them.


Should You Allow VPN to Transfer Files Securely?

The answer is probably not if you’re using a VPN and want to transfer files from your phone or computer.

Here are some reasons why VPNs aren’t always secure:

  • They can’t create or enforce policies that protect credentials: For example, if you use your Netflix account with a VPN, it might be easier for hackers to steal your login information.
  • Lack of accountability: Since VPNs hide IP addresses and locations, it’s hard to know who is behind a particular connection. This makes it harder for law enforcement agencies to track down criminals who use them for illegal activities.
  • VPN isn’t legal in all countries: Some countries ban VPN use altogether, while others require users to register with the state before operating.
  • No Hacker Protection: It is only a tool that makes your online activity more anonymous and secure. The fact that it hides your IP address and location shows that it has some level of encryption, but it doesn’t mean that your data is encrypted.
  • You may experience connection breaks: VPNs can cause connection errors or disconnections, which means your data could be at risk of being intercepted by someone else. You could get kicked out of the VPN for no reason or lose access to your favorite websites if the VPN provider goes out of business.

So, if you want to get work done on your computer while connected to a VPN, don’t do it — even if it’s only for a few minutes. If someone compromises your connection, they can see everything you do online and steal any passwords you use in their system.

Should-I-Use-a-VPN-How-to-send-data-privately-middleHow do I Send Data Privately?

Consider these tips for sending data safely:


1.    Only Receive Data Transfer from Trusted Sources

You need to use a trusted source to send and receive data privately. If your device has access to the Internet, it can be compromised by malicious software or hackers.

If a hacker gains control of your computer, they can steal the sensitive information on your device and use it to commit identity theft. A good solution is only to use trusted cloud storage and file-sharing services that work with your operating system.


2.    Install Firewall, Antivirus, and Anti-Malware Programs

Firewalls block incoming connections and prevent unknown programs from accessing your computer. The best way to protect yourself from computer viruses is to use a firewall. You can also set up a parental control feature on your computer that blocks access to adult sites and websites with inappropriate content.

3.    Use Trusted Cloud Storage and File Sharing Services

For this purpose, you can also use trusted cloud storage services like Dropbox or Google Drive. These services provide end-to-end encryption for all files uploaded through their servers so that only the person who uploaded them can access them. This is much more secure than sharing folders or other cloud storage services that might allow anyone on the Internet to access your files anytime because those sources are not encrypted!


4.    Encrypt Your Files Before Transferring Them to Other Devices

Before sending any sensitive data files, such as financial information or social security numbers, outside your organization, consider encrypting them using file encryption. File encryption is a method used by many organizations to protect sensitive data files like financial documents and social security numbers from being accessed by unauthorized users.

When encrypted, these files cannot be accessed by anyone other than the person who created them or has physical access to the device that was created (e.g., a USB flash drive). This prevents outsiders from seeing or accessing these files, which could cause significant problems if they become compromised or stolen by someone else.


5.    After Transferring, Turn Off the Wireless Connection

If you have a wireless network, it’s possible that your transfer could be interrupted by someone else who is using the same network. Turning off your wireless connection immediately after the transfer is complete will prevent anyone else from stealing your information.

If you’re using a wired connection instead of a wireless one, anyone who manages to tap into the line between you and your computer will be able to steal any data sent over it. The easiest way to avoid this is to use a password when logging into any servers that might contain sensitive information.


6.    Use Open-Source OS to Transfer Data Safely Using Physical Media

Using an open-source OS, like Linux, can be very helpful in reducing the danger of transmitting malware into your computer when transferring sensitive and crucial data between devices, such as when using a USB stick or other physical media.

This is because most viruses and malware cannot be executed on your machine. After all, the open-source OS prevents them from doing so. Before the transfer procedure, the harmful files will go inactive, and you can quickly delete them.


Final Words

There are numerous reasons to use a VPN service, but the pros do not necessarily outweigh the cons. If you value privacy, there is no reason to let a Virtual Private Network or any other service send your data through an unencrypted channel. It’s better not to use a VPN and to switch to other secure sources to transmit data effectively and privately.

Other options are available such as Google Drive and Cloud services, they are just as easy to use and have better outcomes.

Protected Harbor data protection service secures data and sends it privately, so your data remains, well, private. It offers a security-first approach to data transfer, making it the best option for enterprises to transfer their sensitive data.

This service secures your network endpoints plus keeps your data secure by encrypting it before it ever leaves your network. Finally, it meets the standards for compliance with regulations like GDPR. It’s a secure and easy-to-use service that can be implemented quickly with a simple click-to-send button.

Moreover, it permits only authorized personnel to access the data, which is critical for enterprises. If you are looking for a best-in-class cloud solution, choose a trusted service like Protected Harbor.

Consult with our data security expert today to learn how we keep your data safe.