Category: How-To & Guides

How Do I Know I Have Ransomware

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How Do I Know I Have Ransomware?

Due to an influx of reports regarding malware viruses, most of us are aware of the impact these attacks can have on businesses. Nevertheless, most of us have experienced a malware attack of some kind at some point in our careers. Hopefully, the infection was only a minor inconvenience, but malware truly has the ability to jeopardize any critical data that organizations may be in charge of protecting.

-The key is to keep both you and your system safe.

The ransomware family is rapidly expanding, with 327 new families joining in 2017 and 127 in 2020.  68.5% of firms were hit by ransomware in 2021. Making this the highest figure reported in the last three years. The frequency of these cyberattacks is appalling; 2244 cases of cybercrime emerge daily, which translates into a crime approximately every thirty seconds. This activity is a highly organized operation that considers the use and importance of technology and data for companies and organizations worldwide.

Cybercriminals operate through intrusive software, and their work can be best understood by considering the methods they use to commit crimes. This requires a brief understanding of ransomware. This article will highlight the points that can help you understand ransomware and how to recognize it.


What is Ransomware?

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Ransomware is a type of malware that denies access to computer files by encrypting them with the intent to extract a ransom. Ransomware is malware that blocks access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid. It’s most commonly used for financial gain but can also extort people or organizations.

Ransomware attacks have become more common over the past few years. These have evolved from malicious software to more sophisticated attacks aimed at specific targets like healthcare and government organizations.

Data is virtually wealth today, and whoever controls it has leverage over other entities in today’s ultra-competitive world. Therefore, getting hands on a company’s data or their online service provider systems is equivalent to bringing it to its knees. No amount is large enough for the company to bail itself out of the situation. Therefore, it’s necessary to take the right preventive measures before an actual disaster happens.


Ways to Identify Ransomware

So, how do you know whether or not a ransomware attack has invaded your company’s system? Well, the answer is both simple and complicated. Most cybercriminals are quite stealthy when it comes to breaking into your system, and once they’re in, the rest of the attack is done with ease. So, where does it all start? Click here to read types of ransomware 2023.

1. All Starts with Phishing

You might receive a seemingly normal email in which the sender poses as either a legitimate third-party company or co-worker and may attach a link that will require you to enter some private details. Once you enter your information, you have allowed illegal entry into your computer system.

2. The Emergence of Unexpected Network Scanners

The popping up of network scanning tools is another sign of a potential ransomware attack. This is how hackers hold as much information about your computer network as they can.

3. Illegitimate Intrusion Into Active Directory and Presence of Suspicious Software

Software’s are a clear-cut indication that your system has been invaded through Ransomware, as hackers predominantly use this mal-software to get hold of the Active Directories within your networks and gather information about various users.

4. A Splash Screen Might Say It All

Occasionally a splash screen may appear that blocks access to your system. This screen may also contain instructions provided by the hacker, which will tell you how to pay the ransom and get access to your data again.

5. Denial of Access to Your Data Files

In other cases, you may be unable to open your data files, indicating your data encryption. The computer might keep telling you that you do not have the required program to unlock your files, and this occurrence would be an anomaly as it was not there when you opened the same file either the other day or moments prior.

6. File Extensions Become Fishy

Your files may lack their usual file extensions like .jpeg, .exe, .pdf, etc. After the dot, it might display that it is “encrypted.” Alternatively, an extension might not be there, strengthening the possibility of a ransomware attack.

7. Your Files are Renamed

Similarly, your files may be renamed as ransomware encrypts them, throwing a major red flag on the field. Remember to check your files to see if they have been to direct your doubts about a malware attack.

8. Ransom Note Eliminates All Doubts

Eventually, you will receive a ransom note requiring you to pay the amount desired by the hacker. A most common method for you to receive this ransom note is usually through email.

9. A Dry Run of Small-Scale Test Attacks

Ransomware attacks often start with a test run that does not cause any damage to the organization yet. The attackers may want to “test” their code by installing it on a few machines without causing any damage. This allows them to see any network security that may be in place and whether or not they can bypass it. If the hackery succeeds at getting past the network security, they will launch a large-scale attack that will be far more damaging.



You are never entirely safe from ransomware when using a computer. Ransomware can cause devastating consequences to an infected system and damage your company from the inside out.

Maintaining a safe system is not straightforward, but with the proper care, it is possible. Ransomware attacks are difficult to avoid, but you can easily control them with robust security measures.

Protected Harbor has built-in detections based on industry best practices and is continuously updated to provide you with the most up-to-date protection available. With various notification options, you can be sure that the people who need to know about these events will be notified. To get the most out of these features, you might also choose to invest in monitoring services as a precaution for your company to keep track of every device on your network and collect data about its activities.

You are more likely to catch a virus within its early stages before it can infect the rest of your system and cause continuous damage. If you have a dedicated IT team on the job to help detect any potential system anomalies, you are in the right direction. Contact Protected Harbor today for a free pen-testing and IT Audit.

Small Business Network Security Checklist

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Small Business Network Security Checklist

In today’s business environment, cybersecurity is a crucial concern regardless of a company’s size. The impact of a security breach might result in the destruction and closing of a smaller-sized firm if they lack the resources for considerable damage control. Because of this, every company needs to take the proper precautions to safeguard critical data from unauthorized users, no matter how small or large.

This checklist will help you to stay on top of your network security and avoid the most common mistakes. Download it now.


What is Network Security, and Why is it Important?

The internet is a fantastic resource for modern enterprises. Instead of a room full of old filing cabinets, a searchable database is available worldwide and across all wireless networks. Nowadays, we can even attend a video meeting and get the same results without the need to fly to another location for the same in-person meeting.

However, even though we now have a lot of new conveniences, business networks are even more exposed to vast, complex security threats. Every time a new program or a piece of hardware is put into use, there is a chance for online hackers to break in and steal sensitive data from a person or company.

Businesses must ensure they are effectively controlling their network security if they want the convenience of the internet and the much-needed security. Even though doing a network security audit can be stressful, companies should still do them if they want to keep their data as secure as possible.

We’ve created a brief security and audit checklist below to make things simpler and to help prevent cyber-attacks.

1. Use Antivirus and Anti-malware

Anti-malware and antivirus software safeguards you from any unwanted programs installed on your network, including viruses, trojans, ransomware, spyware, and worms. These may reach your system through a corrupted file or link, another infected device, or a combination of the two.

Cybercriminals create malware, or malicious software, to infect your machines for various reasons. For example, ransomware encrypts your files so that you become locked out and are forced to pay the attackers price to access your crucial business data. Malware-based cyberattacks of other kinds could even seize control of your network and use it for a DDoS (Denial of Service) attack or to harm your system directly.

Anti-malware software inspects files as they enter your network and periodically scans the files already on your machine to check for either errors or damaged files. The software will then quarantine or remove any suspicious files if they are found.

2. Regular Software Updates

Software updates are highly likely to include fixes for known security vulnerabilities and performance enhancements. Delaying these updates could prevent you from receiving the patches for known security flaws, putting your data in danger and enabling hackers to access your system.

Consider purchasing patch management software if your network consists of various devices that require updates, such as network equipment like routers or office PCs.

3. Use Strong Passwords

Did you know that weak password security is believed to be the source of 81% of data breaches? By using secure passwords, you can stop hackers from accessing your system. Make sure to change the default password to a secure one when you first receive a device or install any software.

Using default passwords makes it easy for hackers to access your system. Develop a plan to update the password frequently to ensure your devices are always protected.

Make sure your employees understand what a strong password looks like, urge them to follow your company’s password policy, and utilize two-factor authentication on their work devices to stay on the same page.

4. Firewalls

Firewalls use a set of rules to regulate the traffic entering and leaving your network. They are the barrier separating your secure internal network from the unidentified outside network. Firewalls can stop unauthorized traffic from entering your internal network by monitoring the traffic and blocking it.

Additionally, firewalls segment the network to divide traffic into smaller groups that are easier to manage. There are various kinds of firewalls, including proxy firewalls, stateful firewalls, Unified Threat Management (UTM) firewalls, packet-filtering firewalls, Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFW), and so on.

5. Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

Data Loss Prevention (DLP) software scans your network for sensitive data being transported and stored to prevent leaks. Suppose your business has a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy. In that case, for employees who either work remotely or if you keep their data stored in the cloud, data loss prevention solutions become more critical.

DLP solutions safeguard your data by keeping an eye on the network to ensure that users aren’t flouting the rules you’ve set for sensitive data, including sending it to a risky network or making an unauthorized copy. DLP systems do this by continuously monitoring, tracking, and logging where your sensitive data are. This lowers the possibility of accidental mistakes.

6. Managing User Accounts and Remote Access

Limit account permissions to the minimum amount necessary for the user to perform their job. Only utilize administrator accounts when necessary to make changes to the administration. Ensure that only the administrator account has access and each employee has a distinct account with their login information. That remote access is only permitted through a Virtual Private Network (VPN). If at all possible, make your system’s access subject to multi-factor authentication. Also, be sure to remove a former employee’s account as soon as they exit the company.

Since remote work and BYOD policies are the standards for most firms these days, this is even more crucial. Implementing these regulations may encourage users to be more lenient with their data, which could put your company at significant risk. You must take precautions to preserve the integrity and security of your data, including developing a tight policy restricting access to only what’s required for personnel to do their duties.

7. Data Recovery Plan (DRP)

It’s necessary to keep your data safe from illegal and unwanted access, but it’s also crucial to have a disaster recovery plan in case your data is lost. Sometimes, rather than stealing information, the goal of a cyberattack is to just disrupt a business. Do you have a backup copy of all your crucial data in case it gets corrupted or disappears entirely?

To ensure they are not missed and that your backups contain the most recent files, backups should be encrypted and automatically scheduled. Several backup techniques, including onsite servers and cloud backup, provide an extra degree of security.

8. Phishing and Spoofing Messages

Phishing and spoofing perpetrators deceive recipients by sending false communications and other social engineering strategies. These frauds typically pose as trustworthy organizations trying to dupe victims into either downloading harmful files, clicking on dangerous links, or disclosing personal information.

Emails and SMS are two examples of text-based communication channels where spoofing and phishing are frequently used. Installing security solutions with anti-phishing features is strongly advised to help you avoid being a victim of spoofing and phishing. This function will notify you if a link or email’s sender raises any red flags.

On the rare chance that they manage to get past your anti-phishing defenses, you will still need to be vigilant when checking your email to prevent falling for a phishing scam. To enhance your employees’ awareness and attention when checking their inboxes, train your staff and have them participate in phishing scenarios.

9. Train your Workforce

The most crucial aspect of any network security plan is your end users (employees). Your users are your best line of defense, even if you have all the tools, systems, and regulations at your disposal.

When working from home, 47% of employees blamed distraction for their fallibility to phishing attacks. It’s time to train your entire crew to defend against all security threats since the average data breach cost has increased to about $4.64 million.

Ensure your end users understand the potential effects of a security breach on your business, their responsibility for securing company data, and how to protect themselves from malicious actors. To achieve this, you’ll need an excellent training program to instruct your users on how to raise their security levels and to be on alert for any suspicious activity.

10. Develop a Response for Security Breaches

A planned reaction during a breach can significantly enhance your company’s outcome. You’ll have a list of steps you need to follow to protect anything that hasn’t already been accessed rather than having to react immediately. Written instructions will guarantee you follow all the essential procedures to halt the attack from causing more harm and, if necessary, start the recovery process.

If you can act quickly and inform your clients about how it has affected their data security, it can also help you restore your reputation with them. Additionally, small business cyber security includes performing regular vulnerability audits to check your network for potential weak spots and fix them before a breach occurs.


Enhance Network Security with Protected Harbor

A layered strategy is required to protect your network’s security and prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data. By routinely inspecting your network security on all network devices, mobile devices, and other devices with internet access in your organization, you can be sure you are following these security best practices.

In addition to your security system, educating your staff about daily hazards and small business cybersecurity is crucial. Since remote work is the norm for most businesses these days, a more stringent training program is required to guarantee the security and protection of all company data.

Protected Harbor’s Network Engineers create a secure environment by building a network resistant to cyber-attacks and staying operational during emergencies. We use network monitoring tools to scan network performance, security, and compliance. We also troubleshoot issues, upgrade network hardware and software, and work with vendors to ensure new products meet the company’s security requirements.

A network vulnerability assessment from Protected Harbor will help your organization identify potential weaknesses and vulnerabilities in your current network setup.

A Protected Harbor security expert can assist with a free assessment for cybersecurity for small business and vulnerability test to determine your weak points. From there, we will build a plan that includes updates, new configurations, implementation, unlimited onsite support, and live monitoring services for a flat monthly rate to safeguard your network. Ready to get started? Speak to a professional that can assist you with your network and security needs.

Do I need to permit a VPN? (NO!) – How Can I Transmit Info Confidentially?

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Should I Allow a VPN? (NO!)- How do I Send Data Privately?

Do you have sensitive data that you need to send over through email? If so, are you taking the proper security measures when sending them? If you need to exchange files and documents with others online, you want to be able to do so as quickly, securely, and painlessly as possible.

When it comes to sending data privately, you have a few options. The primary way that people do this nowadays is by using a Virtual Private Network (VPN).

According to SurfShark’s data on internet users, VPN usage has been rising gradually worldwide, particularly since the widespread use of smartphones and the rise in certain online activities like business transactions and remote work.

However, some significant drawbacks of VPNs and other methods can cause people to stop using them.


Should You Allow VPN to Transfer Files Securely?

The answer is probably not if you’re using a VPN and want to transfer files from your phone or computer.

Here are some reasons why VPNs aren’t always secure:

  • They can’t create or enforce policies that protect credentials: For example, if you use your Netflix account with a VPN, it might be easier for hackers to steal your login information.
  • Lack of accountability: Since VPNs hide IP addresses and locations, it’s hard to know who is behind a particular connection. This makes it harder for law enforcement agencies to track down criminals who use them for illegal activities.
  • VPN isn’t legal in all countries: Some countries ban VPN use altogether, while others require users to register with the state before operating.
  • No Hacker Protection: It is only a tool that makes your online activity more anonymous and secure. The fact that it hides your IP address and location shows that it has some level of encryption, but it doesn’t mean that your data is encrypted.
  • You may experience connection breaks: VPNs can cause connection errors or disconnections, which means your data could be at risk of being intercepted by someone else. You could get kicked out of the VPN for no reason or lose access to your favorite websites if the VPN provider goes out of business.

So, if you want to get work done on your computer while connected to a VPN, don’t do it — even if it’s only for a few minutes. If someone compromises your connection, they can see everything you do online and steal any passwords you use in their system.

Should-I-Use-a-VPN-How-to-send-data-privately-middleHow do I Send Data Privately?

Consider these tips for sending data safely:


1.    Only Receive Data Transfer from Trusted Sources

You need to use a trusted source to send and receive data privately. If your device has access to the Internet, it can be compromised by malicious software or hackers.

If a hacker gains control of your computer, they can steal the sensitive information on your device and use it to commit identity theft. A good solution is only to use trusted cloud storage and file-sharing services that work with your operating system.


2.    Install Firewall, Antivirus, and Anti-Malware Programs

Firewalls block incoming connections and prevent unknown programs from accessing your computer. The best way to protect yourself from computer viruses is to use a firewall. You can also set up a parental control feature on your computer that blocks access to adult sites and websites with inappropriate content.

3.    Use Trusted Cloud Storage and File Sharing Services

For this purpose, you can also use trusted cloud storage services like Dropbox or Google Drive. These services provide end-to-end encryption for all files uploaded through their servers so that only the person who uploaded them can access them. This is much more secure than sharing folders or other cloud storage services that might allow anyone on the Internet to access your files anytime because those sources are not encrypted!


4.    Encrypt Your Files Before Transferring Them to Other Devices

Before sending any sensitive data files, such as financial information or social security numbers, outside your organization, consider encrypting them using file encryption. File encryption is a method used by many organizations to protect sensitive data files like financial documents and social security numbers from being accessed by unauthorized users.

When encrypted, these files cannot be accessed by anyone other than the person who created them or has physical access to the device that was created (e.g., a USB flash drive). This prevents outsiders from seeing or accessing these files, which could cause significant problems if they become compromised or stolen by someone else.


5.    After Transferring, Turn Off the Wireless Connection

If you have a wireless network, it’s possible that your transfer could be interrupted by someone else who is using the same network. Turning off your wireless connection immediately after the transfer is complete will prevent anyone else from stealing your information.

If you’re using a wired connection instead of a wireless one, anyone who manages to tap into the line between you and your computer will be able to steal any data sent over it. The easiest way to avoid this is to use a password when logging into any servers that might contain sensitive information.


6.    Use Open-Source OS to Transfer Data Safely Using Physical Media

Using an open-source OS, like Linux, can be very helpful in reducing the danger of transmitting malware into your computer when transferring sensitive and crucial data between devices, such as when using a USB stick or other physical media.

This is because most viruses and malware cannot be executed on your machine. After all, the open-source OS prevents them from doing so. Before the transfer procedure, the harmful files will go inactive, and you can quickly delete them.


Final Words

There are numerous reasons to use a VPN service, but the pros do not necessarily outweigh the cons. If you value privacy, there is no reason to let a Virtual Private Network or any other service send your data through an unencrypted channel. It’s better not to use a VPN and to switch to other secure sources to transmit data effectively and privately.

Other options are available such as Google Drive and Cloud services, they are just as easy to use and have better outcomes.

Protected Harbor data protection service secures data and sends it privately, so your data remains, well, private. It offers a security-first approach to data transfer, making it the best option for enterprises to transfer their sensitive data.

This service secures your network endpoints plus keeps your data secure by encrypting it before it ever leaves your network. Finally, it meets the standards for compliance with regulations like GDPR. It’s a secure and easy-to-use service that can be implemented quickly with a simple click-to-send button.

Moreover, it permits only authorized personnel to access the data, which is critical for enterprises. If you are looking for a best-in-class cloud solution, choose a trusted service like Protected Harbor.

Consult with our data security expert today to learn how we keep your data safe.

Speed Up Your Network in 8 Steps

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Speed Up Your Network in 8 Steps

A faster network is all everyone wants nowadays. So, when our network is lagging or slower than usual, we tend to wonder, why on earth is my network so slow? Having a strong network is vital to creating an online presence, whether running a business or just having a personal blog to share your thoughts and opinions with the world.

The speed of your network can significantly impact your productivity and overall experience. A slow connection can make downloading files, streaming videos, or uploading large files a frustrating experience. There are several steps you can take to speed up your network. These tips will help you get the most out of your connection and improve the overall performance of your network.


Reasons for Slow Network

Here are some reasons for slow network speeds:

1. Old Equipment

Your network is possibly old and outdated and may not be updated with the latest technologies. This is especially true if you have an old router or modem that cannot handle the new standards.

2. Insufficient Bandwidth

If you don’t have enough bandwidth on your connection, it will take longer for your computer to send and receive files. Your device may freeze up as it struggles to get through all the data simultaneously.

3. Provider Throttling Your Connection

Several ISPs have started to throttle their customers’ connections after reaching certain limits, making it difficult for people to stream videos or browse at higher speeds. If this is happening on your account, contact your provider and request that they remove any restrictions on your connection speed.

4. Your PC has a Virus

Viruses occasionally infiltrate computers, slowing Internet speed and stealing resources without your knowledge.

5. Too Much Traffic

Suppose too many users are using your broadband connection at once. In that case, it could be causing congestion and affecting other people trying to access their services (such as streaming videos).

6. Incorrect Network Configuration

You can also find yourself with a slower network if you’ve changed settings on your router, firewall, or other devices connected to the router that affect the speed at which data travels between devices on your network.

For example, if you’ve changed how your router handles port forwarding, you may find that certain websites won’t load appropriately after making these changes.

7. Weak Wi-Fi Signals

Your Wi-Fi signal strength is the amount of power sent to your router, measured in decibels (dB). The higher the dB number, the stronger the signal. If you have an old or weak Wi-Fi router, you may not be able to get adequate signal strength on your home network.

You can try increasing the distance between your router and other devices on your home network by installing a new wireless repeater or range extender.


What is Network Optimization?

In order to monitor, manage, and enhance network performance, various technologies, tactics, and best practices are referred to together as “Network Optimization.”

It’s not enough for crucial networks to function properly in today’s highly competitive, dynamic corporate world. The world depends more and more on dependable, quick, safe, accessible, 24/7 data transfer as the digital era advances. Unfortunately, obsolete or inadequately sized hardware and subpar software can reduce available bandwidth and increase the delay. Performance issues and system vulnerability might result from outdated or underused network security solutions. Response times might be slowed down, and vital network services can be overloaded by sudden surges or traffic spikes. The list goes on, potentially leading to hundreds of growing problems that could harm the end-user experience.

Network optimization’s main objective is to provide the finest network performance and design at the lowest cost. An optimized network must encourage greater productivity and usefulness and enable effective and efficient data sharing. And to achieve this, network latency, traffic volume, capacity, and traffic direction must all be managed.


Speed-Up-Your-Network-in-8-Steps middleHow to Speed Up My Network?

The following tips can help you speed up your network.

Check Your Router

The first thing you should do is check the integrity of your router. If it’s malfunctioning, then it is time for an upgrade. You can check if it has been updated by going to its settings page and studying for an update.

Check Your Web Browser

If you’re having trouble with the speed of your network, there are likely too many open tabs or windows in your browser. Close all unnecessary tabs and windows to reduce the load on the main page and see if that helps.

Use Antivirus Software

Turning on antivirus software is a good idea because it will stop any potentially harmful files from being downloaded onto your computer. The best antivirus programs protect you against malware and spyware (malicious software).

If you’ve already installed an antivirus program, be sure to update it regularly so that it stays protected against new threats.

Clear Your Cache

The cache is a temporary space on your computer where websites store information about what they think might be helpful for you later on — like images or videos that might not be necessary at this point (but may become so later). Clearing out this cache can make pages load faster as well.

Change Your Router’s Channel

This step is essential because different channels have different speeds and can cause congestion on the network. If you have multiple devices connected to the same network, changing the channel will speed up things for all devices on that network.

Change Your Modem’s Settings

Your modem is responsible for choosing which channel to use when sending data out from your network, so if you want to improve performance, try setting it on a different channel than what you’re currently using (for example, if you’re using channel 6, try operating channel 3).

Turn Off Unused Hardware

Another way to speed up your network is by turning off any unused hardware on your computer system. This includes printers, modems, and other devices that may not be in use at the time but are still plugged into the wall or modem port.

It might be tempting to leave these devices plugged in so they will stay connected until needed again. Still, this practice can slow down your computer because it takes more power from the wall outlet or modem port than required and may even cause damage if left plugged in for too long without being in use.

Get a Better Plan

You may only be paying for slow Internet if you’ve checked your speed and compared it to the figure your Internet provider should receive, and the numbers line up. In this situation, you might want to think about choosing an upgrade.

Final Words

There are several reasons why your network may be either running slow or not working properly, and it could be that the problem is on your side of the router. Fortunately, that doesn’t mean you don’t have any options to fix it.

With an effective network management solution from Protected Harbor, you can expect a significant increase in productivity and efficiency. You can reduce latency, drop-outs, and other communication issues. You can even improve reliability with a robust and reliable security solution leaving you to feel secure with a best-in-class network security solution. It will also reduce the stress and frustration of network troubleshooting by network engineers and IT managers.

By offering the knowledge necessary to identify complicated issues and provide proactive remedies, Protected Harbor assists businesses in maintaining the functionality of their intranet and Internet applications.

With this advanced technology, your business can have the confidence to expand, explore new markets, and grow its profits without worrying about network speed or outages. You can also view our small business network security checklist here.

Get a free consultation today with one of our network engineers and stop worrying about network issues.

How to Prevent Crashes and Outages?

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How to Prevent Crashes and Outages?

Today’s workforce relies heavily on computers for day-to-day tasks. If a computer crashes, we tend to get more than just a little agitated.

Fear of being unable to work and get our jobs done for the day races through our minds while anger takes its place in the forefront of trying to fix whatever went wrong, throwing all logic out the window.

When a system abruptly ceases to work, it crashes. The scope of a system failure can vary significantly from one that affects all subsystems to one that is just limited to a particular device or just the kernel itself.

System hang-ups are a related occurrence in which the operating system is nominally loaded. Still, the system stops responding to input from any user/device and ceases producing output. Another way to define such a system is as frozen.

This blog will explain how to prevent crashes and outages in 6 easy steps.


What is a System Crash and an Outage?

A system crash is a term used to describe a situation in which a computer system fails, usually due to an error or a bug in the software. An outage may also be caused by an application program, system software, driver, hardware malfunction, power outage, or another factor.

“A system freeze,” “system hang,” or “the blue screen of death” are the other terms for a system crash.

An outage is a general term for an unexpected interruption to a service or network. Outages can be planned (for example, during maintenance) or unplanned (a fault occurs). Outages can last for minutes, hours, days, or even weeks.


Main Reasons for Crashes and Outages

System outages can be caused by various factors, from hardware failures to software glitches. In many cases, outages are the result of a combination of factors. The following are some of the most common causes of system outages:

  • Hardware failures: A defective component can cause an entire system to fail. Servers, hard drives, and other components can fail, leading to an outage.
  • Software glitches: Software glitches can also cause system outages. A coding error or a bug in the software can disrupt the system’s regular operation.
  • Power outages: A power outage can cause the entire system to fail. The system may be damaged permanently if the power is not restored quickly.
  • Natural disasters: Natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes can damage or destroy critical components of the system.

System crashes can be caused by various things, from software defects to hardware failures. Sometimes, the crash may even be caused by something as simple as a power outage or due to a more severe issue, such as a virus or malware infection.

  • Overheating: When a computer’s CPU or graphics card gets too hot, it can cause the system to freeze or crash. This is often the result of inadequate cooling or dust and dirt buildup inside the computer.
  • Bad drivers: If a driver is outdated, corrupt, or incompatible with the operating system, it can cause the system to crash. In some cases, this can even lead to data loss or permanent damage to the computer.

How-to-Prevent-Crashes-and-Outages-middle-imagePreventions Against Crashes and Outages

Nobody wants their computer to crash, but it will happen eventually. Here are a few ways to help prevent them and keep your computer running smoothly.


1.    Keep Your Software Up to Date by Installing Updates

One of the best ways to prevent crashes and outages is by updating your software. This means installing updates as soon as they become available. You should also keep your operating system and programs up to date. These updates can fix bugs and security vulnerabilities, so installing them as soon as they are released is essential.


2.    Avoid Clicking on Links or Downloading Files from Unknown Sources

It’s essential to be proactive in preventing crashes and outages. One way to do this is to avoid clicking on links or downloading files from unknown sources, as these can often contain malware that can harm your computer or network. Additionally, you should routinely back up your data to recover it if something goes wrong.


3. Make Sure You Have Good Antivirus and Anti-Malware Programs

One of the most important things you can do to prevent crashes is to ensure that your antivirus and anti-malware programs are up to date. These programs can help protect your computer from malware infections, which can cause crashes.


4.    Close Programs You’re Not Using

One of the best ways to prevent crashes and outages is to close any programs you’re not using. When too many programs are open, your computer’s performance can suffer, leading to crashes and outages.


5.    Delete Unwanted Files

Another way to improve your computer’s performance is to regularly delete files you no longer need. This will free up space on your hard drive, allowing your computer to run more efficiently.


6.    Try a Trusted Disk Clean-Up to Free Up Some Space

This will help your computer run faster and smoother. You can even defragment your hard drive occasionally to keep it organized and running smoothly.

Remember to install updates for your operating system and software as soon as they are available. Keeping your computer clean and organized will help prevent crashes and outages.


Final Words

Don’t forget that you are the one running the computer, not the other way around. Therefore, it is your top priority to maintain the computers for improved performance and to continually check for any disruptions that could result in computer failures.

Try to pay attention to the little warnings your system sends you so you can save not just your computer but also yourself from a mental spiral.

Now that you know what causes crashes and outages, you can stay on top of them by following a few simple rules. Regularly monitoring your system resources, updating your software, keeping your system up to date, and having a good antivirus are the best ways to keep your computer running smoothly and keep both crashes and outages at bay.

Taking care of your data can help you to protect it from crashes and outages. You can get expert help from Protected Harbor to manage and maintain your systems and data. Protected Harbor provides an added layer of security that helps to ensure the uninterrupted flow of business-critical data. Additionally, our expert team monitors and detects any threats or updates to your system in order to ensure a smooth, efficient operation that saves it from crashing.

We help you to avoid the most common causes of data loss and system outages. These include network issues due to malicious activity, viruses, and system overload; natural disasters; power outages; and accidental deletion or corruption of data. You’re less likely to experience a system outage or lose critical data if you have a backup, plus 99.99% uptime is our guarantee.


Sign up now and get a free consultation to learn more about how Protected Harbor can keep your company’s data secure and your business up and running.


Finding and Keeping Good Employees‍

Finding and Keeping Good Employees‍

Keeping your employees happy, engaged, and productive is challenging for every business. After all, happy employees are more productive and have higher retention rates. But it’s not easy to keep them that way. Without the proper management strategies, employee dissatisfaction can quickly become unbearable in working conditions. Working effectively with limited resources is a struggle for most businesses. That being said, there are plenty of ways to optimize your team’s performance while remaining fiscally responsible — and it all starts with your hiring strategy.

Welcome to another video in the series Uptime with Richard Luna. Every business has come across this question of how to find and retain the best talent. According to Richard Luna, here are some ways to find and keep good employees.


Hiring Strategies: Finding Good Employees

The first step to finding good employees is to define what makes for a good employee. Start by looking at the jobs you need to fill. What are the most important qualifications for those positions? Does your company culture prioritize certain traits over others? Once you’ve identified your company’s core values and hiring needs, you can create a job description. A job description can help you streamline your hiring process by making it easier to evaluate candidates who respond to your job listings. How? Job descriptions allow you to pinpoint each position’s essential duties, making sure each applicant is qualified for the job. This will save you a lot of time and energy down the line when reviewing resumes or conducting interviews and will help you avoid making a bad hire.

Their Work Matters

To keep your team members happy and engaged, you must ensure they feel their work matters. What does this mean? It means you have to give them work that feels significant and that they believe is valuable to the company. You must show them that their work is a core part of the business’s mission. This doesn’t mean that you have to change your business model or core objectives. It simply means that you have to make sure your team members see their work as something significant and that you take the time to explain why their work is so crucial.FINDING-Keeping-Good-Employees middle


Company-Wide Communication

Communication is crucial in any business relationship, but it’s essential between managers and employees. Managers must communicate expectations clearly and effectively, and employees must feel comfortable sharing their concerns and suggestions. If you want to keep your employees happy and engaged, you have to open lines of communication both within and outside each department. You must ensure your team members feel comfortable raising issues and speaking up when they need assistance.


Culture Instilling Practices

To keep your employees happy, you must ensure that your company’s culture is positive. This means you must be intentional about creating a positive company culture. To do this, you have to ask yourself a few questions: What are the core values of my company? What are the main traits that each of my employees possesses? What are our main goals as a company? It would help if you kept these things in mind as you make hiring decisions, promote employees, and make everyday decisions as a manager. You also have to take the time to celebrate your wins and show gratitude to your team members. You have to make sure that your team members feel like they have a voice and are appreciated as individuals and part of a team.



Finding and keeping good employees isn’t easy, but it’s crucial for any business. Luckily, you can do many things to make hiring easier. Start by creating a job description that identifies each essential duty, and use it when reviewing resumes. Communicate company expectations clearly, and make sure your team members feel comfortable speaking up when they have questions or concerns. And finally, make sure your company’s culture is a positive one.

At Protected Harbor, we help you drive performance and culture with awareness-based training. From diversity and inclusion to collaboration, we have the training for you.

Contact us today to explore workforce and collaboration solutions and several awareness training programs.

5 Emergency Hard Drive Recovery Solutions

5 Emergency Hard Drive Recovery Solutions banner

5 Emergency Hard Drive Recovery Solutions


We’ve all used them, and we’ve all had problems with them. Of course, we’re referring to hard drives, which are just as crucial in our personal and professional life as the computers on which they run.

The most significant drawback of hard drives (both HDDs and SSDs) is their low reliability. According to Backblaze, cloud storage and data backup firm, the Annualized Hard Drive Failure Rate (AFR) for 2022 is expected to be approximately 1.45%, which indicates that more than one out of every 100 hard drives will fail over a year.

Hard drive failure can strike at any time and without warning. When it does, it can be devastating, mainly if the drive contains essential data that has not been backed up. Fortunately, several emergency hard drive recovery solutions can be used to salvage data from a failing drive. If you’re worried that your current cloud storage provider won’t be around if your data is lost, or you are concerned that your data may be at risk due to a natural disaster or another unforeseen event, then you’ve come to the right place.


What is a Hard Drive Recovery Solution?

A hard drive recovery solution is a process of retrieving data from a damaged or inaccessible hard drive. Data loss has many potential causes, including physical damage, logical damage, virus attacks, and software corruption. In most cases, data can be recovered using specialized software and techniques. Among the different recovery solutions available, the best one for you will depend on the damage to your hard drive and the amount of data you need to recover.


Emergency Hard Drive Recovery Solutions

Emergency hard drives recovery solutions are crucial when recovering data from a failed or damaged hard drive. Here are five of the most effective methods:


1. Disk Imaging

Hard drive failure can be devastating, especially if critical data is lost. To avoid further damage and preserve as much data as possible, disk imaging should be performed. Disk imaging involves creating an exact copy of the damaged hard drive. This copy can then be used for recovery purposes. Hard drive recovery solutions can be used to recover data from the image, or the image can be used to create a new hard drive. Either way, disk imaging is an essential step in hard drive recovery.


2. Data Carving

Data carving may be a successful solution even when other methods have failed. Data carving involves scanning the hard drive for known file types and extracting them. This method can be successful because it does not rely on the file system to locate the files. Instead, it looks for specific patterns that are known to be associated with certain file types. As a result, data carving can effectively recover lost files from a damaged hard drive. Hard drive recovery solutions can be complex, but data carving is a simple and effective method that anyone can use.


Emergency-Hard-Drive-Recovery-Solutions middle3. Firmware Updates

In some cases, updating the firmware on a hard drive can enable it to be recognized by the computer and allow data to be recovered. The manufacturer usually updates the firmware, but sometimes it can be done by the user. Firmware updates can be found on the manufacturer’s website or on a CD that comes with the hard drive.

Instructions on updating the firmware can also be found on the manufacturer’s website. In most cases, it is best to leave the firmware update to be done by the manufacturer. However, if the user feels comfortable doing it, they can follow the instructions with the update. Once the firmware has been updated, it is essential to run a test to ensure that the data can be recovered from the hard drive. If not, there may be something wrong with the hard drive, and a professional should be consulted.


4. Consult with a Specialist

While many do-it-yourself data recovery solutions are available, these are often ineffective and can even cause further damage to your hard drive. A data recovery specialist like Protected Harbor will have the tools and knowledge necessary to safely and effectively recover your lost data. In addition, they will be able to advise you on the best way to prevent data loss in the future. As such, consulting with a professional data recovery specialist is the best way to ensure that your lost data is recovered and that you are prepared for future data loss.


5. Reformatting

You may be considering reformatting as a last resort option. This process will erase all data on the drive, but it can sometimes enable the drive to be used again. Before reformatting, you should always back up any important files you don’t want to lose. Once you’ve backed up your data, reformatting is a relatively simple process. However, it’s important to note that reformatting will not fix any underlying problems with the hard drive.

If the drive fails due to physical damage, reformatting will not repair the damage. In some cases, reformatting can even make physical damage worse. As a result, reformatting should only be attempted if all other options have failed and you’re willing to accept the risk of losing all data on the hard drive.


Final Words

In the event of a hard drive crash, there are several solutions to consider to try and recover your data. While some solutions may be more successful, it is essential to try various methods to increase your chances of recovering as much data as possible. If you have experienced a hard drive failure, don’t panic – start by trying one or more of these emergency hard drive recovery solutions. In most cases, data can be recovered using specialized software and techniques.

However, in some cases, data may be permanently lost due to severe physical damage or corrupt file system structures. If you have lost essential data from your hard drive, it is crucial to seek professional help from reputable providers like Protected Harbor as soon as possible. Their qualified data recovery solutions will be able to assess the extent of the damage and recommend the best course of action. In many cases, data can be successfully recovered even if the hard drive is severely damaged. A data backup and disaster recovery plan are also essential to prevent such situations from happening again. Our experts also suggest a regular restore functionality check.

If you are a business with a critical need for data continuity and considering buying a stand-alone device for data backup in an emergency, there is a better option. You can get an enterprise-grade external hard drive or a cloud solution from Protected Harbor and set it up as a data recovery vault. This way, you’ll have it ready to go in case of emergency, and you won’t have to worry about the possibility of data loss.

Want to know how our isolated backup and disaster recovery is one of the best in the industry? Contact our experts who are available to assist you 24×7, and you get a free IT audit as well.

10 File Sharing Tips from The Professionals

10 file sharing tips from the professionals


10 File Sharing Tips from The Professionals

When the topic of file sharing is mentioned, some people revert to the days of when programs like Napster were widely used to share music files illegally across the internet in the 90s. However, file sharing is now a crucial component for many companies and other use cases.

Key Takeaways

  • 39% of company data stored within the cloud are used for file sharing.
  • Over 800 web domains, including partners and vendors, share files with the average company.
  • A file sharing service receives about 60% of files used as backup copies that are never shared with anybody else.
  • Only internal users in a business receive about 70% of shared files.

Types of File Sharing

You must choose the method and protocol you want to employ before you can begin sharing files. Your choice should depend on the types of data you are moving and the recipients of those files.

Let’s examine the types of file-sharing options and which one may be better suited for you.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

FTP was among the earliest techniques for transferring data over networks to be developed, and because of its dependability and effectiveness, it is still widely used today. A tool with a user interface or a command prompt window can be used to execute FTP operations. Simply specifying the source file you wish to relocate and the destination for where it should be stored is all you need.

Peer to Peer (P2P)

A P2P file transmission does away with the requirement for a central server to hold your data. Clients, instead, link up with a distributed network of peers and carry out the file transfers across their network connections. P2P could one day be utilized to build an impregnable TOR (The Onion Router. TOR is widely used to provide more secure online connections.

Cloud Sharing Services

One user uploads their data to a central base using a cloud file sharing service, and others can then download those contents to their own devices. Although users can choose the types of permission levels to apply to the files, all data is hosted by a third-party source.

10 File Sharing Tips smallEmail Providers

Some people are unaware that email can be a system for transferring files. You start a data transmission over the public internet every time you attach a document to an outgoing message.

Removable Storage

If there isn’t a network-based solution that will work for you, you may always use a hard disk to handle file transfers. This implies that you copy data to either an external hard drive or a USB flash drive that you then insert into the target computer.

10 File Sharing Tips For Businesses

You may either already be utilizing cloud-based file sharing or you may have been thinking about doing so. Here are a few tips to help you maximize your cloud storage file-sharing capabilities.

1. Set File Permissions:

You must ensure that only the right people can access your files on a file-sharing platform. You should restrict access to particular files or a whole folder.

2. Verify File Activity:

After sharing your files, you might want to view a summary of user activity, comments, and revisions for each file. When you right-click or hover over a file in your cloud storage root view, you can frequently get either a detailed pane or hovercard view of your file activity. With the help of this view, you can quickly find out who has viewed or possibly altered your file.

3. Use Sharing Links With Password Protection:

Virus screening upon download, ransomware protection, password-protected sharing links, at-rest, in-transit encryption, and two-factor authentication are some of the robust security features that the leading cloud storage providers offer. Use sharing URLs that are password and time protected.

4. Check the Shared Files Directory:

If you already use cloud storage, it most likely has a shared folder feature. In this single folder, you’ll find every file you’ve ever shared and every file that has ever been shared with you.

5. Maintain a Standard for File Naming:

Everyone you share files with will benefit from your use of uniform naming rules and short yet descriptive file names. When naming a file, please consider the search terms other people would probably use to find it.

6. Classify the Security Level of Your Files:

You must be aware of the dangers that can arise upon handling important files poorly and especially those with whom you share these files with. It is worthwhile to categorize your sensitive data and provide each of those files or folders with the proper level of security. When required, strictly regulate who has access to certain files.

7. Download the App:

Install the cloud drive app on your phone. There, you will be able to access, share, and modify all of your files when you’re on the move.

8. Create Offline Access for Important Folders and Files:

Usually, you can just right-click on a file or folder and choose “offline access,” which in turn means your device will keep a local copy of it. You can access and work on your files even if there is no Wi-Fi around you.

9. Designate Folders for Routine Backups

For your most crucial folders, including you Desktop, Documents, and Pictures, enable automatic synchronization. You won’t ever lose your work if you keep all of your files within these folders, even if you misplace your device. All of your work will be stored in the cloud and readily available to you via the web or an app.

Final Words

Nowadays, collaboration is the name of the game. People must collaborate in order to drive revenue generation and because of this, decision-makers must have an access control strategy in place. Not all members of your workforce require access to every piece of information. If you give employees full authority over your file systems, things could go wrong, and data might end up in the wrong places.

For everyone to operate effectively and securely, make sure you specify permissions on your file-sharing system.

Although simplicity and access control will go a long way toward securing your file-sharing platform, you might require other solutions for it to be completely safe. Your disks will be far more secure if you encrypt them. Using a virtual private network to send and receive files will prevent them from being intercepted by businesses that use remote workers.

Protected Harbor’s file-sharing solution allows employees to share and collaborate on documents and files from any location. It will enable secure file sharing across your organization, keeping your data private and safe while reducing the risk of information leaks. Features like MFA, Encryption, and Identity & Access Management allow you to set up secure and granular file sharing permissions for each file.

Contact Protected Harbor’s IT professionals right away if you’re seeking for strategies to enhance your organizational file sharing.

The Hidden Costs of Microsoft 365

Hidden Costs of Microsoft 365

The Hidden Costs of MICROSOFT 365

What You Need To Know

In this always-advancing era of technology, every company should have a strategic plan for moving their applications and data to a cloud. Microsoft 365 is an excellent choice for companies that want the security and control of on-premises software with the flexibility and cost-efficiency of a cloud service.

If you’re considering Microsoft 365 for your company, read this post to find out if this is the right move for your business.


What Exactly is MICROSOFT 365?

Microsoft 365 is a subscription service-oriented for enterprises and businesses, combining many of Microsoft’s current products under one license.  It is effectively a package of services that contains all of the desktop apps and services offered by Office 365. So if you already use Microsoft apps like Exchange, SharePoint, or Skype for Business, or if you use any third-party apps that integrate with Office 365, Microsoft 365 makes it easy to combine everything into one cohesive experience. Microsoft 365 also simplifies setting up workspaces for any new employees, making the process near seamless for your IT team.


Cloud Services Have Hidden Costs – Know This Before You Move

The biggest thing to remember about cloud services like Microsoft 365 is that the initial costs are low, but there are hidden fees.

The upfront costs are minimal because you are essentially renting the software—not buying it. An example of hidden fees would be, needing a high-speed internet connection to ensure smooth, efficient collaboration with your co-worker plus needing a robust backup and disaster recovery plan to prevent data loss in the event of a hack or natural disaster.

Cloud services like Microsoft 365 do not come with these necessary essentials at the base price.


How to Determine if Moving to MICROSOFT 365 is Right for Your Company

Hidden-Costs-of-Windows-365 smallTo determine if Microsoft 365 suits your company, start by understanding your business requirements and goals. What applications do you need to run? What are your security and compliance concerns? What are the current and future costs of on-premises software versus the cost of Microsoft 365?

Regarding security and compliance, Microsoft 365 brings the full power of Windows to the cloud. This means you have the same robust security and compliance features as on-premises software and end-to-end encryption’s added security. There are also low upfront costs when you make the switch to Microsoft 365.

You’ll likely save on IT support, hardware, and software licensing.


No Support, No Backup

Microsoft 365 offers no assistance with issues, problems, or concerns.

If a problem comes up that is too difficult for you or your IT team to solve, you are on your own and will need to find a third-party solution. Help is only available to customers who have signed an Enterprise Agreement or enrolled in a Volume Licensing Program. It is important to note that there are no phone support options available for Microsoft 365.

The support that comes with microsoft 365 may not even be enough for your needs, either. If you have specific needs or requirements for your network, you may want to hire an outside IT company to provide these support services.

Microsoft 365 doesn’t give the feature of a backup either, so to keep your business safe in the event of a disaster or outage, you will need to have a plan in place that ensures your critical data is stored in a separate location.

There are several clouds and on-site options available that offer backup solutions for Microsoft 365.


No Monitoring, No Help

Moving your company’s apps to Microsoft 365 gives you complete control and governance over your data. However, if you’re experiencing performance issues or have questions about how to best use your applications, you may not get the help you need. With most cloud services; monitoring and support are minimal. With that said, some cloud providers will offer managed services to address this problem.

You may want to investigate whether your specific provider offers managed services or if they can recommend a third-party provider that can help you get the most out of your applications.


Final Words: Is MICROSOFT 365 Worth It?

Microsoft 365 is a great way to give your business the best of Microsoft’s software. It’s packed with the best of Microsoft Office, offers all Microsoft features for your PC, plus it gives you access to a standard email client. It’s an excellent choice for small businesses and individuals who want to standardize on Windows software.

Free Microsoft 365 security may be appropriate in some situations, but it also has the potential to cause issues and end up costing more than you anticipated. Similarly, a sophisticated security solution can offer superior security and compliance defences in today’s complex cyber security environment.

At Protected Harbor, we’re dedicated to providing enterprise-level cloud security for businesses of all sizes. Our team of engineers and analysts works daily to stay on top of new developments in cloud security. We strictly focus on keeping your data secure from regular vulnerability scanning, to frequent updates, and 24/7/365 monitoring.

With the ever-increasing risk of cyberattacks, it’s more important than ever to have a secure cloud solution. Our team works tirelessly to keep your data safe and secure. Still confused about opting for a cloud- provider, consult one of our experts now, and get a free IT audit.

What is Site Reliability Engineering? A Definitive Guide

What is site reliability engineering a definitive guide


What is Site Reliability Engineering? A Definitive Guide

As the world is rapidly moving towards digital services and more organizations are adopting cloud-based services, site reliability engineering practices have become essential. The reason is that IT experts and engineering teams operating software have changed drastically. These practices let organizations meet the service level agreements for performance, availability, business KPIs, and user experience.

In this article, we’ll learn about site reliability engineering, key practices, benefits, roles, and responsibilities of a site reliability engineer, and tools used for SRE. Let’s get started with the basics of site reliability engineering.

What is Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)?

Site reliability engineering or SRE is applying software engineering principles to infrastructure processes and operations to help companies create highly scalable and reliable software systems. As a discipline, site reliability engineering focuses on optimizing software systems’ reliability across categories, such as performance, availability, capacity, latency efficiency, and incident response. And those who perform these operations are known as site reliability engineers.

Google was the first who task its software engineers with making large-scale sites more efficient, scalable, and reliable by implementing automated solutions. SRE is a way to bridge gaps between IT operations and developers, even in a DevOps culture. The primary purpose of SRE is to develop automated solutions and software systems for operational aspects.

What does a site reliability engineer do?

A site reliability engineer generally has a background in software development and business analytics and substantial operations experience. They monitor systems in production and analyze performance to detect areas that need improvement. This observation helps them calculate potential outages cost and plan for contingency.

Software reliability engineers split their time between software or system development and operations. Their on-call responsibilities include updating tools, software, and documentation to prepare IT teams for future incidents. Moreover, they build and deploy services to optimize the workflow for the IT and support departments.

Key Practices in Site Reliability Engineering

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Here are the key practices to implement software reliability engineering in your organization.

  • Availability_ The SRE team is responsible for maintaining system and service availability once they are in production, initiated by service-level agreements (SLAs), service-level objectives (SLOs), and service-level indicators (SLIs) for the underlying services.
  • Performance_ After stabilizing availability, the SRE team can focus on optimizing service performance. They assist development teams, fix bugs, and identify performance issues across the system.
  • Monitoring_ SRE teams have to monitor operations and implement appropriate solutions based on how respective services measure performance and uptime.
  • Incident response_ Site reliability engineering is critical for incident response. The SRE team should be available to respond, review, and explain incidents occurring within the system. It includes auditing processes, production workflows, alert criteria, and other factors.
  • Preparation_ The integration of SREs into IT and development allows developers to learn more about the production environment and help IT and DevOps teams get involved earlier in the development lifecycle.

Roles and Responsibilities of an SRE

Here are the leading roles and responsibilities of a software reliability engineer.

1. Monitoring

Software reliable engineers ensure that underlying infrastructure is running smoothly and that tools and systems are working as desired. Moreover, they monitor critical services and applications to reduce downtime and ensure availability.

2. Automation

Software reliability engineers build automation tools to manage IT operations. Therefore, rather than performing these tasks manually, they aim to automate them. These functions include

  • Incident response
  • Continuous integration
  • Continuous delivery
  • Monitoring
  • Alerts

3.Cross-team collaboration

Software reliable engineers work across different teams, particularly development and operations. By developing a reliable system and offering support to these teams, they give their teams more time to focus on building new features and get these out faster to consumers.

4. Issue resolution

Software reliable engineers work closely with the development team, especially when problems arise. They collaborate with the developers to help with troubleshooting and offer consultation when alerts are issued. Following the incident resolution, SRE will revisit the situation and determine the cause to ensure it does not happen again.

Benefits of Site Reliability Engineering

Site reliability engineering aims to enhance high-scale systems’ reliability through automation. The main goal of SRE is to fill the gap between the infrastructure and development teams. Incorporating aspects of software engineering into infrastructure and operation functions has several benefits, the most notable being more service resiliency and constant uptime. Here are some other benefits of SRE.

  • Filling the gap between infrastructure and development teams
  • Automate processes
  • Planning and maintaining operational tasks
  • Continuously analyzing and monitoring application performance
  • Managing emergency and on-call support
  • Contribute to the overall product roadmap
  • Ensure that software has proper logging and diagnostics

Common Tools used by SREs

Here are some of the most common tools used by software reliability engineers.

1. DataDog

Datadog is a monitoring and analytics tool used by system reliability engineers and DevOps teams. It can determine performance metrics and event monitoring for cloud and infrastructure services. You can see across systems, services, and applications, get complete visibility into advanced applications, analyze and explore log data in context, and proactively monitor your user experience. Moreover, Datadog lets you visualize traffic flow in cloud-native environments and get alerted on critical issues.

2. AppD

AppDynamics puts your IT teams at the center of business success. It’s a tool that provides a common view across server and database infrastructure, providing real-time actionable insights. SREs can track numerous metrics for their SLI. However, its core APM product gives valuable metrics. AppD includes many additional tools delivering deep insights, such as End User Monitoring and Browser Synthetic Monitoring. Site reliability engineers can measure SLI, SLA, SLO, and error budgeting to tie them to their business objectives. It lets them prioritize the most critical business aspects and take action in real-time.

3. DynaTrace

Dynatrace software intelligence platform empowers DevOps teams and site reliability engineers to detect issues before they occur by providing intelligent and automatic observability for the most complex distributed cloud environment. Moreover, continuous automation delivers precise root-cause answers to site reliability problems at all software development lifecycle (SDLC) steps. Dynatrace helps software reliability engineers improve availability, reliability, and latency and mitigate the impact of service outages and downtimes.


Site reliability engineering requires strong skills to succeed. There should be a sense of trust between the teams, and being responsible for SRE is more about taking ownership of production operations. It’s a specific approach focusing on IT operations, and if you want to adopt an SRE culture in your organization, go ahead and train your IT team by following the best practices. However, it’s a myth that you can achieve 100 percent perfection, but you can make things better using suitable tools and best practices based on your organization’s requirements.

With a team of experienced engineers from Protected Harbor, you can rest assured that your site is in good hands. We provide a range of site reliability services including monitoring, capacity planning, incident management, and security. Protected Harbor’s engineers are experts in Ruby on Rails, Python, Node.js, and other popular open-source technologies. They have experience with many enterprise-level technologies, including Apache, Nginx, Kafka, etc. We are giving free IT audits to the companies and site reliability consultation. Contact us today!