Why IT Experience Matters:  

Why IT Experience Matters

Today’s market has become highly cut-throat for small and medium businesses. Keeping up with the furious pace of change and staying ahead is a huge challenge for these organizations. Richard Luna, CEO of Protected Harbor touches on this topic while he discusses the importance of Why IT Experience Matters. You can also find topics like this and more within his video series Uptime With Richard Luna which is posted every Thursday.

To succeed in this digital world, SMBs (Small & Midsized Businesses) need to partner with an IT Service Provider or MSP (Managed Service Provider) to help them manage their technology while also handling all of their day-to-day operational tasks. An IT Service Provider usually comes with several benefits such as cost savings, scalability, and efficiency from an outsourced IT department.

If you’re considering partnering with an MSP or are already working with one, you should know why IT experience matters most when it comes time to choose one. Below we will explain the importance of experience and what you should for when vetting your options.


The Importance of Experience

Experience is a crucial factor in determining a provider’s quality of service.

First, it helps you to gauge their level of proficiency. Second, previous experience, especially in dealing with various types of businesses and clients, offers insight into how an IT Service Provider or MSP will approach your partnership. Experience is the key to ensuring that your computers and other IT infrastructure function optimally and are protected from cyber threats.

With experience, MSPs know what works best for different businesses and can help you in selecting the right technology for your particular needs. However, it is also essential to keep in mind that MSPs are not infallible. No one can promise 100% uptime, nor can they guarantee that their clients will not experience any outages or service interruptions because they vary from one MSP to the next. In short, nothing is guaranteed. Even though your MSP can help you avoid many problems, plenty can still occur.


The First Rule of IT: Panic

Why IT Experience Matter middle

Panic is the first act when an emergency occurs. This can affect your own staff, and IT staff may not be available at the time. Luckily, MSPs are prepared for any crisis. Most MSPs work with a standard response time of 30 minutes, which applies to a wide range of issues while some promise a faster 15-minute response time. When an MSP works with you, it is essential to understand their response time and the steps they take to resolve an issue. This can be crucial in determining the quality of service that clients receive.

When an emergency occurs, the first question that arises is what’s happening. The most typical answers we get are we just lost a cluster node (a part of the data center) or the main firewall blew up, knocking out thousands of customers.

In this situation, Richard Luna, CEO of Protected Harbor, recommends focusing on what’s working. In a crisis, this is the best thing to do; it will tell you what you can move to, what infrastructure can be used and what’s functional at this point.


Emergencies Occur, and They Can be Resolved

Experienced MSPs or IT Service Providers are successful if they have prepared for everything. They understand that emergencies can occur at any time and must be able to respond. Whether it’s a power surge, a flood in the building, a fire, or an earthquake, all of these disasters can cause severe damage to your IT infrastructure, which can impact your staff, your customers, and your business as a whole. All of these issues can be resolved, though, especially if you have an experienced and trustworthy MSP ready to respond.


Hiring an MSP is Not Always the Best Solution

When you’re in a hurry to get a new IT infrastructure, you may be tempted to hire an MSP on an “as needed” basis but you may end up paying more for the work performed and not getting everything you actually need in the long run. If you receive services from a third party, you don’t have much say in the configuration of your IT system. You cannot change your hardware or software whenever you need to also, you may not have access to all the necessary backups and other information you need for your business continuity plan. If you work with an MSP on an “as needed” basis, you do not have any guarantee that you will receive the same team in case of a problem or an emergency.


The Optimal Solution: Experienced People With A Plan

When working with an MSP, you should look for experienced people with a plan. The team should also have a proven track record of success when working with other clients in your industry. In short, you should look for MSPs with a proven track record. When you work with an MSP, you should be able to trust their team altogether while they should also be able to adapt to any changes and know how to solve problems as they arise. You should be able to work with an MSP without worrying about the issues that your IT infrastructure may face.

“The optimal solution in this situation is a blend.” Richard explains that in order to get the best, you will need to have the best of the minds, experienced people who have been through crises before and understand the long view of the technology, intermixed with fresh minds or a brand new staff will give a terrific blend of a solid, communicative, collaborative team.

This is an approach that we use internally at Protected Harbor.


Summing up

How you handle your business’s IT infrastructure can make or break your organization.

The best way to ensure that you have a strong IT foundation is to partner with an experienced MSP. When you choose an MSP with experience, you can be sure that your IT systems will run smoothly and efficiently. You can expect your systems to be managed appropriately, and they can also help you to use resources in your systems more efficiently. With an MSP, you can rest assured that your IT team will be ready to respond when an emergency occurs.

While most IT service providers or MSPs offer a one-size-fits-all approach, Protected Harbor has been set apart from the competition by its focus on providing an individually tailored experience to its clients. Whether it’s an enterprise company or a mid-sized business, you can expect to be treated as an individual.

If you’re looking for managed IT services for your company, you deserve more than a cookie-cutter solution. You deserve a trusted advisor who understands your business and technology challenges and works with you to create a solution that meets your unique needs.

Protected Harbor is not your typical MSP. We have the experience and focus on solving issues for our clients, not selling service plans. We work with you to build a relationship based on trust and transparency. We have a 95% client retention rate and an average of 15 minute ticket response times. Don’t just take our word for it; check our testimonials.

Contact us today to get a free IT Audit and experience for yourself why IT experience matters.

Human IT Errors

human it errors what the heck do they mean

Human IT Errors: What the Heck Do They Mean?

Human error is an inevitable part of any complex system, especially one as vast as IT. IT relies on humans to perform even the most minor tasks which unfortunately can lead to both minor and major mistakes under stress or pressure. Even just the slightest mistake can affect an entire organization and its users.

This post will explore what human error is, provide examples of human errors within IT systems, and the best practices to prevent them.


What is Human Error in IT?

A human error typically refers to an issue that was brought on by a human end-user rather than by computer technology or software. The abbreviation PEBKAC (Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair) is occasionally used to designate a problem brought on by human mistakes.

Because humans are creatures of habit and occasionally choose to get around security protocols rather than adapt, human errors remain a problem.

Another cause is that people frequently feel both rushed and overworked, which can result in sloppiness, particularly while scrolling through emails. Most individuals by now have probably received some form of training when it comes to recognizing phishing emails. Still, sometimes the simplest of steps are frequently skipped because verifying links and manually typing known, trustworthy domains into browser windows takes time.

Fact check: According to IDG’s 2021 Security Priorities Study, employees falling prey to phishing or other non-malicious security policy violations were to blame for 44% of security incidents in 2021, up from 36% the year before. This was the case even though approximately 50% of respondents gave priority to personnel security awareness and training.

In terms of cybersecurity, the average human error costs roughly $133 per record. And it can take businesses 242 days to find and fix a problem caused by such unintentional actions.


5 of the Most Common Types of Human Error in the Workplace

Neglecting Safety

Employees tend to disregard even the most basic safety precautions overtime because they’ve grown either so accustomed to their jobs or they’ve garnered a lack appreciation. Workplace accidents that could have otherwise been entirely avoidable often originate from neglecting implemented safety protocols.

“Messing Around”

Workplace camaraderie can help to increase morale, but when it turns into horseplay, it can be hazardous. Physical and verbal horseplay can be dangerous, resulting in accidental equipment and product damage, co-worker conflicts, and even personal injuries. Aside from physical damage, standard protocols could potentially become slighted if an employee becomes distracted by another co-worker. This could lead to an employee accidentally skipping over a very important safety measure.


Employees are far more likely to have a workplace mishap when they are too exhausted to safely perform their fundamental job duties. Tired employees can disregard the basic safety precautions, nod off at work, or even click onto a link they otherwise meant to disregard. If this happens frequently, it could warrant a human error investigation.

Fast working

An individual who works quickly to finish a task or meet a deadline may intentionally omit essential details. A hasty worker may fail to stop and look over a potentially hazardous email or IT protocol.

Poor Training

Sometimes an employer can be liable for a workplace incident since human error is not just limited to employees. Workplace mishaps can be guaranteed when a manager rushes through employee training or omits crucial training matter.


Human IT Errors smallHow to Prevent Human Error in IT?

The most excellent approach for companies that want to protect their sensitive data is to take the proper steps in preventing employee error. It is not acceptable to maintain your cybersecurity policy in its current form only because there was no immediate harm to your company.

Utilizing a sophisticated, comprehensive approach for minimizing insider threats and boosting your cybersecurity is the only method to limiting human error. You can successfully safeguard your business against employee security mishaps by using the following practices and solutions:


Update the Corporate Security Policy:

Your security policy should detail how sensitive information should be handled including; who has access to it plus what security and monitoring tools should be used. Review your security policies and ensure the document adheres to all current best practices.

Educate Your Staff:

Inform your staff of the potential dangers and explain the potentially costly and dangerous results of any blunders. It would help if you informed your team of the security concerns that these mistakes entail. Ensure that everyone is aware of and willing to abide by the business security policy.

Apply the Least Privilege Principle:

By denying all access, you may secure data access quickly and effectively. Privileged access should only be granted when absolutely necessary. You can avoid accidental data breaches and data deletions caused by employees who aren’t allowed to deal with sensitive data in the first place if users can only access the data they need for their jobs.

Keep an Eye on Your Staff: To identify suspicious activity and protect your system from hacker attacks and data leaks, you need to use a user activity monitoring software. Staff monitoring software like Protected Harbor is the most dependable solution to guarantee precise identification and avoidance of security mistakes.


Final Words:

Don’t Blame the Humans!

This article shows that human error is only natural. It’s impossible to eradicate completely, but there are ways to minimize it. To do this, employ the right people for your open positions, create a culture where mistakes are encouraged but must be learned from, and create a streamlined environment. With these factors in place, you can significantly reduce the number of errors made within your IT department and across your organization.

The strategy we employ at Protected Harbor challenges you to reconsider the way you see human risk. Untrained end-users may be your organization’s weakest security link. Still, with the correct tools and training, you can make them your first line of defence against any attack or breach, protecting your company in the long run.

Effective security awareness training can lower human error. Find out how Protected Harbor helps businesses promote secure behavior with engaging, intelligently automated cyber security awareness training. Contact us today!

Why Microservices Will Revolutionize IT in the Future

Why microservices are a game changer for the future of IT


Why Microservices Are a Game-Changer for the Future of IT

New IT solutions must handle the ever-increasing volume of data and information while remaining flexible enough to adapt quickly and efficiently to changing business demands.

The need for agility has never been more urgent for today’s businesses. The pace of digital transformation is getting faster and faster with no apparent end in sight. To meet these challenges, enterprises must find solutions that can keep up with the speed of business change. This blog will explain what microservices are, how they can help your organization remain agile, and how they can help you achieve a more nimble IT system as you move forward into the future of your business.

What Is a Microservice?

A microservice is a software system built as a set of small independent modules with particular concerns and functions. Each microservice can be built and deployed independently and work together with other microservices to deliver a complete product or service. The main challenge when building software systems is to find the right balance between functionality, quality, and time-to-market. One option is to build an extensive application that can meet all the requirements from the get-go, but this approach is often challenging and costly in terms of resources. Another option is to break down the project into smaller, more manageable pieces and build a set of microservices that can be released and deployed independently.

Why Are Microservices a Game-Changer for IT?

With growing complexity and the need to scale in mind, organizations are now moving towards microservices architecture (MSA) to break down IT systems into smaller, more manageable parts. MSA is essentially a distributed system approach, where applications are broken down into smaller modules (microservices), and each service is hosted in its separate container or virtual machine. The essential factor to note here is that each microservice can be scaled independently, enabling you to handle the growing demand for particular parts of the system without scaling the entire system. By using microservices, businesses can deploy new software solutions much faster and achieve quicker time-to-market. At the same time, microservices are also helping IT systems become more reliable and scalable.

Microservices Are a Game Changer smallWhat Are The Benefits of Microservices?

As microservices help you build more flexible systems, they also help you achieve several important benefits for your business. These include:

  • Greater agility – The ability to quickly change and adapt to your customers’ needs is vital for future business success. With microservices, you can respond much quicker to market changes, new requirements, and customer feedback, thanks to the more elegant nature of the system.
  • Greater scalability – Microservices are particularly useful when you need to scale your system on the fly, especially in cases of high demand. You can scale up or down specific parts of the system as required, and therefore avoid downtime.
  • Improved quality – By designing with quality in mind, you can build a reliable and robust system. End-to-end testing is particularly important when working with microservices, as it helps to ensure the system works as a whole.
  • Improved security – When designed and implemented correctly, Microservices can help make your systems more secure. For example, microservices that handle sensitive information can be securely isolated from non-critical microservices.

When to Use Microservices?

Microservices are particularly useful for complex projects that require scalability, agility, and high levels of flexibility. They make sense, especially in situations where you are working with large and complex organizations where communication between different departments and teams is challenging. Microservices can also make sense in cases where you should be able to scale up or down quickly depending on the level of demand for a particular part of the system.

In general, to decide whether to use a microservices architecture, you should think about the following questions: What are the project requirements? What type of functionality does the system require? Is your team capable of designing a system that meets these requirements? In other words, microservices make sense when you have a large, complex project with significant functionality. At the same time, the project is also highly flexible and can easily be scaled depending on the requirements.

Key Takeaway

Microservices help you build more flexible systems that respond quickly to your customers and business needs. With microservices, you can scale up or down individual parts of the system as required, avoiding downtime. At the same time, microservices are easier to maintain and manage.

Small, autonomous services that are easy to change and upgrade are the new standard in a digital world. The ability to develop, test, and deploy small services faster can impact a company’s bottom line by reducing overall development time and quickening the delivery of new features to customers. The good news is that there are several techniques to speed up the development process of your business. Protected Harbor provides expert-level microservices to help you stay on top of things. We specialize in providing a software development approach that focuses on breaking down large systems into smaller pieces to improve efficiency, maintainability, and flexibility and help businesses achieve improved scalability, reliability, and agility. And that’s not it. We are currently providing free IT audit to the companies. Contact us today for one.

Information Technology IT Trends in 2021

Information Technology IT Trends in 2021


What are the new IT Trends in 2021?


We’ve been so deep in this pandemic that some of us have forgotten what life was like before it. Remember we used to get together for lunch, go to a ball game, celebrate holidays together, and not wear masks! 2021 will begin with more of the same of 2020 but will shift towards “normal”.

When is anyone’s guess? But what will happen with technology? It can be argued that without technology, the economy and education would have taken even a bigger hit than it did in 2020. Platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Hangouts allowed us to work in a virtual world. Companies like Protected Harbor’s clients who were smart enough to set up a virtual desktop make the move to “Work From Home” seamlessly.
So when the work moves back to normal, what will technology look like? What trends will continue from 2020? What new trends will emerge?

Trend 1: Drug development revolution with advanced Covid-19 testing and vaccine development


Operation Warp Speed changed the way that drugs are developed, tested and trialed. Assuming the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines prove to be safe (and we feel strongly they will), the speed in which vaccines are brought to market will increase dramatically. Both Pfizer and Moderna developed mRNA vaccines, the first in human history! We expect more innovations throughout 2021.

Also, COVID self-tests kits are being developed all over the world. We expect this trend to continue and perhaps move to self-test kits for other diseases.

Trend 2: Continued expansion of remote working and video conferencing

This area was already gaining lots of traction going into 2020 and grew exponentially during the pandemic.

This area has seen rapid growth during the pandemic, and it will likely continue growing in 2021.  Many of our clients have realized they are just as productive with a remote work force as they were before.  Some of them have permanently moved to a “work from home” environment.

Zoom, which grew from a startup in 2011 to going public in 2019, became a household name during the pandemic. Other existing large corporate tools such as Cisco’s Webex, Microsoft’s TeamsGoogle HangoutsGoToMeeting, and Verizon’s BlueJeans are also providing state-of-the-art videoconferencing systems, facilitating remote work across the globe.

Many new ventures are emerging in the remote working sector. Startups BluescapeEloopsFigmaSlab, and Tandem have all provided visual collaboration platforms enabling teams to create and share content, interact, track projects, train employees, run virtual team-building activities, and more.

These tools also help distributed teams keep track of shared learning and documentation. Users can create a virtual office that replicates working together in person by letting colleagues communicate and collaborate with one another easily.

remote working from home

Trend 3: Contactless delivery and shipping remain as the new normal

Due to the pandemic, the US has seen a 20% increase in customers who prefer contactless delivery.  Companies who have led in this space are DoorDash, Postmates, Instacard, Grubhub and Uber Eats.  These companies will continue to flourish in 2021.  Trend # 10 (autonomous driving) may be combined with contactless delivery to offer a truly futuristic way of delivering goods and foods.

Information Technology IT Trends

Trend 4: Telehealth and telemedicine flourish

Telehealth visits have surged by 50 percent compared with pre-pandemic levels. IHS Technology predicted that 70 million Americans would use telehealth by 2020. Since then, Forrester Research predicted the number of U.S. virtual care visits will reach almost a billion early in 2021.

Teladoc Health, Amwell, Livongo Health, One Medical, and Humana are some of the public companies offering telehealth services to meet their current needs.

Startups are not far behind. Startups like MDLive, MeMD, iCliniq, K Health, 98point6, Sense.ly, and Eden Health have also contributed toward meeting the growing needs in 2020 and will continue offering creative solutions in 2021. Beyond telehealth, in 2021 we can expect to see health care advancements in biotech and A.I., as well as machine learning opportunities (example: Suki AI) to support diagnosis, admin work, and robotic health care.

In many ways, patients prefer Telehealth and virtual doctor’s appointments. There’s no more waiting forever in the waiting room, and the doctor simply video calls you when he’s ready.
As Telehealth grows in 2021, tech companies will need to ensure they are HIPAA compliant, and that videos are kept private, and free from hackers.

Telehealth and telemedicine flourish

Trend 5: Online education and e-learning as part of the educational system

Covid-19 fast-tracked the e-learning and online education industry. During this pandemic, 190 countries have enforced nationwide school closures at some point, affecting almost 1.6 billion people globally.

There is a major opportunity with schools, colleges, and even coaching centers conducting classes via videoconferencing. Many institutions have actually been recommended to pursue a portion of their curriculum online even after everything returns to normal.

The challenge in 2020 was the availability of high-speed internet, especially in low-income neighborhoods.  As the economy recovers in 2021, we expect more and more households will have this access.

Over time, we expect internet access to be considered just as critical as food, water and electricity.

Online education and e-learning as part of the educational system

Trend 6: Increased development of 5G infrastructure, new applications, and utilities

There is no doubt that demand for higher-speed internet and a shift toward well-connected homes, smart cities, and autonomous mobility have pushed the advancement of 5G-6G internet technology. In 2021, we will see new infrastructure and utility or application development updates both from the large corporations and startups.

Many telcos are on track to deliver 5G, with Australia having rolled it out before Covid-19. Verizon announced a huge expansion of its 5G network in October 2020, which will reach more than 200 million people. In China, 5G deployment has been happening rapidly. There are more than 380 operators currently investing in 5G. More than 35 countries have already launched commercial 5G services.

Startups like Movandi are working to help 5G transfer data at greater distances; startups including Novalume help municipalities manage their public lighting network and smart-city data through sensors. Nido Robotics is using drones to explore the seafloor.

Through 5G networks, these drones help navigate better and use IoT to help communicate with devices on board. Startups like Seadronix from South Korea use 5G to help power autonomous ships. The 5G networks enable devices to work together in real-time and help enable vessels to travel unmanned.

The development of 5G and 6G technology will drive smart-city projects globally and will support the autonomous mobility sector in 2021.

Trend 7: A.I., robotics, internet of things, and industrial automation grow rapidly

In 2021, we expect to see huge demand and rapid growth of artificial intelligence (A.I.) and industrial automation technology. As manufacturing and supply chains are returning to full operation, manpower shortages will become a serious issue. Automation, with the help of A.I., robotics, and the internet of things, will be a key alternative solution to operate manufacturing.

Some of the top technology-providing companies enabling industry automation with A.I. and robotics integration include:

UBTech Robotics (China), CloudMinds (U.S.), Bright Machines (U.S.), Roobo (China), Vicarious (U.S.), Preferred Networks (Japan), Fetch Robotics (U.S.), Covariant (U.S.), Locus Robotics (U.S.), Built Robotics (U.S.), Kindred Systems (Canada), and XYZ Robotics (China).

Also, as we discuss in Trend # 10 (autonomous driving), AI has played, and will continue to play, a key role in autonomous driving, as cars “learn” how humans react to certain road conditions.

Trend 8: Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies usage rises

Augmented reality and virtual reality have grown significantly in 2020. These immersive technologies are now part of everyday life, from entertainment to business. The arrival of Covid-19 has prompted this technology adoption as businesses turned to the remote work model, with communication and collaboration extending over to AR and VR.

The immersive technologies from AR and VR innovations enable an incredible source of transformation across all sectors. AR avatars, AR indoor navigation, remote assistance, integration of A.I. with AR and VR, mobility AR, AR cloud, virtual sports events, eye tracking, and facial expression recognition will see major traction in 2021. Adoption of AR and VR will accelerate with the growth of the 5G network and expanding internet bandwidth.

Companies like MicrosoftConsagousQuytechRealWorld OneChetuGramercy TechScantaIndiaNICGroove Jones, etc. will play a significant role in shaping our world in the near future, not only because of AR’s and VR’s various applications but also as the flag carrier of all virtualized technologies.

Trend 9: Continued growth in micromobility

While the micro-mobility market had seen a natural slowdown at the beginning of the Covid-19 spread, this sector has already recovered to the pre-Covid growth level. E-bikes and e-scooters’ usage is soaring since they are viewed as convenient transportation alternatives that also meet social distancing norms. Compared to the pre-Covid days, the micro-mobility market is expected to grow by 9 percent for private micro-mobility and by 12 percent for shared micro-mobility.

There are hundreds of miles of new bike lanes created in anticipation. Milan, Brussels, Seattle, Montreal, New York, and San Francisco have each introduced 20-plus miles of dedicated cycle paths. The U.K. government announced that diesel and petrol-fueled car sales will be banned after 2030, which has also driven interest in micro-mobility as one of the alternative options.

Startups are leading the innovation in micro-mobility. Bird, Lime, Dott, Skip, Tier, and Voi are key startups leading the global micro-mobility industry.

China has already seen several micro-mobility startups reach unicorn status, including Ofo, Mobike, and Hellobike.


Trend 10: Ongoing autonomous driving innovation

We will see major progress in autonomous driving technology during 2021.  Tesla has clearly led the way.  Tesla’s Autopilot not only offers lane centering and automatic lane changes, but, from this year, can also recognize speed signs and detect green lights.

Honda recently announced that it will mass-produce autonomous vehicles, which under certain conditions will not require any driver intervention.  Ford is also joining the race, anticipating an autonomous driving cars ridesharing service launch in 2021. The company could also make such vehicles available to certain buyers as early as 2026. Other automakers, including Mercedes-Benz, are also trying to integrate some degree of autonomous driving technology in their new models from 2021. GM intends to roll out its hands-free-driving Super Cruise feature to 22 vehicles by 2023.

The fierce market competition is also accelerating self-driving technology growth in other companies, including Uber, Lyft and Waymo. Billions of dollars have been spent in acquiring startups in this domain: GM acquired Cruise for $1 billion; Uber acquired Otto for $680 million; Ford acquired Argo AI for $1 billion; and Intel acquired Mobileye for $15.3 billion.

Looking ahead

Technology development in 2021 will be somewhat of a continuation of 2020, but the influence of Covid-19 will evolve during the year. Many of our new behaviors will become part of the new normal in 2021, helping drive major technological and business innovations.

Protected Harbor continues to monitor these new technologies and look to bring them to their clients if and when there is a business need.  For more information on Protected Harbor, please visit Protected Harbor