Should I Hire an IT Guy? Should I Hire an MSP?

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Should I Hire an IT Guy? Should I Hire an MSP?

IT guys and MSPs are popping up everywhere these days. From your local hardware store to the big box retailers, there’s no shortage of places you can find a helpful tech or an experienced service provider (or both!). Even so, that doesn’t mean they’re all equally dependable.

The decision to hire an IT guy or an MSP (Managed Service Provider) depends on your organization’s specific needs and resources. Choosing an IT guy and an MSP should be based on carefully assessing your organization’s needs and resources. It may also be worth considering a combination of both, with an IT guy for on-site support and an MSP for broader IT management and support. With that in mind, here are some pros and cons to hiring IT guys and MSPs regarding your company’s IT needs.


Why Hire a Managed IT Service Provider?

Many companies don’t know what they’re doing when it comes to managing their IT needs. They often don’t have a dedicated team working on their technology and flounder in an overwhelmed and unproductive environment.

A managed IT service provider can help you get a handle on your technology and avoid these pitfalls. They may be able to provide solutions that are tailored to your specific needs. With an MSP, you can be sure you’re getting a full-service approach that includes expert advice, total control over all aspects of your technology, and a consistent level of service.

The managed IT service provider can handle more complicated IT tasks like backup and disaster recovery methods, network administration, cybersecurity procedures, data management services, and server management, to mention a few. In other words, think of your internal IT department as your daily IT support provider.


Pros and Cons When Hiring an IT Guy or MSP

Like any other business decision, there are pros and cons to hiring an IT guy or an MSP.

Hiring an IT Guy


•       An IT guy can assist you with hardware configuration and setup.

•       An IT guy will be available to your business during peak business hours.

·        A good IT person should be able to assist your business and staff members with desktop repair, virus removal, and software issues.


• Hiring a single IT specialist with a salary, health insurance, and other perks may be expensive depending on experience and specialty.

• It can be too much work for one individual to be the network manager, infrastructure planner, and IT support person for your IT department.

• The talents of your in-house IT specialist might only be dependent on the work they perform daily; they might not be as quick to adopt new technology.

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Hiring an MSP


•       Managed service providers have access to cutting-edge equipment. Your MSP should be able to support you with workstations, networks, servers, software, and hardware, regardless of the industry you’re in.

•       The most crucial aspect of any organization, continuity, should be protected by your managed IT service provider. MSPs should be able to guarantee that your system is up and operating as much as possible by reducing the risk of downtime.

•       You have access to a group of committed IT experts who work on what they do for at least eight to nine hours daily.

•       Some remote IT support services are accessible around-the-clock.

•       Managed services are available with various services and expertise to pick from, whether in NYC or any other major city.

•       You should receive an SLA (Service Level Agreement) from your managed service provider that outlines the results you anticipate from your collaboration.

•       Managed service consultants bill firms with set monthly fees to help them better control their spending.


•       Location is a crucial factor to consider when picking an MSP. We advise businesses to employ MSPs in the region or, at the very least, in the same city. When anything goes wrong on-site and companies have to wait for the MSP to send an IT specialist to assist fix it, the waiting game is a major drawback of joining a managed IT services provider.

•       Service level agreements (SLAs) allow MSPs to function based on the signed contracts. Expect to pay extra fees if your contract doesn’t cover something.


Why do you Need a Dedicated IT Team?

Establishing a dedicated IT team is crucial for organizations relying on technology for efficient operations. An IT team provides vital support and expertise to ensure smooth, secure, and cost-effective technology infrastructure. Investing in dedicated IT managed services enhances productivity, mitigates downtime and security risks, and fosters organizational growth and success.

To build an effective IT team, consider hiring skilled professionals, such as a Chief Information Officer (CIO) or senior IT executive, especially when engaging with Managed Service Providers (MSPs). Many MSPs typically employ entry-level IT staff, necessitating the inclusion of higher-level executives to manage and lead the team effectively.

As your IT department takes shape, contemplate bringing on experienced IT executives to oversee specific technology aspects. For instance, if your organization heavily relies on technology for a substantial revenue stream, hiring a dedicated professional to manage that revenue stream becomes imperative. Utilizing Managed IT Services for small businesses can further streamline operations, providing tailored solutions and support to meet the unique needs of your organization.



Managed IT services are here to stay. But remember that while they are cost-effective and can help your business, they are not a silver bullet. In other words, they’re a great choice to supplement your in-house IT team if you have one.

The best course of action is to understand your business thoroughly. How invested you are in your money’s capabilities, demands, and functions will determine how much you can get out of it. Whether it’s a single IT professional or a team of managed service providers, what counts is that your needs are appropriately handled.

While most MSPs focus on outsourcing technical tasks, Protected Harbor is different. It provides managed security services (MSS) to businesses, offering proactive monitoring of physical and cyber assets. Protected Harbor is the right choice if you are looking for a managed service provider that can grow with your company as it scales.

We are the top-rated manage service providers in Rockland county, NY. We work with businesses at all stages, from startups to enterprises. If you need ongoing assistance with managing your IT infrastructure or if you want to outsource a specific task like software development, we can help. We pride ourselves on being a one-stop shop for all your technology needs.

Contact us today for a more hands-off approach to your IT and security needs. Get a free IT Audit here.

9 Guidelines for Safe and Efficient File Sharing

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9 Tips on How to Share Files Safely and Efficiently.

How to share files safely is a fundamental question for anyone whose job requires file sharing. The internet is a common source of many scams, viruses, and general spam activities. The only way to protect yourself from these threats is by sharing files with the right people and services. This can be difficult as many resources claim they can make your file sharing experience safer while protecting your privacy.

They all look pretty good at first glance, but none are 100% secure.

Let’s take a look into some file sharing risks and the safest ways to mitigate them so you will experience fewer problems in the future.


Risks Involved with File Sharing

The risks involved with file-sharing are many and varied. The following are some of the more common risks:

Release of Sensitive Data

The most common risk regarding file sharing is that sensitive information can be released from your network. This includes personal information, such as financial data, credit card numbers, and social security numbers, and business-sensitive information, such as sales figures and customer lists. If a user has access to this information, they can use it to commit fraud or identity theft.

Installation of Malicious Software

The file-sharing site you use may have an infected program or script on its servers, which could allow hackers to steal your personal information and infect your computer with malware.

Susceptibility to Attacks

When you share files over the internet, you open yourself up to attack by other users on the same network as you. These attacks could include viruses or worms that will infiltrate your computer and cause damage, also known as “malware.” If malware is installed on your computer, hackers can then use it to steal data from your computer or even take control of it entirely!

Hacking Into Computers Remotely

A hacker who gains access to another person’s computer through file-sharing could then use the same method to gain access to their computer, which could give him access to any passwords needed for other computers on the network or even access valuable financial information such as credit card numbers or banking details.

9-Tips-on-How-to-Share-Files-Safely-and-Efficiently-middle9 Tips on How to Share Files Safely and Efficiently

Sharing files online may seem harmless, but it is not always safe. Someone who sees your file could steal your identity or even hack your computer. Here are some tips on how to share files safely:

1.    Keep Backups

Always keep backups of all your files and folders. You never know when they might be needed in the future. You should also ensure they’re backed up with an external drive or computer that can be accessed from multiple places.

2.    Avoid Emails

To be safe when sharing files, avoid sending sensitive files via email. Email is an insecure way to share data because there’s no way to guarantee that the recipient won’t forward your message to another person or group of people. If someone forwards your email to several other people, those people could potentially access the shared file.

3.    Double-Check Inbox Emails

When you receive an email with a file attached, double-check the sender’s email address before opening it. You should also ensure that it’s from someone you know and trust. If it’s not from someone you know, don’t open the message and delete it instead. This will prevent the person who sent you the email from accessing your computer without permission.

4.    Encrypt with Passwords

Encrypting your files with a password will make them more secure because only the person with access to that password can view or access those files. If someone steals your password (or if someone hacks into your computer and gets hold of it), they won’t be able to view any of your encrypted files unless they have access to your password!

5.    Refrain from Clicking Links

Refrain from clicking links that you are not entirely sure of. It is always better to be safe than sorry, so avoid clicking on the links of unknown websites. If you click a link that doesn’t take you to the website you were expecting, then report it immediately to the site administrator.

6.    Change Passwords Often

Always change your passwords regularly, especially if they are used for multiple accounts on different websites. It would be best if you change your passwords every few weeks or months, depending on how often you use them. This is also a good practice as a general rule of thumb because it ensures that no one else will have access to your account. Therefore, there will be no unauthorized access to any information stored within it.

7.    Update Your Security Software

If you use any software or browser, ensure that these programs are up to date before using them for anything meaningful like work or school applications. This way, the program will run faster and more efficiently, which means you will get better results in less time.

8.    Avoid USB Drivers

If someone has tried to access your computer remotely or installed malware, they can access all your files as soon as they connect the device to the computer. This is called an “evil maid attack” because it allows hackers to gain access to a computer without physical access.

9.    Use Secure Connection

When working with sensitive information such as financial or personal data, it is vital to ensure that you use a secure connection when sending emails or copying files from one computer to another. This will help prevent hackers from gaining access to your information and make it more difficult for them to steal it from your computer.


Other Best Practices for File Security

Here are some best practices for file security:

  1. Password-protect your files: Password protection is one of the easiest and most effective ways to secure your files. You can use a strong password that includes upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
  2. Use MFA: Using Multi-factor Authentication for file security can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access to your files, even if your password is compromised. MFA provides an extra layer of protection, making it much more difficult for attackers to access your accounts and files.
  3. Use anti-virus software: Use anti-virus software to detect and remove malware from your files. Regularly scan your system for viruses and other types of malware.
  4. Limit access: Restrict access to your files to authorized users only. Use file permissions to control who can access, modify, or delete your files.
  5. Be cautious when downloading files: Be cautious when downloading files from the internet. Only download files from trusted sources and avoid downloading files from unknown or suspicious sources.

By following these best practices, you can significantly improve the security of your files and protect them from unauthorized access, modification, or deletion.

Final Words

One of the most crucial procedures in many workplaces is probably file sharing. However, file sharing can also result in malware and viruses that may harm a network, cause irreversible file loss, or jeopardize sensitive data.

The potential hazards involved in this system can be significantly reduced by sharing files securely.

The company is safer from outside threats by securing its data transfer from one employee to another. With a secure file transfer solution from Protected Harbor, employees can focus more on their daily tasks and less on data security. Our solution is ready for both an on-premises or cloud platform. With IP Reputation and anti-bot technology, we offer robust security against data breaches, malware, and DDoS attacks. With this solution, you can set the rules and restrictions for each employee to ensure they can only access the necessary files at the correct time. The team of experts at Protected Harbor always strive to stay updated with the current happenings in the world of cybersecurity. This enables us to provide the latest solutions to keep our clients secure.

We also scan your data, identifying sensitive information and removing it before it leaves your network to reduce the risk of a data breach. With the help of this solution, you can improve the security of your data, reduce operational costs, and avoid risks related to data loss.

Contact us today, get a free IT Audit, and share files securely and effortlessly.

The Cybersecurity Minute: What is Cybersecurity?

The Cybersecurity Minute: What is Cybersecurity?

Everyone is talking about cybersecurity, but what does that mean? In simple words, Cybersecurity is the security of computers, networks, and software from attackers. It’s a combination of both technology and process. In today’s high-tech world, there are more ways than ever for someone to gain access to sensitive data. Hackers are looking to exploit any weaknesses in your digital access points.

As businesses become more dependent on computers, internet connectivity, and cloud storage platforms – cybercriminals grow more interested in acquiring information that can be used for financial gain or identity theft.

Welcome to another video in the series Uptime with Richard Luna, the Cybersecurity series. You must have heard the term Cybersecurity but what does it mean, and why it’s essential for your business? Keep watching the video, and don’t forget to download “The Complete Guide to Ransomware Protection for SMBs Ebook” below.


What Should You Know About Cybersecurity?

The word cybersecurity is a combination of both security and computers. It protects systems and networks from attacks, damage, or disruption. Cyberattacks are a real threat from many sources, including malicious software, cybercriminals, and even nation-states.

Due to the nature of the Internet, it’s hard to know who might be behind an attack. The key to protecting data and networks is a combination of both technology and process. Organizations must have security protocols to protect their systems and data. Employees must also understand how to protect themselves while working with these systems.


Protect your Organization from Cyber Threats

The best way to secure your organization against cyber threats is to have a plan. You should have policies and procedures in place to secure all systems, data, and employees. This plan will require employees to follow safe practices and be diligent about securing their devices.

  • Employees should follow these best practices:
  • Install security and patch software on all devices.
  • Use multi-factor authentication for all accounts.
  • Avoid clicking on links in emails and other messages.
  • Protect login information, and don’t share it with anyone.
  • Use strong passwords that include letters, numbers, and symbols.
  • Delete sensitive emails as soon as they are no longer needed.
  • Regularly scan for breaches and vulnerabilities.
  • Report any suspicious activity to IT.
  • Update software and operating systems as soon as new versions are available.

These eight DIY cybersecurity solutions for small enterprises help keep your operations secure without costing a lot of money or time if you wish to try to maintain your cybersecurity on your own. Download the infographic here.



As we have seen recently, cyber-attacks have become widespread and dangerous. So every business needs to protect itself from these attacks. Moreover, cybersecurity is the most important thing for every business these days. If a business is hacked, it can cause much damage to the company. A successful cyber-attack can lead to data theft, financial loss, and reputational damage. Therefore, it is essential to protect your business from cyber threats.

Protected Harbor provides a safer environment for your business data by securing the entire data lifecycle. A robust security plan by us can prevent all types of cyber-attacks from protecting your business data. It has a host of features that make data security management a lot easier. Some critical elements of the Protected Harbor security plan are: multi-tenant architecture, deployment flexibility, on-demand scaling, works with any cloud provider, secure data transfer, data privacy, regulatory compliance, data backup and disaster recovery, workflow management, and easy integration with other tools.

Still trying to understand the best cybersecurity services? Protected Harbor was rated the top cybersecurity and cloud service provider in the US by Goodfirms. Contact our expert today and get a free cybersecurity audit.

The Most Common SMB Cybersecurity Threats

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The Most Common SMB Cybersecurity Threats And How to Protect Your Business

Even though cyberattacks on small and medium-sized enterprises don’t always make news, they pose a real threat to many professionals’ lives, their jobs, and the clients they represent. Because small and medium-sized businesses may lack the backup and mitigation capabilities of some of the more prominent players, SMB cyberattacks frequently impact them.

A new report from the National Small Business Association (NSBA) finds that small businesses are the most likely to be targeted by cybercriminals. The study, which was conducted in partnership with Norton by Symantec, found that small businesses make up 99% of all companies and are responsible for nearly half of all jobs in the United States.


Common SMB Cybersecurity Threats and Their Prevention

The research revealed that the most common SMB cybersecurity threats include social engineering, physical access to networks and data, malware (DDOS), phishing, ransomware, etc. Let’s discuss this in detail!



A distributed denial of service (DDOS) attack overwhelms your network’s capacity. The United States targeted about 35% of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks in 2021. With slightly under 20% of attacks, the United Kingdom came in second and China third. The most common target is the computer and internet sector.

Using numerous compromised computer systems as sources of attack traffic, DDoS attacks are practical. Computers and other networked resources, like IoT devices, can be exploited by machines.

When viewed from a distance, a DDoS assault resembles unexpected traffic congestion that blocks the roadway and keeps ordinary traffic from reaching its destination.

How to Prevent DDOS

It is not enough to choose a good hosting provider; you also need to ensure that your website is configured correctly so that it will not be susceptible to a DDoS attack. You should use an effective Content Delivery Network (CDN) if possible because CDNs can help reduce the load on servers operated by your website and thus reduce the stress placed on them during an attack.


Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks can also come through social engineering because they use spam messages that look authentic but contain links or attachments that look like something else. Financial institutions targeted 23.6% of all phishing attacks during the first quarter of 2022.

These attacks can be hazardous for small businesses because their employees may not know how to recognize fake emails from their bosses or co-workers.

How to Prevent Phishing Attacks?

The simplest way to protect yourself from phishing attacks is to educate your people on how to respond if they encounter one. Here are some tips:

  • Don’t click on links in emails that aren’t from someone you know.
  • Never enter personal information into forms in emails
  • Don’t open attachments unless they come from someone you know and trust.


Malware is malicious software that can infiltrate a network, damage files, steal sensitive information, and encrypt data. It can spread through email attachments or links in social media posts. The professional sector was the first worldwide industry affected by malware assaults between November 2020 and October 2021. There were 1,234 malware incidences in the industry throughout the measurement period. With 775 such events, the information sector was in second place.

How to Prevent Malware?

  • The good news is that there are several ways to protect yourself against malware attacks.
  • Use antivirus software
  • Keep your operating system up-to-date
  • Use antivirus software with real-time protection
  • Perform regular backups



In ransomware, data on a victim’s computer or mobile device is encrypted, and the victim is demanded to pay to have it decrypted. Ransomware affected 68.5% of businesses in 2021. This was the highest figure reported thus far and increased from the prior three years. Each year, more than half of all survey respondents said their employer had fallen victim to ransomware.

To release the data, cybercriminals demand ransom money from their victims. A vigilant eye and security software are advised to guard against ransomware infection. Following an illness, malware victims have three options: either they can pay the ransom, attempt to delete the software, or restart the device. Extortion Trojans use the Remote Desktop Protocol, phishing emails, and software flaws as attack vectors.

How to Prevent Ransomware?

A ransomware infection can’t be removed by turning off one computer and switching to another due to encryption. Getting your data back requires either recovering from a backup or paying the attackers. A malware infection can take anywhere from days (if it’s relatively simple) to weeks (if it’s more complicated).



A security breach or loophole allows viruses to enter the equipment. Viruses come in various forms and are designed to damage your electronics. Computer viruses can impede computer performance, destroy or eliminate files, and impair programs. A virus can be acquired in several ways, including file sharing, corrupt emails, visiting malicious websites, and downloading destructive software. An increase in pop-up windows, unauthorized password changes to your account, destroyed files, and a slowdown in your network speed indicates that you have a virus on your computer.

How to Prevent Common Viruses?

There are many ways to protect from viruses attacks, but here are some of the most important ones:

  • Don’t open attachments from unknown sources.
  • Use antivirus software regularly. Antivirus software protects computers from viruses.

The Most Common SMB Cybersecurity Threats And How to Protect Your Business middleSQL injection

Relational databases can be accessed using the standard language known as SQL or Structured Query Language. Databases are used to store user information like usernames and passwords in apps and other forms of programming. Additionally, databases are frequently the most efficient and safe way to store various types of data, such as private bank account information and public blog postings and comments.

SQL queries frequently employ parameters to send data from users into a secure database or the other way around. Attackers can leverage the points where your app talks with a database using a SQL argument to access private data and other secured locations if the values in those user-supplied SQL arguments aren’t protected by sanitizing or prepared statements.

How to Prevent SQL Injection?

To prevent SQL injections, Use parameterized queries. Parameterized queries allow you to specify what parameters will be used in the question and what values will be permitted for each parameter. This prevents hackers from entering malicious data into your application.



Unfortunately, you can’t avoid cyber threats. But you can protect your business from them by investing in cybersecurity solutions.

Even though small businesses don’t have the same resources as larger enterprises, they can still protect themselves from cyber threats. You can start with basic security measures, such as installing antivirus software, updating your computer’s operating system, and using strong passwords. Additionally, you should consider investing in a cybersecurity solution.

Choosing the right cybersecurity service provider is just as important as the other steps your company takes to protect its data.

Unfortunately, many small businesses don’t have the resources to hire a full-time staff to manage their cybersecurity. That’s where a managed service provider like Protected Harbor comes in. Protected Harbor protects your data against cyber threats, including malware, ransomware, and data leaks. In addition, you have a team of experts at your side.

Our main focus is on risk reduction and breach prevention, so you can expect a lot of attention to detail regarding accounting monitoring and protection against malware, viruses, phishing scams, and other threats. The service also strongly focuses on data privacy, a highly sought-after feature among customers who work with sensitive data.

Get a free cybersecurity assessment, network penetration testing and secure your business today. Contact us today.

The Complete Guide to Ransomware Protection for SMBs: Ebook Release

The Complete Guide to Ransomware Protection for SMBs: Ebook Release

Ransomware is a new kid on the cyber-security block, and it’s bringing a whole new meaning to the phrase “cybercrime.” With ransomware’s growing threat, Small and Mid-sized Businesses (SMBs) don’t have time to learn how to protect their online presence from ransomware. Now they need protection that is easily accessible and affordable.

The good news? With some preparation, SMBs can protect themselves from these cybercriminals without breaking the bank or sacrificing security effectiveness. Today we are excited to give you an exclusive sneak peek at our new eBook – Your Complete Guide to Ransomware Protection for SMBs. Download it for free to read in detail.


What is Ransomware, and Why Should SMBs Care?

Ransomware is malicious software designed to block access to computer systems or data by blocking inaccessibility by the owner, operator, or other authorized personnel. A ransomware attack may happen when you least expect it, and it has become increasingly common among businesses of all sizes.

It can infiltrate your business computer systems through unsecured networks, emails, social media, and even your employees’ infected devices. Once inside a computer system, it can be almost impossible to remove, and most importantly, it can be extremely costly to get rid of.

Ransomware can pose a severe threat to SMBs. Nearly half of SMB cyber attacks are due to ransomware, making it the number one threat.


Don’t Be Scared; Be Prepared!

While it’s true that the best defense against a ransomware attack is not to get infected in the first place, that’s easier said than done.

The best way to prevent a ransomware attack is to:

  • regularly back up your data
  • keep your systems fully patched and updated with the latest security patches and software updates
  • use antivirus software with behavioral analysis and real-time scanning enabled
  • use an internet firewall that blocks malicious URLs
  • use strong and unique passwords for all accounts
  • avoid clicking on suspicious links
  • train your employees to avoid opening attachments from unknown senders
  • have a plan of action in place in case a malware attack hits you

Complete-Guide-to-Ransomware-Protection-for-SMBs-middle-imageHow can an SMB detect a potential ransomware attack?

If you’re unsure if you have been infected with ransomware, you can check your system for indicators of a ransomware attack. Look out for strange network activity, your internet connection dropping out, your systems slowing down, or your employees receiving pop-up messages on their computer screens. Should SMBs pay the ransom if they get hit with a ransomware attack? There is no easy answer to this question. Every situation is different, and it is best to consult your company’s IT department to determine the best action.


The Complete Guide to Ransomware Protection for SMBs: Sneak Peak

The dangers of ransomware are real. But they don’t have to spell disaster for your SMB. The key to protecting yourself is to have a proper backup strategy, keep your systems updated with the latest security patches and software updates, and use an internet firewall that blocks malicious URLs. Don’t let ransomware take control of your company. Be prepared for these malicious threats with the Complete Guide to Ransomware Protection for SMBs.

This eBook is the ultimate guide to defending against ransomware threats and protecting your SMB from potential ransomware attacks. We’ll show you how to keep your employees educated and informed on how to avoid ransomware attacks, how to avoid becoming an easy target, and what to do if they accidentally become infected.

We’ll also show you how to protect your computer systems and data with the best anti-ransomware solutions. We’ve compiled the best ransomware protection software, tips and tricks, and expert advice to help you withstand these malicious threats and keep your SMB safe from ransomware.

Download the free ebook today, and keep reading our other resources to stay safe. Contact us today to get a free cybersecurity audit.


Social Engineering Email Scams to Look Out For

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Social Engineering Email Scams to Look Out For

Do you ever get the feeling that someone is watching you? In today’s digital age, it can be hard to know who might be keeping tabs on you. Fortunately, cybercriminals aren’t half as clever as they think they are. They tend to make obvious mistakes, letting us know they’re not the sharpest knives in the drawer. In other words, if something seems too good to be true or too suspicious to be genuine—it probably is.

That being said, there are still specific types of scams and email messages that seem so out of place that we have to ask: What are these people thinking? Keep reading to learn more about some of the most common cybersecurity email scams.


What is Social Engineering?

Social engineering is an attack that relies on manipulating people and tricking them into giving away sensitive information. While social engineering is often associated with human interactions, it can also be used in digital contexts.

In many cases, social engineering attacks occur when a hacker uses an account with the same name and email address as someone who already has access to a system. This tactic is called “social engineering with the same username and password.”

Other times, hackers might use an unauthorized account to obtain privileged access to a system. With access now granted, the intruder then conducts the social engineering attack.


Social-Engineering-Emails-to-Look-Out-For middleEmail Phishing Scams

A phishing scam is a fraudulent email that directs a person to visit an incorrect website and enter sensitive information. Once the information is stolen and put into the wrong hands, it is called a “phishing scam.”

There are several ways that a phishing scam might go about fooling people. For example, a malicious email might appear from a trusted person, such as a friend, colleague, or relative. The email might even include a link that directs the person to visit a website they trust, like Amazon.



A bait is malware that a cybercriminal uses to lure a person into downloading a malicious file. The bait is usually disguised as a legitimate message linked to the file. Bait files are often used to spread malware through compromised websites. When a visitor visits the website, the site’s code will download the malware and infect the visitor’s device.

Cybercriminals use a variety of ways to lure people into downloading malware. For example, a malicious website’s code might trick you into thinking you must download a file to visit the website. You might also come across a link that looks like it comes from a friend or family member. Such links might appear in social media messages or emails.



Scareware is malware that tricks you into believing a legitimate problem exists on your computer. After you pay to get rid of the supposed problem, the malware author demands payment again.

Scareware is often disguised as an alert that claims your computer is infected with a dangerous virus. What you are lured into paying is usually the “scare amount,” which is generally a few hundred dollars or more.

Another way scareware is used is to trick you into downloading malware, which then proceeds to charge your credit card or other financial accounts. Some of the most common scareware themes include medical problems, threats to children, and pornography.



Pretexting is a type of social engineering involving tricking someone into revealing sensitive information by impersonating someone in authority. For example, an attacker might pose as a technician and trick you into giving away your password.

A pretexting attack might also involve impersonating a friend, colleague, or family member. The attacker might call you and claim that they have missed you or that an emergency requires your attention. You might also be tricked into revealing sensitive information by an impostor pretending to be from a government agency, bank, or other financial institution.


Business Email Compromise (BEC)

A Business Email Compromise (BEC) is a type of social engineering attack that uses the credentials of an employee who works at a company to gain access to the system. Cybercriminals often use phishing emails to trick employees into clicking malicious links that give hackers access to their systems.

Another way BEC works is through “spearphishing,” — where an attacker sends a fake email that uses the email address of a legitimate employee. The fake email might use that employee’s and company names to fool the person into thinking it comes from a colleague. The fake email might also include a link that directs the employee to enter their credentials into a website.


Bottom line

Social engineering attacks are pretty sophisticated and involve various tricks to fool people. Besides, it is possible to steal sensitive information with little to no effort if you use a phishing email address or get tricked by a malicious website. The best way to protect yourself from social engineering attacks is to practice safe online behavior and resist manipulation.

Protected Harbor provides complete cybersecurity, including email filtering, secure network endpoints, employee training, and data recovery. The company’s mission is to protect the most sensitive digital assets from third-party theft, loss, or compromise.

We offer comprehensive protective solutions for both on-premises and cloud environments. We have a 24/7 service team with experienced technical experts who can expediently respond to critical incidents.

In addition to security monitoring and threat detection, Protected Harbor offers a full range of managed cybersecurity services, including antivirus protection, encryption, data backup, endpoint security, network security, and remote access.

Contact us today to get a free cybersecurity assessment and ransomware protection.

Is the Cloud Answer to Everything?

Is the Cloud Answer to Everything?

The cloud is a popular topic, with big and small organizations looking at cloud solutions to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and accelerate new projects. A recent survey found that 66% of businesses currently use the cloud in some capacity. But is it the answer to everything? Is the cloud the best option for your business? The quick answer is No! – but there’s more to it than that. Read on to find out if the cloud is right for you and your business or if another solution might suit you better.

We are excited to bring you another much-requested video on our series Uptime with Richard Luna. We are discussing Cloud and Is the Cloud answer all your problems. Watch the video to understand it in detail.


Why the Cloud is Such a Big Deal

If you think back to when you were a child, the internet probably wouldn’t have even been on your radar. It’s only been around for a few decades, so it’s not surprising that it’s still such a new concept, even though it’s become a massive part of our daily lives.

When you hear the word cloud, what do you think? Most people think of a massive server that holds all the data for an organization, storing it in a remote location. This is an oversimplification, but it gets the point across. As a business owner, you need to know what the cloud means and what it could mean for your organization.

For a good reason, the cloud has become a massive trend in recent years. It offers various benefits that traditional on-premises solutions cannot match. Hybrid cloud solutions, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS) are just some examples of cloud offerings available to businesses. One of the significant advantages of cloud computing is the flexibility it provides. Businesses can choose between public and private clouds or even create multi-cloud environments that utilize multiple clouds to meet their specific needs.

Cloud solutions like IBM Cloud, and Protected Harbor Cloud can simplify management and reduce overhead costs, as businesses no longer have to worry about maintaining and upgrading their hardware or operating systems. Moreover, businesses can quickly scale up or down their resources as required with the cloud, making it a more cost-effective solution. These and other benefits of cloud computing have made it an attractive option for businesses of all sizes and industries.


Is the Cloud Right for You?

Whether or not the cloud is right for you depends on your business, needs, and how it aligns with your goals and vision for the future. If you’re unsure if the cloud is the right solution, consider the following questions: Is your organization ready for a significant change or transformation? Do you have a reliable and secure internet connection? Does your organization have a substantial amount of data? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, the cloud might be your ideal solution.

Cloud computing services are viable options for businesses looking to modernize their IT infrastructure. However, choosing the right cloud solution depends on various factors, such as the business’s size, industry, and requirements. For instance, small business owners might benefit more from SaaS offerings that allow them to access the software through the cloud rather than investing in costly hardware and maintenance.

On the other hand, larger companies with complex IT infrastructure might find IaaS or PaaS more suitable, as they offer greater control and customization over the environment. Additionally, businesses with a hybrid cloud architecture, combining on-premises and cloud infrastructure, may require a hybrid cloud infrastructure to ensure seamless integration between the two.

Furthermore, choosing a cloud provider is also critical, and businesses must select a reliable provider such as Alibaba Cloud that offers high availability and scalability. Virtual machines and other computing services provided by the cloud can also be advantageous, allowing businesses to quickly spin up new resources or scale up existing ones to meet their demands. Ultimately, the decision of whether the cloud is right for you depends on your unique business needs and goals.


What Else Should You Be Considering?

While the cloud may be a good fit for your business, there are a few other things you may want to consider before making a decision. What are your security needs? If you’re storing data remotely, you must be confident that it’s secure. Being compliant with government regulations like HIPAA and GDPR is another critical factor. Finally, you’ll also want to consider your budget and ROI. If you don’t have the budget to use a cloud-based solution, you might want to look at other options.



The cloud is a popular solution for many businesses but isn’t the best solution for everyone. No single technology or vendor can be the answer to everything. Cloud providers are trying to solve different problems at different scales. As with any technology, the cloud has its strengths and weaknesses, and it’s essential to understand them before making decisions.

There are many Cloud service providers in the US. Among all, Protected Harbor was one of the top Cloud service providers in the US. Our cloud services include AWS Migration, Office 365 Migration, Google Cloud Migration, Hybrid Cloud, Private Cloud, and Dedicated Cloud Infrastructure.

If you’re still unsure about the Cloud or its features, contact one of our experts immediately. They’ll recommend the best-suited strategy for your business. We are also giving away a free IT Audit to help the company identify its weak points. Keep watching the video for more.

How Remote Patient Monitoring Creates Security Threats

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How Remote Patient Monitoring Creates Security Threats

Securing data flow is essential for new technologies in a world of cybercrime and security. The potential value of patient data to criminals is significant in today’s healthcare industries.

Even before the COVID-19 crisis, remote patient monitoring was widespread. As clinicians increasingly use technology to support patients’ health and wellness and changes to Medicare CPT codes in 2020, RPM has grown into one of the most lucrative Medicare care management programs.

Between 2015 and 2022, the remote patient monitoring market’s CAGR is anticipated to increase by 13%. However, the quick adoption of telehealth is not without security threats. Security issues must be carefully evaluated, even though they may not outweigh telehealth’s enormous advantages to patients and clinicians.


What Is Remote Patient Monitoring?

Patient monitoring is placing a device on an individual’s body to monitor their vital signs and diagnose or treat medical conditions.

Remote patient monitoring enables patients to be monitored in a remote location away from the hospital, clinic, or another healthcare facility. This can be done using various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and computers.

Remote patient monitoring is becoming more popular as it provides the following:

  • Increased convenience for the patient
  • Reduced stress on the healthcare team by allowing them to focus on other aspects of treatment rather than dealing with monitoring equipment
  • Improved patient outcomes with fewer visits to the hospital emergency room

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Examples of Remote Patient Monitoring Technology

RPM technology can include everything from mobile medical equipment to websites that let users enter their data. Several instances include:

  • People living with Diabetes can use glucose meters.
  • Blood pressure or heart rate monitoring.
  • Remote monitoring and treatment for infertility
  • Drug abuse patients may benefit from at-home exams to help them stay accountable and on track with their objectives.
  • Programs for tracking diet or calorie intake.

Security Threats to Remote Patient Monitoring

Here are major security threats to remote patient monitoring:

Credential Escalation

Credential escalation is one of the most common threats to remote patient monitoring. This is because it allows attackers to access devices and systems they would not otherwise have access to, like networked printers and medical devices. It also allows attackers to steal data or turn off your monitoring system.

Insecure Ecosystem Interfaces

Many systems that support remote patient monitoring have an interface that allows patients and doctors to control them. These interfaces often use web technology to interact with their users. Still, they also have access to other systems connected via different protocols like UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) or RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol). These protocols are designed for local networks; they cannot be used on a public network without some proxy.

Phishing attacks

Phishing is a social engineering method involving sending an email or text message to an unsuspecting user, pretending to be from the bank or other company they frequent.

Many remote patient monitoring systems have a single point of failure. The system administrator is responsible for ensuring that the backup system is functioning correctly and that it’s up to date with any security patches.

If the system fails, an attacker can take over your RPM system. This can be done by sending out phony emails or fake phone calls, tricking you into clicking on malicious links in those emails or calls. Once inside the network, an attacker could access sensitive information about patients and their medical records.

Malicious Software

All the patient monitoring devices used in hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities have been susceptible to malicious software attacks. The most common cause for this is outdated software versions that do not provide adequate protection from hackers or cybercriminals.

These devices are still vulnerable because they do not have enough security measures to protect them from hackers and cybercriminals. Some hospitals have decided to upgrade their systems to prevent these attacks.


The ransomware attack on Remote Patient Monitoring is a new trend in the digital world. This attack will most likely occur in small and medium-sized businesses focusing primarily on their services and products.

The primary purpose of this attack is to steal vital information or resources from companies or individuals so they can use them later for their benefit.

Ransomware attacks usually target companies with confidential files on their computers and servers because they are easy to access. People who want to get these files will pay money for them, either directly or indirectly.


How to Protect Remote Patient Monitoring?

The remote patient monitoring industry is proliferating, and so are the attacks on it. Here are some steps to protect your business from potential threats.

Keeping Technology Updated

Remote patient monitoring systems contain many components, including cameras, sensors, and software. These systems must be kept up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates. This is especially important if you use a third-party vendor to provide your network security solution.

Protecting the Cloud Environment

The cloud environment can be vulnerable to cyberattacks, especially regarding HIPAA-compliant healthcare information, usually stored in the cloud. To protect your data from being stolen by hackers or other malicious actors, consider using a cloud storage provider specifically designed for healthcare applications – such as a cloud storage provider built for healthcare settings like yours.

Embracing a Zero-Trust Approach

A zero-trust approach means that all interactions between an organization’s devices and its users should be trusted automatically without requiring any permissions or confirmation from human users. This helps minimize the possible points of failure in organizations’ networks and reduces the risk for employees who unknowingly share sensitive information.



While monitoring a patient’s health remotely does seem like a great idea, especially for the chronically ill who may have trouble leaving their homes, remote monitoring also introduces new security threats into the healthcare industry. No system is perfect without precautions and security measures. Healthcare organizations must be aware of these new vulnerabilities, from patients’ privacy to the dangers of cyber hacking and compromising patient information.

With the right partner, you can feel confident that your data stays protected. Our team is dedicated to keeping your data safe and secure, so you can focus on providing the best care possible.

With the Protected Harbor team’s vast experience and proven track record, you can trust that your data is in good hands. With years of experience delivering secure IT, and Cloud solutions in line with industry standards and best practices, Protected Harbor professionals pay close attention to the vulnerability of remote monitoring solutions.

We work with all types of providers, from small to large, to protect your data, reduce risk, and keep your organization secure. Our team of experts will work with you to create a customized solution that meets your company’s requirements. Our cybersecurity solutions are reliable and scalable to fit your organization’s needs.

Feel free to contact our experts if you wish to begin developing a hack-proof medical device or if you wish to schedule an IT audit.

5 Ways to Recover Your Lost Data on Any Device

5 ways to recover your lost data on any device

5 Ways to Recover Your Lost Data on Any Device

There’s nothing quite like realizing you’ve just lost all your essential files to throw you into a frenzied panic. However, losing data does not have to be the reason you start breathing into a paper bag just yet.

“Well then, how can I retrieve my lost data?” You may be wondering, “Will it be lost forever?” Usually? No.

Just keep your fingers crossed that your files aren’t lost in cyberspace.

Data loss can happen for several reasons, such as accidental deletion, failed hard drive, malware attack, or even human error (e.g., accidentally formatting a vital file). Whatever the reason may be, there are some steps that you can take to prevent data loss before it happens.


Ways to Restore Lost Data

Luckily, there are many ways to ensure you don’t lose your data when your computer crashes.


1.    Don’t Panic

The first thing you need to do is stay calm. Panic will not help you solve this problem, so try to relax and think clearly about what happened. If you know precisely when the data was last accessed and where it went missing, that’s even better!

If you can’t find any clues about what happened, try searching for them online — chances are someone else may have experienced similar problems with their devices or software in the past and already asked Google about it.


2.    Back-Up and Restore

Imagine that your computer crashes, and you lose all the files on your hard drive. How many hours will it take to get your data back? It’s not an easy question to answer.

If you have a good backup, the answer is “not long at all.” If you don’t have a good backup, it could take days or weeks to get everything back.

The most important thing you can do for your computer is back up your data. Backing up means making copies of important files and storing them somewhere other than on the computer where they were created. This protects against loss due to hardware failure, software problems, or human error.

You can back up your files by copying them onto an external hard drive or flash drive or by saving them in the cloud (e.g., DropBox). Here’s how to do both:

  • Backup Your Files with an External Hard Drive – This is the most common type of backup because it’s easy to set up and use and works even if your computer breaks down completely. Just plug the external hard drive into your computer’s USB ports, then copy all your important files onto it using Windows Explorer or any other file manager app (like Total Commander). You can also back up any external hard drives using this method!
  • Back-Up with Cloud storage: Cloud storage means storing files on remote servers instead of local ones. It’s a great way to back up important documents because they’ll always be accessible from any device with an internet connection, even if something happens to your computer or mobile device. Services like Dropbox and Box offer free versions with limited storage space.


3.    Try Recovery Software

Recovery software is one of the most effective ways to recover lost data from your device.

It is a type of data recovery software that allows users to recover their data from any device, such as smartphones, laptops, or computers. The primary purpose of this software is to find and recover lost files from the storage drives of your computer system. This software can also recover photos and videos from memory cards, internal storage devices, and hard drives.

To recover lost data from your device, you must download this software first. You can do so by visiting their website or by searching for it online. Once you are on their website, you can choose the product that best suits your needs and install it on your computer or device.

Once the installation process is complete, launch the program and follow the steps listed to recover your lost data.


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4.    Restore Recycle Bin

When you delete a file or folder from your hard disc, it does not simply vanish. All deleted objects in Windows are saved in the Recycle Bin, which serves as a backup in case you unintentionally remove something important. To recover a deleted item from the Recycle Bin, open it and look for the thing you want. The item will be restored to its original location if you right-click it and select Restore.

This option is available in every version of Windows, including Windows 10 and 8.1. To restore your deleted data from the recycle bin, open it up by right-clicking on your desktop or going to Start > Recycle Bin.

In the window that opens up, click on the recycle bin icon at the top left corner of the window. Now select all files and folders that you want to restore, and then click on Restore from the main menu bar at the top of this window.


5.    Restoring Data from Crashed Hardware

If your hard drive fails, immediately shut down your computer and unplug it from power. If it’s possible to remove the hard drive without turning on the computer, do so right away. Once it’s released, don’t touch it — static electricity can damage its contents.

Next, open up your desktop tower or laptop (depending on what kind of computer you have). If there’s more than one hard drive inside your machine, ensure that the other drives aren’t damaged before touching anything else. It may be necessary to turn off the power completely before opening up some devices; check their owners’ manuals for instructions on how to do this safely.


Final Words

Data loss can be stressful, but you can get through it by following our tips and preparing for the inevitable. There are a variety of methods for recovering data from a device. Creating a backup is most often the more effective approach to ensure that you can restore your data. Data recovery software packages can also assist you if you have lost data. You can even visit a data recovery specialist with your hard drive.

Even if you have a data recovery plan, unexpected issues can pop up and render your data irretrievable. You’ll need to turn to a data recovery professional for assistance in these cases. Protected Harbor Data Recovery services have the tools and experience to get your data back if it has been corrupted or deleted. They also have the know-how to keep your data safe from future mishaps by recommending ways to improve your data security. If you are in the process of hiring a data recovery service, make sure they have experience with your specific type of data. The last thing you want is to hire a service that is unfamiliar with your data and then struggles to get your data back.

Our Protected Harbor team is expert at recovering data from all devices, including smartphones, desktops, laptop computers, servers, and tablets. They can also securely dispose of your old devices to prevent data leaks.

Contact us today to get a loss-proof data backup and recovery solution.

How Social Media Angler Phishing Attacks Target Businesses

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How Social Media Angler Phishing Attacks Target Businesses

Cybercriminals develop new methods every day for committing online fraud. This also applies to Angler Phishing, a recent type of cybercrime. This threat targets its victims via social media. The criminal gathers private information by posting false messages on a bogus social network account.

Social media is an effective tool for phishing attacks. The key to social media phishing is using personal information, such as a username and password, to trick users into revealing sensitive information about themselves. Most attacks are carried out via fake email messages, but there has also been an increase in phishing websites and malicious links.

In this blog, we’ll explain how Angler Phishing operates, how to spot it, and how to safeguard yourself against the potential loss of your data and possibly even your money.


What is Angler Phishing?

Angler phishing is a form of email fraud that uses fake websites to trick you into clicking on a link. This scam aims to steal your login credentials and use them to gain access to your bank account or other personal information.

The act of pretending to be a customer care account on social media to contact an irate customer is known as angler phishing. In these attacks, victims were lured into providing access to their personal information or account credentials in almost 55% of cases last year that targeted clients of financial institutions.

These scams are often spread by emails that appear to be from banks, authorities, or other reliable companies. The emails contain links or embedded images that can direct you to fake websites that appear legitimate. Once there, you’ll be asked to enter your account information — including login credentials for your bank accounts and email addresses for various social media platforms.

The goal is to steal your login credentials and use them to gain access to your bank account or other personal information.


How do Angler Phishing Attacks work?

Angler phishing attacks are simple but effective because they exploit a vulnerability in business-related social media accounts. In most cases, the attacker will create a web page with an identical URL address as the legitimate page they are trying to access.

When a BEC attack targets a business through social media, companies must take precautions against these cyberattacks.


How-Social-Media-Angler-Phishing-Attacks-Target-Businesses-middle-imageImpact Of Angler Phishing Attacks on Business

If you run a company or have a presence on social media, you should be aware of the impact of an angler phishing attack on your brand’s reputation:


1.   Business Disruption

A business may suffer a substantial loss due to a cyberattack, mainly if malware infestation is involved. A complete reversal of operations may be necessary to address the hack. The virus may require the company to operate on a skeleton crew or suspend operation altogether until the malware has been removed.

An interruption of business services can cause significant economic disruptions if the economy is already fragile. A cyberattack could also increase crime rates, making the situation worse.

Business disruption can result from both natural disasters and manufactured events like cyberattacks. The latter category includes everything from information theft to destructive viruses that target specific industries or sectors of society.


2.   Revenue Loss

Loss of revenue can have a huge impact, especially for businesses that rely on the internet and e-commerce. The costs of fraud, cyber security breaches, and other types of attacks can be very high, so it is essential to prevent them from happening in the first place.

The first step is creating an active cyber security policy that clearly outlines what the organization expects from its employees, what it will do if a breach happens and how it will respond to such an event.

Secondly, training employees about the importance of validating incoming data before acting on it is essential. Employees should also be made aware that no information should be shared with anyone outside their team without prior authorization.


3.   Intellectual Property Loss

Even if businesses are not protected under a ransomware attack, they risk losing user data, trade secrets, research, and blueprints. Regulatory companies, tech companies, pharmaceutical and defense providers are often hit the hardest. A company losing a patented invention for millions of dollars would no longer be able to afford to undertake the kinds of research and development that precede it.

Attempting to struggle directly with financial setbacks is simpler than you might think, but it’s far more challenging to do well without handling sensitive company info appropriately.

Trade Secrets Theft also has severe implications for manufacturers and suppliers who rely on customer relationship management (CRM) systems to track sales trends and contact lists. Suppose a hacker could access these systems and steal trade secret information such as product formulas or pricing strategies. In that case, this could seriously impair their ability to compete against other companies that have not been victimized by cybercrime.


4.   Reputation Effect

While the damage to reputation is the most significant consequence of a data breach, it’s not the only one. The costs involved in mitigating a breach can be substantial.

Although many companies have experienced data breaches, few have suffered the consequences. However, even though there are many benefits to having your own data breach preparedness plans, you still need to consider some risks before implementing one.



While many types of attacks from botnets or DDoS attacks use malvertising to gain access to sensitive business data, Angler phishing can potentially allow for the same. As a result, businesses need to be aware that such attacks exist and how they work to prevent them from occurring in the first place.

Another tip is to be wary of links in emails. Most email links don’t go anywhere and are just there for decoration.

Many companies are likely unaware of such attacks against their networks, trying to mitigate them once they occur. The best way to avoid these attacks is to be skeptical of any links or offers you see on social media. Protected Harbor is your partner in safeguarding your business against cyber threats. With our risk-based approach to security and our experience with thousands of customers, we can create a solution that works for you. Our team of experts will assess your organization’s security posture and recommend how to improve it. We will also develop a detailed action plan to help you stay secure from phishing emails, ransomware, and threat detection and response.

We offer a free cybersecurity audit to all businesses, regardless of size or industry. Contact one of our cybersecurity experts today.